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3 articles
Advertisements June 1930 (Front)
06/1930 | 327 | 56
Pages: i-lii
Attributed works:
[Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, 155 New Bond Street, London] Leigh Woods. Patrick Nasmyth. 27½ × 39½ Inches
Attributed works:
[Christie, Manson & Woods, 8 King Street, London] A Della Robbia Relief. 5ft. 4 in. High
Attributed works:
[Christie, Manson & Woods, 8 King Street, London] Portrait of Lady Anstruther by Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A.
Attributed works:
[Coleman-Meerkerk Inc., 38 East 57th Street, New York] Bamboo IV. 14 ins. × 50 ins. By Wu Chen, Dated 1343
Attributed works:
[Cyril Andrade, 24 Hanover Square, London] Hubert Robert (15½ × 41 Inches)
Attributed works:
[Elisabeth Wildenstein, 23 bis Rue de Berri, Paris] Portrait by Tocqué. "Child Holding a Nest." 55 × 46 cm. Catalogued as No. 39 in the Comte Doria's Book on This Painter.
Attributed works:
[Ernst Wiest, Arcisstrasse 8, Munich] Albrecht Dürer, 1471-1528. "Virgin and Child with animals." Oil. Panel, 86 × 69 cm.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Dr. Schäffer, Friedrich-Ebertstr.7, Berlin] Jan van der Meer. Panel, 33 5 × 43 cm.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Heinemann, 5&6 Lenbachplatz, Munich - Gallery Hansen Ltd, Schweizerhofquai 5, Lucerne] Henri Fantin-Latour. (1836-1904) (15¼ × 13¼ Inches)
Attributed works:
[Godfrey Philips, 43-44 Duke Street, London] Portrait of a Gentleman, by Allan Ramsay
Attributed works:
[J. Leger & Son, 13 Old Bond Street, London] Bernardo Bellotto
Attributed works:
[Leggatt Brothers, 30 St. James’s Street, London] Oil Painting by N. T. Dall. Signed and Dated 1767. Canvas 47 × 41½ Inches.
Attributed works:
[Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London] Sea at Saintes-Maries. Van Gogh
Attributed works:
[M. Harris & Sons, 44 to 52 New Oxford Street, London] An old Adam Chimney-piece of White and "Verde Antique" Marble, and a Brass and Steel Dog-Grate of the same period. Width of Chimney-piece 6 ft. 6 ins.
Attributed works:
[Max Rothschild, The Sackville Gallery, 28 Sackville Street, London] Pietro Longhi. "The Fortune-Teller." 27½ × 21½ Inches.
Attributed works:
[N. Eisenloeffel, 477 Heerengracht, Amsterdam] Pastel, by Odilon Redon. "Flowers."
Attributed works:
[R. H. Ward, The Pall Mall Safe Deposit Building, Lower Regent Street, London] J. A. Duck. (B. 1600)
Attributed works:
[Royal Copenhagen Porcelain, 2 Old Bond Street, London] Japanese Birdcatcher in Stoneware by Bode Willumsen
Attributed works:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale June 25th-Oil Painting-Ben Marshall-Lord Jersey's Horse. Middleton-Signed and Dated 1825.
Attributed works:
[The F. Kleinberger Galleries, 12 East 54th Street, New York] Joost van Cleve (About 1500-1568)
Attributed works:
[The Netherlands Gallery, 3 King St., London] Paolo Veronese. Canvas, 64½ × 51½ Inches
Attributed works:
[The Royal Gallery of Modern Art, Rome] Detail of a Portrait by Diego Velazquez.
