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24 articles
Book Review
Genealogy and the Politics of Representation in the High and Late Middle Ages
08/2023 | 1445 | 165
Pages: 916-918
related names
Opacic, Zoë (Opacic, Zoë)
Reviewed Items
Genealogy and the Politics of Representation in the High and Late Middle Ages By Joan A. Holladay. 406 pp. incl. 11 col. + 143 b. & w. ills. (Cambridge University Press, 2019), $135. ISBN 978–1–108–47018–6. | :
Exhibition Review
Beyond the Nile: Egypt and the Classical World. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
09/2018 | 1386 | 160
Pages: 774-776
related names
Cooney, Kathlyn M. (Cooney, Kathlyn M.)
Western art unattributed:
5. Sarcophagus of Wahibreemakhet, Egyptian. c.600 BC. Basalt, 230 by 94 by 105 cm. (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden; exh. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles).
Western art unattributed:
6. Julius Caesar, Roman. First century BC–First century AD. Graywacke, 44 by 26 by 25 cm. (Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin; exh. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles).
Western art unattributed:
7. Head of Caracalla, Romano-Egyptian. AD 211–17. Granite, 51 by 34 by 52 cm. (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia; exh. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles).
Short Notice
'Not Even a Fly': Rubens and the Mad Emperors
10/1991 | 1063 | 133
Pages: 699-703
related names
McGrath, Elizabeth (McGrath, Elizabeth; McG., E.)
Attributed works:
39. Galba, by Peter Paul Rubens? Panel, 66.7 by 52.2 cm. (Private Collection, London).
Attributed works:
40. Sheet with Sketches of Emperors, Recto, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Brown Ink on Paper, 23.6 by 41.9 cm. (Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulturbesitz, Berlin).
Attributed works:
41. Caligula, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Ink on Paper, 6.3 by 4.2 cm. (Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth).
Attributed works:
42. Verso of Fig.40. [Sheet with Sketches of Emperors, Recto, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Brown Ink on Paper, 23.6 by 41.9 cm. (Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulturbesitz, Berlin).]
Attributed works:
43. Julius Caesar, by G. Sadeler, after Titian. Engraving.
Attributed works:
44. Detail of Fig.40. [Sheet with Sketches of Emperors, Recto, by Peter Paul Rubens. Pen and Brown Ink on Paper, 23.6 by 41.9 cm. (Staatliche Museen Preussicher Kulturbesitz, Berlin).]
Attributed works:
45. Domitian Stabbing Flies, Woodcut from Suetonius, Vitae Caesarum, Venice, 1510.
Attributed works:
46. Modesty of Tiberius, by Giulio Romano. Pen, Brown Ink and Wash, Traces of Black Chalk, Squared for Transfer, 51 by 42 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Short Notice
Ghirlandaio and Roman Coins
06/1981 | 939 | 123
Pages: 356+358-359+361
related names
Dobrick, J. Albert (Dobrick, J. Albert)
Attributed works:
27. Detail from St Zenobius Enthroned, Here Identified as Hadrian Laureate, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Fresco. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence).
Attributed works:
29. Detail from St Zenobius Enthroned, Here Identified as Caligula Laureate, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Fresco. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence).
Attributed works:
31. Detail from St Zenobius Enthroned, Here Identified as Vespasian Laureate, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Fresco. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence).
Attributed works:
33. Detail from St Zenobius Enthroned, Here Identified as Nero Laureate, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Fresco. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence).
Attributed works:
35. Detail from St Zenobius Enthroned, Here Identified as Faustina the Younger, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Fresco. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence).
Attributed works:
37. Detail from St Zenobius Enthroned, Here Identified as Antoninus Pius Laureate, by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Fresco. (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence).
Western art unattributed:
28. Hadrian Laureate. Obverse of Roman Denarius. (British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
30. Caligula Laureate. Obverse of Roman Sestertius. (British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
32. Vespasian Laureate. Obverse of Roman Sestertius. (British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
34. Nero Laureate. Obverse of Roman Sestertius. (British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
36. Faustina the Younger. Obverse of Roman Sestertius. (British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
38. Antoninus Pius Laureate. Obverse of Roman Aureus. (British Museum).
A Late Antique Portrait Head in Porphyry
06/1976 | 879 | 118
Pages: 350-355+357
related names
Haynes, D. E. L. (Haynes, D. E. L.; Haynes, Denys Eyre Lankester)
museums and institutions:
Western art unattributed:
1. Head of a Tetrarch, c.300 A. D. Porphyry; Height, 43 cm. (British Museum).
Western art unattributed:
2. Right Profile of the Head Illustrated in Fig. 1.
Western art unattributed:
3. Aureus of Constantius I, Minted at Trier, 305-06 A. D.
Western art unattributed:
4. Aureus of Constantius I, Minted at Ticinum, 305-06 A. D.
Western art unattributed:
5. Frontal View of the Head Illustrated in Fig. 1.
Western art unattributed:
6. Right Profile of the Head Illustrated in Fig. 7.
Western art unattributed:
7. Head of a Bearded Man, c.300 A. D. Marble; Height, 28 cm. (National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden).
