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15 articles
Book Review
The Brummer Galleries, Paris and New York: Defining Taste from Antiquities to the Avant-Garde
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 658–659
related names
Evans, Mark (Evans, Mark)
collectors and dealers:
museums and institutions:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Brummer Galleries, Paris and New York: Defining Taste from Antiquities to the Avant-Garde Edited by Yaëlle Biro, Christine E. Brennan and Christel H. Force. 511 pp. incl. 142 col. ills. (Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2023), €165. ISBN 978–90–04–53964–8. | :
Non-western art unattributed:
8. Couple. Madagascar, 17th–late 18th century. Wood and pigment, 39 by 11 cm. (Metropolitan Museum, New York).
Exhibition Review
The Colmar Treasure: A Medieval Jewish Legacy. Met Cloisters, New York
11/2019 | 1400 | 161
Pages: 944-946
related names
Ackley, Joseph (Ackley, Joseph)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
4. Jewish ceremonial wedding ring. Italy(?), c.1300– before 1348. Gold, opaque and translucent enamel, 3.5 by 2.3 cm. (Musée de Cluny, Paris; exh. Met Cloisters, New York).
Western art unattributed:
5. Silk purse depicting lovers. France or Rhineland, first half of the fourteenth century. Silk, linen and gold leaf, 14 by 15.2 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; exh. Met Cloisters, New York).
Western art unattributed:
6. Page from a Mahzor. Rhineland (Colmar?). First half of the fourteenth century. (Bibliothèque municipale, Colmar, CG11629; exh. Met Cloisters, New York).
Exhibition Review
Gothic boxwood miniatures. Toronto, New York and Amsterdam
08/2017 | 1373 | 159
Pages: 663-664
related names
Thornton, Dora (Thornton, Dora)
Attributed works:
76. Prayer nut, by Adam Dircksz. c.1500-30 (Kunstkammer, Copenhagen; exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
Western art unattributed:
74. Initial P with the Legend of St Philip, by an anonymous sculptor. c.1500-before 1506 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
Western art unattributed:
75. St George and the dragon, by an anonymous sculptor. c.1520 (Victoria and Albert Museum, London; exh. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)
The Cloisters Cross
07/2014 | 1336 | 156
Pages: 464
related names
Stratford, Neil (Stratford, Neil)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
54. Initial 'L' to St Matthew's Gospel, with the Four Evangelists. Frontispiece to a gospel book, probably made for the abbey of Le Parc at Louvain, mid-twelfth century (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge)
Exhibition Review
Treasures from Canterbury and St Albans
05/2014 | 1334 | 156
Pages: 345-356
related names
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. (Alexander, Jonathan J. G.; Alexander, J. J. G.; A., J. J. G.; Alexander, Jonathan)
Attributed works:
68. Scenes from the life of St Alexis, by the Alexis Master or an associate. Page 57 from the St Albans Psalter. Anglo-Norman (Dombibliothek, Hildesheim; exh. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles)
Attributed works:
69. St Peter receiving the keys of Heaven from Christ, by the Alexis Master (Bibliothèque de la Codecom,Verdun; exh. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles)
Attributed works:
70. Detail of Jared, from the Ancestors of Christ, attributed to the Methuselah Master. English (Clerestory, Canterbury Cathedral; exh. Cloisters Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Relocating the Cloisters Cross
06/2013 | 1323 | 155
Pages: 381-383
related names
Munns, John (Munns, John)
Western art unattributed:
20. Cross, by an unknown sculptor, probably German (The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
Western art unattributed:
21. Crucifixion, fol.86 of the Stammheim Missal. Hildesheim (J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, MS 64)
Western art unattributed:
22. Detail of Fig.20
