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8 articles
Exhibition Review
José Canops: Möbel von Welt für Karl III. von Spanien 1759–1788 Möbel à la Roentgen: Inspirationen aus der Neuwieder Manufaktur
02/2024 | 1451 | 166
Pages: 178–182
related names
Baarsen, Reinier (Baarsen, Reinier)
Reviewed Items
José Canops: Möbel von Welt für Karl III. von Spanien 1759–1788 Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin 12th October 2023–11th February 2024 Möbel à la Roentgen: Inspirationen aus der Neuwieder Manufaktur Roentgen-Museum Neuwied 13th August–12th November 2023 | :
Attributed works:
1. Roll-top desk, by José Canops. Madrid, c.1770–73. Mahogany, veneered with marquetry in various woods, mounts of gilded bronze, 120.3 by 168 by 98.5 cm. (Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
2. Curtain by the royal embroidery workshop, Madrid, designed by Mattia Gasparini. c.1763–91. Silk, embroidered in coloured silks and silver thread, 482 by 248 cm. (Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real, Madrid; exh. Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin).
Attributed works:
4. Lean-to desk, by Johann Georg Barthel. Neuwied. c.1764–71. Softwood and oak, veneered with marquetry in various woods, mounts of gilded bronze, 110 by 107 by 53 cm. (Private collection; exh. Roentgen- Museum, Neuwied).
Western art unattributed:
3. Commode, by the royal cabinetmaking workshop, Madrid. c.1770– 75. Walnut and other woods, veneered with marquetry in various woods, mounts of gilded bronze, marbleveneered top, 92.5 by 132 by 63 cm. (Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid; exh. Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin).
Buenos Aires Cathedral in the eighteenth century
08/2019 | 1397 | 161
Pages: 638-647
related names
Bailey, Gauvin Alexander (Bailey, Gauvin Alexander)
Attributed works:
1. Interior of Buenos Aires Cathedral, by Carlos Enrique Pellegrini. c.1830. Watercolour on paper, 39.5 by 28 cm. (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires).
Attributed works:
10. High altarpiece, Buenos Aires Cathedral, by Isidro Lorea. 1774–84. Polychrome and gilded wood, 16.5 by 8.7 m. (Photograph the author).
Attributed works:
11. Below Holy Week in Buenos Aires Cathedral, by Julio Pelvilain after a drawing by Jean-Léon Pallière. 1830. Lithograph, 18.8 by 29.3 cm. (Museo Historico Nacional, Buenos Aires).
Attributed works:
12. Oculus window, S. Agata in Trastevere, Rome, by Giacomo Onorato Recalcati. Begun 1710. (Photograph the author).
Attributed works:
14. Pulpit (one of a pair) in Buenos Aires Cathedral, by Juan Antonio Gaspar Hernández. 1790. Polychrome and gilded wood. (Photograph the author).
Attributed works:
15. Façade of the fourth cathedral of Buenos Aires, by Andrea Bianchi. 1727. Ink and watercolour on paper, 57 by 56 cm. (Archivo General de Indias, Seville).
Attributed works:
16. Plan and elevation for an unexecuted façade for the fifth cathedral of Buenos Aires, by José Custodio Sáa y Faría. 1788. Ink and watercolour on paper, 70.5 by 50 cm. (Archivio di Stato di Reggio Emilia; photograph courtesy Giuliano Ferrari).
Attributed works:
4. Buenos Aires Cathedral. (Photograph Hermis/Alamy Stock Photo).
Attributed works:
5. Church of Santa Catalina, Buenos Aires, by Giovanni Battista Primoli and others. 1727–45. (Photograph Jeffrey Isaac Greenberg/ Alamy Stock Photo).
Attributed works:
6. Section of Buenos Aires Cathedral with projected vestibule and towers, by José Custodio Sáa y Faría. 1788. Ink and watercolour on paper, 56 by 87.5 cm. (Archivio di Stato di Reggio Emilia; photograph courtesy Giuliano Ferrari).
Attributed works:
7. Plan and elevation of Buenos Aires Cathedral, by Antonio Masella. 1755. Ink on paper, 38 by 46 cm. (Archivo General de Indias, Seville).
Attributed works:
8. Dome of Buenos Aires Cathedral, by Manuel Álvarez de Rocha. Begun 1771. (Photograph the author).
Attributed works:
9. The Plaza, or Great Square of Buenos Ayres, from E.E. Vidal: Picturesque illustrations of Buenos Ayres and Monte Video, London 1820. Hand coloured aquatint, 39.7 by 31.7 (Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles).