Attributed works:
[Thomas Agnew & Sons, 43 Old Bond Street, London] T. Gainsborough, R. A. "Samuel Kilderbee" 30 × 25 Inches
Attributed works:
[Vicars Brothers, 12 Old Bond Street, London] Byland Abbey, Yorkshire. Oil Painting by P. de Wint. Size of Canvas 15½ × 24 Inches. This Picture Is in Fine Condition and Is Strong in Colour
Attributed works:
[Wm. B. Paterson, 5 Old Bond Street, London] James Boswell, Esq., of Auchenleck. By Allan Ramsay. 30 × 25 Inches
Non-western art unattributed:
[Cecil Leitch & Kerin Ltd, 9 Clifford Street, London] Three Dishes Painted with Subjects of an Unusual Type. Rhodian, 16th Century.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Dikran G. Kelekian, Bankers Trust Co. Building, 598 Madison Avenue, New York] Khmer Head.
Non-western art unattributed:
[John Sparks, 128 Mount Street, London] Vase, turquoise ground, enamelled with figures in high relief. 9½ inches high. Ch'ien Lung. Illustrated in "The Late Ceramic Wares of China," by R. L. Hobson, pl. lx, fig. 2, p. 85
Non-western art unattributed:
[L. Wannieck, 1 Rue St. Georges, Paris] Square Jardiniere. Ming Period, Dated Cheng-To 1506-1522. On Manganese Ground Are Green Arabesques. Top and Bottom Border Yellow, the Bottom Green. Height without Stand 8 cm. Length 24 cm. Width 15 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Loo & Co., 48 Rue de Courcelles, Paris] Bronze Statue of Buddha. Khmer.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Parish-Watson, 44 East 57th Street, New York] Chinese Porcelain Vase. K'ang Hsi Period. White Hawthorne Decoration on Green Ground.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Peter Boode, 25 Bazarstraat, The Hague] Mirror Black Vase, Pencilled in Gold. Khang Hsi Period. Height 18¾ ins.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale June 12th-One of a Pair of Famille Verte Vases.
Non-western art unattributed:
[The Netherlands Asiatic Trading Company, 23 Kloveniersburgwal, Amsterdam] Han Porcelanous Jar. 13 Inches High
Non-western art unattributed:
[Ton-ying & Co., 44 Clarges Street, London] Brick-Panel, with Figure in High Relief. Greyish Brown Pottery. Period: Late Han (220 A. D.) Height 24¾ Inches. Width 18 Inches.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Yamanaka & Co. Ltd, 127 New Bond Street, London] Wine Vessel (I type), bronze, circular bowl shape with one side drawn out and forming a spout shaped as an animal's head with wide gaping mouth, at the opposite side, a handle like an upcurled tail with a similar animal head gripping the rim; the upper part of the body engraved with a four-fold band of engraved fret edged with palmate leaves similarly engraved, the lower part plain; standing on three feet; patinated and with curious green mottling and white spots. Height 12¼ ins. Diameter 11½ ins. T'sin.
Western art unattributed:
[Arthur Churchill, 10 Dover Street, London] The Centre Pair of Candlesticks is 13 3/4 ins. High
Western art unattributed:
[Harman & Lambert, 177 New Bond Street, London] These illustrate some nice plain pieces in our large stock. The upper picture shows a Seventeenth Century Silver ROSE WATER DISH with EWER, the Dish measuring 12 3/4 inches in Diameter and the Jug standing 7½ inches high; whilst the lower picture illustrates an "Old Irish" Plain Round Silver BOWL, made in Dublin A. D. 1829, which measures 7½ inches in diameter and stands 3½ inches high.
Western art unattributed:
[J. Peyton-Jones, 78 Park Street, London] Madonna and Child, with Two Male Saints. 14th Century Northern Italian. The outside Measurements Are 35 × 18½ Inches.
Western art unattributed:
[Malmedé & Geissendörfer, 33 Sachsenhausen, Cologne] Walnut Cabinet. French, c. 1620. Height 69 Inches. Width 61 Inches. Depth 21 Inches.
Western art unattributed:
[S.J. Phillips, 113 New Bond St., London] A Pair of German Renaissance Candlesticks, Finely Chased Scrolls, Etc. Dated 1590 and 1601.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale June 18th-A Marble Group-Aphrodite and Eros.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale June 18th-Portrait Bust in Green Porphyry of Agrippina Mother of Caligula.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale June 26th-A Very Fine English Elizabethan Nautilus Cup.
