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6 articles
Nicolas Pineau as a designer of ornament prints
09/2022 | 1434 | 164
Pages: 864-873
related names
Laurenti, Aurora (Laurenti, Aurora)
Attributed works:
1. Designs for table and consoles, by Jean Mariette, after Nicolas Pineau. c.1707–09. Etching, 20.5 by 26 cm. (From the series Nouveaux Desseins de Pieds de Tables et de Vases et Consoles de sculpture en bois Inventés par le Sieur Pineau sculpteur / a Paris chez Mariette rue S.Jacques aux colonnes d’Hercules, pl.1, in J. Mariette : Architecture à la mode, Paris 1709; Bibliothèque de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris, collections Jacques Doucet; 4 est 420).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of Fig.9, showing rocailles with gadroons.
Attributed works:
11. ‘Agraffe en cartel’, by Jacques-François Blondel, after Nicolas Pineau, c. 1737. Etching. (From J.-F. Blondel and C.-A. Jombert: De la distribution des maisons de plaisance et de la décoration des édifices en général, pl.39, II Paris 1738, Paris, INHA, Collection Jacques Doucet, 4 RES 2 (2)).
Attributed works:
12. ‘Couronnement de Cheminée varié de deux façons, convenable pour une Chambre de parade’, by Jacques-François Blondel, after Nicolas Pineau. c.1737. Etching. (From J. Mariette and A.-C. d’Aviler: Cours d’Architecture, pl. 59d, Paris, 1738, ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Rar 6836).
Attributed works:
13. Design for a chimneypiece, by Nicolas Pineau. c.1737. Red chalk on paper, 42.8 by 25.3 cm. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, inv. no.29115).
Attributed works:
2. Designs for table and consoles, by Jean Mariette, after Nicolas Pineau. c.1707–09. Etching, 20.5 by 26 cm (From the series Nouveaux Desseins de Pieds de Tables et de Vases et Consoles de sculpture en bois Inventés par le Sieur Pineau sculpteur / a Paris chez Mariette rue S.Jacques aux colonnes d’Hercules, pl.6, in J. Mariette: Architecture à la mode, Paris 1709; Bibliothèque de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris, collections Jacques Doucet; 4 est 420).
Attributed works:
3. Designs for torchères, by Jean Mariette, after Nicolas Pineau. c.1707–09. Etching, 20.5 by 26 cm. (From the series Nouveau desseins de Plaques, Consoles, Torcheres, et Médailliers de l’invention du S.r Pineau Sculpteur / A Paris chez JMariette rue S.Jacques aux Colonnes d’Hercules, pl.4; Bibliothèque de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris, Jacques Doucet collections; RES 50).
Attributed works:
4. Three designs for cartouches by Antoine Herisset, after Nicolas Pineau. 1710–16? Etching, 28.7 by 22 cm. (From the series [Cartouches] a Paris chez Mariette rue S. Jacques aux colonnes d’Hercules, pl.1; Paris, INHA, Jacques Doucet collection, FOL EST 452).
Attributed works:
5. ‘Dessin de porte pour le cabinet de Samajesté [sic]’, by Nicolas Pineau. c.1718. Pencil, black and red chalk on paper, 25 by 13.5 cm. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, inv. no.29124).
Attributed works:
6. Designs for chimneypieces, by Nicolas Pineau. c.1720–25? Black chalk on paper, 32 by 20.8 cm. (Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, inv. nos.29098A and 29098B).
Attributed works:
7. ‘Dessein de Cheminée et de Lambris de l’invention du S.r Pineau’, by Jacques-François Blondel, after Nicolas Pineau. Engraving, 35.5 by 22.5 cm. (From the series Dessein de Cheminée pour un Cabinet dont la decorazion variée du Lambris est des plus riches / Mariette exc., pl.5, in J. Mariette: Architecture Françoise, III, Paris 1738; Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris; Les 1803).
Attributed works:
8. ‘Decoration de Cheminée, accompagnee d’un riche lambris, propre pour une Gallerie/ A Paris chez Mariette rue S. Jacques aux Colonnes d’Hercules’, by Jacques-François Blondel after Nicolas Pineau. Engraving, 33 by 23 cm. (From the series Decoration de Cheminée pour un grand Apartement, pl.2, in J. Mariette: Architecture Françoise, III, Paris 1738; Paris, INHA, Jacques Doucet collection, FOL EST 452).
Attributed works:
9. ‘Décoration intérieure du côté de l’entrée de la galerie de l’Hôtel de Villars Le Roux invenit / Blondel sculpsit’, by Jacques-François Blondel after Nicolas Pineau. 1746. Etching, 33.7 by 23.5 cm. (From Plans et Décorations intérieures De La Galerie de l’Hôtél de Villars [. . .]; Paris, INHA, Collection Jacques Doucet, EST 469).
Robert Adam, Charles-Louis Clérisseau, Michael Rysbrack and the Hopetoun Chimneypiece
11/1997 | 1136 | 139
Pages: 743-752
related names
Eustace, Katharine (Eustace, Katharine; E., K.; Eustace, Katherine)
Attributed works:
21. Chimneypiece, Designed by Robert Adam and Charles-Louis Clérisseau, Carved by Michael Rysbrack. 1756. Marble, 206 by 296 cm. (Red Drawing Room, Hopetoun House, West Lothian).
Attributed works:
22. Design for Ornament, by Charles-Louis Clérisseau. Signed. Pen and Ink and Grey Wash, 13.1 by 28.5 cm. (RIBA, London, Hardwick Collection, III, fol.22).