Western art unattributed:
23. Detail of The personification of Wisdom with God the Father and the Old Testament prophets, fol.11 of the Stemmheim Missal (see Fig.21)
Western art unattributed:
24. Detail of Fig.20
Western art unattributed:
25. Detail of The Nativity, fol.92 of the Stammheim Missal (see Fig.21)
Western art unattributed:
26. Detail of The women at the tomb, fol.111 of the Stammheim Missal (see Fig.21)
Western art unattributed:
27. Detail of Fig.20
Publication Received
The Cloisters: Medieval Art and Architecture
12/2008 | 1269 | 150
Pages: 840
related names
Muscat, Marcie M. (Muscat, Marcie M.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Cloisters: Medieval Art and Architecture | author: Barnet, Peter , author: Wu, Nancy
Recent acquisitions (1999–2008) of medieval art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Cloisters, New York
11/2008 | 1268 | 150
Pages: 793-800
related names
Barnet, Peter (Barnet, Peter)
Attributed works:
XV. St Peter Martyr and three donors, by Giovanni di Balduccio (Tuscany, Bologna and Milan, active 1318–49). Italian (Lombardy), c.1340. Marble, 80 by 86 by 14.5 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2001; 2001.221)
Attributed works:
XVIII. The martyrdom of St Bartholomew, from a Laudario by Pacino da Bonaguida (Florentine, active 1303–c.1340). c.1340. Tempera and gold leaf on parchment, 47 by 35 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2006; 2006.250)
Attributed works:
XX. Plate, attributed to Hans Wertinger. South German (Freising), 1498. Free-blown glass with paint and metallic foils, 36.9 by 4.2 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2008; 2008.278)
Western art unattributed:
I. The Jaharis lectionary. Byzantine (Constantinople), c.1100. Tempera and gold leaf on parchment, leather binding
Western art unattributed:
II. Two scenes of Christ and apostles. Carolingian (northern France), c.850–900. Elephant ivory with traces of polychromy, 9.9 by 7.8 by 0.5 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2000; 2000.486).
Western art unattributed:
III. Agate cameo in gold frame. Cameo: Byzantine (probably Constantinople), c.1050–1100; frame by Adrien Jean Vachette in Paris, France, c.1800. 7.7 by 5.4 by 0.7 cm. (Gift of John C. Weber in honour of Mary and Michael Jaharis, 2007; 2007.445)
Western art unattributed:
IV. Pendant brooch with cameo of enthroned Virgin and Child and Christ blessing. Byzantine, late eleventh to twelfth centuries; mount: twelfth to fourteenth century. Chalcedony cameo in gold mount with pearls, emeralds, garnets, sapphires and a sardonyx intaglio, 7.2 by 5.5 by 1.6 cm. (Purchase, Acquisitions Fund, Christopher C. Grisanti and Suzanne P. Fawbush, Austin B. Chinn, and Katharine R. Brown Gifts, Gifts of Marx Frères, J. Pierpont Morgan and Mrs Frank D. Millett, by exchange, and funds from various donors, 2007; 2007.9).
Western art unattributed:
IX. Virgin and Child. English, late thirteenth to early fourteenth century. Caen limestone, 150.5 by 49.2 by 29.8 cm. (Purchase, Edward J. Gallagher Jr Bequest, in memory of his father, Edward Joseph Gallagher, his mother, Ann Hay Gallagher, and his son, Edward Joseph Gallagher III; and Caroline Howard Hyman Gift, 2003; 2003.456)
Western art unattributed:
V. The Crucifixion. French (Conques), c.1100. Gilded copper, cloisonné and champlevé enamel, diameter: 10.3 cm. (Purchase, Michel David-Weill Gift and 2006 Benefit Fund, 2007; 2007.189)
Western art unattributed:
VI. Plaque from a cross with censing angels. France (Limoges), c.1170–80. Champlevé enamel and copper gilt, 11 by 22.1 by 0.3 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2001; 2001.634)
Western art unattributed:
VII. Reliquary cross. French (probably for the Abbey of Grandmont, outside Limoges), c.1180. Silver gilt, crystal, glass cabochons, wood core, 29.8 by 12.5 by 2.5 cm. (Purchase, Michel David-Weill Gift, The Cloisters Collection, and Mme Robert Gras Gift, in memory of Dr Robert Gras, 2002; 2002.18).
