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7 articles
Exhibition Review
The Torlonia Marbles: Collecting Masterpieces
01/2021 | 1414 | 163
Pages: 56-59
related names
Hornsby, Clare (Hornsby, Clare)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Torlonia Marbles: Collecting Masterpieces Villa Caffarelli, Musei Capitolini, Rome 14th October 2020– 29th June 2021 | :
Attributed works:
3. Installation view of The Torlonia Marbles: Collecting Masterpieces at Villa Caffarelli, Musei Capitolini, Rome, 2020. (Fondazione Torlonia / Electa / Bulgari; photograph Oliver Astrologo).
Western art unattributed:
1. Relief showing the Portus Augusti. After AD 204(?). Greek marble, 122 by 75 cm. (Collezione Torlonia; © Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Lorenzo De Masi; exh. Villa Caffarelli, Musei Capitolini, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
2. Old man of Otricoli, 50 BC. Bust modern. Carrara marble, height 75 cm. (Collezione Torlonia; © Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Lorenzo De Masi; exh. Villa Caffarelli, Musei Capitolini, Rome).
Book Review
La Collezione Giustiniani
04/2006 | 1237 | 148
Pages: 281-282
related names
Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld (Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld; Lavergnée, Arnauld Brejon de; Brejon, Arnauld; Lavergnee, Arnaud Brejon de)
Reviewed Items
La Collezione Giustiniani | author: Danesi Squarzina, Silvia
The Collections of Cardinal Benedetto Giustiniani. Part II
02/1998 | 1139 | 140
Pages: 102-118
related names
Danesi Squarzina, Silvia (Danesi Squarzina, Silvia; Squarzina, Silvia Danesi)
Attributed works:
32. Christ, by Francesco Albani (1638 inv., I, no. 216). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
33. Virgin Mary, by Francesco Albani (1638 inv., I, no.217). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
34. St John the Baptist, by Francesco Albani (1638 inv., I, no. 218). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
35. St James Minor, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
36. St Simon Zelotes, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
37. St Paul, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
38. St Thomas, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
39. St John the Evangelist, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., no.99). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
40. St John the Evangelist, Engraving by Simon Guillain after Francesco Albani's Destroyed Fresco in the Herrera Chapel, S. Giacomo degli Spagnuoli, Rome. 17.3 by 17.3 cm.
Attributed works:
41. St Jude Thaddeus, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., no.100). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
42. Study for St Jude Thaddeus, by Annibale Carracci. Black Chalk with White Highlights on Greyish Green Paper. 42.5 by 27.3 cm. (Royal Collection, Windsor Castle).
Attributed works:
43. St James Major, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos.101-09) 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
44. St James Major, Here Attributed to Francesco Albani. Detached Fresco from the Herrera Chapel, S. Giacomo degli Spagnuoli, Rome. 155 by 105 cm. (Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
45. St Bartholomew, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
46. St Andrew, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09). 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
47. St Matthew, by Francesco Albani (1621 inv., nos. 101-09) 136 by 98 cm. (Moritzkirche, Naumburg).
Attributed works:
48. The Fall of Phaeton, by Francesco Albani. Study for the Frescoes at Bassano. Black Chalk and White Heightening on Blue Paper, 49.5 by 40 cm. (Royal Collection, Windsor Castle).
Attributed works:
49. Plan of the Piano Nobile of the Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome, from G. B. Falda: Nuovi disegni del' architetture e pian te de' palazzi di Roma... Libro Secondo, Rome [1655].
Attributed works:
50. General View of the Galleria, Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome.
Attributed works:
51. Landscape Fresco, by the Workshop of Antonio Tempesta. (Galleria, Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome)
Attributed works:
52. Grotesque Ornament with Landscape, by Antonio Tempesta. Engraving. 18.2 by 14.4 cm. (Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
53. Grotesque Ornament with Landscape, Attributed to Antonio Tempesta and Workshop. Fresco on the Ceiling of the Galleria (Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome).
Attributed works:
54. Risen Christ, a Modified Copy after Michelangelo's Minerva Christ (Fig.19), Here Attributed to Ippolito Buzio. Marble, ht. 250 cm. (201 cm. without Addition to Cross). (Sacristy, S. Vincenzo, Bassano Romano).
