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11 articles
Poussin’s ‘Triumph of Silenus’ rediscovered
05/2021 | 1418 | 163
Pages: 408-415
related names
Whitlum-Cooper, Francesca (Whitlum-Cooper, Francesca)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. The Triumph of Bacchus, by Nicolas Poussin. 1635–36. Oil on canvas, 127.97 by 151.77 cm. (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of Fig.2, showing dancing figures.
Attributed works:
2. The Triumph of Silenus, by Nicolas Poussin, photographed in 2020 after cleaning in 2019–20. 1635–36. Oil on canvas, 142.9 by 120.5 cm. (National Gallery, London.)
Attributed works:
3. The Triumph of Pan, by Nicolas Poussin. 1636. Oil on canvas, 135.9 by 146 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
4. The Triumph of Silenus, by Nicolas Poussin, photographed before its cleaning in 2019–20. 1635–36. Oil on canvas, 142.9 by 120.5 cm. (National Gallery, London.)
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.2, showing Silenus.
Attributed works:
6. Detail of Fig.3, showing a woman astride a goat.
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.1, showing a satyr astride a goat.
Attributed works:
8. The nurture of Jupiter, by Nicolas Poussin. c.1636–37. Oil on canvas, 96.5 by 121 cm. (Dulwich Picture Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.8, showing goats.
Poussin's Bacchanals for Cardinal Richelieu
01/1995 | 1102 | 137
Pages: 5-11
related names
Bull, Malcolm (Bull, Malcolm)
Attributed works:
3. The Triumph of Bacchus, by Nicolas Poussin. 128.3 by 151.1 cm. (The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City).
Attributed works:
5. Study for the Triumph of Bacchus, by Nicolas Poussin. 1635. Pen and Brown Ink, Blue-Grey Wash over Traces of Black Chalk, 15.7 by 22.7 cm. (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City).
Attributed works:
6. Study for the Triumph of Bacchus, by Nicolas Poussin. Pen and Brown Ink, 19.5 by 29.1 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor).
Attributed works:
7. The Triumph of Pan, by Nicolas Poussin. 134 by 145 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
8. The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, by Nicolas Poussin. 114.5 by 146.5 cm. (Philadelphia Museum of Art).
Attributed works:
9. The Triumph of Silenus, after Nicolas Poussin. 143.5 by 121.5 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Western art unattributed:
4. Indian Triumph of Bacchus and Hercules. Sarcophagus front, Roman, Early Third Century. (Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire).
A Setting for Mantegna
09/1978 | 906 | 120
Pages: 603-605
related names
Hope, Charles (Hope, Charles)
McGrath, Elizabeth (McGrath, Elizabeth; McG., E.)
Vickers, Michael (Vickers, Michael; Vickers, M. J.; Vickers, Mr.)
The Intended Setting of Mantegna's 'Triumph of Cæsar', 'Battle of the Sea Gods' and 'Bacchanals'
06/1978 | 903 | 120
Pages: 360+365-371
related names
Vickers, Michael (Vickers, Michael; Vickers, M. J.; Vickers, Mr.)
Attributed works:
10. Battle of the Sea Gods (right), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88. Engraving. (National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.).
Attributed works:
11. Bacchanal with a Wine Vat, by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88. Engraving. (National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.).
Attributed works:
12. Bacchanal with Silenus, by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88. Engraving. (National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.).
Attributed works:
13. Triumph of Cæsar, Panel 1, The Picture Bearers, by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-after 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court Palace). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
14. Detail from Allegory of Envy and Death, by Leonardo da Vinci. 1485-87. Ink on Paper. (Christ Church, Oxford).
Attributed works:
15. Bacchanal with Silenus, by Albrecht Dürer after Mantegna. 1494. Ink on Paper. (Albertina, Vienna).
Attributed works:
5. Triumph of Caesar, Panel 2, The Bearers of Standards and Siege Equipment, by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-After 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court Palace). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
8. Triumph of Cæsar, Panel 9, Cæsar on His Chariot, by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-after 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court Palace). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
9. Battle of the Sea Gods (left), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88. Engraving. (National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.).
The 'Palazzo Santacroce Sketchbook': A New Source for Andrea Mantegna's 'Triumph of Caesar', 'Bacchanals' and 'Battle of the Sea Gods'
12/1976 | 885 | 118
Pages: 824+826-835
related names
Vickers, Michael (Vickers, Michael; Vickers, M. J.; Vickers, Mr.)
