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46 articles
Was Lord Burlington a Jacobite?
08/2019 | 1397 | 161
Pages: 626-637
related names
Echlin, Alexander (Echlin, Alexander)
art literature:
Attributed works:
1. Ceiling of the Octagonal Hall at Chiswick House, London. (Historic England Archive).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of the ceiling painting in the King’s Gallery, Kensington Palace, London, by William Kent. 1728. (Historic Royal Palaces).
Attributed works:
11. Opposite Detail of the ceiling painting in the Red Velvet Room, Chiswick House, London, attributed to William Kent. c.1729/30. (Historic England Archive).
Attributed works:
12. Detail of the ceiling painting in the Summer Parlour, Chiswick House, London, attributed to William Kent. c.1735.
Attributed works:
13. The Banquet of the Gods, by William Kent. 1719–20. Oil on canvas, 350 by 630 cm. (Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
14. and 15. Winter and Spring from The Four Seasons, by Massimiliano Soldani-Benzi. 1715. Bronze with ebonised pearwood frames, each 48 by 66.3 cm. (Royal Collection, © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019).
Attributed works:
16. Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork, with his wife Dorothy Savile and their daughters, by Jean-Baptise van Loo. 1739. Oil on canvas, 264.2 by 190.5 cm. (Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth, reproduced by permission of Chatsworth Settlement Trustees; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
17. Captain Lord George Graham in his cabin, by William Hogarth. 1742–44. Oil on canvas, 68.5 by 88.9 cm. (National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, Caird Collection).
Attributed works:
18. Richard Boyle Earl of Burlington &c, by John Faber the Younger after Sir Godfrey Kneller. 1734. Mezzotint on paper, 36.5 by 26.5 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
2. ‘The inside of the Octagonal Hall’, Chiswick House, London, from William Kent: The Designs of Inigo Jones, London 1727, I, p.72.
Attributed works:
3. Opposite top left ‘Temple of Peace’ (the Basilica of Maxentius), Rome, from Andrea Palladio: I Quattro Libri dell’Architettura, Venice 1570, IV, p.13. (Photograph Alec Barr).
Attributed works:
4. Opposite top right ‘Temple of Peace’ (the Basilica of Maxentius), Rome, from Andrea Palladio: I Quattro Libri dell’Architettura, Venice 1570, IV, p.14. (Photograph Alec Barr).
Attributed works:
5. Opposite bottom left ‘Temple of Fortuna Virilis’ (Temple of Portunus), Rome, from Antoine Desgodetz: Les Edifices antiques de Rome dessinés et mesurés très exactement, Paris 1682, p.102.
Attributed works:
6. Opposite bottom right ‘Temple of Vesta, Tivoli’, from Antoine Desgodetz: Les Edifices antiques de Rome dessinés et mesurés très exactement, Paris 1682, p.93.
Attributed works:
7. Right Ceiling of the Cupola Room, Kensington Palace, London, 1722–23. (Historic Royal Palaces).
Attributed works:
8. Below right George II in the library of St James’s Palace, by Charles Phillips. c.1725–48. Oil on canvas, 112 by 86 cm. (Marble Hill House, London; photograph Historic England Archive).
Attributed works:
9. Detail of the ceiling painting in the North Hall, Stowe House, Buckinghamshire, by William Kent. c.1728–31.
Publication Received
Origins, Invention, Revision: Studying the History of Art and Architecture. By James S. Ackerman
06/2018 | 1383 | 160
Pages: 524-525
Exhibition Review
Tiepolo Segreto. Palladio Museum, Vicenza
06/2018 | 1383 | 160
Pages: 495-497
related names
Salomon, Xavier F. (Salomon, Xavier F.)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
10. Jupiter, by Giandomenico Tiepolo. 1772–73. Detached fresco on canvas, 448 by 316 cm. (Private collection; exh. Palladio Museum, Vicenza).
Attributed works:
8. Hercules, by Giandomenico Tiepolo. 1772–73. Detached fresco on canvas, 492 by 368 cm. (Private collection; exh. Palladio Museum, Vicenza).
Attributed works:
