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18 articles
Gauguin and a Peruvian Mummy
04/1967 | 769 | 109
Pages: 238-243
related names
Andersen, Wayne V. (Andersen, Wayne V.; Andersen, Wayne)
Attributed works:
77. D'où venons-nous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous? by Paul Gauguin 1897. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Attributed works:
79. Breton Eve, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1889. (Marion Koogler McNay Institute, San Antonio, Texas.)
Attributed works:
80. Vintage at Arles, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1888. (Museum, Ordrupgaard; Collection William Hansen.)
Attributed works:
81. Still Life with Fruit, by Paul Gauguin. Signed 1888. (Museum of Modern Western Art, Moscow.)
Attributed works:
82. Portrait of Meyer de Haan, by Paul Gauguin. Signed and Dated 1889. (Private Collection, New York.) Photo Courtesy Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Attributed works:
83. Nirvana, Portrait of Meyer de Haan, by Paul Gauguin 1889. (Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conn.)
Attributed works:
84. Soyez amoureuses, vous serez heureuses, by Paul Gauguin. Wood Carving 1890. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Attributed works:
85. Exotic Eve, by Paul Gauguin. (Private Collection, Paris.)
Attributed works:
86. Loss of Innocence, by Paul Gauguin 1890. (Collection Walter P. Chrysler, Provincetown.)
Non-western art unattributed:
78. Peruvian Mummy. (Musée de l'Homme, Paris.)
Exhibition Review
Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions:London [Ancient Peruvian Art at the Arts Council et al.]
12/1962 | 717 | 104
Pages: 558-561
related names
Roberts, Keith (Roberts, Keith; R., K.)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
41. Rapport des Volumes émanant du cône, by Georges Vantongerloo. 1927. Plaster, 32 by 27 by 27 cm. (Exh. New London Gallery, London.)
Attributed works:
42. The Schoolmistress and Her Pupils, by Polidoro da Caravaggio. Red Chalk, 17.5 by 27.7 cm. (British Museum.).44. John and Charlotte Vere Poulett, by Henry Edridge. Signed and Dated 1801. Pencil and Grey Wash, 32.7 by 24.2 cm. (Cecil Higgins Museum, Bedford.). 45. A Salzburger in London, by Francis Barlow. Pen and Brown Ink and Grey Wash. (British Museum, Iolo Williams Bequest.)
Non-western art unattributed:
39. Bowl in the Form of a Feline Head. Nazca, Peru. Master Craftsman Period c. A. D. 1-900. Polychrome Painted Pottery; Height, 9 cm. (Exh. Arts Council of Great Britain, London.)
Non-western art unattributed:
40. Puma Head from the Rim of a Large Vessel. Tiahuanaco, Peru. Expansionist Period, c. A. D. 900-1200. Red and Black Painted Pottery; Height, 15.5 cm. (Exh. Arts Council of Great Britain, London.)
Notable Works of Art Now on the Market: Supplement
12/1959 | 681 | 101
Pages: ii
Attributed works:
A. Prostyle of the Pantheon. From the 'Heemskerk Sketchbook'. (Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin.)
Attributed works:
Plate II. Madonna with SS. Jerome, Benedict (?), Romuald and Veridiana, by the Pratovecchio Master. Panel, 13½ by $9frac{7}{8}$ in. (The Property of Mr C. Marshall Spink, 7a Grafton Street, Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate III. Holy Family with Infant St John, by Antonio da Crevalcore. Panel, $37frac{3}{4}$ by 29½ in. (The Property of Messrs Julius Böhler, Briennerstrasse 25, Munich, Germany.)
Attributed works:
Plate IV. Christ Carrying the Cross, by Joachim Beuckelaer. Signed and Dated 1562. Panel, 38 by 31 in. (The Property of Messrs G. Cramer, Oude Kunst, Javastraat 38, The Hague, Holland.)
Attributed works:
Plate IX. View from the Prostyle of the Pantheon, by Pieter Jansz Saenredam. Signed and Dated 1643. Panel, $22frac{3}{4}$ by 15 in. (The Property of Messrs Edward Speelman Ltd, Empire House, 175 Piccadilly, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate V. Landscape, by Hu Mei. Chinese, Seventeenth Century. Signed. Silk, 48 by 32 in. (The Property of Messrs Spink & Son Ltd, 5-7 King Street, St James's, London sw1.)
