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8 articles
Book Review
The Drawings of Jean Francois Millet
08/1906 | 41 | 9
Pages: 339
collectors and dealers:
Reviewed Items
The Drawings of Jean Francois Millet | author: Bénédite, Léonce , author: Millet, Jean-François
Advertisements March 1906 (front)
03/1906 | 36 | 8
Pages: s.p.
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
[Dowdeswell and Dowdeswells Limited 160 New Bond Street, London. Photograph. Swantype reproduction of the Portrait of Marie Adelaide de France by Jean-Marc Nattier at Versailles]
Attributed works:
[Frank T. Sabin, 118 Shaftesbury Avenue, London. Illustration, mezzotint by Charles Turner after Joshua Reynolds, 1823-1825 ca. The Young Fortune Teller (Lord Henry Spencer and his sister Lady Charlotte Spencer, later Lady Nares).]
Attributed works:
[Law, Foulsham & Cole, 7 South Molton Street, London] Genuine Old Chippendale Wardrobe in Perfect Condition an Exceptionally Fine Specimen
Attributed works:
[Morris & Company Decorators Ltd., 449 Oxford Street, London.] 'The Bird' Tapestry, Designed by William Morris. (In Red or Blue Colouring.)
Attributed works:
[Morris & Company Decorators Ltd., 449 Oxford Street, London.] The 'Passing of Venus.' Design for Arras Tapestry by the Late Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Attributed works:
[Mr. Heyman's Galleries, 180 New Bond Street, London. Illustration: The Wreck by J. M. W. Turner (water colour, 36 x 25 in.)]
Western art unattributed:
[Cardinal & Harford, 108-110 High Holborn, London. Importers of oriental carpets. Photograph: Interior of The Levant Warehouse]
Western art unattributed:
[Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Company, Ltd. 112 & 110 Regent Street, London. Illustration: two eighteenth (?) century clocks]
Western art unattributed:
[Seligmann Works of Art, 31 St. James Street, London; 23 Place Vendome, Paris; 303 Fifth Avenue, New York. Illustration: three eighteenth century (?) ceramic statuettes representing one Bacchante, a river Nymph (?) and a Charity]
Notes on Some Recently-Exhibited Pictures of the British School
07/1905 | 28 | 7
Pages: 256+324-325+327-329+331
related names
Holmes, Charles John (Holmes, Charles John; Holmes, C. J.; H., C. J.; Holmes, Charles J.; Holmes, Charles; Holmes, Charles)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
Plate I. Landscape with Figures, by John Crome; In the Possession of Messrs. T. Agnew and Sons.
Attributed works:
Plate II. Portrait of Mrs. Irwin, by Sir Joshua Reynolds; In the Possession of Messrs. P. and D. Colnaghi.
Attributed works:
Portrait of Mr. Vestris by Thomas Gainsborough in the Possession of Mr. Asher Wertheimer. emery walker Ph. Sc
The Drawings of Jean-François Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. James Staats Forbes. Part IV (Conclusion)-Portraits
02/1905 | 23 | 6
Pages: 360-363+366-369
related names
Cartwright, Julia (Cartwright, Julia; Ady Cartwright, Julia)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
Plate I. Desbrosses. Portraits in Crayon by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
Attributed works:
Plate I. Victor Dupré. Portraits in Crayon by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
Attributed works:
Plate II. Barye. Portraits in Crayon by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
Attributed works:
Plate II. N. V. Diaz. Portraits in Crayon by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
Attributed works:
Plate III. Pauline Ono, First Wife of the Artist; Pastel. Portrait Drawings by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
Attributed works:
Plate III. Théodore Rousseau Crayon Drawing. Portrait Drawings by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
Attributed works:
Plate IV. Catherine Lemaire, Second Wife of the Artist; A Drawing by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes.
The Drawings of Jean-François Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. James Staats Forbes: Part III
12/1904 | 21 | 6
Pages: 192-193+196-199+202-203
related names
Cartwright, Julia (Cartwright, Julia; Ady Cartwright, Julia)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
La Leçon de Tricot. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate II.
Attributed works:
La Porteuse D'eau. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate IV.
Attributed works:
La Sortie. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate I.
Attributed works:
La Tricoteuse. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate III.
Attributed works:
Le Mendiant. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate III.
Attributed works:
Le Retour. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate I.
Attributed works:
L'Enfant Malade. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate II.
Attributed works:
Millet's House at Barbizon. Drawings by J. F. Millet, in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes. Plate IV.
The Drawings of Jean-François Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. James Staats Forbes. Part II
05/1904 | 14 | 5
Pages: 118-123+125+127+129+131+133+135+137+139-143+145+147+149+151+153+155+157+159
related names
Cartwright, Julia (Cartwright, Julia; Ady Cartwright, Julia)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
Deux Faneuses; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Gardeuse de Moutons sur la Lisière de la Forêt; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
La Cardeuse de Laine; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
La Jeune Bergère; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Le Nouveau-né; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Le Planteur D'Arbres; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Le Semeur; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Les Bûcherons; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Les Moissonneurs; A Drawing by J. f. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Les Mulets: A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Les Ramasseurs de Varech: A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Les Tondeurs de Moutons; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Les Vignerons; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Lisière de la Forêt; A Study by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
L'Homme à la Brouette; A Study by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Paysanne Gardant sa Vache; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of the Late Mr. J. Staats Forbes
A Great Collector (Editorial Articles II)
05/1904 | 14 | 5
Pages: 117
collectors and dealers:
The Drawings of Jean-François Millet in the Collection of Mr. James Staats Forbes. Part I
04/1904 | 13 | 5
Pages: 47-53+55+57+59+61+63+65+67
related names
Cartwright, Julia (Cartwright, Julia; Ady Cartwright, Julia)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
Les Lavandières; A Drawing by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Glaneuses by J. E. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Glaneuses by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Glaneuses by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Glaneuses by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Lavandières by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Lavandières by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes
Attributed works:
Study for Les Lavandières by J. F. Millet in the Collection of Mr. J. Staats Forbes