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11 articles
The ‘Crucifixion’ and the ‘Last Supper’: two bronzes by Francesco Brambilla for Milan Cathedral
11/2015 | 1352 | 157
Pages: 764-768
related names
Zanuso, Susanna (Zanuso, Susanna)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
34. Crucifixion, designed by Camillo Procaccini, wax model made by Francesco Brambilla and bronze cast by Giovan Battista Busca. 1596-99 (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto)
Attributed works:
35. Last Supper, designed by Camillo Procaccini, wax model made by Francesco Brambilla and bronze cast by Giovan Battista Busca. 1596-99 (Bode-Museum, Berlin)
Attributed works:
37. Last Supper, by Camillo Procaccini. c.1596 (Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
36. Altar of St John the Evangelist, subsequently dedicated to the Sacred Heart (Milan Cathedral)
The Trivulzio candelabrum in the sixteenth century: documents and hypotheses
01/2011 | 1294 | 153
Pages: 4-12
related names
Leydi, Silvio (Leydi, Silvio)
Attributed works:
12. Breastplate, attributed to Giovan Paolo Negroli. c.1540–45. Steel, brass, leather and textile, 3.05 kg. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Western art unattributed:
1. The Trivulzio candelabrum. c.1200, with additions of the mid-sixteenth century. Bronze with inlaid gemstones, approx. 5 by 4 m. (Milan Cathedral).
Western art unattributed:
10. Detail of Fig.1 showing a plain border.
Western art unattributed:
11. Detail of Fig.1 showing the Sacrifice of Isaac with ornamented border.
Western art unattributed:
13. Detail of Fig.1 showing a probable self-portrait of Giovan Antonio Busca.
Western art unattributed:
2. Detail from a mural painting at Saint-Julien, Le Petit-Quevilly (near Rouen). 1183–90.
Western art unattributed:
3. Detail of Fig.1, showing part of the base of the Trivulzio candelabrum with the Coronation of Esther, David and Goliath, Virtues and Vices and signs of the zodiac.
Western art unattributed:
4. Detail of Fig.1: Coronation of Esther.
Western art unattributed:
5. Detail of Fig.1: David and Goliath.
Western art unattributed:
6. Detail of Fig.1: Temptation of Adam and Eve.
Western art unattributed:
7. Detail of Fig.1: Expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Western art unattributed:
8. Detail of Fig.1 showing a dragon attacked by griffons.
Western art unattributed:
9. Detail of Fig.1 showing a female caryatid attacked by snakes.
Book Review
Il crepuscolo della scultura medievale in Lombardia
10/2005 | 1231 | 147
Pages: 685-686
related names
Strehlke, Carl Brandon (Strehlke, Carl Brandon; S., C. B.; Strehlke, C. B.; Strehlke, Carl Brandos)
Reviewed Items
Il crepuscolo della scultura medievale in Lombardia | author: Cavazzini , Laura
Attributed works:
Dead Christ, by Jacopino da Tradate c.1420-30. Marble. (S. Francesco, Casalmaggiore)
Book Review
Le vetrate del Duomo di Milano dai Visconti agli Sforza
06/1988 | 1023 | 130
Pages: 469-470
related names
Welch, Evelyn S. (Welch, Evelyn S.; Welch, Evelyn Samuels; Welch, Evelyn)
Reviewed Items
Le vetrate del Duomo di Milano dai Visconti agli Sforza | author: Gilli Pirina, Caterina
The Lombard Sculptor Benedetto Briosco: Works of the 1490s
01/1980 | 922 | 122
Pages: 2+7-8+10-22
related names
Roth, Anthony (Roth, Anthony)
Attributed works:
1. Detail from St Agnes, by Benedetto Briosco. (Museo del Duomo, Milan).
Attributed works:
11. Reclining Figure of Ambrogio Grifo, by Benedetto Briosco. (S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan).
Attributed works:
12. Detail of Fig.11. [Reclining Figure of Ambrogio Grifo, by Benedetto Briosco. (S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan).]
Attributed works:
13. Woodcut Illustration of the Tomb of Ambrogio Grifo. From P. Puccinelli: Chronicon insignis Monasterii DD Petri et Pauli de Glaxiate Mediolani... 1655.