Western art unattributed:
[Spanish Art Gallery, 50 Conduit Street, London] A Very Fine 16th-Century Iron Tenebrario 7 ft. 8 in. High
Western art unattributed:
[Sydney Burney, 13 St. James’s Place, London] Attic Work of VI Cent. B. C. Height 40 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[Wallace Heaton Ltd, 119 New Bond Street, London] Picture by Kind Permission of Messrs. Leggatt Bros., St. James's Street, S. W. I
Advertisements May 1930 (Front)
05/1930 | 326 | 56
Pages: i-lvi
Attributed works:
[Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, 155 New Bond Street, London] Skating. George Morland. 19½ × 25 Inches
Attributed works:
[C. G. Boerner, 26 Universitaesträsse 26, Leipzig - Paul Graupe, 4. Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Hans Springinklee
Attributed works:
[C. G. Boerner, Universitaesträsse 26, Leipzig - Paul Graupe, 4. Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Domenico Ghirlandajo. Original Drawing
Attributed works:
[C. G. Boerner, Universitaesträsse 26, Leipzig] Donato Bramante, Drawing, from the Durazzo and Ehlers Collections
Attributed works:
[Cecil Leitch & Kerin Ltd, 9 Clifford Street, London] A Fine Bronze Figure of a Kneeling Satyr by Andrea Briosco (1470-1532) Height 8 in.
Attributed works:
[Christie, Manson & Woods, 8 King Street, London] "Milking-Time." by Jan van Goyen
Attributed works:
[Coleman-Meerkerk Inc., 542 Fifth Avenue, New York] Bamboo III. 14 ins. × 50 ins. By Wu Chen, Dated 1343
Attributed works:
[Cyril Andrade, 24 Hanover Square, London] Hubert Robert (15½ × 41 Inches)
Attributed works:
[D.A. Hoogendyk & Co., 640 Keizersgracht, Amsterdam] Lucas Cranach, 1472-1553 Panel, 30 by 22 ins.
Attributed works:
[Elisabeth Wildenstein, 23 bis Rue de Berri, Paris] Portrait by Tocqué. "Child Holding a Nest." 55 × 46 cm. Catalogued as No. 39 in the Comte Doria's Book on This Painter.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Dr. Schäffer, Friedrich-Ebertstr.7, Berlin] David Teniers. Signed. Panel, 25.5 × 37 cm.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Heinemann, 5&6 Lenbachplatz, Munich - Gallery Hansen Ltd, Schweizerhofquai 5, Lucerne] Jacob van Utrecht. "Damas van der Lindt van Dordrecht". (22¾ × 16 Inches)
Attributed works:
[Godfrey Philips, 43-44 Duke Street, London] James Allen by John Zoffany, R. A., 1733-1810. Certified by William Roberts. (Canvas 30 × 25)
Attributed works:
[H. Gilhofer & H. Franshburg Ltd, Alpenstrasse 6, Lucerne] Ludwig Krug. St. John the Evangelist on the Isle of Patmos
Attributed works:
[J. Rosenbaum, Rossmarkt 14, Frankfort] Louis XV Clock, Signed B. Lieutaud, with Magnificent Gilded Bronze Ornamentations.
Attributed works:
[Max Rothschild, The Sackville Gallery, 28 Sackville Street, London] Pietro Longhi. "The Fortune-Teller." 27½ × 21½ Inches.
Attributed works:
[Messrs Robinson, Fisher and Harding, Willis’s Room, King Street, London] A Set of Four Entrée Dishes and a Pair of Sauce Tureens, by Paul Storr, 1806
Attributed works:
[N. Eisenloeffel, 477 Heerengracht, Amsterdam] Odilon Redon. "Nebuleuse."
