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50 articles
Book Review
Le Retable de l’Annonciation d’Aix: Récit, prophétie et accomplissement dans l’art de la fin du Moyen Âge
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 661–662
related names
Elsig, Frédéric (Elsig, Frédéric)
Reviewed Items
Le Retable de l’Annonciation d’Aix: Récit, prophétie et accomplissement dans l’art de la fin du Moyen Âge By Christian Heck. 208 pp. incl. 68 col. + 8 b. & w. ills. (Édition Faton, Dijon, 2023), €29. ISBN 978–2–87844–340–0. | :
Attributed works:
10. Annunciation, central panel from the Aix Triptych, by Barthélemy d’Eyck. Oil on panel, 155 by 176 cm. Provence, 1443–44. (Sainte-Madeleine, Aix-en-Provence).
A ‘crucifixion complex’: two newly discovered sketches attributed to Francis Bacon
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 225–235
related names
Daniels, Rebecca (Daniels, Rebecca)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
1. Sketch, by Francis Bacon. c.1930. Pencil on tracing paper mounted on paper, 25.2 by 16.6 cm. (irregular). (Collection & Image © Hugh Lane Gallery; The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin;).
Attributed works:
10. Studio Interior, by Francis Bacon. c.1936. Pastel and pencil on paper, 23.5 by 35 cm. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; private collection).
Attributed works:
11. Sketch for triptych, here attributed to Francis Bacon. c.1933. Pencil. (Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Roy de Maistre Archive MS2013.10 ARC342; National Art Archive, Gift of Roy de Maistre’s niece, Caroline de Mestre-Walker, 2013).
Attributed works:
12. Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, by Francis Bacon. 1944. Oil and pastel on fibreboard, each panel approx. 94 by 74 cm. (irregular). (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; Tate).
Attributed works:
2. Two pencil sketches, here attributed to Francis Bacon. c.1933. Pencil on paper, 26 by 18.5 cm. (On the half-title page of A. Level: Picasso, Paris 1928; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Roy de Maistre Archive MS2013.10 ARC342; National Art Archive, Gift of Roy de Maistre’s niece, Caroline de Mestre-Walker, 2013).
Attributed works:
3. Sketch of a Biomorph, by Francis Bacon. c.1936. Black, blue and darkbrown ink on lined paper, 16.7 by 12.1 cm. (irregular). (Collection & Image © Hugh Lane Gallery; The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin).
Attributed works:
4. Abstraction from the Human Form, by Francis Bacon, c.1936. Medium and dimensions unknown. Destroyed by the artist. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024).
Attributed works:
5. Sketch for Portrait of M.E. Sadler [skull], here attributed to Francis Bacon. c.1933. Pencil and possibly wash. (Art Gallery of New South Wales; Roy de Maistre Archive MS2013.10 ARC342; National Art Archive, Gift of, Sydney; Roy de Maistre’s niece, Caroline de Mestre-Walker, 2013).
Attributed works:
6. Crucifixion [skeleton], by Francis Bacon. 1933. Oil on canvas, 62 by 48.5 cm. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; private collection).
Attributed works:
7. ‘A candidate for Baptism’, detail of Baptism of Christ, by Piero della Francesca. (From R. Longhi: Piero della Francesca, Milan 1930).
Attributed works:
8. The Crucifixion [skull], by Francis Bacon. 1933. Oil on canvas, 111.5 by 86.5 cm. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; private collection).
Attributed works:
9. Replica of Portrait of Michael Sadler, by Loris Rey. Bronze. (University College, University of Oxford).
Alexander Fisher’s ‘In praise of womanhood’
07/2022 | 1432 | 164
Pages: 684-687
related names
Turner, Eric (Turner, Eric)
Attributed works:
4. In praise of womanhood, by Alexander Fisher. 1901. Enamel on copper, 38 by 54 cm. (open). (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
5. The triptych shown in Fig.4 (closed).
Attributed works:
6. The search for Eldorado, by Alexander Fisher. 1899. Enamel on steel. (Present whereabouts unknown; Alamy).
Attributed works:
7. Evensong, St Cecilia, by John Melhuish Strudwick. 1897. Oil on canvas, 91.5 by 91.5 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
8. The lives of St Patrick in Ireland, by Alexander Fisher. c.1903. Gilt brass inlaid with enamel and silver, 45.7 by 35.6 cm. (National Museum of Ireland, Dublin).