Attributed works:
14. St. Agnes, by Benedetto Briosco. (Museo del Duomo, Milan).
Attributed works:
15. The Foundation of the Certosa di Pavia, by Benedetto Briosco and Workshop. (Certosa di Pavia).
Attributed works:
16. Lancino Curzio Monument, by Agostino Busti, 'il Bambaia'. (Civiche Raccolte, Castello Sforzesco, Milan).
Attributed works:
17. Gian Galeazzo Visconti Monument, by Gian Cristoforo Romano and Others. (Certosa di Pavia).
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig.17. [Gian Galeazzo Visconti Monument, by Gian Cristoforo Romano and Others. (Certosa di Pavia).]
Attributed works:
19. Detail of Fig.17. [Gian Galeazzo Visconti Monument, by Gian Cristoforo Romano and Others. (Certosa di Pavia).]
Attributed works:
20. Portrait of a Man (Presumed to Be Bartolomeo da Vicenza), Here Attributed to Benedetto Briosco. (S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan).
Attributed works:
21. Portrait of Ambrogio Grifo, Here Attributed to Benedetto Briosco. (S. Pietro in Gessate, Milan).
Attributed works:
22. Portrait of Beatrice d'Este, by Gian Cristoforo Romano. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
23. The Death of the Virgin, by Benedetto Briosco and Workshop. (Certosa di Pavia).
Attributed works:
24. Reclining Figure of Beatrice Rusca, Here Attributed to Benedetto Briosco. (Sant'Angelo, Milan).
Attributed works:
25. Reclining Figure of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, from the Visconti Monument, Here Attributed to Benedetto Briosco and Workshop. (Certosa di Pavia).
Attributed works:
26. Detail of Fig.24. [Reclining Figure of Beatrice Rusca, Here Attributed to Benedetto Briosco. (Sant'Angelo, Milan).]
Attributed works:
27. Detail of Fig.25. [Reclining Figure of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, from the Visconti Monument, Here Attributed to Benedetto Briosco and Workshop. (Certosa di Pavia).]
The Fifteenth-Century Windows in the Rear Choir of the Duomo in Milan-II: Antonio da Pandino and Scenes from the Life of Christ
01/1976 | 874 | 118
Pages: 4+7-15
related names
Gilli Pirina, Caterina (Gilli Pirina, Caterina)
Attributed works:
10. 'Inventa est igitur epistola', by Niccolò da Varallo. From St John of Damascus Series. Stained Glass. (Cathedral, Milan).
Attributed works:
11. Pliny the Younger, from the Mantegazza Workshop. Marble. (Façade of Duomo, Como).
Attributed works:
12. Angels; Right-Hand Panel of the Flight into Egypt, by Antonio da Pandino. From New Testament Series. Stained Glass. (Fifth Window, Cathedral, Milan).
Attributed works:
13. Archangel Raphael. Lombard Master from the Mantegazza Circle. Marble. (Formerly on Fifth Pier, Duomo, Milan; Now Vatican, Rome).
Attributed works:
14. Detail from Christ and the Adulteress Diptych, by Antonio da Pandino. From New Testament Series. Stained Glass. (Fifth Window, Cathedral, Milan).
Attributed works:
15. Detail from The Temptation of Christ, by Antonio da Pandino. From New Testament Series. Stained Glass. (Fifth Window, Cathedral, Milan).
Attributed works:
16. Detail from The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, by Antonio da Pandino. From New Testament Series. Stained Glass. (Fifth Window, Cathedral, Milan).
Attributed works:
17. Bust of Old Man with Conical, Roped Hat, by A. de'Fondulis. Terra-Cotta. (Drum of Cupola (No. 6), S. Maria Presso S. Satiro, Milan).
Attributed works:
18. Detail from Last Supper Diptych, by Antonio da Pandino. From New Testament Series. Stained Glass. (Fifth Window, Cathedral, Milan).
Attributed works:
19. Bust of Prophet with Book, by A. de'Fondulis. Terra-Cotta. (Drum of Cupola (No. 2), S. Maria Presso S. Satiro, Milan).
Attributed works:
20. Bust of Old Man with Small Conical Hat, by A. de'Fondulis. Terra-Cotta. (Drum of Cupola (No. 9), S. Maria Presso S. Satiro, Milan).
Attributed works:
21. Bust of Prophet, by A. de'Fondulis. Terra-Cotta. (Drum of Cupola (No. 8), S. Maria Presso S. Satiro, Milan).
Attributed works:
22. St Michael, Attributed to Antonio da Pandino (Certosa, Pavia); Showing Its State of Preservation. Shaded Areas: Authentic Stained Glass Generally in Bad Condition, Particularly in Background. Dotted Areas: Probably Authentic Stained Glass Repainted in Nineteenth Century. Remaining Areas, Unannotated, Certainly Nineteenth Century. Arch Seems to be Due to Later Cutting.
