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271 articles
Book Review
Italian Maiolica and Other Early Modern Ceramics in the Courtauld Gallery
07/2024 | 1456 | 166
Pages: 752–3
related names
Curnow, Celia (Curnow, Celia)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Italian Maiolica and Other Early Modern Ceramics in the Courtauld Gallery By Elisa Paola Sani. 304 pp. incl. 180 col. ills. (Paul Holberton Press, London, 2023), £50. ISBN 978–1–913645–16–8. | :
Attributed works:
5. Crucifixion, probably by the workshop of Orazio Fontana, perhaps painted by Antonio Patanazzi. c.1555–70. Maiolica, diameter 27.2 cm.; depth 7.8 cm. (Courtauld Gallery, London)
Exhibition Review
Guercino: Il mestiere del pittore
07/2024 | 1456 | 166
Pages: 729–31
related names
Bohn, Babette (Bohn, Babette)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Guercino: Il mestiere del pittore Musei Reali, Turin 23rd March–28th July | :
Attributed works:
6. Madonna of the Rosary with St Dominic and St Catherine of Siena, by Guercino. 1637. Oil on canvas, 378 by 255 cm. (S. Domenico, Turin; exh. Musei Reali, Turin).
Attributed works:
7. Diana, by Guercino. 1646. Oil on canvas, 102 by 84 cm. (Fondazione Marini Clarelli Santi, Perugia; exh. Musei Reali, Turin).
Attributed works:
8. Study for St William kneeling and dressed in armour, by Guercino. 1620. Charcoal on paper, 62 by 41.3 cm. (Musei di Strada Nuova, Genoa; exh. Musei Reali, Turin).
Exhibition Review
Late Michelangelo
07/2024 | 1456 | 166
Pages: 716–23
related names
Elam, Caroline (Elam, Caroline; E., C.; E., C. M.)
Reviewed Items
Michelangelo: the last decades, British Museum, (2nd May–28th July). | :
Attributed works:
1. Christ on the Cross, by Michelangelo. c.1543. Black chalk on paper, 36.8 by 26.8 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
10. Crucifixion with two figures, by Michelangelo. c.1558–63. Black chalk and lead white on paper, 27.8 by 23.4 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
2. Crucifixion, by Marcello Venusti. c.1545–60. Oil on panel, 88.9 by 28.8 cm. incl. frame, not shown here. (Campion Hall, Oxford; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
3. Annunciation, attributed to Michelangelo. c.1545–60. Black chalk on paper, 38.3 by 29.7 cm. (Morgan Library and Museum, New York; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
4. Annunciation, by Marcello Venusti. c.1545–60. Oil on wood, 45 by 30 cm. (Galleria Corsini, Rome; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
5. Study for the Porta Pia, by Michelangelo. 1561. Stylus, black chalk and brown wash, with lead white, on several conjoined pieces of paper, 44.2 by 28.2 cm. (Casa Buonarroti, Florence; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
6. Epifania, by Michelangelo. c.1550–53. Black chalk on 26 conjoined sheets, 234.6 by 173.7 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
7. Epifania, by Ascanio Condivi. c.1550–53. Oil on panel, 240 by 187 cm. (Casa Buonarroti, Florence; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
8. Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist, by Michelangelo. c.1558–63. Black chalk and lead white on paper, 41.2 by 28.5 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
9. Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist, by Michelangelo. c.1555–63. Black chalk and lead white on paper, 41 by 27.8 cm. (British Museum, London).
Exhibition Review
Rinascimento in bianco e nero: L’arte dell’incisione a Venezia (1494–1615)
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 631–634
related names
Dalla Costa, Thomas (Dalla Costa, Thomas)
Reviewed Items
Rinascimento in bianco e nero. L’arte dell’incisione a Venezia (1495–1615). Edited by Giovanni Maria Fara and David Landau. 347 pp. incl. 342 col. + b. & w. ills. (Scripta Edizioni, Verona, 2024), €38. ISBN 979–12–80581–86–0. | :
Rinascimento in bianco e nero: L’arte dell’incisione a Venezia (1494–1615) Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa 2nd March–23rd June Ca’ Rezzonico, Venice 8th March–3rd June | :
Attributed works:
12. Judith with the head of Holofernes, by Jacopo de’ Barbari. 1496–97. Engraving, 18.7 by 12 cm. (Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa).