Western art unattributed:
13. Stucco angel over one of the doorways between the side chapels in Buenos Aires Cathedral. Before 1778. (Photograph the author).
Western art unattributed:
2. Interior of Buenos Aires Cathedral. Before 1899. Photograph, 24 by 18 cm. (Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires).
Western art unattributed:
3. Interior of Buenos Aires Cathedral. Before 1899. Photograph, 20 by 16 cm. (Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires).
Exhibition Review
Charles III of Spain. Madrid
03/2017 | 1368 | 159
Pages: 236-237
related names
Salomon, Xavier F. (Salomon, Xavier F.)
Attributed works:
58. Guitar player and young woman, by Lorenzo Tiepolo. 1775 (Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real, Madrid)
Attributed works:
59. Noli me tangere, by Anton Raphael Mengs. 1768-69 (Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real, Madrid)
Attributed works:
60. Armchair, by Mattia Gasparini, José Canops, Juan Bautista Ferroni and María Luisa Bergonzini. c.1774-91 (Patrimonio Nacional, Palacio Real, Madrid)
Western art unattributed:
61. Charles III and the Minister Manuel de Roda in the Royal Palace of Madrid, by an anonymous artist. c.1766-82 (Collection of Guillermo de Osma, Madrid; exh. Academia de San Fernando, Madrid)
Short Notice
A portrait of the king of Naples in ‘pietre dure’
06/2008 | 1263 | 150
Pages: 397-400
related names
González-Palacios, Alvar (González-Palacios, Alvar; Palacios, Alvar González-)
Attributed works:
34. Charles of Bourbon, King of Naples, by Francesco Ghinghi. c.1740. Pietre dure mosaic relief with a gilt-bronze frame, 32 by 22.5 cm. (frame). (Private collection, Paris).
Attributed works:
35. Charles of Bourbon, King of Naples, by Antonio Sebastiani. 1736. Canvas, 100 by 75 cm. (Reales Alcázares, Seville).
Attributed works:
36. Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici, Electress Palatine, here attributed to Giuseppe Antonio Torricelli. 1705? Pietre dure mosaic in relief, fixed to an ebony, gilt-bronze and pietra dura clock of Florentine manufacture; at the base a commesso relief of an angel also attributed to Torricelli. (Residenz, Munich).
Attributed works:
37. The Annunciation, by Francesco Ghinghi and the Real Laboratorio delle pietre dure di Napoli. c.1739–42. Pietre dure, 85 by 75 cm., with an ebony and gilt-bronze frame, the bronzes attributed to Giacomo Ceci and his son. (Palacio Real, Madrid).
Attributed works:
38. A gilt-bronze embellishment from one of the tables made for Charles of Bourbon, King of Naples, c.1738–49. The bronzes are attributed to Giacomo Ceci. (Palacio Real, Madrid).
Tiepolo at the Court of Charles III
06/1986 | 999 | 128
Pages: 423
related names
Levey, Michael (Levey, Michael; Levey, Mr.)
G. B. Tiepolo at the Court of Charles III
03/1986 | 996 | 128
Pages: 198-203
related names
Whistler, Catherine (Whistler, Catherine; Whistler, Caroline)
Attributed works:
25. Charles III, by Anton Raphael Mengs, 154 by 110 cm., (Museo del Prado, Madrid).
Attributed works:
26. Richard Cumberland, by George Romney. 124.5 by 99.1 cm. (National Portrait Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
27. The Glory of the Spanish Monarchy, by G. B. Tiepolo, Fresco Decoration in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace, Madrid. (Photograph Reproduced by Permission of the Patrimonio Nacional, Madrid).
Western art unattributed:
Text Fig. A Padre Joaquin de Eleta. Anonymous. Etching, 17 by 13 cm. (Calcografia Nacional, Madrid).
Naples under The Bourbons, 1734-1805
04/1979 | 913 | 121
Pages: 207-208+211
related names
Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) (Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B); Blunt, Anthony Frederick; Blunt, Professor; Blunt, A. F.; A. F. B.; B., A.)
Book Review
Artes e industrias del Buen Retiro: La fabrica de la China; el laboratorio de piedras duras y mosaico; obradores de bronces y marfiles
03/1904 | 12 | 4
Pages: 289
related names
Solon, Louis Marc Emmanuel (Solon, Louis Marc Emmanuel; Solon, L. M.; Solon, Marc Louis; Solon, M. L.; Solon, L. M.; S., L.)
Reviewed Items
Artes e industrias del Buen Retiro: la fabrica de la China; el laboratorio de piedras duras y mosaico; obradores de bronces y marfiles | author: Pérez-Villamil, D. Manuel