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21 articles
The Emperor of Mexico’s screen: Maximilian I’s ‘biombo’ in Trieste
07/2017 | 1372 | 159
Pages: 536-543
related names
Morena, Francesco (Morena, Francesco)
Attributed works:
18. The Castello di Miramare, Trieste, designed by Carl Junker. 1856-70
Attributed works:
21. The visit of the Viceroy Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva, Duke of Alburquerque and Marquess of Cuellar, and his wife to the Canal de la Viga and to the quarter of Ixtacalco, by Pedro de Villegas. 1706 (Museo Soumaya, Mexico City)
Western art unattributed:
17. Portrait of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, c.1864. Photograph (Library of Congress, Washington. Copy photograph by J. Malovich, Trieste. Original glass negative made by Mathew Brady Studio)
Western art unattributed:
19. Chinoiserie scenes, by an anonymous Mexican painter. c.1718 (Museo Storico del Castello di Miramare, Trieste)
Western art unattributed:
20. The Conquest of Mexico, by Pedro de Villegas. 1718. Reverse of Fig.19
Exhibition Review
Made in the Americas
12/2015 | 1353 | 157
Pages: 885-886
related names
Zafran, Eric (Zafran, Eric)
Attributed works:
87. Nicholas Boylston, by John Singleton Copley. c.1769 (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Non-western art unattributed:
86. Desk and bookcase, Puebla de Los Angeles, Mexico, mid-eighteenth century (Ann and Gordon Getty Collection; exh. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Non-western art unattributed:
89. Bedcover, probably Peruvian, colonial. 1661 (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Western art unattributed:
88. Altar frontal with the Dove of the Holy Spirit, made by the Ursuline nuns of Quebec City. c.1700 (Collection de monastère des Ursulines de Québec; exh. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)
Amsterdam broadsheets as sources for a painted screen in Mexico City, c.1700
06/2014 | 1335 | 156
Pages: 356-365
related names
Hale , Meredith M. (Hale , Meredith M. )
Attributed works:
10. Siege of Belgrade, by Romeyn de Hooghe (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague)
Attributed works:
5. Siege of Vienna, by Romeyn de Hooghe. Etching and typeset text (Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam)
Attributed works:
6. Siege of Vienna, by Romeyn de Hooghe (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague)
Attributed works:
8. Taking the Turkish standard, by Romeyn de Hooghe. From IOVI PROPITIO MARTI BIS ULTORI MDCLXXXIII..., Amsterdam 1683 (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague)
Attributed works:
9. Title page of IOVI PROPITIO MARTI BIS ULTORI MDCLXXXIII..., Amsterdam 1683, by Romeyn de Hooghe (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague)
Non-western art unattributed:
1. Folding screen with the Siege of Vienna (front). Mexico (Museo Nacional del Virreinato, INAH, Tepotzotlán, Mexico)
Non-western art unattributed:
2. Folding screen with a Hunting scene. Back of Fig. 1
Non-western art unattributed:
3. Folding screen with the Siege of Belgrade (front). Mexico (Brooklyn Museum, gift of Lilla Brown in memory of her husband, John W. Brown, by exchange)
Non-western art unattributed:
4. Folding screen with a Hunting scene. Back of Fig. 3
Western art unattributed:
11. Typeset text accompanying Fig. 10
Western art unattributed:
7. Typeset text accompanying Fig. 6
Publication Received
Mexico and Modern Printmaking: A Revolution in the Graphic Arts, 1920 to 1950
03/2009 | 1272 | 151
Pages: 181
related names
Finaldi, Marta (Finaldi, Marta)
Reviewed Items
Mexico and Modern Printmaking: A Revolution in the Graphic Arts, 1920 to 1950 | editor: Ittmann, John , contributor: Shoemaker, Innis H. , contributor: Wechsler, James M. , contributor: Williams, Lyle W.