9. South wall of the salone of Palazzo Valmarana Franco, Vicenza. (Photograph Studio Ferruzzi, Venice, 11th March 1944).
Exhibition Review
Jefferson and Palladio
01/2016 | 1354 | 158
Pages: 063–064
related names
Cellauro, Louis (Cellauro, Louis)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
83. Monticello: elevation of the first design of the house, by Thomas Jefferson. 1772. Facsimile (Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston; exh. Palladio Museum, Vicenza)
Attributed works:
84. Scale model of Jefferson's design for the competition for the President's House on a scale of 1:66. Designed by Simone Baldassini and Mauro Zocchetta, constructed by Ivan Simonato. 2015 (Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, Vicenza; exh. Palladio Museum, Vicenza)
Attributed works:
85. First model for the monument to George Washington, by Antonio Canova. 1817 (Museo e Gipsoteca Antonio Canova, Possagno; exh. Palladio Museum, Vicenza)
Exhibition Review
Palladian design
12/2015 | 1353 | 157
Pages: 867-868
related names
Hopkins, Owen (Hopkins, Owen)
Attributed works:
53. Villa Indiana, South Bend, Indiana, designed by Duncan G. Stroik. 1993 (Photograph; exh. Royal Institute of British Architects, London)
Attributed works:
54. Copy of the design for the York Assembly Rooms by Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington, by Henry Flitcroft. 1932 (Royal Institute of British Architects, London)
Attributed works:
55. Cowshed at Shatwell Farm, Somerset, designed by Stephen Taylor. 2002 (Photograph; exh. Royal Institute of British Architects, London)
Palladio and Scamozzi drawings in England and their Talman marks
03/2015 | 1344 | 157
Pages: 172-180
related names
Hopkins, Andrew (Hopkins, Andrew)
Attributed works:
25. Talman mark 49, by John Talman. Detail from Roman Theatre complex, Verona, by Andrea Palladio (RIBA, London, Palladio Albums X/13 verso)
Attributed works:
26. Talman mark 54, by John Talman. Detail from Monopteros Temple, plan and elevation, by Andrea Palladio (RIBA, London, Palladio Albums X/4 verso)
Attributed works:
27. Talman mark 150, by John Talman. Detail from Elevations of the five orders, by Vincenzo Scamozzi (RIBA, London, Palladio Albums XIII/16 verso)
Attributed works:
28. S. Francesco della Vigna, façade project, by Andrea Palladio (RIBA, London, Palladio Albums XIV/10)
Attributed works:
29. S. Petronio, Bologna, façade project, by Andrea Palladio (Worcester College, Oxford, H&T/127 recto)
Attributed works:
30. Plan and elevation of Palazzo Trissino al Duomo in Vicenza, by Vincenzo Scamozzi (The Duke of Devonshire and the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement, Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth, Derbyshire, XXXV/68 right half)
Attributed works:
31. Doric order entablature, capital and fluted column detail together with a detail of the column base set on its pedestal, by Vincenzo Scamozzi (RIBA, London, Burlington-Devonshire VIII/17)
Attributed works:
32. Detail of the verso of Fig.31, marked 150, by John Talman
Attributed works:
33. Detail of the verso of Fig.34, marked with a heart, by John Talman
Attributed works:
34. Measured drawing of a well, by Vincenzo Scamozzi (RIBA, London, Palladio Albums XIII/13 recto)
Attributed works:
35. Plans, front elevations and sections for two chapels at the Villa Duodo, Monselice, by Vincenzo Scamozzi (Museo Correr, Venice, Classe III, n.1321)
Attributed works:
36. Project drawing for the perspective avenue of the Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza, by Vincenzo Scamozzi (The Duke of Devonshire and the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement, Devonshire Collection Chatworth, Derbyshire, IX/108)
Book Review
La villa italiana del Rinascimento. Forme e funzioni delle residenze di campagna, dal castello alla villa palladiana
08/2013 | 1325 | 155
Pages: 556-557
related names
Schofield, Richard (Schofield, Richard; Schofield, Richard V.; Schofield, R. V.)
Book Review
Venice Disputed 1550–1600. Marc’Antonio Barbaro and Venetian Architecture
01/2013 | 1318 | 150
Pages: 35-36
related names
Schofield, Richard (Schofield, Richard; Schofield, Richard V.; Schofield, R. V.)
Attributed works:
42. Cross section of the Redentore, by Andrea Palladio (Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio, Venice)
Exhibition Review
Palladio. Vicenza and London
03/2009 | 1272 | 151
Pages: 182-184
related names
Howard, Deborah (Howard, Deborah)
Reviewed Items
Andrea Palladio: His Life and Legacy | institution: Palladio Museum , institution: Royal Academy of Arts
Attributed works:
51. Elevation of a palace or villa, by Andrea Palladio. c.1536–40. Pen, ink and wash, 18.1 by 26.2 cm. (RIBA, London, Drawings and Archives Collection, XVI/23r; exh. Royal Acad?emy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
52. Restored section of the Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome; 20 alternative plans for the modernisation of the house of Camillo Volpe, Vicenza, by Andrea Palladio. Late 1560s. Pen and ink, 31.5 by 39.2 cm. (RIBA, London, Drawings and Archives Collection, XI/22r; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
53. Detail of a Sketch of a plan possibly for the reconstruction of the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, by Andrea Palladio. 1577–78. Pen and ink, 26 by 37.2 cm. (RIBA, London, Drawings and Archives Collection, XVI/5v; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
54. Section showing the original colour scheme of the interior of S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, by Mario Piana and Simone Baldassini. 2008. (CISA, Vicenza; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
55. Portrait of Andrea Palladio, by Doménikos Theotokópoulos, called El Greco. 1570–75. Canvas, 116 by 98 cm. (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen; exh. Royal Academy of Arts, London).
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