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4 articles
Short Notice
Documentation on Naldini's Ascension for S. Maria del Carmine in Florence
10/1999 | 1159 | 141
Pages: 615-617
related names
Clover, Catherine (Clover, Catherine)
Attributed works:
26. The Ascension of Christ with Sts Agnes and Helena, by G. B. Naldini Based on a Design by Maso da San Friano. Panel, 49.5 by 32.4 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
27. The Ascension of Christ with Sts Agnes and Helena, by Maso da San Friano. Pen and Brown Ink and Brown Wash Heightened with White, 41 by 27 cm. (Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
28. Study for the Lower Register of the Ascension (Fig.26), by G. B. Naldini. Red Chalk with Red Wash, 27.2 by 26 cm. (Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
29. Study for the Lower Register of the Ascension (Fig.26), by G. B. Naldini. Pen and Brown Ink, Brush and Brown Wash, on Pink Prepared Paper, 18.8 by 18.1 cm. (Private Collection).
Attributed works:
30. Study for St Agnes, by Maso da San Friano. Black Chalk, 12.4 by 10.2 cm. (Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
31. Study for the Head of St Helena, by G. B Naldini. Red Chalk, 35.5. by 26 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Some Observations on the Brancacci Chapel Frescoes after Their Cleaning
01/1991 | 1054 | 133
Pages: 4-20
related names
Christiansen, Keith (Christiansen, Keith; Christiansen, K.)
Attributed works:
1. Detail of The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, by Masaccio. Fresco. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
10. Peter Preaching to the Multitudes, by Masolino and Masaccio? Fresco, 247 by 168 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
11. Peter and John Healing the Lame Man before the Temple at Jerusalem and the Raising of Tabitha, by Masolino. Fresco, 247 by 588 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
12. Peter Baptising, by Masaccio and Masolino? Fresco, 247 by 172 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
13. Detail of Fig.12 before Cleaning. [Peter Baptising, by Masaccio and Masolino? Fresco, 247 by 172 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).]
Attributed works:
14. Detail of Fig.11. [Peter and John Healing the Lame Man before the Temple at Jerusalem and the Raising of Tabitha, by Masolino. Fresco, 247 by 588 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).]
Attributed works:
15. Peter Healing with His Shadow, by Masaccio. Fresco, 232 by 162 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
16. Peter Raising the Son of Theophilus at Antioch and the Chairing of St Peter, by Masaccio and Filippino Lippi. Fresco, 232 by 597 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
17. Peter Distributing the Goods of the Church, by Masaccio. Fresco, 232 by 157 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
18. The Pazzi Madonna, by Donatello. Marble, 74.5 by 69.5 cm. (Staatliche Museen, Berlin).
Attributed works:
19. Hope, by Donatello. Bronze, 52 cm. High. (Baptistry, Siena).
Attributed works:
2. Peter Repentant, by Masolino. Sinopia. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
20. Madonna and Child with Two Angels, Here Attributed to Giovanni di ser Giovanni, Called Scheggia. Tempera and Gold on Wood, 57 by 37 cm. (Museo Horne, Florence).
Attributed works:
21. Detail of Saints Jerome and John the Baptist, by Masaccio. Tempera and Gold on Wood. 114 by 55 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
22. St Benedict, by Starnina. Fresco, 500 by 130 cm., before Detachment from the Wall. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
23. Madonna and Child with Two Angels, by Masolino. Detached Fresco, 100 by 140 cm., Shown Re-Installed above the Sacristy Door for Which It Was Painted. (Santo Stefano, Empoli).
Attributed works:
3. Pasces oves meas, by Masolino. Sinopia. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
4. Decoration on the Window Embrasure and a Fragmentary Scene, Possibly the Crucifixion of St Peter, by Masolino and Masaccio? Fresco. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
5. The Temptation of Adam and Eve, by Masolino. Fresco, 214 by 89 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
6. The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, by Masaccio. Fresco, 214 by 90 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
7. Head, by Masolino. Fresco. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
8. Head, by Masaccio. Fresco. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
Attributed works:
9. The Tribute Money, by Masaccio. Fresco, 247 by 597 cm. (Brancacci Chapel, S. Maria del Carmine, Florence).
A Proposal for Starnina: Exit the Maestro del Bambino Vispo?
02/1974 | 851 | 116
Pages: 82+84-91
related names
Waadenoijen, Jeanne van (Waadenoijen, Jeanne van)
Attributed works:
18. St Benedict, by Starnina. Detached Fresco. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
19. St Bernard, by Starnina. Detached Fresco. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
20. Detail from St Agnes, by Starnina. Detached Fresco. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
21. St Stephen (?), by Starnina. Detached Fresco. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
22. St Peter (?) and St John the Baptist, by Starnina. Detached Fresco Fragments. (Museum of the Collegiata, Empoli.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
23. Last Judgement, by the Master of the Bambino Vispo, Here Identified with Starnina. Panel, 87.4 by 52.5 cm. (Alte Pinakothek, Munich.)
Attributed works:
24. St Andrew, by Starnina. Detached Fresco Fragment. (Museum of the Collegiata, Empoli.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
25. The Beheading of a Female Saint, by the Master of the Bambino Vispo, Here Identified with Starnina. Panel, 40.5 by 63 cm. (National Gallery, London.)
Attributed works:
26. Head of a Female Saint, by Starnina. Detached Fresco. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.) Photo. G. F. N., Florence.
Attributed works:
27. Two Music-Making Angels, by the Master of the Bambino Vispo, Here Identified with Starnina. Panel, 47.7 by 71.8 cm. (Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam.)
Attributed works:
28. St Zenobius (?) and St Benedict, by the Master of the Bambino Vispo, Here Identified with Starnina. Panel, 99.5 by 71 cm. (National Museum, Stockholm.)
Additions to Lorenzo Ghiberti's Work
02/1971 | 815 | 113
Pages: 72-79
related names
Middeldorf, Ulrich (Middeldorf, Ulrich)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Detail from Tomb of Pietro Lenzi Illustrated in Fig. 2.
Attributed works:
10. Tomb of Onofrio Strozzi. Design of the Sarcophagus Here Attributed to Lorenzo Ghiberti, That of the Arch to a Follower of Donatello. (Sacristy, S. Trinita, Florence.)
Attributed works:
11. Sarcophagus of Maso Degli Albizzi. The Design Here Attributed to Lorenzo Ghiberti. (S. Paolino, Florence.)
Attributed works:
12. Detail from the Sarcophagus Illustrated in Fig.11.
Attributed works:
2. Tomb of Pietro Lenzi, Here Attributed to Lorenzo Ghiberti. (Ognissanti, Florence).
Attributed works:
3. Tomb of Barducci di Chierechino Barducci. The Design Here Attributed to Lorenzo Ghiberti. (S. Felicita, Florence.)
Attributed works:
4. Tomb of Leonardo Dati, by Lorenzo Ghiberti. (S. Maria Novella, Florence.)
Attributed works:
5. Tomb of John Ketterick, Bishop of Exeter. The Design Here Attributed to Lorenzo Ghiberti. (S. Croce, Florence.)
Attributed works:
6. Tomb of Francesco Datini, by Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti. (S. Francesco, Prato.)
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Frescoes by Starnina. (S. Maria del Carmine, Florence.)
Attributed works:
8. Tabernacle of the Linaiuoli. Design by Lorenzo Ghiberti. (Museo di S. Marco, Florence.)
Attributed works:
9. Châsse of the Three Martyrs, by Lorenzo Ghiberti. (Bargello, Florence.)