Attributed works:
23. 'Chimney Piece at S Mattw Deaker's, Richmond', from Isaac Ware: Designs of Inigo Jones and Others, London [1731], Plate 36.
Attributed works:
24. Design for the Chimneypiece in the Red Drawing Room, Hopetoun House, ?By Charles-Louis Clérisseau and Robert Adam; The Measurements Probably by Michael Rysbrack. 1755. Pen and Ink and Wash, 31.8 by 40 cm. (Trustees of the Hopetoun Preservation Trust/The Marquis of Linlithgow.).
Attributed works:
25. Design for Ornament, by Charles-Louis Clérisseau. Sepia Wash Heightened with White Bodycolour, 13.5 by 44 cm. (RIBA, London, Hardwick Collection, III, fol.7).
Attributed works:
26. Model for a Female Herm, by Michael Rysbrack. Terracotta, 34.3 cm. High (Manchester City Art Galleries).
Attributed works:
27. Mausoleum or Sepulchural Chamber, by Robert Adam. Pencil, Pen with Brown and Black Ink, Water-Colour Washes, 30 by 37.5 cm. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London, Adam, LVI: 138).
Attributed works:
28. Mausoleum or Sepulchral Chamber, by Charles-Louis Clérisseau. Pen and Ink, Body-Colour and Chinese White, 47.5 by 61.1 cm. (Sir John Soane's Museum, London).
Attributed works:
29. Design for a Chimneypiece, by Michael Rysbrack. Pen and Ink and Wash, 22.5 by 25.7 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
30. Design for a Chimneypiece, by Michael Rysbrack. Pen and Ink with Wash, 24.3 by 28.2 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
31. Design for a Chimneypiece, by Michael Rysbrack. Pen and Ink, 15.3 by 188 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Western art unattributed:
32. The Hall, Hopetoun House, West Lothian, Showing the Chimneypiece of c.1756, Originally in the Great Bedchamber.
Short Notice
Furnishing for the Casino at Marino, Co. Dublin: A Chimney-Piece Made in Florence for Lord Charlemont
09/1986 | 1002 | 128
Pages: 670-672+675
related names
O'Connor, Cynthia (O'Connor, Cynthia)
Attributed works:
28. Design for a Chimney-Piece, by William Chambers. Published in His 'Treatise on Civil Architecture', 1759.
Joseph Wilton, Francis Hayman and the Chimney-Pieces from Northumberland House
04/1983 | 961 | 125
Pages: 195-203
related names
Allen, Brian (Allen, Brian)
Attributed works:
10. Scene from 'Antony and Cleopatra', by Francis Hayman. Pen, Ink and Grey Wash, c. 21.6 by 14.6 cm. (Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D. C.).
Attributed works:
11. Self Portrait with Martin Folkes, by Francis Hayman. 71.8 by 91.4 cm. (National Portrait Gallery).
Attributed works:
12. Caricature Group, by John Hamilton Mortimer. 83.8 by 106.7 cm. (Paul Mellon Collection, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven).
Attributed works:
13. Self Portrait with Joseph Wilton and a Student, by John Hamilton Mortimer. 76.2 by 63.5 cm. (Royal Academy).
Attributed works:
2. Joseph Wilton with His Wife and Daughter Frances, by Francis Hayman. 76.2 by 102.9 cm. (Collection Sir Robert Kirkwood).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.2.
Attributed works:
4. Bust of Joseph Wilton, by Louis-François Roubiliac. Plaster, Height 83.8 cm. (Royal Academy).
Attributed works:
5. Marble Chimney-Piece (Formerly at Northumberland House, Now at Victoria and Albert Museum).
Attributed works:
6. Drawing for a Chimney-Piece, Attributed to Henry Keene. Pen, Ink and Grey Wash, 31.1 by 17.1 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum).
Attributed works:
7. Marble Chimney-Piece (Formerly at Northumberland House, Now at Syon House).
Attributed works:
8. Marble Chimney-Piece in the Gallery at Croome Court, Worcs., Designed by Robert Adam and Executed by Joseph Wilton.
Attributed works:
9. Marble Chimney-Piece in the Red Drawing Room at Hopetoun House, West Lothian, Designed by Robert Adam and Executed by J. M. Rysbrack.
Short Notice
The Chimney-Piece at Daylesford
02/1965 | 743 | 107
Pages: 88+90-91
related names
Walch, Peter S. (Walch, Peter S.)
Attributed works:
46. Detail from Chimney-Piece Reproduced in Fig.47. [by Thomas Banks. 1792. (Daylesford House, Glos.)]
Attributed works:
47. Chimney-Piece, by Thomas Banks. 1792. (Daylesford House, Glos.) Photo. Copyright C. F. Bell. Courtesy National Buildings Record.
Western art unattributed:
45. A View of the Inside of a Zananah. Plate Opposite p.24 of William Hodges: Travels in India, London, 1793.
Some English Staircases and Wainscot
01/1929 | 310 | 54
Pages: 32-35
related names
Neville, H. K. (Neville, H. K.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. A-Oak Staircase from Lyvedon Manor. Some English Staircases and Wainscot
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. B-Oak Room from Hawstead House, Essex. Some English Staircases and Wainscot
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Chimney Piece of Carved Pine; Mid-Eighteenth Century, from Spettisbury, Dorset. Some English Staircases and Wainscot
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Chimney Piece of Carved Pine from Harewood House, London; Late Eighteenth-Century C-Detail of Central Panel. (All from Messrs. Robertson's, Ltd.). Some English Staircases and Wainscot