Attributed works:
[R. H. Ward, The Pall Mall Safe Deposit Building, Lower Regent Street, London] J. Oudenrogge (1622-1653)
Attributed works:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] A Portrait by Rembrandt, Signed and Dated 1658. The Property of the Late George Folliott, Esq., of Vicars Cross, Chester. (De Groot 827A.)
Attributed works:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale May 23rd-Agostino di Duccio-Polychrome stucco Plaque.
Attributed works:
[The F. Kleinberger Galleries, 12 East 54th Street, New York] Vincenzo Catena (1480-1531)
Attributed works:
[The Independent Gallery, 7A Grafton Street, London] Miss Pocklington, Afterwards Lady Martin, by Richard Cosway, R. A. 49 × 39½ Inches
Attributed works:
[The Netherlands Gallery, 3 King St., London] Paolo Veronese. Canvas, 64½ × 51½ Inches
Attributed works:
[The Royal Gallery of Modern Art, Rome] Detail of a Portrait by Diego Velazquez.
Attributed works:
[Thomas Agnew & Sons, 43 Old Bond Street, London] T. Gainsborough, R. A. "Samuel Kilderbee" 30 × 25 Inches
Attributed works:
[Vicars Brothers, 12 Old Bond Street, London] "Emma, Lady Hamilton" Engraved by Sydney E. Wilson after George Romney Size: 12 1/8 × 10 Inches
Attributed works:
[Wm. B. Paterson, 5 Old Bond Street, London] Tibetan Lama on Horseback. Oil Painting by Roland Strasser
Non-western art unattributed:
[Bluett & Son's, 48 Davies Street, London] Disc (Pi). White Jade Tinged with Brown Spots, the Obverse Carved with Dragons in Relief, and the Reverse with Rice Grain Pattern and Incised Design. Diameter 9 ins. Chou Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Bluett & Sons, 48 Davies Street, London] Disc (ku-pi). Translucent White Jade with Red Marking. Both Sides Carved with Grain Pattern. Diameter 5½ ins. Ts'in Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Bluett & Sons, 48 Davies Street, London] Incomplete Ring (Chueh). White Jade with Brown Marking, the Sides with Incised Design of Dragons, etc. Diameter 4¼ ins. Han Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Bluett & Sons, 48 Davies Street, London] Square Shaped Vase of Bronze Form. Translucent White Jade with Pale Brown Marking, Incised t'ao t'ieh and cicada Design. Height 6 ins. Sung Period or Earlier.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Bluett & Sons, Davies Street, London] Tube (Ts'ung). Green Jade with Black Marking. Height 5 ins. Diameter 2½ ins. Chou Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Collier, 7&8 Hobart Place, London] A Very Fine Early Jade Disc. 12½ in. Diam.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Dikran G. Kelekian, Bankers Trust Co. Building, 598 Madison Avenue, New York] Khmer Head.
Non-western art unattributed:
[John Sparks, 128 Mount Street, London] Fine Small Bronze Head of the Goddess Kwanyin, with Green Patina. Height, without Stand, 4½ Inches. Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
Non-western art unattributed:
[L. Wannieck, 1 Rue St. Georges, Paris] Square Jardiniere. Ming Period, Dated Cheng-To 1506-1522. On Manganese Ground Are Green Arabesques. Top and Bottom Border Yellow, the Bottom Green. Height without Stand 8 cm. Length 24 cm. Width 15 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Loo & Co., 48 Rue de Courcelles, Paris] Bronze Statue of Buddha. Khmer.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Parish-Watson, 44 East 57th Street, New York] Persian Bottle: Rhages Pottery. Height, 8 3/4 Inches
Non-western art unattributed:
[Peter Boode, 25 Bazarstr., The Hague] Mirror Black Vase, Pencilled in Gold. Khang Hsi Period. Height 18 3/4 ins.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Ralph M. Chait, 600 Madison Avenue, New York] Rare Unglazed Pottery Vase. Han Dynasty 206 B. C.-220 A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Raufast, 18 Rue La Boëtie, Paris] Wooden Head. T'ang Period, 620-905 A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale May 20th-Wood Panel-A Prosperous Man-6th Dynasty.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale May 23rd-Persian Miniature Faridun and Gaveh, Crossing the Dijleh or Tigris.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sydney Burney, 13 St. James’s Place, London] Hittite Bronze
Non-western art unattributed:
[The Netherlands Asiatic Trading Company, 23 Kloveniersburgwal, Amsterdam] Tomb Figure. 11 Inches High. China. Wei Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Ton-ying & Co., 44 Clarges Street, London] Hand Scroll, Painting in Colour on Silk. Subject: Advice Given by Ming Hwang (T'ang Emperor) to the Members of his Court. Attributed to Emperor Hwei-Tsung. Period: Sung (1120 A. D). Length: 43 Inches.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Yamanaka & Co. Ltd, 127 New Bond Street, London] Klimer Stone Head, 12th Century. Height 16 in.
