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5 articles
Ferdinando Fuga’s proposals for displaying relics in S. Maria Maggiore, Rome
08/2018 | 1385 | 160
Pages: 646-653
related names
Spila, Alessandro (Spila, Alessandro)
Attributed works:
1. Design for a reliquary platform for the nave of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, by the workshop of Ferdinando Fuga. c.1745. Pen with pink and grey watercolour on paper, 37.6 by 22.7 cm. (Instituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte (INASA) Rome, Roma XI 38, II.2).
Attributed works:
10. Elevation of the façade of the Sforza Chapel, S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, by the workshop of Ferdinando Fuga. c.1745. Pen with light blue and grey watercolour on paper, 25.7 by 32.5 cm. (Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, New York, 1901-39-2140).
Attributed works:
11. The Chapel of the Crucifix, S. Maria Maggiore, Rome. (Photograph the author).
Attributed works:
2. Designs for a reliquary platform for the nave of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, by the workshop of Ferdinando Fuga. c.1745. Pen with pink and grey watercolour on paper, 48.5 by 36.5 cm. (INASA, Rome, Roma XI 38, II.5).
Attributed works:
3. Elevation of the south aisle of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, by the workshop of Ferdinando Fuga. c.1745. Brown ink with blue and grey watercolour on paper, 48.3 by 74.1 cm. (INASA, Rome, Roma XI 46, II.7).
Attributed works:
4. Cross-section of the nave and aisles of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, from P. de Angelis: Basilicae S. Mariae Maioris de Urbe a Liberio papa I usque ad Paulum V. Pont. Max., Rome 1621, p.99. Etching, 38.4 by 25.2 cm.
Attributed works:
5. Reliquary altar in the choir of S. Maria Maggiore, from P. de Angelis: Basilicae S. Mariae Maioris de Urbe a Liberio papa I usque ad Paulum V. Pont. Max., Rome 1621, p.85. Etching, 38.4 by 25.2 cm.
Attributed works:
6. Plan of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, from P. de Angelis: Basilicae S. Mariae Maioris de Urbe a Liberio papa I usque ad Paulum V. Pont. Max., Rome 1621, p.56. Etching, 56.5 by 37.5 cm.
Attributed works:
7. S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, photographed in 1925. (Photograph Ludwig Preiss; private collection; © Look and Learn / Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
8. Interior of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, looking west, photographed in 1925. (Photograph Ludwig Preiss; private collection; © Look and Learn / Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
9. Plan of part of the nave and aisles of S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, by the workshop of Ferdinando Fuga. c.1745. Brown ink with pink and grey watercolour on paper. 49 by 73.5 cm. (INASA, Rome, Roma XI 46, II.4).
Paul V, Alexander VII, and a Fountain by Nicolò Cordier Rediscovered
12/1991 | 1065 | 133
Pages: 833-843
related names
Freiberg, Jack (Freiberg, Jack)
Attributed works:
30. Cupid Fountain. (Ospedale di Santo Spirito, Palazzo del Commendatore, Rome). 31 and 32. Two Views of Cupid with Marine Dragons, by Nicolò Cordier, Detail of Fig.30.
Attributed works:
33. Belvedere Gardens, by Giovanni Battista Ricci. Fresco. (Biblioteca Vaticana, Sale Paoline, Vatican).
Attributed works:
34. Cupid with Trident, by Tommaso Piroli, after Raphael. Engraving, 13.8 by 18.4 cm. (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome).
Attributed works:
35. 'Throne of Neptune', by Marco Dente. Engraving, after an Ancient Relief in San Vitale, Ravenna. 17.6 by 34.8 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
38. Cupid Fountain, by Domenico Parasacchi. Engraving, 19.5 by 15 cm. (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Rome).
Attributed works:
39. Entrance to the Vatican Palace, by Martino Ferrabosco 1620. Engraving (Detail). (Formerly Albertina, Vienna).
Western art unattributed:
36. Marine Sarcophagus. (Musei Vaticani, Cortile della Pigna, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
37. Neptune with Sea Horses. Engraving after Perino del Vaga. 23.2 by 15.5 cm. (The British Museum, London).
Guido Reni's Roman Account Book-II: The Commissions
07/1971 | 820 | 113
Pages: 372-386
related names
Pepper, D. Stephen (Pepper, D. Stephen; Pepper, Stephen; Pepper, S.; Pepper, Stephen D.; Pepper, D. S.)
Attributed works:
14. Saints Peter and Paul, by Guido Reni. Fresco, and the Altar Wall. (Oratory of St Andrew, S. Gregorio Magno, Rome.)
Attributed works:
15. St Andrew and the Virgin, by Giovanni Lanfranco. Fresco, and Entry Wall. (Oratory of St Andrew, S. Gregorio Magno, Rome.)
