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7 articles
Book Review
Goldene Pracht. Mittelalterliche Schatzkunst in Westfalen, B. Munster, ed.
01/2014 | 1330 | 156
Pages: 31-32
related names
Lutz, Gerhard (Lutz, Gerhard)
Attributed works:
38. The shrine of the Virgin Mary, by Nicholas of Verdun. 1205. Gold, champlevé enamel and precious stones, 90 by 70 by 126 cm. (Cathédrale de Notre-Dame, Tournai).
Short Notice
German Medieval Art at Brussels and Amsterdam
11/1949 | 560 | 91
Pages: 314-317
related names
Wolff-Metternich, F. Graf (Wolff-Metternich, F. Graf; Metternich, Franz Wolff)
Attributed works:
14. The Martyrdom of St Barbara, by Master Francke, 1405-15. Detail of Panel of the St Barbara Altarpiece. 91.3 by 54 cm. (National Museum of Finland, Helsinki.)
Western art unattributed:
1. The Virgin and Child. Statue Presented by Bishop Imad to Paderborn Cathedral. Westphalian (?), about 1050-60. Lime-Wood, Formerly Covered with Gold-Foil. Height, 112 cm. (Diocesan Museum, Paderborn.)
Western art unattributed:
10. Reliquary Containing Relics of Charlemagne. Second Half of the Fourteenth Century. Gilt Silver Decorated by Enamels and Precious Stones. Height, 125 cm. (Cathedral Treasury, Aachen.)
Western art unattributed:
11. Book Cover, Early Eleventh Century. Ivory Relief Representing Christ in Glory, St Victor and St Gereon. Height, 31 cm. (Schnütgen-Museum, Cologne.)
Western art unattributed:
12. Cover of the Font of Hildesheim Cathedral, about 1240-50. Bronze. Height, 42 cm. (Cathedral, Hildesheim.)
Western art unattributed:
13. Foolish Virgin, Lübeck, about 1400. Polychromed Stone. Height, about 72cm. (St Annen-Museum, Lübeck.)
Western art unattributed:
15. Enamel, detail from the Shrine of St Heribert, about 1160-70. (Parish Church of St Heribert, Cologne-Deutz.)
Western art unattributed:
9. Reliquary, about 1100. Gilt Bronze. Height, 22 cm. (Cathedral Treasury, Xanten.)
Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
03/1937 | 408 | 70
Pages: 122-123+126-129
related names
Burke, J. T. A. (Burke, J. T. A.)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Cope. Embroidery, Late Fourteenth Century. Possibly Westphalian. (All in the Marienkirche, Danzig). Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Cope, with Applied Strips of Embroidery. Attribution Uncertain. Early Fifteenth Century; C-Strip of Embroidery on the Front of the Chasuble on Plate II, B. D-Chasuble. Back View. Embroidery, Early Fifteenth Century. Probably North German under English Influence (All in the Marienkirche, Danzig). Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Detail of Plate II, B. Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Chasuble. Back View. Embroidery, Early Fifteenth Century. Probably Westphalian. (Marienkirche, Danzig). Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-Chasuble. Back View. Westphalian. Early Fifteenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. Embroidered Cope. English. First Half of the Sixteenth Century. The Embroidered Border Is German of a Later Date (Stadtmuseum, Danzig). Some Embroidered Vestments at Danzig
A Lost Altarpiece by the Master of Kappenberg
09/1934 | 378 | 65
Pages: 126-127+130-131
related names
Mackowsky, Else (Mackowsky, Else)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-The Coronation of the Virgin, by the Master of Kappenberg. Panel, 98 by 71 cm. (The National Gallery). A Lost Altarpiece by the Master of Kappenberg.
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Christ before Pilate, by the Master of Kappenberg. Panel, 100 by 69 cm. (The National Gallery). A Lost Altarpiece by the Master of Kappenberg.
Attributed works:
Plate I. C-Pentecost, by the Master of Kappenberg. Panel, 95 by 71 cm. (Graf von Fürstenberg-Herdringen). A Lost Altarpiece by the Master of Kappenberg.
Attributed works:
Plate I. D-Pentecost, by the Master of Kappenberg. Panel, 85 by 65 cm. (Münster Museum). A Lost Altarpiece by the Master of Kappenberg.
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-The Mocking of Christ; B-The Last Judgment, by the Master of Kappenberg. Each Panel, 85 by 65 cm. (Münster Museum). A Lost Altarpiece by the Master of Kappenberg
A Westphalian Altarpiece
04/1933 | 361 | 62
Pages: 160-163+165
related names
Kornfeld, Hans (Kornfeld, Hans)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Paradise, and Scenes from the Lives of the Blessed Virgin and of Christ. Centre Portion of Altarpiece. North German School (Neustädter Marienkirche, Bielefeld). A Westphalian Altarpiece
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Christ before Pilate. Panel, 57.5 by 42 cm. (The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford). (These Three Panels are Here Identified as of the North German School and as Belonging to the Altarpiece of the Neustädter Marienkirche in Bielefeld). A Westphalian Altarpiece
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-The Presentation in the Temple. Panel, 58 by 42 cm. (Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin). (These Three Panels are Here Identified as of the North German School and as Belonging to the Altarpiece of the Neustädter Marienkirche in Bielefeld). A Westphalian Altarpiece
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. C-The Scourging of Christ. Panel, 57.5 by 42 cm. (Milton Ernest Church, Bedford). (These Three Panels are Here Identified as of the North German School and as Belonging to the Altarpiece of the Neustädter Marienkirche in Bielefeld). A Westphalian Altarpiece
A Loan Exhibition of Medieval Art
05/1932 | 350 | 60
Pages: 252+256-257+259
related names
Borenius, Tancred (Borenius, Tancred; B., T.; Borenius, Dr.; Borenius, T.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-St. Nicholas of Basi. B-St. Paul. C-St. Peter. German School 1250. Panel, 114.3 by 72.39 cm. (Paulusmuseum, Worms). A Loan Exhibition of Medieval Art
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. Pair of Jewelled Brooches in Gold Filigree Set with Pearls, Amethysts and Sapphires. Early Eleventh Century. 5.39 cm. (Mainz Cathedral). A Loan Exhibition of Medieval Art
Short Notice
The Kunstverein of the Rhinelands and Westphalia
05/1929 | 314 | 54
Pages: 276