Attributed works:
46. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 7, The Captives (detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 - After 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
47. Copy of a Study for The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 7, The Captives (Detail), after Andrea Mantegna. Late Fifteenth Century. Pen and Ink. (Musée Condé, Chantilly).
Attributed works:
49. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 8, The Musicians (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 - After 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
50. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 2, The Bearers of Standards and Siege Equipment (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 - After 1490. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
52. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 4, The Vase Bearer (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 - After 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
54. Battle of the Sea Gods (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 - 88. Engraving. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
55. Marine sarcophagus. Codex Coburgensis, Ms.2 (Codex Pighianus), fol. 136. (Coburg, Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg).
Attributed works:
59. Battle of the Sea Gods (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88. Engraving. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Attributed works:
60. Roman Reliefs, by Jacob Spon. 1685. Engraved by Michel-François Demasso. From J. Spon, Miscellanea Eruditae Antiquitatis, Lyons (1685), p.310.
Attributed works:
61. Bacchanal with Silenus (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88 Engraving. (Ashmolean Museum. Oxford).
Attributed works:
62. Bacchanal with Silenus (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486-88 Engraving. (Ashmolean Museum. Oxford).
Attributed works:
63. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 1. The Picture Bearers (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 after 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
64. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 9, Caesar on His Chariot (Detail), by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 after 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
65. The Triumph of Caesar. Panel 4. The Vase Bearer (Detail). by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 after 1490. Canvas. Hampton Court. Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
66. The Triumph of Caesar. Panel 3. The Bearers of Trophies and Bullion (Detail). by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 after 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
67. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 2. The Bearers of Standards and Siege Equipment (Detail). by Andrea Mantegna. 1478 after 1490. Canvas. (Hampton Court). Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Attributed works:
68. The Triumph of Caesar, Panel 2. The Bearers of Standards and Siege Equipment (Detail). by Andrea Mantegna. 1486 after 1490. Canvas. Hampton Court. Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. the Queen.
Western art unattributed:
48. 'Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus', Census frieze (Detail). Roman, Late Second-First Century B. C. Marble; Height, 82-83.5 cm. (Musée du Louvre).
Western art unattributed:
51. 'Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus', Census Frieze (Detail). Roman, Late Second-First Century B. C. Marble; Height, 82-83.5 cm. (Musée du Louvre).
Western art unattributed:
53. 'Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus', Census frieze (Detail). Roman, Late Second-First Century B. C. Marble; Height 82-83.5 cm. (Musée du Louvre).
Western art unattributed:
56. 'Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus', Marine Relief (Detail). Roman, Late Second - First Century B. C. Marble; Height, 78 cm. (Glyptothek, Munich).
Western art unattributed:
57. 'Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus', Marine Relief (Detail). Roman, Late Second - First Century B. C. Marble; Height, 78 cm. (Glyptothek, Munich).
Western art unattributed:
58. 'Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus', Marine Relief (Detail). Roman, Late Second - First Century B. C. Marble; Height, 78 cm. (Glyptothek, Munich).
Personifications of Laughter and Drunken Sleep in Titian's 'Andrians'
08/1973 | 845 | 115
Pages: 518-519+521-522+525
related names
Murutes, Harry (Murutes, Harry)
Attributed works:
35. Andrians, by Titian. c.1523-24. (Prado, Madrid.)
Attributed works:
36. Fountain Nymph, by Lucas Cranach the Elder. 1518. (Museum, Leipzig.)
Western art unattributed:
37. Fountain of the Urinating Child, from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, Venice, 1499.
Western art unattributed:
38. Fountain of the Sleeping Fountain Nymph, from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, Venice, 1499.
The Decoration of the Villa Giulia
04/1965 | 745 | 107
Pages: 198-207
related names
Gere, John (Gere, John; Gere, J. A.; G., J. A.; G., J.)
Attributed works:
39. Naiads and Putti, Here Attributed to Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)
Attributed works:
40. Bacchanalian Feast, Here Attributed to Prospero Fontana. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)
Attributed works:
41. Unidentified Episode from Classical Mythology, Here Attributed to Prospero Fontana. Pen and Brown Wash, Heightened with White, on Blue Paper, 35.4 by 54.3 cm. (British Museum.)
Attributed works:
42. Study for Bacchanalian Feast, Here Attributed to Prospero Fontana. Pen and Brown Wash, Heightened with White, on Blue Paper, 36.8 by 47 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre.)