Western art unattributed:
[Arthur Churchill, 10 Dover Street, London] Pair of Glass Candlesticks. 13 ins. High.
Western art unattributed:
[Harman & Lambert, 177 New Bond Street, London] Charles I A. D. 1638 James I A. D. 1607 Cromwell A. D. 1650 Elizabeth A. D. 1602 James I A. D. 1618 Elizabeth A. D. 1596
Western art unattributed:
[J. Peyton-Jones, 78 Park Street, London] Madonna and Child. with Two Male Saints. 14th Century Northern Italian. The Outside Measurements Are 35 × 18½ Inches.
Western art unattributed:
[M. Harris & Sons, 44 to 52 New Oxford Street, London] An Early Jacobean Chest of Drawers of Cherry and Other Woods, Inlaid with Ebony and Ivory
Western art unattributed:
[Malmedé & Geissendörfer, 33 Sachsenhausen, Cologne] Florentine Chestnut Chest, Circa 1570 Length 72 3/4 Inches. Width 27½ Inches.
Western art unattributed:
[Royal Copenhagen Porcelain, 2 Old Bond Street, London] Vase in Underglaze. Height 12 Inches. Price £19
Western art unattributed:
[S.J. Phillips, 113 New Bond St., London] An English Flexible Diamond Snake Brooch, Circa 1780, and a Pair of Diamond Earrings, Circa 1760.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale May 12th-A Page from a Flemish Horæ
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale May 14th-Oil Painting-German School-Portrait of Friderich Rorbach.
Western art unattributed:
[Wallace Heaton Ltd, 119 New Bond Street, London] Picture by Kind Permission of Messrs. Leggatt Bros., St. James's Street, S. W. 1
Advertisements April 1930 (Front)
04/1930 | 325 | 56
Pages: i-lvi
Attributed works:
[Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, 155 New Bond Street, London] The Undercliffe, Isle of Wight. 17½ × 23½ Inches. J. M. W. Turner, R. A. (Oil)
Attributed works:
[Coleman-Meerkerk Inc., 542 Fifth Avenue, New York] Bamboo IV. 14 ins. × 50 ins. By Wu Chen, Dated 1343
Attributed works:
[D.A. Hoogendyk & Co., 640 Keizersgracht, Amsterdam] Lucas Cranach, 1472-1553 Panel, 30 by 22 ins.
