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8 articles
Margaret van Eyck, a house called ‘The Wild Sea’ and Jan van Eyck’s posthumous workshop
02/2022 | 1427 | 164
Pages: 120-129
related names
De Meester, Toon ( De Meester, Toon)
Dumolyn, Jan (Dumolyn, Jan)
Jones, Susan (Jones, Susan; Jones, Susan Frances)
Leloup, Ward (Leloup, Ward)
Speecke, Mathijs (Speecke, Mathijs)
Attributed works:
1. The Virgin and Child with St Barbara, St Elizabeth and Jan Vos, by Jan van Eyck, possibly with workshop. c.1441–43. Oil on masonite, transferred from panel, 47.3 by 61.3 cm. (Frick Collection, New York).
Attributed works:
2. St Jerome in his study, by the workshop of Jan van Eyck. c.1442. Oil on linen paper on panel, unframed 20.6 by 13.3 cm. (Detroit Institute of Arts; © KIK-IRPA, Brussels).
Attributed works:
3. Virgin and Child with a kneeling cleric. South Netherlandish, 15th century. Silverpoint on prepared paper with areas of light yellow wash, 13.4 by 10.2 cm. (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg).
Attributed works:
4. Virgin and Child with a kneeling cleric. South Netherlandish, 15th century. Silverpoint on prepared paper with areas of light yellow wash, 27.8 by 18 cm. (Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna).
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Panoramic map of Bruges, by Marcus Gerards, showing the city centre. ‘A’ marks the location of the Sint Gillisnieuwstraat (now called the Gouden-Handstraat) and ‘B’ the location of the Oostmeers. North is towards the lower left. 1562. Modern coloured offset of a copper engraving assembled from ten sheets, 177 by 100 cm. (www.
Attributed works:
6. Detail of the map in Fig.5, showing Van Eyck’s house on the Sint Gillisnieuwstraat, now called the Gouden-Handstraat.
Attributed works:
7. Margaret van Eyck, by Jan van Eyck. 1439. Oil on oak panel, including the frame 41.3 by 34.5 cm. (Groeningemuseum, Bruges; © KIK-IRPA, Brussels).
Attributed works:
8. Detail of the map in Fig.5, showing the Oostmeers. ‘A’ marks the row of houses between the Zonnekemeers; ‘B’ marks the Cowgate; ‘C’ marks the Wijngaard.
Book Review
Tra Fiandre e Italia: Rubens 1600–1608. Regesto biografico-critico. By Raffaella Morselli
07/2019 | 1396 | 161
Pages: 609-610
related names
Orlando, Anna (Orlando, Anna )
Reviewed Items
Tra Fiandre e Italia: Rubens 1600–1608. Regesto biografico-critico by Raffaella Morselli. 348 pp. incl. 26 b. & w. ills. (Viella, Rome, 2018), | :
Exhibition Review
Bernard van Orley: Brussels and the Renaissance Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR), Brussels
06/2019 | 1395 | 161
Pages: 499-502
related names
Campbell, Lorne (Campbell, Lorne; C., L.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
7. Attack on the French camp and the flight of the civilians, one of the tapestries of the Battle of Pavia series, designed by Bernard van Orley and woven in the workshop of Willem Dermoyen. 1525–31. Wool, silk and preciousmetal wrapped threads, 440 by 818 cm., 7–8 warp threads per cm. (Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples; exh. Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels).
Attributed works:
8. Head of a dog, fragment of a tapestry cartoon, from the workshop of Bernard van Orley. c.1525–31. Bodycolour heightened with white (partly oxidised) on paper, silhouetted, 17.1 by 17.9 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
9. Execution of St John the Baptist, by Bernard van Orley. c.1510. Panel, 64.5 by 74.2 cm (Private collection; exh. Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels).
Exhibition Review
The Renaissance Nude
05/2019 | 1394 | 161
Pages: 416-419
related names
Nuttall, Paula (Nuttall, Paula)
Attributed works:
8. A male nude with proportions indicated, by Michelangelo Buonarroti. c.1515–20. Red chalk on paper, 28.9 by 18 cm. (Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
9. A myth of Pan, by Dosso Dossi. c.1524. Canvas, 163.8 by 145.4 cm. (J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Western art unattributed:
10. Elderly bather. German, c.1480. Boxwood with some polychromy, height 16.2 cm. (Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Book Review
Joris and Jacob Hoefnagel: Art and Science around 1600
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 351
related names
Evans, Mark (Evans, Mark)
Reviewed Items
Joris and Jacob Hoefnagel: Art and Science around 1600 By Thea Vignau-Wilberg. | :
Exhibition Review
Bermejo: The 15th-century Rebel Genius
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 324-326
related names
Jennings, Nicola (Jennings, Nicola)
Attributed works:
5. St Michael triumphant over the Devil with the donor Antoni Joan, by Bartolomé Bermejo. 1468. Panel, 179.7 by 81.9 cm. (National Gallery, London; exh. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona).
Attributed works:
6. Triptych of the Virgin of Monterrat, by Bartolomé Bermejo. Panel, 156.5 by 100.5 (central panel); 156.5 by 50.2 (side panels). (Cattedrale Nostra Signora Assunta, Acqui Terme; exh. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona).
Attributed works:
7. Desplà Pietà, by Bartolomé Bermejo. Panel, 175 by 189 cm. (Museo de la Catedral, Barcelona; exh. Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona).
A portrait of Emanuel van Meteren and his wife, Hester van Corput, by Joris Hoefnagel
03/2019 | 1392 | 161
Pages: 200-205
related names
Buchanan, Iain (Buchanan, Iain)
Attributed works:
1. Detail of Fig.2.
Attributed works:
2. Emanuel van Meteren and his wife Hester van Corput, here attributed to Joris Hoefnagel. 1576. Pen and ink, watercolour and bodycolour on parchment, 19 by 27.8 cm. (From Comentarius by Emanuel van Meteren; Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Public Library; MS 237).
Attributed works:
3. Petrus Gonsalvus and his wife, plate I from Animalia Rationalia et Insecta (Fire), by Joris Hoefnagel. 1591–99. Watercolour and bodycolour on parchment, 14.3 by 18.4 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
4. The daughter and son of Petrus Gonsalvus, plate II from Animalia Rationalia et Insecta (Fire), by Joris Hoefnagel. 1591–99. Watercolour and bodycolour on parchment, 14.3 by 18.4 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
5. Death’s head with ears of corn, by Joris Hoefnagel. 1575. Pen and brown ink on paper, 19.1 by 12.2 cm. (From the Album Amicorum of Emanuel van Meteren, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 68).
Attributed works:
6. Struggle between Avarice and Ambition, by Joris Hoefnagel. 1571. Pen and ink, with watercolour, bodycolour and gold on parchment laid down on paper laid down on panel, 16.7 by 21.4 cm. (Phoebus Foundation, Belgium).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.2.
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.6, showing a portrait of a man, possibly Emanuel van Meteren.