Rubens's Roman Emperors
06/1971 | 819 | 113
Pages: 297-298+300-301+303
related names
Jaffé, Michael (Jaffé, Michael)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
1. Otho, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 33.2 by 26.5 cm. (Museum and Art Gallery, Scunthorpe.)
Attributed works:
2. Julius Caesar, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 33 by 26.5 cm. (Collection the Late Dr Burchard.)
Attributed works:
3. Vespasian, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 33 by 26.5 cm. (Collection the Late Dr Burchard.)
Attributed works:
4. Vitellius, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 33 by 26.5 cm. (Whereabouts Unknown.)
Attributed works:
5. Nero, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 33 by 26.5 cm. (Whereabouts Unknown.)
Attributed works:
8. Nero, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 64.6 by 50 cm. (Private Collection, Paris.)
Western art unattributed:
10. Nero, Workshop Replica of Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 66.5 by 52.2 cm. (Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart.)
Western art unattributed:
6. Vitellius, Workshop Replica of Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 66.6 by 52.2 cm. (Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart.)
Western art unattributed:
7. Vitellius, Workshop Replica of Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 70 by 54 cm. (Private Collection, Brussels.)
Western art unattributed:
9. Nero, Workshop Replica of Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 70 by 54 cm. (Private Collection, Brussels.)
Dürer Portraits
12/1970 | 813 | 112
Pages: 826+829
related names
Musper, H. Th. (Musper, H. Th.)
art literature:
The Aldobrandini Tazzas
10/1970 | 811 | 112
Pages: 669-676
related names
Hayward, J. F. (Hayward, J. F.; Hayward, John Forrest; H., J. F.; Hayward, John)
Western art unattributed:
14. Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Julius Caesar, the Spanish Foot and Stem Associated. (Lazaro Galdeano Museum, Madrid.)
Western art unattributed:
15. Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Domitian, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)
Western art unattributed:
16. Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Otho, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.)
Western art unattributed:
17. Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Nero, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Wernher Collection, Luton Hoo.)
Western art unattributed:
18. Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Titus, Original Foot and Stem, the Bowl a Later Casting. (Wernher Collection, Luton Hoo.)
Western art unattributed:
19. Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Caligula, Original Foot and Stem. (Private Collection, London.)
Western art unattributed:
20. Detail of Altered Screw on Domitian Tazza (Fig.15). [Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Domitian, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)]
Western art unattributed:
21. Detail of Sleeve Inserted in Spanish Stem of Domitian Tazza (Fig.15). [Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Domitian, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)]
Western art unattributed:
22. Detail of Foot of Spanish Combined Chalice and Monstrance, Second Half of Sixteenth Century. (Victoria and Albert Museum).
Western art unattributed:
23. Detail of Plugged Stem and New Screw on Stem of Domitian Tazza (Fig.15). [Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Domitian, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)]
Western art unattributed:
24. Detail of Bayonet Fitting on Spanish Foot of Domitian Tazza (Fig.15). [Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Domitian, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)]
Western art unattributed:
25. Bowl of Domitian Tazza (Fig.15) Chased with Four Panels Illustrating His Life. [Silver-Gilt Tazza Surmounted by Figure of Domitian, the Foot and Stem Associated. (Victoria and Albert Museum.)]
Western art unattributed:
26. Silver-Gilt and Enamelled Basin Presented to the City of Berne in 1583. Augsburg, before 1583. (Historisches Museum, Berne.)
Dürer's Two Portraits of Emperors
03/1970 | 804 | 112
Pages: 170
related names
Panofsky-Soergel, Gerda (Panofsky-Soergel, Gerda; Soergel, Gerda Panofsky-; Panofsky, Gerda)
art literature:
New Roman Portraits in Berlin
06/1967 | 771 | 109
Pages: 329-335
related names
Kunisch, Norbert (Kunisch, Norbert)
Western art unattributed:
2. Bust of Roman Emperor. Roman, First Century A. D. Marble; Height, 44 cm. (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)
Western art unattributed:
3. Profile View of the Bust Reproduced in Fig.2. [Bust of Roman Emperor. Roman, First Century A. D. Marble; Height, 44 cm. (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)]
Western art unattributed:
4. Back View of the Bust Reproduced in Fig.2. [Bust of Roman Emperor. Roman, First Century A. D. Marble; Height, 44 cm. (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)]
Western art unattributed:
5. Bust of a Roman Citizen. Roman, First Century A. D. Marble; Height, 38.5 cm. (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)
Western art unattributed:
6. Profile View of the Bust Reproduced in Fig.5. [Bust of a Roman Citizen. Roman, First Century A. D. Marble; Height, 38.5 cm. (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)]
Western art unattributed:
7. Profile View of the Bust Reproduced in Fig.5. [Bust of a Roman Citizen. Roman, First Century A. D. Marble; Height, 38.5 cm. (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)]
Western art unattributed:
8. Bust of a Roman Citizen. Roman, c.100 A. D. Marble; Height, 52 cm. (Including Base). (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)
Western art unattributed:
9. Profile View of the Bust Reproduced in Fig.8. [Bust of a Roman Citizen. Roman, c.100 A. D. Marble; Height, 52 cm. (Including Base). (Antikenabteilung der Staatlichen Museen, West Berlin.)]
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