Western art unattributed:
VIII. Enthroned Virgin and Child. French, c.1250–60. Elephant ivory with traces of polychromy and gilding, 18.4 by 7.6 cm. (Purchase, The Cloisters Collection and Michel David-Weill Gift, 1999; 1999.208)
Western art unattributed:
X. Head. Upper Rhenish, c.1280–1300. Sandstone, 30 by 25.7 by 24.8 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2004; 2004.453)
Western art unattributed:
XI. Head of Joseph. French (probably from Chartres Cathedral), c.1230. Limestone with traces of polychromy, 17.1 by 13.5 by 10.3 cm. (Purchase, Scher Chemicals Inc. and Audrey Love Charitable Foundation Gifts; anonymous gift in honour of Charles T. Little; William and Toni Conte and Stephen K. Scher Gifts; and funds from various donors, 2007; 2007.143)
Western art unattributed:
XII. Roundel. French (Paris), c.1320–1340. Elephant ivory, diameter: 14.1 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2003; 2003.131.1)
Western art unattributed:
XIII. Relief with griffin. Byzantine (Greece?), second half of the thirteenth century. Marble, 59.7 by 52.1 by 6.5 cm. (Purchase, Rogers Fund and Jeannette and Jonathan Rosen Gift, 2000; 2000.81)
Western art unattributed:
XIV. Plaque with hunting scenes. French (Paris), c.1350. Elephant ivory, 11 by 30.8 by 0.5 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2003; 2003.131.2)
Western art unattributed:
XIX. Cup with trefoil handle. Bohemian (Prague), c.1350–80. Jasper, silver-gilt mount and foot, 10.5 by 11.5 by 8.8 cm. (Purchase, Gift of Mrs Charles Wrightsman, in honour of Annette de la Renta, 2000; 2000.504)
Western art unattributed:
XVI. Adoration of the Magi with Virgin and Child enthroned. German (Altenberg-an-der-Lahn, Hesse, Praemonstratensian Convent church), c.1290–1300. Pot-metal glass and vitreous paint, 75.9 by 40 cm. (Magi); 76.2 by 40 cm. (Virgin and Child). (The Cloisters Collection, 2003; 2003.478.1, .2)
Western art unattributed:
XVII. Corpus of Christ. Northern Europe, c.1300. Walrus ivory with traces of paint and gilding, 19.2 by 5.3 by 3.5 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2005; 2005.274)
Western art unattributed:
XXI. Bust of the Virgin. Bohemian, c.1390–95. Terracotta with polychromy, 32.5 by 22.4 by 13.8 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2005; 2005.393)
Western art unattributed:
XXII. Reliquary. Spanish (Aragón), c.1500. Silver, silver-gilt, translucent and opaque enamels, rock crystal, 46.7 cm. high. (The Cloisters Collection, 1999; 1999.206)
Western art unattributed:
XXIII. Pietà. Limestone with traces of polychromy. Bohemian (Prague), c.1395–1400. 38.1 by 39.1 by 14.0 cm. (The Cloisters Collection, 2001; 2001.78)
Book Review
The Cloisters Cross: Its Art and Meaning
07/1994 | 1096 | 136
Pages: 459-460
related names
Heslop, T. A. (Heslop, T. A.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Cloisters Cross: Its Art and Meaning | author: Little, Charles T. , author: Parker, Elizabeth C.
Publication Received
The Cloisters. Studies in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary
11/1993 | 1088 | 135
Pages: 774
related names
Zarnecki, George (Zarnecki, George; Zarneci, George; Zarnecki, G.; Z., G.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
museums and institutions:
The Cloisters. Studies in Honor of the Fiftieth Anniversary | author: Parker, Elizabeth C.
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