Attributed works:
55. Risen Christ, by Michelangelo. Marble, ht. 205 cm. (S. Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome).
Attributed works:
56. The 'Stanza del teatro' in the Palazzo Giustiniani, Bassano di Sutri (Bassano Romano).
The Collections of Cardinal Benedetto Giustiniani. Part I
11/1997 | 1136 | 139
Pages: 766-791
related names
Danesi Squarzina, Silvia (Danesi Squarzina, Silvia; Squarzina, Silvia Danesi)
Attributed works:
56. Engraving after Fig.58. 51 by 35 cm. (Galleria Giustiniana, I Fig.5). [Benedetto Giustiniani, Attributed to Bernardo Castello. 65 by 50 cm. (Private Collection, Rome).]
Attributed works:
58. Benedetto Giustiniani, Attributed to Bernardo Castello. 65 by 50 cm. (Private Collection, Rome).
Attributed works:
59. Madonna and Child with Lamb, by Ludovico Carracci (1621, 116). 38 by 29 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
60. Engraving after Fig.59, by Cornelis Bloemaert. 51 by 35 cm. (Galleria Giustiniana, II, Fig.5). [Madonna and Child with Lamb, by Ludovico Carracci (1621, 116). 38 by 29 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).]
Attributed works:
61. Engraving after Fig.62, by Cornelis Bloemaert. 51 by 35 cm. (Galleria Giustiniana, I, Fig.7). [Nativity of Christ, Attributed to Palma il Vecchio (1612, 216). 61 by 51 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).]
Attributed works:
62. Nativity of Christ, Attributed to Palma il Vecchio (1612, 216). 61 by 51 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
63. Chastity, by Francesco Francia (1621, 153). 79 by 58 cm. (Formerly Berlin; Destroyed 1945).
Attributed works:
65. Reproduction of St Francis in Prayer, by Jusepe de Ribera (1600, 36) in Landon, p. 131, Fig.62.3, Described as Cresti (Passignano).
Attributed works:
66. Reproduction of The Baptism of Christ, by Ludovico Cigoli (1600, 23), in Landon, p. 17, Fig.5.1, There Described as Vanni.
Attributed works:
67. Amor Divino, by Giovanni Baglione (1621, 54). 183.4 by 121.4 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
68. St Peter in Prison Visited by the Angel, by Gerrit Honthorst (1621, 97). 131 by 181 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
69. Christ and the Apostles in the Garden, by Caravaggio (1621, 176). 154 by 222 cm. (Formerly Berlin; Destroyed 1945).
Attributed works:
70. Madonna and Child with St Joseph, Attributed to Annibale Carracci (1621, 96). 100 by 80 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
71. Madonna and Child with Saints, by Ludovico Carracci (1621, 70). 29.1 by 23.1 cm. (Private Collection, California).
Attributed works:
72. Reproduction of Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist and St Elizabeth by Agostino Carracci (1600, 1), in Landon, p. 103, Fig.48.2. Original Lost in 1946.
Attributed works:
73. Christ on the Cross with St John and the Three Maries, by Annibale Carracci. Signed and Dated 1594. (1621, 203). 33.8 by 23.4 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
74. Mercury with a Cock (Vigilance), by Denys Calvaert (cf. 1621, 23). 238 by 172 cm. (Pinacoteca Comunale, Bologna).
Attributed works:
75. St John the Evangelist, by Domenichino (1621, 86) Dateable before 1621. 259 by 199 cm. (Christie Trust, Glyndebourne).
Attributed works:
76. Dead Christ with Angels, by Paolo Veronese (1621, 42). 110 by 94 cm. (Gemäldegalerie Berlin).
Attributed works:
77. St Mary Magdalen, Follower of Raffaellino da Reggio. (1621, 183). 163 by 134 cm. (Schloss, Bad Homburg).
Attributed works:
78. Reproduction of Fig.77 as a Veronese (Landon, Fig.53.1). [St Mary Magdalen, Follower of Raffaellino da Reggio. (1621, 183). 163 by 134 cm. (Schloss, Bad Homburg).]
Attributed works:
79. Paraphe Indicating a Giustiniani Provenance on the Back of Fig.70. [ Madonna and Child with St Joseph, Attributed to Annibale Carracci (1621, 96). 100 by 80 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).]