Attributed works:
13. The martyrdom of St Giustina of Padua, by Agostino Carracci, after Paolo Veronese. 1582. Engraving on two sheets, 89.5 by 59 cm. (Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa).
Attributed works:
14. The abduction of Proserpina, by Giuseppe Scolari. c.1592–1607. Woodcut, 45 by 35 cm. (Museo Civico, Bassano del Grappa).
Exhibition Review
L’Autoritratto di Leonardo: Storia e contemporaneità di un capolavoro
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 629–631
related names
Mazzotta, Antonio (Mazzotta, Antonio)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
L’Autoritratto di Leonardo: Storia e contemporaneità di un capolavoro Biblioteca Reale, Turin 28th March–30th June Galleria Sabauda, Turin 28th March–28 July | :
Attributed works:
10. Bearded old man, by Leonardo da Vinci. c.1491–95. Red chalk on paper, 33.3 by 21.3 cm. (Biblioteca Reale, Turin).
Attributed works:
11. Leonardo da Vinci, attributed to Francesco Melzi. c.1515. Red chalk on paper, 27.5 by 19 cm. (© 2024 His Majesty King Charles III / Royal Collection Trust).
Book Review
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio: Documenti, fonti e inventari 1513–1883
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 533–534
related names
Gash, John (Gash, John)
art literature:
Reviewed Items
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio: Documenti, fonti e inventari 1513–1883 By Stefania Macioce. 746 pp. (Ugo Bozzi Editore, Rome, 2023), €100. ISBN 978–88–7003–068–6. | :
Book Review
Eleonora di Toledo e l’invenzione della corte dei Medici a Firenze
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 510–512
related names
Sterpetti, Lunarita (Sterpetti, Lunarita)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Eleonora di Toledo e l’invenzione della corte dei Medici a Firenze Edited by Bruce Edelstein and Valentina Conticelli. 432 pp. incl. 390 col. + b. & w. ills. (Sillabe, Livorno, 2023), €35. ISBN 978–88–3340–347–2. | :
Attributed works:
4. Deposition, by Gérard David. 1515–20. Oil on panel, 20 by 14 cm. (Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
5. Deity mask. Mexico, late 15th–early 16th century. Wood, resin, turquoise and motherof- pearl, 24 by 14.5 by 1.35 cm. (Museo delle Civiltà, Rome).
Book Review
Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Second Commentary in Context, with a New Transcription, English Translation, and Commentary
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 425–426
related names
Dalvit, Giulio (Dalvit, Giulio)
Reviewed Items
Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Second Commentary in Context, with a New Transcription, English Translation, and Commentary By Janice L. Hurd. 333 pp. incl. 10 b. & w. ills. (Janice L. Hurd, Scarborough MA, 2022), $50. ISBN 979–8–218–00864–2. | :
A rediscovered ‘Pietà’ by Andrea del Sarto
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 236–243
related names
Franklin, David (Franklin, David)
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Infra-red image of Fig.2. (Courtesy Institute of Fine Arts, New York).
Attributed works:
2. Pietà, by Andrea del Sarto. c.1515. Oil on panel, 76.8 by 59 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
3. Christ the Redeemer, by Andrea del Sarto. c.1511–12. Oil on panel, 47 by 27 cm. (SS. Annunziata, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
4. Pietà, by Perugino. c.1494–98. Oil on panel, 71.8 by 92.6 cm. (Clark Art Institute, Williamstown MA).
Attributed works:
5. Pietà with three angels, by Agostino Veneziano after Andrea del Sarto. 1516. Engraving on paper, 28.8 by 21.9 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
6. Two studies of a right hand, by Andrea del Sarto. c.1515. Red chalk on paper, 8 by 18.9 cm. (Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence).
Attributed works:
7. Baptism of the multitudes, by Andrea del Sarto. 1515–16. Fresco, 192 by 205 cm. (Chiostro del Scalzo, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Book Review
Lord Cowper: Un conte inglese a Firenze nell’età dei Lumi
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 330–331
related names
Benassai, Silvia (Benassai, Silvia)
Reviewed Items
Lord Cowper: Un conte inglese a Firenze nell’età dei Lumi By Charles S. Ellis and Paola Gibbin. 408 pp. incl. 32 col. + b. & w. ills. (Polistampa, Florence, 2022), €25. 978–88–596–2238–3 | :
Attributed works:
6. Large Cowper Madonna, by Raphael. 1508. Oil on panel, 80.7 by 57.5 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
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