Exhibition Review
The Maya. Venice
03/1999 | 1152 | 141
Pages: 189-191
related names
Laughton, Tim (Laughton, Tim)
museums and institutions:
Non-western art unattributed:
45. Glyph Cartouche, with Title of a Ruler, Palenque, Chiapas. Mid-Eighth Century. Stucco, 12.3 cm. High (Museo Regional de Antropología 'Carlos Pellicer', Villahermosa; Exh. Palazzo Grassi, Venice).
Non-western art unattributed:
46. Standard Bearer, Chichén Itzá, Yucatan. Ninth Century. Limestone, 94 cm. High (Museo Regional de Yucatán, Merida; Exh. Palazzo Grassi, Venice).
Non-western art unattributed:
47. Head from the Crypt of King Pacal of Palenque, Chiapas, Possibly a Representation of the King in the Guise of the Youthful Maize God. c.683 A. D. Stucco, 43 cm. High (Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City; Exh. Palazzo Grassi, Venice).
Non-western art unattributed:
48. Male Figurine, Jaina Island, Campeche. Eighth Century. Painted Ceramic, 22 cm. High (Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City; Exh. Palazzo Grassi, Venice).
Book Review
El Arte De La Plateria Mexicana. 500 Anos
05/1991 | 1058 | 133
Pages: 327-328
related names
Sullivan, Edward J. (Sullivan, Edward J.; S., E. J.)
Reviewed Items
El Arte De La Plateria Mexicana. 500 Anos | :
Book Review
Mexico and the Medici
02/1974 | 851 | 116
Pages: 118-119
related names
Kurz, Otto (Kurz, Otto; K., O.)
collectors and dealers:
Reviewed Items
Mexico and the Medici | author: Heikamp, Detlef
Notable Works of Art Now on the Market: Supplement
12/1966 | 765 | 108
Pages: ii
Attributed works:
Plate I. Part of a Deposition, by a Follower of Hugo van der Goes. Panel, 10½ by $7frac{7}{8}$ in. (Sight Size.) (The Property of Messrs Ronald A. Lee, 1-9 Bruton Place, London w1.)
Attributed works:
Plate II. Madonna with St Anne, by Andrea Sansovino. Bronze; Height, 12¼ in. (The Property of Messrs David Peel & Co., Ltd., 2 Carlos Place, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate III. Adoration of the Shepherds, Attributed to the Master of the Prodigal Son. Panel, $32frac{3}{4}$ by 43¼ in. (The Property of Messrs Brimo de Laroussilhe, 58 rue Jouffroy, Paris 17e, France)
Attributed works:
Plate IX. Porcellino, in the Manner of Giovanni Francesco Susini. Bronze, Mounted on Antico Giallo Marble Base; Height, $7frac{1}{8}$ in. (The Property of Messrs Michael Hall Fine Arts, Inc., 6 East 79th Street, New York, N. Y. 10021, U. S. A.)