Attributed works:
80. Seals of Benedetto and Vincenzo Giustiniani on the Back of Fig.88. [ Reproduction of Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist by Scipione Pulzone (1621, 51) in Landon, p.87, Fig.42. Original Painting Lost, Formerly Berlin.]
Attributed works:
81. Lamentation over the Dead Christ, ?Copy after Bramantino (1600, 24). 150 by 102.4 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
82. Engraving after Madonna and Child by Luca Cambiaso (1600, 9). 51 by 35 cm. (Galleria Giustiniana, I, Fig.3).
Attributed works:
83. Charity, by Luca Cambiaso (1600, 49). 141 by 109.5 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
84. S. Carlo Borromeo in Prayer, by Giovanni Lanfranco (1600, 105). 1610-11. 182 by 118 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
85. Engraving by Cornelis Bloemaert after Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist by Andrea del Sarto (1621, 15). 51 by 35 cm. (Galleria Giustiniana, I, Fig.8)
Attributed works:
86. St John the Evangelist, Once Attributed to Guido Reni after a Painting Once Thought to Be by Raphael, Now Given to Innocenzo da Imola (1621, 52). 239 by 179 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
87. Madonna and Child with Two Saints, Attributed to Dosso Dossi (1621, 50). 63 by 50.5 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
88. Reproduction of Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist by Scipione Pulzone (1621, 51) in Landon, p.87, Fig.42. Original Painting Lost, Formerly Berlin.
Attributed works:
89. Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist by Francesco Francia (1621, 64). 73.2 by 56.2 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
90. Marriage of the Virgin, Attributed to Girolamo da Cotignola (1621, 115). 78 by 60 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
91. Venus with Cupids, Attributed to Battista Dossi (1621, 143). 65 by 47 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
92. Holy Family, by Bernardino Fasolo (1621, 195). 57.5 by 51.5 cm. (Bodemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
93. Madonna and Child, by Carillo. Signed. (1621, 205). 37 by 25 cm. (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).
Attributed works:
94. Engraving by Cornelis Bloemaert after Mystic Marriage of St Catherine Attributed to Raphael (1621, 206). 51 by 35 cm. (Galleria Giustiniana, I, Fig.2). Original Lost.
Western art unattributed:
57. Portrait Bust of Benedetto Giustiniani, by an Anonymous Seventeenth-Century Sculptor. Marble, 37 cm. High. (Chapel of SS. Annunziata, S. Maria Sopra Minerva, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
64. Pius V, Copy after Scipione Pulzone (1600, 53). 40 by 27 cm. (Pushkin Museum, Moscow).
The picture gallery of Vincenzo Giustiniani III: the inventory, part II
04/1960 | 685 | 102
Pages: 135-148+159
related names
Salerno, Luigi (Salerno, Luigi)
Attributed works:
17. Madonna and Saints, by Giovanni Francesco Bezzi, Known as Nosadella. (Oratorio di Santa Maria della Vita, Bologna.)
Attributed works:
2. Incredulity of St Thomas, by Caravaggio. Canvas, 107 by 146 cm. (Bildergalerie, Sanssouci, Potsdam.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 10.
Attributed works:
3. The Infant Moses before Pharaoh, by Giovanni Battista Ruggieri. Canvas, 113 by 162 cm. (Neues Palais, Potsdam.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 248.
Attributed works:
4. St Catherine, by Claude Vignon. Canvas, 125 by 90 cm. (Palazzo Giustiniani, Bassano di Sutri.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 241.
Attributed works:
5. St John the Baptist in the Desert, from the School of Caravaggio. Canvas, 135 by 105 cm. (Palazzo Giustiniani, Bassano di Sutri.) See under Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 130.
Attributed works:
6. Madonna, by Ludovico Carracci. Canvas, 39 by 29 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Disappeared.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 56.
Attributed works:
7. Holy Family, Copy after Annibale Carracci. Canvas, 99 by 78 cm. (Staatliche Museen, Berlin (East).) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 104.
Attributed works:
A. St Agnes, by Annibale Carracci (?) Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 54.
Attributed works:
B. Adoration of the Magi, Attributed to Baldassare Peruzzi. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 85.
Attributed works:
C. Holy Family with St Elizabeth and Infant St John, Attributed to Pellegrino Tibaldi. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 108.