Short Notice
A miniature Netherlandish portable altarpiece rediscovered
07/2020 | 1408 | 162
Pages: 592-594
Attributed works:
3. Portable altarpiece with the Adoration of the Magi. c.1520. Oak, lead, glass, tin, paint and gilding, 23.5 by 29.5 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Western art unattributed:
2. Portable altarpiece with Christ as the Man of Sorrows. c.1525–40. Oak, lead, glass, copper, paint and gilding, 23.3 by 29.5 by 6.5 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Western art unattributed:
Portable altarpiece with the Coronation of the Virgin. c.1520. Oak, lead, glass, tin, paint and gilding, 23.6 by 29.7 cm. (Caramoor Center for Music and Arts, Katonah NY).
Exhibition Review
Bacon by the Book. Centre Pompidou, Paris
01/2020 | 1402 | 162
Pages: 67-69
related names
Harrison, Martin (Harrison, Martin)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Bacon by the Book Centre Pompidou, Paris 11th September 2019–20th January | :
Attributed works:
18. Portrait of George Dyer in a mirror, by Francis Bacon. 1968. Oil on canvas, 198 by 147 cm. (Private collection; © Estate of Francis Bacon and DACS, London 2019; exh. Centre Pompidou, Paris).
Attributed works:
19. Triptych inspired by T.S. Eliot’s poem ‘Sweeney Agonistes’, by Francis Bacon. 1967. Oil and pastel on canvas, 198 by 147 cm. (Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC; © Estate of Francis Bacon and DACS, London 2019; exh. Centre Pompidou, Paris).
Attributed works:
20. Study for portrait (Michel Leiris), by Francis Bacon. 1978. Oil on canvas, 35.5 by 30.5 cm. (Centre Pompidou, Paris; © Estate of Francis Bacon and DACS, London 2019).
Exhibition Review
Bermejo: The 15th-century Rebel Genius
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 324-326
related names
Jennings, Nicola (Jennings, Nicola)
Attributed works:
5. St Michael triumphant over the Devil with the donor Antoni Joan, by Bartolomé Bermejo. 1468. Panel, 179.7 by 81.9 cm. (National Gallery, London; exh. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona).
Attributed works:
6. Triptych of the Virgin of Monterrat, by Bartolomé Bermejo. Panel, 156.5 by 100.5 (central panel); 156.5 by 50.2 (side panels). (Cattedrale Nostra Signora Assunta, Acqui Terme; exh. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona).
Attributed works:
7. Desplà Pietà, by Bartolomé Bermejo. Panel, 175 by 189 cm. (Museo de la Catedral, Barcelona; exh. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona).
The patron of Hieronymus Bosch’s ‘Last Judgment’ triptych in Vienna
02/2018 | 1379 | 160
Pages: 106-111
related names
de Keyser, Nouchka (de Keyser, Nouchka)
Hoogstede, Luuk (Hoogstede, Luuk)
Ilsink, Matthijs (Ilsink, Matthijs)
Janssens, Koen (Janssens, Koen)
Klein Gotink, Rik (Klein Gotink, Rik)
Koldeweij, Jos (Koldeweij, Jos)
Legrand, Stijn (Legrand, Stijn)
Nauhaus, Julia M. (Nauhaus, Julia M.)
Spronk, Ron (Spronk, Ron)
van der Snickt, Geert (van der Snickt, Geert)
Attributed works:
1. Sts James the Greater and Hippolytus, panels from Last Judgment (closed triptych) by Hieronymus Bosch. c.1500–05. Panel, each 163 y 60 cm., excluding frames. (Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna; photograph Rik Klein Gotink for BRCP).
Attributed works:
2. Last Judgment (open triptych), by Hieronymus Bosch. c.1500–05. Panel, c.163 by 60 cm. (left panel), 163 by 127 cm. (central panel), 163 by 60 (right panel). (Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Viennal photograph Rik Klein Gotink for BRCP).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of the escutcheons beneath Sts James (left) and Hippolytus (right) on the outer wings of the Vienna Last Judgment, in X-radiography (top), visible light photography (centre) and infra-red photography. (Photograph Rik Klein Gotink for BRCP and the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, FWF project P23849-G2 (XR)).