Attributed works:
Plate VI. Cimon and Iphigenia, by Barthlomeus Breenberg. Signed with Initials. Panel, 14 by 18½ in. (The Property of Galerie Cramer, Javastraat 38, The Hague, Holland)
Attributed works:
Plate VII. Evening in the Meadows, by Albert Cuyp. Signed. Canvas, $41frac{3}{4}$ by 54½ in. (The Property of Galerie Cramer, Javastraat 38, The Hague, Holland)
Attributed works:
Plate XI. The Hon. Charles Hamilton, by Sir John Baptist Medina. Canvas, 50 by 40 Inches. (The Property of The Bonfiglioli Gallery, 13 The Turl, Oxford)
Attributed works:
Plate XII. Halting at an Inn in Winter, by Isaac van Ostade. Signed and Dated 1644. Panel, 25½ by 35 in. (The Property of the H. Terry-Engell Gallery, 8 Bury Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XIII. Drum Salt. Maker's Mark IP. London, 1622. Silver; Height, 3.9 in. (The Property of How of Edinburgh, 2/3 Pickering Place, St James's Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XIV. Pair of Wine Cups. Maker's Mark WS. London, 1627. Silver; Height, 10.3 in. (The Property of How of Edinburgh, 2/3 Pickcring Place, St James's Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XIX. Landscape with Tobias and the Angel, by Paul Brill. Canvas, 43 by 56¼ in. (The Property of The Leger Galleries Ltd., 13 Old Bond Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XL. Rosa Viereck (No.264), by Wassily Kandinsky. Signed and Dated 1923. Canvas, 41½ by 38½ in. (The Property of Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., 39 Old Bond Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XLI. Portrait of M. Desboutin, by Mary Cassatt. Canvas, $23frac{3}{4}$ by $19frac{3}{4}$ in. (The Property of Hirschl & Adler Galleries, Inc, 21 East 67th Street, New York 21, N. Y., U. S. A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XLII. Candlesticks and Salts, by Paul de Lamerie. Height of Candlesticks, 7¼ in. Diameter of Salts, $3frac{1}{8}$ in. (The Property of S. J. Shrubsole Ltd., 43 Museum Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XV. Christ and the Canaanite, by Philippe de Champaigne. Canvas, 98 by 76 in. (The Property of the Heim Gallery, 59 Jermyn Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XVI. Winter. One of a Pair of Figures of Seasons, by Artus Quellinus. Signed. Marble; Height, 35½ in. (The Property of the Heim Gallery, 59 Jermyn Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XVII. Moses Striking the Rock, by Francesco Zuccarelli. Canvas, 29 by 50 in. (The Property of the Trafalgar Galleries Ltd., 35 Bury Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XVIII. Landscape with Venus and Adonis, by Joos de Momper and Frans Francken II. Panel, 26 by 36¼ in. (The Property of Messrs Julius Böhler, Briennerstrasse 25, Munich 2, Germany)
Attributed works:
Plate XX. Flagellation, Attributed to Palma Giovane. Slate, $12frac{7}{16}$ by $9frac{7}{16}$ in. (The Property of Gallery Lasson, 57 Jermyn Street, London sw1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXI. Interior of a Meat Shop, by Willem van Mieris. Signed and Dated 1733. Panel, 14¼ by 12½ in. (The Property of the Bond Street Galleries, 9 New Bond Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXII. Christ Ministered by the Angels after the Temptation in the Wilderness, by Alessandro Magnasco. Canvas, 76 by 56 in. (The Property of The Hallsborough Gallery, 143 New Bond Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIII. Penitent Magdalen, by Giuseppe Maria Crespi. Canvas, 19¼ by $15frac{5}{8}$ in. (The Property of the Hazlitt Gallery, 4 Ryder Street, London sw1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIV. The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. From the School of Canaletto. Canvas, 17¼ by $23frac{3}{4}$ in. (The property of Oscar and Peter Johnson Ltd., Lowndes Lodge Gallery, Cadogan Place, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXV. Bacino di S. Marco, from the Piazzetta, from the School of Canaletto. Canvas, 17¼ by $23frac{3}{4}$ in. (The Property of Oscar and Peter Johnson Ltd., Lowndes Lodge Gallery, Cadogan Place, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVI. A View of the Arno, Florence, by Antonio Joli. Canvas, 38 by 28 in. (The Property of Richard Green (Fine Paintings) Ltd., 36 Dover Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVII. Still Life, by Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder. Copper, 24 by 17½ in. (The Property of Mr H. Parkin Smith, 36 Gay Street, Bath, Somerset.