Attributed works:
Plate VI. Diogenes Throwing Away His Cup, by a Follower of Nicolas Poussin. Canvas, 39 by 30 in. (The Property of Mr Arthur Kauffmann, 21 Grafton Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate VII. St Peter, by Ulrich Mair of Kempten. Panel, 56 by 26 in. (The Property of Paul Drey Gallery, 11 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y., U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate VIII. Dog and Dead Game, by Jan Fyt. Signed. Canvas, $22frac{3}{4}$ by 33 in. (The Property of Mr W. Katz, 11 Old Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate X. The Burning of the Books at Ephesus, by Eustache Le Sueur. Canvas, 40 by 34 in. (The Property of Messrs P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd, 14 Old Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XI. Rinaldo and Armida, by Paolo de Matteis. Signed. Canvas, 72 by 94 in. (The Property of Messrs Thos. Agnew & Sons Ltd, 43 Old Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XII. Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery, by Giambattista Tiepolo. Canvas, 27½ by 37 in. (The Property of N. M. Acquavella Galleries, 119 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y., U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XIII. Ruins, by Richard Wilson. Canvas, 25½ by 26¼ in. (The Property of Richard L. Feigen Gallery, Incorporated, 53 East Division Street, Chicago 10, Illinois, U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XIV. Still Life, by Jan Leemans. Signed. Canvas, 40¼ by 39¼ in. (The Property of Leger Galleries, 13 Old Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XIX. La Reine Hortense, by Pierre Paul Prud'hon. c.1810. Canvas, 29 by 23½ in. (The Property of Messrs M. Knoedler & Co. Ltd, 34 St James's Street, London sw1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XV. Shipping Scenes (Two Oval Pictures), by Bonaventura Peeters. One Signed with Initials. Both on Panel, $7frac{3}{8}$ by 10 in. (The Property of Mr Ronald A. Lee, The Old Court House, The Green, Hampton Court, Middlesex, England.)
Attributed works:
Plate XVI. The Cock Family (or A Club of Gentlemen), by William Hogarth. Canvas, 19 by 23 in. (The Property of Messrs Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, 31 Bruton Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XVII. Le Décintrement d'une des Arches du Pont de Neuilly, by Hubert Robert. 1772. Canvas, 28 by 38¼ in. (The Property of Newhouse Galleries Inc., 15 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y., U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XVIII. The Sacrifice of Polyxena, by Giambattista Pittoni. Canvas, $27frac{3}{4}$ by $20frac{3}{4}$ in. (The Property of Galerie Heim, 109 Faubourg Saint-Honore, Paris 8e.)
Attributed works:
Plate XX. View on the Yare with Fishermen and Their Nets, by James Stark. Canvas, 30 by 44 in. (The Property of The Fine Art Society Ltd, 148 New Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXI. Vallée de Chevreuse, Prairie, by Armand Guillaumin. Signed. 1885. Canvas, 26 by $47frac{3}{4}$ in. (The Property of Mr M. R. Schweitzer, 205 East 54th Street, New York 22, N.Y., U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXII. Le Marché aux Pommes, Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, by Raoul Dufy. Signed. 1904. Canvas, 21¼ by 25 in. (The Property of Schoneman Galleries, Inc., 63 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y., U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIII. Heyst No.1. Boat on a Beach, by Georges Lemmen. Signed with Initials and Dated 1891. Panel, 5 by $8frac{5}{8}$ in. (The Property of Messrs Roland, Browse & Delbanco, 19 Cork Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIV. The Cottage under the Trees, by Vincent van Gogh. 1885. Canvas, 19½ by $18frac{1}{8}$ in. (The Property of Richard L. Feigen Gallery, Incorporated, 53 East Division Street, Chicago 10, Illinois, U.S.A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIX. Portrait of Amédée-Marc Tapié de Celeyran, by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Signed and Dated 1882. Charcoal, 23 by 17¼ in. (The Property of Messrs Alex Reid & Lefevre Ltd, 30 Bruton Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXV. Pins du Château Noir, by Paul Cézanne. Water-Colour, 21 by 17½ in. (The Property of Messrs Marlborough Fine Art Ltd, 17/18 Old Bond Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVI. Psyche's Wedding, by Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Signed and Dated 1895. Canvas, 48 by 84 in. (The Property of Messrs Appleby Bros., 27 William IV Street, London wc2.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVII. Portrait de Femme, by Mary Cassatt. Signed. 1874. Canvas, 23 by 19 in. (The Property of Messrs Gimpel Fils, 50 South Molton Street, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVIII. Mouvement pour la Méditerranée, by Aristide Maillol. 1902. Bronze, Height 32½ in. (The Property of the Hanover Gallery, 32a St George Street, Hanover Square, London w1.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. Inca Figure, Thirteenth-Sixteenth Century. Gold and Silver. Height c.6 in. (The Property of Delacorte Gallery, 822 Madison Avenue, New York 21, N.Y., U.S.A.)