Attributed works:
43. Study for Stucco Relief of Time and Fortune in the Villa Giulia, Here Attributed to Prospero Fontana. Pen and Brown Wash over Black Chalk, 36 by 24 cm. (Royal Library, Windsor Castle.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H. M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
44. Detail from Bacchanalian Feast Reproduced in Fig.40. [Bacchanalian Feast, Here Attributed to Prospero Fontana. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)]
Attributed works:
45. Facsimile Engraving by Francesco Rosaspina (1788), Reproducing a Study for the Fresco of Nymphs Bathing in the Villa Giulia, Rome, Here Attributed to Prospero Fontana. 24.7 by 16.2 cm.
Attributed works:
46. Detail from Holy Family with St Jerome and a Female Martyr, by Prospero Fontana. Signed. (National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.)
Attributed works:
47. Women and Children. Facsimile Engraving by F. Lewis (1818), Reproducing a Damaged Drawing in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Here Attributed to Taddeo Zuccaro. (Pen and Brown Wash, 27.3 by 43.4 cm.)
Attributed works:
48. Triumph of (?) Flora, Here Attributed to Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)
Attributed works:
49. Triumph of Apollo and Ceres, Here Attributed to Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)
Attributed works:
50. Mythological Triumph, Perhaps Designed by Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)
Attributed works:
51. Detail of Frieze, Here Attributed to Taddeo Zuccaro. Fresco. (Villa Giulia, Rome.)
Poussin Studies X: Karel Philips Spierincks, the First Imitator of Poussin's Bacchanals
07/1960 | 688 | 102
Pages: 308-311
related names
Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) (Blunt, Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B); Blunt, Anthony Frederick; Blunt, Professor; Blunt, A. F.; A. F. B.; B., A.)
Attributed works:
19. Nymphs, Satyrs and Cupids, by Karel Philips Spierincks. Canvas, 140 by 168 cm. (Hampton Court Palace.) Reproduced by Gracious Permission of H.M. The Queen.
Attributed works:
20. Drunken Silenus, by Karel Philips Spierincks. Canvas, 99 by 120 cm. (Collection Sir James Hunter-Blair.)
Attributed works:
21. Bacchus, Silenus and Pan, by Karel Philips Spierincks. Canvas. (Collection Marquess of Northampton, Castle Ashby.)
Attributed works:
22. Pastoral Scene, by Karel Philips Spierincks. Canvas, 77 by 102 cm. (Collection Mrs Lindsay Drummond.)
Attributed works:
23. Pastoral Scene, by Karel Philips Spierincks. Canvas, 80 by 115 cm. (Private Collection.)
Attributed works:
24. Narcissus. Engraving by Frey (Dated 1747) after a Composition by Karel Philips Spierincks (?).
Attributed works:
25. Putti, by Andrea Podestà. Canvas, 51 by 69 cm. (Collection Lord Sackville, Knole.)
Attributed works:
26. Putti, by Andrea Podestà. Canvas, 51 by 69 cm. (Collection Lord Sackville, Knole.)
Holbein, Flemish Paintings and Everhard Jabach [Appendix I - Rubens' and Van Dyck's 'Bacchanals' after Titian; Appendix II - Holbein's 'Erasmus' in the Louvre]
01/1951 | 574 | 93
Pages: 16-25
related names
Grossmann, Fritz (Grossmann, Fritz)
collectors and dealers:
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
14. Portrait of Johannes Frobenius, by Hans Holbein. Boxwood, Diameter 10.5 cm. (Including Original Frame). Formerly in the Jabach Collection. (Sir Thomas Merton, Maidenhead.)
Attributed works:
15. Portrait of Hans von Zurich, by Wenceslaus Hollar. Drawing after a Painting by Hans Holbein, Formerly in the Arundel and Jabach Collections. Pen and ink, 20.4 and 17 cm. (Hollareum, Prague.)
Attributed works:
16. St Jerome, by Crispin van de Passe I, 1606. Engraving after a Painting in the Collection of Everhard Jabach the Elder. (Photograph Warburg Institute.)
Attributed works:
17. Portrait of Edward VI as a Child, after Holbein. Panel, 129.5 by 73.7 cm. (Duke of Northumberland, Syon House.) By Courtesy of Country Life.
Attributed works:
20. Portrait of Everhard Jabach, by Van Dyck. Canvas, 116 by 93 cm. (Hermitage, Leningrad.)
The Signature on Bellini's "Bacchanal"
04/1935 | 385 | 66
Pages: 188
related names
Holmes, Charles John (Holmes, Charles John; Holmes, C. J.; H., C. J.; Holmes, Charles J.; Holmes, Charles; Holmes, Charles)
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