Attributed works:
16. Altar and Ancona, by Guido Reni. (Annunciation Chapel, Quirinal Palace, Rome.)
Attributed works:
17. Detail from Birth of the Virgin, by Guido Reni. Fresco. (Annunciation Chapel, Quirinal Palace, Rome.)
Attributed works:
18. St Nilus Liberates a Possessed Boy, by Domenichino. Fresco. (Chapel of St Nilus, Abbey of Grottaferrata.)
Attributed works:
19. The Building of the Abbey at Grottaferrata, by Domenichino. Fresco. (Chapel of St Nilus, Abbey of Grottaferrata.)
Attributed works:
20. The Virgin in Glory, by Guido Reni. Fresco in the Dome. (Annunciation Chapel, Quirinal Palace, Rome.)
Attributed works:
21. The Presentation of the Virgin, Attributed to Antonio Carracci. Fresco. (Annunication Chapel, Quirinal Palace, Rome.)
Attributed works:
22. Study of a Maid, by Guido Reni. For the Fresco of the Birth of the Virgin, Quirinal Palace, Rome. Red Chalk, 33 by 22 cm. (Collection the Duke of Devonshire). Reproduced by Permission of the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.
Attributed works:
23. Study for a Nurse and Child, by Guido Reni. For the Fresco of the Birth of the Virgin, Quirinal Palace, Rome. Black Chalk on Grey Paper, 20.4 by 21 cm. (Formerly Geiger Collection, Vienna.)
Attributed works:
24. Studies for God the Father, by Guido Reni. For the Dome of the Annunciation Chapel. Brown Ink, 17.2 by 25.5 cm. (Gabinetto dei Disegni, Galleria Degli Uffizi, No.14941F.)
Attributed works:
25. Study for the Presentation in the Temple, Quirinal Palace, Rome, by Antonio Carracci. Black Chalk with White Highlights on Blue Paper, 39.5 by 26.2 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre, Inv. No.14865.)
Attributed works:
26. Heraclius and Narses, by Guido Reni. Fresco. (Cappella Paolina, S. Maria Maggiore, Rome.)
Attributed works:
27. Study for the Heraclius Fresco, by Guido Reni. Pen and Brown Ink and Wash, 17.8 by 31 cm. (Collection the Duke of Devonshire.) Reproduced by Permission of the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement.
Attributed works:
28. Lunette Fresco, by Lattanzio Mainardi. (Cappella Sistina, S. Maria Maggiore, Rome.)
Attributed works:
29. Massacre of the Innocents, by Guido Reni. Canvas, 268 by 170 cm. (Pinacoteca, Bologna.)
Acqua Paola and the Urban Planning of Paul V Borghese
10/1970 | 811 | 112
Pages: 656-663
related names
Heilmann, Christoph H. (Heilmann, Christoph H.; Heilmann, C. H.; Heilmann, C.; Heilmann, Christoph)
Attributed works:
10. View of Fontana di Ponte Sisto, Rome. Engraving by G. B. Falda.
Attributed works:
11. Map of Rome, By Nolli.
Attributed works:
2. Photograph of Acqua Paola on the Janiculum Hill, Rome.
Attributed works:
3. View of Acqua Paola, Rome. Engraving by G. B. Falda.
Attributed works:
4. Acqua Paola, Rome, Seen from the Side. Engraving by G. B. Falda.
Attributed works:
5. Plan of Acqua Paola (Early Version), Rome. Drawing. (Albertina, Vienna, Architektur-Zeich-Nungen II 9 Verso.)
Attributed works:
7. Photograph of Acqua del Mosé, Rome.
Attributed works:
9. Plan of Acqua Paola with Janiculum Area and Trastevere, Rome. Drawing. (British Museum Map Room 7 Tab.46.)
Western art unattributed:
6. View of Acqua Paola, Rome. Fresco. (Sala Paolina, Vatican.)
Western art unattributed:
8. View of Acqua del Mosé with the Entrance to Villa Peretti - Montalto, Rome. Drawing. (Collection Doria Pamphili, Rome.)
A Project by Lanfranco for the Quirinal
05/1964 | 734 | 106
Pages: 214-218
related names
Vitzthum, Walter (W. V.) (Vitzthum, Walter (W. V.); Vitzthum, Dr.)
Attributed works:
29. Design for a Wall Decoration, Here Attributed to Lanfranco. Pen and Brown Ink, Brown Wash, on Blue Paper Heightened with White, 22.1 by 41 cm. (Louvre.)
Attributed works:
30. Design for a Wall Decoration, Here Attributed to the Studio of Lanfranco. Pen and Brown Ink, Brown Wash, on Blue Paper Heightened with White, 21.6 by 39.8 cm. (Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.)
Attributed works:
31. Detail of the Frieze in the Sala Regia, by Agostino Tassi and Carlo Saraceni. Fresco. (Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome.)