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10 articles
Book Review
Making Majesty: The Throne Room at Dublin Castle, A Cultural History. Edited by Myles Campbell and William Derham
10/2018 | 1387 | 160
Pages: 880-881
Short Notice
A copperplate for Hieronymus Cock
02/2007 | 1247 | 149
Pages: 96-99
related names
Heuer, Christopher P. (Heuer, Christopher P.)
Attributed works:
30. Copperplate for Architectural details of columns with the Corinthian and Composite orders, by Jan and Lucas van Doetecum. c.1558. Etched and engraved copper with wax and ink residue, 37.5 by 53.4 cm. (Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Montréal).
Attributed works:
31. Architectural details of columns with the Corinthian and Composite orders, by Jan and Lucas van Doetecum after Sebastiaan van Noyen. 1558. Etching and engraving, 36.2 by 51.8 cm. (Prentenkabinet, Leiden).
Attributed works:
32. View of the Baths of Caracalla, after Hieronymus Cock. 1550. Etching, 22.3 by 30.2 cm. (Albertina, Vienna).
Attributed works:
33. Reverse of Fig.30, with the Last Supper, by an anonymous Flemish artist after Pieter Coecke van Aelst. 1602.
Book Review
The Dancing Column. On Order in Architecture
05/1997 | 1130 | 139
Pages: 335-336
related names
Hemsoll, David (Hemsoll, David)
Reviewed Items
The Dancing Column. On Order in Architecture | author: Rykwert, Joseph
John Wood's System of Architecture
02/1989 | 1031 | 131
Pages: 101-107
related names
Harris, Eileen (Harris, Eileen)
Attributed works:
27. Plan of the Temple of Solomon. The Origin of Building (1741), pl.24-25.
Attributed works:
28. Plan of the Tabernacle of Moses, 'An Altar at the Foot of Mount Sinai, Together with Twelve Pillars, According to the Twelve Tribes of Israel'. The Origin of Building (1741), pl.1.
Attributed works:
29. The Façade of Casa Zuccari, Florence. An Example of Capricious Mannerism, to Be Avoided. The Origin of Building (1741), pl.4.
Attributed works:
30. Elevation of a 'Cottage' by John Wood, 'Composed of Twelve Pillars, Sustaining a Pyramidal Roof', in the Manner of the Tomb of Zachariah and Ultimately Derived from the Tabernacle. The Origin of Building (1741), pl.9.
Attributed works:
31. King Bladud by William Hoare of Bath, Engraved by Bernard Baron. Essay Towards A Description of Bath (1749).
Book Review
The Lost Meaning of Classical Architecture: Speculation on Ornament from Vitruvius to Venturi
02/1989 | 1031 | 131
Pages: 158
related names
Onians, John (Onians, John)
Reviewed Items
The Lost Meaning of Classical Architecture: Speculation on Ornament from Vitruvius to Venturi | author: Hersey, George L.
Book Review
Medidas del Romano
01/1989 | 1030 | 131
Pages: 43-44
related names
Bury, John Bernard (Bury, John Bernard; Bury, John; B., J.; Bury, J. B.; B., J. B.; Bury, J. B.)
Reviewed Items
Medidas del Romano | author: Sagredo, Diego de
Sebastiano Serlio's Venetian Copyrights
08/1973 | 845 | 115
Pages: 512-516
related names
Howard, Deborah (Howard, Deborah)
Attributed works:
25. Doric Frieze, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.527. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.25-30 are 18.2-19.8 cm by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
26. Doric Capital, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.525. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.25-30 are 18.2-19.8 cm by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
27. Doric Base, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.526. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.25-30 are 18.2-19.8 cm by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
28. Ionic Frieze, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.530. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.25-30 are 18.2-19.8 cm by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
29. Ionic Capital, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.528. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.25-30 are 18.2-19.8 cm by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
30. Ionic Base, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.529. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.25-30 are 18.2-19.8 cm by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
31. Corinthian Frieze, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.533. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.31-33 are 18.2-19.8 by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
32. Corinthian Capital, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.531. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.31-33 are 18.2-19.8 by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
33. Corinthian Base, by Agostino Veneziano after Sebastiano Serlio. 1528. Engraving, Bartsch XIV, No.532. Copyright Warburg Institute, London. Dimensions of Engravings in Figs.31-33 are 18.2-19.8 by 10.8-12.4 cm.
Attributed works:
34. Perspective Architectural View, by Sebastiano Serlio. Engraving, 46 by 31 cm. (Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe, Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence.)
Drawings for Soufflot's Sainte Geneviève
10/1971 | 823 | 113
Pages: 582+584-592
related names
Braham, Allan (Braham, Allan; Braham, A. J.; Braham, Mr.)
Attributed works:
12. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Perspective View (1757). Engraving by Bellicard.
Attributed works:
13. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section, Facing High Altar (1757). Engraving by Charpentier.
Attributed works:
14. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Plan (1757). Engraving by Bellicard.
Attributed works:
15. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section of Crypt, on Long Axis of Choir (c. 1758). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
16. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section of Crypt, on Cross Axis of Choir (c. 1758). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
17. Paestum, the Temple of Neptune. Engraving Published by Dumont, 1764, after Drawing by Soufflot.
Attributed works:
18. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section of Transept, Detail (c.1758). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
19. Paris, S. Leu-S. Gilles. Detail of Crypt by Charles de Wailly (1773?).
Attributed works:
20. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section of Nave, Detail (c.1758). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
21. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section of Transept (c.1757). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
22. Paris, the Hôtel de Montmorency (1769/72). Engraving from Ledoux L'architecture (Detail).
Attributed works:
23. Rome, SS. Marcellino e Pietro, by Girolamo Teodoli (1751/2). Engraving from Vasi Magnificenze (Detail).
Attributed works:
24. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Plan (1765). Engraving by Patte.
Attributed works:
25. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Elevation (After 1764). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
26. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Section from Portico to Choir (After 1764). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris, Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
27. Paris, Sainte Geneviève; Diagonal Sections (c. 1770). Drawing by Soufflot. (Paris Arch. Nat.; Photo Bulloz.)
Attributed works:
28. Paris, the Panthéon (Sainte Geneviève), View of Interior.
Attributed works:
29. Paris, the Panthéon (Sainte Geneviève), View of Exterior.
12/1915 | 153 | 28
Pages: 101-104
related names
Brown, Gerald Baldwin (Brown, Gerald Baldwin; Baldwin Brown, Gerard)