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVIII. Lioness and Lion, by George Stubbs. Signed and Dated 1774. Canvas, 30½ by 38½ in. (The Property of Mr C. Marshall Spink, 18 Albemarle Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXI. Trafalgar Square, by Frank M. Boggs. Signed. Canvas, $15frac{7}{8}$ by 25½ in. (The Property of the M. R. Schweitzer Gallery, 958 Madison Avenue, New York 21)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXII. Sea and Rocks during a Storm, by Winslow Homer. Signed and Dated 1894. Water-Colour, 16 by 22½ in. (The Property of Kennedy Galleries Inc., 20 East 56th Street, New York, N. Y. 10022, U. S. A.)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIII. Promenade des Artistes à Toulouse, by Henri (-Jean-Guillaume) Martin. c. 1900. Canvas, (The Property of the Wiener Gallery, 963 Madison Avenue, New York)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIV. Venice, by Jean Dufy. Signed and Dated 1922. Canvas, 28 by 39½ in. (The Property of the Wiener Gallery, 963 Madison Avenue, New York)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIX. Tree-Rhythm, by Paul Klee. Signed and Dated 1920. Oil on Cardboard, $18frac{3}{4}$ by $11frac{5}{8}$ in. (The Property of Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., 39 Old Bond Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXV. Self Portrait, by Robert Delaunay. 1906. Canvas, 23 by 17 in. (The Property of Messrs Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd., 31 Bruton Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVI. La Femme au corsage bleu, by Pablo Picasso. Signed and Dated 5th October, 1941. Canvas, $45frac{3}{4}$ by 35 in. (The Property of Galerie Beyeler, Bäumleingasse 9, Basle, Switzerland)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVII. Elephant, Horse and Cow, by Franz Marc. Canvas, 33¼ by $30frac{7}{8}$ in. (The Property of Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., 39 Old Bond Street, London w1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVIII. Rest Room, by Oskar Schlemmer. Signed on Reverse. Canvas, 43¼ by $35frac{3}{8}$ in. (The Property of Marlborough Fine Art Ltd., 39 Old Bond Street, London w1)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate V. Mask. Olmec. Guerrero, Western Mexico, c.600 B. C. Blue-Green Jade; Height $5frac{3}{4}$ in.; Width, 5½ in. (The Property of Everett Rassiga, Inc., 13 East 75th Street, New York, U. S. A.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. Tomb Figure of a Camel. T'ang Dynasty (c. Seventh to Eighth Century A. D.). Polychromed Pottery; Height, $18frac{3}{4}$ in.; Length, $20frac{3}{4}$ in. (The Property of Ralph M. Chait Gallcries, Inc., 12 East 56th Street, New York 22, U. S. A.)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate X. Torso. Cambodia, Eighth Century A. D. Bronze; Height, 19½ in. (The Property of Frank Caro, 41 East 57th Street, New York, N. Y. 10022, U. S. A.)
Western art unattributed:
Plate IV. Lamentation over the Body of Christ. ?Augsburg, c.1520. Brown Ink on Buff Paper, 8 by 11 in. (The Property of L'Art Ancien S. A., Signaustrasse 6, Zurich 8, Switzerland)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXIX. Plaque. Bristol, c.1777. Porcelain, 6 by 4½ in. (without Frame). (The Property of Winifred Williams (Antiques), 38 South Street, Eastbourne, Sussex)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXX. Lady's Writing Cabinet. English, c.1795. Mahogany; Height, 6 ft 2 in.; Width, 3 ft 9 in.; Depth, 17 in. (The Property of Messrs Spink & Son Ltd., 5, 6 & 7 King Street, St James's, London SW1)
Mexican Manuscript Painting
11/1963 | 728 | 105
Pages: 511
related names
Hassall, W. O. (Hassall, W. O.)
Book Review
The Art and Architecture of Ancient America: The Mexican 'Maya' and Andean Peoples
05/1963 | 722 | 105
Pages: 219-220
related names
Burland, Cottie A. (Burland, Cottie A.; Burland, C. A.)
Reviewed Items
The Art and Architecture of Ancient America: The Mexican 'Maya' and Andean Peoples | author: Kubler, George
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