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11 articles
Alonso Cano’s rediscovered ‘Immaculate Conception’ for San Alberto, Seville
12/2023 | 1449 | 165
Pages: 1290–1299
related names
Prieto Navarrete, Benito (Prieto Navarrete, Benito)
Attributed works:
1. Immaculate Conception, here attributed to Alonso Cano. c.1628–29. Oil on canvas, 148.7 by 96 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of Fig.6, showing the Immaculate Conception.
Attributed works:
11. Immaculate Conception with Miguel Cid, by Francisco Pacheco. 1619. Oil on canvas, 160 by 110 cm. (Cathedral of St Mary, Seville).
Attributed works:
12 and 13. Details of Fig.1 showing cherubs painted over angels in the top corners.
Attributed works:
14. Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, by Alonso Cano. c.1628–29. Oil on canvas, 116 by 55 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Seville).
Attributed works:
15. The drawing shown in Fig.6 with the surviving paintings from the altarpiece superimposed.
Attributed works:
2. St Francis of Borja, by Alonso Cano. 1624. Oil on canvas, 186 by 120 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Seville).
Attributed works:
3. The Crucified Christ appears to St Teresa, by Alonso Cano. c.1628–29. Oil on canvas, 99 by 43.5 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
4. Christ the Saviour appears to St Teresa, by Alonso Cano. c.1628–29. Oil on canvas, 99 by 43.5 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
5. Christ bearing the Cross (Via Dolorosa), by Alonso Cano. c.1628–29. Oil on canvas, 166.5 by 101 cm. (Worcester Art Museum, Worcester MA).
Attributed works:
6. Preparatory drawing for an altarpiece with Christ bearing the Cross (Via Dolorosa) and the Immaculate Conception, by Alonso Cano. c.1628– 29. Pencil, pen and brown ink on paper, 38.9 by 27.9 cm. (Félix Palacios Remondo collection, Zaragoza).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.9, showing the upper part of the body and head.
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.1, showing the upper part of the body and head.
Attributed works:
9. Immaculate Conception, by Diego Velázquez. c.1622. Oil on canvas, 142 by 98.2 cm. (Fundación Focus, Seville).
A newly discovered ‘Immaculate Conception’ by Diego Velázquez
12/2020 | 1413 | 162
Pages: 1028-1037
related names
Cherry, Peter (Cherry, Peter)
Attributed works:
1. The Immaculate Conception, by Diego Velázquez. c.1618–19. Oil on canvas, 57.5 by 44 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
2. The painting in Fig.1, photographed before cleaning in 2017.
Attributed works:
3. The Immaculate Conception, by Diego Velázquez. c.1618–19. Oil on canvas, 135 by 101.6 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
4. The Immaculate Conception, by Diego Velázquez. c.1617–18. Oil on canvas, 142 by 98.2 cm. (Fundación Focus, Seville).
Attributed works:
5. X-radiograph of the painting in Fig.1 (Private collection).
Attributed works:
6. X-radiograph of the painting in Fig.3. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
7. X-radiograph of the painting in Fig.4. (Fundación Focus, Seville).
Attributed works:
8. The Immaculate Conception with donor, by Francisco Pacheco. Signed and dated 1619. Oil on canvas, 160 by 110 cm. (Courtesy the Cathedral Chapter, Seville).
Attributed works:
9. Education of the Virgin, here attributed to Diego Velázquez. c.1617–18. Oil on canvas, 168 by 137 cm. (Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven).
Exhibition Review
Francisco Pacheco. Seville
08/2016 | 1361 | 158
Pages: 668-670
related names
McDonald, Mark (McDonald, Mark)
Attributed works:
68. Christ on the cross, by Francisco Pacheco. 1611 (Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Consolación de El Coronil, Seville; exh. Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville)
Attributed works:
69. The dream of St Joseph, by Francisco Pacheco. 1617-20 (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid; exh. Museo de Bellas Artes, Seville)
The Art of Conservation V: Caring for the King’s pictures: artists and restorers in the Spanish royal collection, 1576–1814
06/2016 | 1359 | 158
Pages: 447-459
related names
Aterido Fernández, Ángel (Aterido Fernández, Ángel; Fernández, Angel Aterido; Aterido, Ángel)
Veliz, Zahira (Veliz, Zahira; Véliz Bomford, Zahira; Veliz, Z.)