Attributed works:
[Elisabeth Paraf, 23bis rue de Berri, Paris] Portrait by Tocqué. "Child Holding a Nest." 55 × 46 cm. Catalogued as No. 39 in the Comte Doria's Book on This Painter.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Dr. Schäffer, Friedrich-Ebertstr.7, Berlin] David Teniers. Signed. Panel, 25.5 × 37 cm.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Heinemann, 5&6 Lenbachplatz, Munich - Gallery Hansen Ltd, Schweizerhofquai 5, Lucerne] A. Bega (1637-1697). 18 × 21¼ Inches
Attributed works:
[Godfrey Philips, 43-44 Duke Street, London] James Allen by John Zoffany, R. A., 1733-1810. Certified by William Roberts. (Canvas 30 × 25)
Attributed works:
[H. Gilhofer & H. Ranschburg Ltd, Alpenstrasse 6, Lucerne] Bartolozzi. A Lecture on Gadding. Printed in Colours
Attributed works:
[H. Gilhofer & H. Ranschburg Ltd, Alpenstrasse 6, Lucerne] Meckenem. St. Ottilia
Attributed works:
[Hollstein & Puppel, 220 Kurfürstendamm, Berlin] Rembrandt. Christ Preaching. (Full of Burr on Japanese Paper)
Attributed works:
[J. Leger & Son, 13 Duke Street, London] "The Cottage Girl" by Thos. Barker of Bath (50 × 40 in.)
Attributed works:
[J. Peyton-Jones, 78 Park Street, London] Mr. E. Hay, 4th Son of George, 7th Earl of Kinnoull, Governor of Barbados, by Thomas Hudson. 26 by 21 Inches
Attributed works:
[Leggatt Brothers, 30 St. James’s Street, London] Oil Painting by N. Hone. Canvas 30 × 25 Inches.
Attributed works:
[Max Rothschild, The Sackville Gallery, 28 Sackville Street, London] Francesco Guardi. "An Island near Venice." 17 × 27½ Inches.
Attributed works:
[Percy Webster, 37 Great Portland Street, London] Rare Ormolu mantle "Regulator" or Precision Clock. Finely Chiselled and Gilt Case by the Celebrated Lepaute Horloger du Roy. Born 1720. Died 1787
Attributed works:
[R. H. Ward, The Pall Mall Safe Deposit Building, Lower Regent Street, London] W. Knyff. c. 1620-c. 1679
Attributed works:
[Royal Copenhagen Porcelain, 2 Old Bond Street, London] Susannah. By A. Malinowski
Attributed works:
[The F. Kleinberger Galleries, 12 East 54th Street, New York] Lazzaro Bastiani (Venetian, Active 1470-90.)
Attributed works:
[The Independent Gallery, 7A, Grafton Street, London] Portrait of David Garrick, by G. Romney. 20½ × 16½ Inches
Attributed works:
[The Netherlands Gallery, 3 King St., London] Portrait of a Gentleman, by Jacob Jordaens, Canvas, 24 × 20
Attributed works:
[The Royal Gallery of Modern Art, Rome] Detail of a Portrait by Diego Velazquez.
Attributed works:
[Thomas Agnew & Sons, 43 Old Bond Street, London] Sir Joshua Reynolds, P. R. A. "Ino and Bacchus" 50 × 40 Inches
Attributed works:
[Vicars Brothers, 12 Old Bond Street, London] Oil Painting by J. Stark. "Bishop's Bridge, Norwich" Size of panel 15½ × 22½ inches. An engraving of this picture appears in "Stark's Rivers of Norfolk" published in 1834. The painting itself is now on view at the Ideal Home Exhibition, Olympia.
Attributed works:
[Wm. B. Paterson, 5 Old Bond Street, London] Peasant Woman at Prayer, by R. P. Bonington. 9 ¾ × 7¼ Inches.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Bluett & Sons, 48 Davies Street, London] "Egg-Shell" Porcelain vase of cylindrical form with small neck. The body and neck with floral design on a black ground with green scrolls and the shoulder and base on a pink ground. Height 10½ ins. Ch'ien Lung period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Cyril Andrade, 24 Hanover Square, London] God of War. Ming Period. Height of Figure 27 Inches.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Dikran G. Kelekian, Bankers Trust Co. Building, 598 Madison Avenue, New York] Chinese, Seated Buddha
Non-western art unattributed:
[Hermann Ball – Paul Graupe, 4 Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Ivory Plaque, Egyptian, 6th Century
Non-western art unattributed:
[John Sparks, 128 Mount Street, London] Large circular Porcelain Tripod Incense-burner with floral decoration in aubergine and buff on a turquoise ground. Height, with stand, 8 3/4 inches. Ming dynasty 1368-1644.