Book Review
Colonial Architecture and Sculpture in Peru
10/1952 | 595 | 94
Pages: 302-303
related names
Taylor, R. C. (Taylor, R. C.; Taylor, Rene)
Reviewed Items
Colonial Architecture and Sculpture in Peru | author: Wethey, Harold E.
Book Review
Chavin Stone Carving Vol. III: New Haven
03/1945 | 504 | 86
Pages: 78
related names
Hildburgh, W. L. (Hildburgh, W. L.)
Reviewed Items
Chavin Stone Carving Vol. III: New Haven | author: Bennett, Wendell C.
Carpets and Tapestry from South America
02/1943 | 479 | 82
Pages: 40-43
related names
Kendrick, A. F. (Kendrick, A. F.; K., A. F.; K., A.; Kendrick, Albert Frank)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. Woollen Pile Carpet; Main Field Rich Red, Border Deep Purple. 158 by 122 cm. Seventeenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). Carpets and Tapestry from South America
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Woollen Pile Carpet; Main Field Rich Red, Central Border Yellow. 188 by 178 cm. Seventeenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). Carpets and Tapestry from South America
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. B-Woollen Tapestry; Main Field Rich Red, Borders Deep Purple and Yellow. 196 by 168 cm. Seventeenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). Carpets and Tapestry from South America
Book Review
Les textiles anciens du Perou et leurs techniques
09/1934 | 378 | 65
Pages: 140
related names
Kendrick, A. F. (Kendrick, A. F.; K., A. F.; K., A.; Kendrick, Albert Frank)
Reviewed Items
Les textiles anciens du Perou et leurs techniques | author: Harcourt, Raoul d'
Book Review
L'Art Precolombien
11/1928 | 308 | 53
Pages: 259-260
related names
Popovitch, Sava (Popovitch, Sava; Popovitch, S.; P., S.)
Reviewed Items
L'Art Precolombien | author: Basler, Adolphe , author: Brummer, Ernest , author: Hardy, Georges
A Peruvian Tapestry and Some Spanish Weavings
07/1928 | 304 | 53
Pages: 24-25+28-30
related names
Kendrick, A. F. (Kendrick, A. F.; K., A. F.; K., A.; Kendrick, Albert Frank)
Put, Albert van de (Put, Albert van de; P., A. V. de; Put, A. van de; P., A. V. D.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. Peruvian Tapestry Panel, Early Seventeenth Century, with Arms Connecting It with the House of Fernández de Córdova; 2.34 m. by 2.6 m. (Messrs. Jekyll's, Ltd.). A Peruvian Tapestry and Some Spanish Weavings
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Spanish Rug, 2.21 by 1.4 m; Silk and Woollen Threads Woven on a Linen Ground; B-Spanish Fabric, Silk and Woollen Threads on a Linen Ground. Detail. C and D-Spanish Fabrics, Woollen Tapestry on Linen Warps. Details. (Messrs. Jekyll's, Ltd.). A Peruvian Tapestry and Some Spanish Weavings
A Peruvian Tapestry
12/1925 | 273 | 47
Pages: 292-293+296-297
related names
Kendrick, A. F. (Kendrick, A. F.; K., A. F.; K., A.; Kendrick, Albert Frank)
collectors and dealers:
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate I. Tapestry Panel. Peruvian, 17th Century. 1.73 m. by 0.89 m. (Victoria and Albert Museum). A Peruvian Tapestry
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate II. A-Panel of Peruvian Tapestry, 53.3 cm. by 61 cm. B-Band from a Panel of Peruvian Tapestry, 10 cm. by 56 cm. Both 17th Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum). A Peruvian Tapestry
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