Attributed works:
36. Descent from the Cross, by Rogier van der Weyden. c.1435 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Attributed works:
37. Map of Madrid by Pedro Teixeira. 1656 (Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid). Detail with locations for a) Real Alcázar Palace; b) Convent of St Giles; c) Palacio de Bedmar; d) Paris of San Justo; e) Archbishop's Palace; f) Casa de Rebeque; g) Calle de Postas
Attributed works:
38. Adoration of the Magi, by Peter Paul Rubens. 1610 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Attributed works:
39. The finding of Moses, by Paolo Veronese. c.1580 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Attributed works:
40. A Castilian king, by Alonso Cano. c.1640 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Attributed works:
41. The finding of Moses, by Orazio Gentileschi. 1633 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Attributed works:
42. Portrait of a seated woman, by Antonis Mor. c.1560-65 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Attributed works:
43. Family of Philip V, by Jean Ranc. c.1722 (Museo del Prado, Madrid)
Western art unattributed:
35. Diagram showing the relative positions at court of Pintores de Cámara and Pintores del Rey, and the three administrative authorities for which the artists worked
Book Review
Francisco Pacheco y su Libro de Retratos
12/2012 | 1317 | 154
Pages: 852
related names
Mulcahy, Rosemarie (Mulcahy, Rosemarie)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
29. Portrait of Pablo de Cespedes, by Francisco Pacheco. Black chalk with red chalk, frame in pen and brown ink, with brown and white wash, 19.3 by 14.2 cm. (Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid).
A letter of introduction for Velázquez in Bologna
09/2012 | 1314 | 154
Pages: 616-619
related names
Salort Pons, Salvador (Salort Pons, Salvador; Pons, Salvador Salort)
Attributed works:
3. Innocent X, by Diego Velázquez. 1650. Canvas, 114 by 119 cm. (Galleria Doria-Pamphilj, Rome).
Attributed works:
4. Cardinal Bernardino Spada, by Guido Reni. c.1631. Canvas, 227 by 147 cm. (Galleria Spada, Rome).
Attributed works:
5. The abduction of Helen, by Guido Reni. 1627–29. Canvas, 253 by 265 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
6. The death of Dido, by Guercino. 1629–31. Canvas, 287 by 335 cm. (Galleria Spada, Rome).
Attributed works:
7. Apollo at the forge of Vulcan, by Diego Velázquez. 1630. Canvas, 223 by 290 cm. (Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
8. Joseph’s bloody coat brought to Jacob, by Diego Velázquez. 1630. Canvas, 223 by 250 cm. (Patrimonio Nacional, El Escorial).
Publication Received
Francisco Pacheco, Arte de la Pintura
05/1992 | 1070 | 134
Pages: 317
related names
Harris, Enriqueta (E. H; E. E. H) (Harris, Enriqueta (E. H; E. E. H); Frankfort, Enriqueta Harris; H., E.; Frankfort, Enriqueta; H., E. E.)
Reviewed Items
Francisco Pacheco, Arte de la Pintura | author: Bassegoda i Hugas, Bonaventura
Book Review
Artists' Techniques in Golden Age Spain. Six Treatises in Translation
10/1987 | 1015 | 129
Pages: 673-674
related names
Mallory, Nina Ayala (Mallory, Nina Ayala; Ayala Mallory, Nina)
Reviewed Items
Artists' Techniques in Golden Age Spain. Six Treatises in Translation | author: Veliz, Zahira
Short Notice
Velázquez and His Ecclesiastical Benefice
02/1981 | 935 | 123
Pages: 95-96
related names
Harris, Enriqueta (E. H; E. E. H) (Harris, Enriqueta (E. H; E. E. H); Frankfort, Enriqueta Harris; H., E.; Frankfort, Enriqueta; H., E. E.)
Pacheco, the Master of Velazquez
02/1908 | 59 | 12
Pages: 295+298-300
related names
Cook, Herbert Frederick (Cook, Herbert Frederick; C., H.; Cook, Herbert F.; C., H. F.)
Attributed works:
A Knight of Santiago, by Pacheco. In the Collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bart. Pacheco, the Master of Velazquez. Plate I
Attributed works:
Quevedo, by Velazquez. In the Collection of the Duke of Wellington. Pacheco, the Master of Velazquez. Plate I
Attributed works:
The Meeting of Joachim and Anna, by Pacheco. In the National Gallery, Budapest. Pacheco, the Master of Velazquez. Plate II.
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