Attributed works:
D. Madonna with Infant St John, Attributed to Scipione Pulzone. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 110.
Attributed works:
E. Dead Christ with two Angels, by Agostino Carracci (?). Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 190.
Attributed works:
F. Baptism, from the Circle of Francesco Albani (?). Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 203.
Attributed works:
G. Venus and Cupid, Attributed to Daniele da Volterra. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 208.
Attributed works:
H. Rest on the Flight, Attributed to Camillo Procaccini. Engraved by Landon, 1812, Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 242.
The picture gallery of Vincenzo Giustiniani II: the inventory, part I
03/1960 | 684 | 102
Pages: 92-105
related names
Salerno, Luigi (Salerno, Luigi)
collectors and dealers:
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
1. Assumption of the Virgin, by Nicolas Poussin. Canvas, 132 by 88 cm. (Collection the Marquess of Exeter.) Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 96.
Attributed works:
2. Annunciation, by Simon Vouet. Canvas, 290 by 193 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Destroyed.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 115.
Attributed works:
3. The Peasants Changed into Frogs, by Herman van Swanevelt. Canvas, 128 by 196 cm. (Staatliche Museen, Berlin (East). Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 118.
Attributed works:
4. Diana, Hippolytus and Nymphs, by Claude Lorrain. Canvas, 136 by 172 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Destroyed.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 117.
Attributed works:
5. Nativity, by Niccolò (?Francesco) Musso. Canvas. (Whereabouts Unknown.) See under Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 164.
Attributed works:
6. St Vincent the Invincible being Crowned by an Angel, by Timan Arentsz Cracht or Craft. Canvas. (S. Vincenzo, Bassano di Sutri.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 165.
Attributed works:
7. The Way to Calvary, by Francesco Casale (?Identical with Musso). Canvas, 265 by 175 cm. (Palazzo Giustiniani, Bassano di Sutri.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 164.
Attributed works:
8. Entombment, by David de Haan. Canvas, 280 by 211 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Destroyed.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 1.
Attributed works:
9. Moses Striking the Rock, by Pietro Testa. Canvas. (Bildergalerie, Sanssouci, Potsdam.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 105.
Attributed works:
A. Last Supper, by Francesco Albani. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 44.
Attributed works:
B. Susanna and the Elders, by Michele Desubleo of Maubeuge. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 98.
Attributed works:
C. Joseph and His Brethren, by Pietro Testa. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 106.
Attributed works:
D. Adoration of the Shepherds, by Domenico Fiasella. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 166.
Attributed works:
E. Christ and the Pharisee, by Bartolomeo Menducci. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 167.
Attributed works:
F. Christ; The Virgin, by Francesco Albani. Engraved by Landon, 1812. Giustiniani Inv. No.1, 216-17.
The picture gallery of Vincenzo Giustiniani - I: introduction
01/1960 | 682 | 102
Pages: 21-27
related names
Salerno, Luigi (Salerno, Luigi)
Attributed works:
30. Portrait of Sigismond Laire, Attributed to Caravaggio. Canvas, 75 by 62 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Now in Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 6.
Attributed works:
31. St John the Evangelist, by Guido Reni after a Raffaelesque Composition. Canvas, 238 by 176 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Now in East Berlin.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 181.
Attributed works:
32. Boy Holding a Melon, by Pietro Paolo Bonzi. Canvas, 74 by 61 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Destroyed.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 246.
Attributed works:
33. Feeding of the Five Thousand, by Giacinto Campana. Canvas, 261 by 179 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Destroyed.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 12.
Attributed works:
34. St Charles Borromeo in Prayer, by Giovanni Lanfranco. Canvas, 182 by 118 cm. (Formerly Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin; Now in Dahlem.) Giustiniani Inv. No.II, 181.
Attributed works:
35. Christ Raising the Son of the Widow of Nain, by Domenico Fiasella. Canvas, 269 by 176 cm. (John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 162.
Attributed works:
36. Christ Healing the Blind, by Domenico Fiasella. Canvas, 271 by 180 cm. (John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida.) Giustiniani Inv. No.I, 161.
Western art unattributed:
29. Portrait of Marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani, by an Unknown Artist. Canvas. (Palazzo Giustiniani, Bassano di Sutri.)