The Sixteenth-Century Windows in the rear Choir of the Duomo in Milan and Dürer's Engravings
07/1972 | 832 | 114
Pages: 452-458
related names
Gilli Pirina, Caterina (Gilli Pirina, Caterina)
Attributed works:
10. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, by Pietro da Velate. Quattrocento Panel of God the Father between Angels above. Stained Glass from Apocalypse Window. (Duomo, Milan.)
Attributed works:
11. Lower Part of Central Panel of Crucifixion, by Pietro da Velate. Stained Glass from New Testament Window. (Duomo, Milan.)
Attributed works:
12. Detail from Crucifixion, Illustrated in Fig. 11. [Stained Glass from New Testament Window. (Duomo, Milan.)]
Attributed works:
13. Christ on the Cross, by Albrecht Dürer. From the Small Passion.
Attributed works:
14. Lower Part of Left Panel of Crucifixion, Showing Holy Women, by Pietro da Velate. Stained Glass from New Testament Window. (Duomo, Milan.)
Attributed works:
15. Kiss of Judas, by Pietro da Velate. Stained Glass from New Testament Window, with Extensive Nineteenth-Century Restorations. (Duomo, Milan.)
Attributed works:
16. Way to Calvary, by Albrecht Dürer. From the Small Passion.
Attributed works:
17. Arrest of Christ, by Albrecht Dürer. From the Small Passion.
Attributed works:
18. Christ before Pilate, by Albrecht Dürer. From the Small Passion.
Attributed works:
19. Left Hand Panel of a Diptych (Lost), Christ before Pilate (?Caiaphas), Showing Soldiers, by Pietro da Velate. Stained Glass from New Testament Window. (Duomo, Milan.)
Attributed works:
20. Christ before Caiaphas, by Albrecht Dürer. From the Small Passion.
Attributed works:
7. Et reges terrae cum illa, by Giorgio of Antwerp. Stained Glass from Apocalypse Window. (Duomo, Milan.)
Attributed works:
8. The Courtesan of Babylon, by Albrecht Dürer. From the Apocalypse.
Attributed works:
9. Vidi Turbam Magnam, by Stefano Bergognone del Furno. Stained Glass from Apocalypse Window. (Duomo, Milan.)
Book Review
The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance
07/1971 | 820 | 113
Pages: 406+408-410
related names
Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) (Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B); Blunt, Anthony Frederick; Blunt, Professor; Blunt, A. F.; A. F. B.; B., A.)
Reviewed Items
Alfonso II and the Artistic renewal of Naples 1485-1495 | author: Hersey, George L.
Il Duomo di Milano. Congresso Internazionale Milano - Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica - 8, 12 Settembre 1968 | author: Gatti Perer, Maria Luisa , author: Hersey, George L. , author: Rossi, Marco , author: Saalman, Howard
Sebastiano Serlio. Sesto Libro delle habitazioni di tutti li gradi degli homini. Il trattato di Architettura di Sebastiano Serlio | author: Brizio, Anna Maria , author: Rossi, Marco , author: Serlio, Sebastiano
The Bigallo. The Oratory and Residence of the Compagnia del Bigallo e della Misericordia in Florence | author: Saalman, Howard
Attributed works:
63. Poggio Reale, Naples. Baratta's Plan of 1670.
Michelino da Besozzo and the 'Vecchioni' of the Stained-Glass Window of S. Giulitta
02/1969 | 791 | 111
Pages: 64-70
related names
Gilli Pirina, Caterina (Gilli Pirina, Caterina)
Attributed works:
10. Prophet with Scroll, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
11. David, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
12. Solomon, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
13. Prophet with Book, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
14. Ezekiel, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Attributed works:
15. Detail Showing St. Joseph, from Nativity, by Michelino da Besozzo. From p.21 of the Avignon Book of Hours.
Attributed works:
16. Detail Showing Prophet Blessing, by Michelino da Besozzo. Drawing. (Albertina, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
9. Prophet with Scroll, by Michelino da Besozzo. 1423-25. Stained-Glass Window. (Cathedral, Milan.)
Book Review
The 'Pelican' Early Italian Art
09/1967 | 774 | 109
Pages: 538-542
related names
Martindale, Andrew (Martindale, Andrew; Martindale, Andrew Henry Robert; Martindale, A. H. R.)
Reviewed Items
Art and Architecture in Italy 1250-1400 | author: White, John
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