Non-western art unattributed:
[L. Wannieck, 1 Rue St. Georges, Paris] Pitong (Brush Pot) in Openwork, Three Colour Enamels on the Biscuit on a Yellow Ground. Kang-Hsi Period. Height 12½ cm. Diameter 10 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Loo & Co., 48 Rue de Courcelles, Paris] Stone Statue. T'ang Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Parish-Watson, 44 East 57th Street, New York] Chinese Porcelain Vase. K'ang Hsi Period. White Hawthorne Decoration on Green Ground.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Ralph M. Chait, 600 Madison Avenue, New York] Pottery Mortuary Vase with Original Cover and Stand. Six Dynasties, 265-589 A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Raufast, 18 Rue La Boëtie, Paris] Wooden Head. T'ang Period, 620-905 A. D.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale April 30th-A Carved Head from the Cameroons with Natural Hair Wig.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale April 30th-A Ceremonial Mask from the Cameroons Covered with Human Hair and Skin.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sydney Burney, 13 St. James’s Place, London] 12th Century Persian Sculpture
Non-western art unattributed:
[The Netherlands Asiatic Trading Company, 23 Kloveniersburgwal, Amsterdam] Celadon Vase (12 Inches High). China. Ming Period.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Ton-ying & Co., 44 Clarges Street, London] Imperial Emerald-Green Jade Ting (Incense Burner). Height 8 3/4 Inches.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Yamanaka & Co. Ltd, 127 New Bond Street, London] Portrait of Chinese High Official in Blue Dress. Ming Dynasty. 31 × 21 Inches.
Western art unattributed:
[Arthur Churchill, 10 Dover Street, London] A Few Examples from Stock
Western art unattributed:
[Harman & Lambert, 177 New Bond Street, London] Two Very Fine Engraved Silver Beakers. Both Old Dutch of the 17th Century. These Two Beakers Stand 7½ Inches High and Make Two Very Nice Flower Vases, and as near as Possible a Pair.
Western art unattributed:
[Hermann Ball – Paul Graupe, 4 Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Bronze Aquamanile, 13th Century
Western art unattributed:
[Hermann Ball – Paul Graupe, 4 Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Madonna and Child, Alabaster, English, circa 1350
Western art unattributed:
[Hermann Ball – Paul Graupe, 4 Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Madonna and Child, Cologne, Circa 1350
Western art unattributed:
[Hermann Ball – Paul Graupe, 4 Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Stained Glass, Cologne, Early 14th Century
Western art unattributed:
[Hermann Ball – Paul Graupe, 4 Tiergartenstrasse, Berlin] Stained Glass, Cologne, Early 14th Century
Western art unattributed:
[M. Harris & Sons, 44 to 52 New Oxford Street, London] One of a Pair of Old Queen Anne Large Mirrors, in Gilt Gesso Frames with Carved Cresting and Base.
Western art unattributed:
[Malmedé & Geissendörfer, 33 Sachsenhausen, Cologne] Isle de France Cabinet. French 16th Century Height 193 cm. Width 110 cm. Depth 45 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[S.J. Phillips, 113 New Bond St, London] A Rare Diamond Flower Brooch, circa 1750, and an Unusual Diamond Cross, circa 1780.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale April 10th-A Charles II Porringer and Cover, London 1668.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale April 14th-A Miniature from an Illuminated Manuscript, Flemish c. 1490.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London] Sale April 14th-A Miniature from an Illuminated Manuscript, Flemish c. 1510
Western art unattributed:
[Spanish Art Gallery, 50 Conduit Street, London] Hispano Mauresque, Late 15th Century Copper Lustre Plate, Diameter 18 ins.
Western art unattributed:
[Wallace Heaton Ltd, 119 New Bond Street, London] Picture by Kind Permission of Messrs. Leggatt Bros., St. James's Street, S. W. I