Attributed works:
4. Micrograph (67.5 times) showing red pigment on the borders of a paint loss. (Photograph Luuk Hoogstede for BRCP).
Attributed works:
5. Micrograph (40 times) showing remnants of gold and abraded bole. (Photograph Luuk Hoogstede for BRCP).
Attributed works:
6. (a-i). MA-XRF mappings from the zone of the escutcheon beneath St Hippolytus. The bairum, titanium and zinc maps show nineteenth-century retouchings. (photograph AXES Group, University of Antwerp. Image processing: Luuk Hoogstede for BRCP).
Attributed works:
7. Sts Charlemagne, Hippolytus, Elisabeth and Margaret (closed triptych), by Dirk Bouts and Aert van den Bossche. c.1470–75 and 1503–08. Panel, 92.5 by 143 cm. (Cathedral, Bruges; photograph Lukas – Art in Flanders VZ / Hugo Maertens).
Western art unattributed:
8. A bishop saint and Sts Catherine, Hippolytus and Elisabeth (closed triptych), attributed to an anonymous Brussels painter. c.1490–1500. Panel, each 88 by 60 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Brussels).
Book Review
Worlds Within: Opening the Medieval Shrine Madonna, E. Gertsman
03/2016 | 1356 | 158
Pages: 205-206
related names
Williamson, Paul (Williamson, Paul)
Western art unattributed:
53. Shrine Madonna. Lower Rhenish (probably Cologne), c.1300 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Book Review
Opening Doors. The Early Nether­landish Triptych Reinterpreted, L.F. Jacobs
02/2014 | 1331 | 156
Pages: 113
related names
Hathaway, Nenagh (Hathaway, Nenagh)
The triptych of the Apocalypse by Master Bertram
08/2012 | 1313 | 154
Pages: 536-543
related names
Costras, Nicola (Costras, Nicola)
Evans, Mark (Evans, Mark)
Turnbull, Rachel (Turnbull, Rachel)
Wilson, Lara (Wilson, Lara)
Attributed works:
1. Central panel and inner shutters of the triptych of the Apocalypse, by Master Bertram. c.1368–90. Oil on panel transferred to canvas, 123.4 by 83; 123.4 by 167.6; 123.6 by 82.9 cm. After cleaning and restoration. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
10. St Giles receiving the papal privilege, detail of Fig.3. After cleaning and restoration.
Attributed works:
11. The first horseman, detail of Fig.1. After cleaning and restoration.
Attributed works:
12. The armies of horsemen, detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
13. The sixth trumpet, detail of Fig.1.
Attributed works:
14. Magnified detail of punchwork from the triptych of the Apocalypse illustrated in Figs.1 and 3.
Attributed works:
15. Magnified detail of punchwork from Fig.04.
Attributed works:
2. Detail of the Bekrönung in Fig.1. After cleaning and restoration.
Attributed works:
3. Outer shutters of the triptych illustrated in Fig.1. After cleaning and restoration.
Attributed works:
4. Intermediate shutters of the Petri altarpiece, by Master Bertram. c.1379–83. Oil on oak panel, overall 217.5 by 726 cm. (Kunsthalle, Hamburg).
Attributed works:
5. Left inner shutter of the Petri altarpiece, carved by an unknown Hamburg sculptor, designed and polychromed by Master Bertram. c.1379–83. Carved and gilded oak, 180.3 by 180.5 by 19.5 cm. (Kunsthalle, Hamburg).
Attributed works:
6. Detail of the Coronation of the Virgin from the right outer shutter of the Buxtehude altarpiece, by Master Bertram. c.1381–1410. Oil on oak panel, overall 108.5 by 93 cm. (Kunsthalle, Hamburg).
Attributed works:
7. The detail illustrated in Fig.8 before cleaning and restoration.
Attributed works:
8. The lamb on Mount Sion, detail of Fig.1. After cleaning and restoration.
Western art unattributed:
9. The lamb on Mount Sion, from a commentary on the Revelation of St John by Alexander of Bremen. Cologne or Lower Saxony, c.1270–75. Tempera on parchment, 24.8 by 17.4 cm. (University Library, Cambridge; MS. Mm. V. 31, fol.89r).
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