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164 articles
Exhibition Review
Late Michelangelo
07/2024 | 1456 | 166
Pages: 716–23
related names
Elam, Caroline (Elam, Caroline; E., C.; E., C. M.)
Reviewed Items
Michelangelo: the last decades, British Museum, (2nd May–28th July). | :
Attributed works:
1. Christ on the Cross, by Michelangelo. c.1543. Black chalk on paper, 36.8 by 26.8 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
10. Crucifixion with two figures, by Michelangelo. c.1558–63. Black chalk and lead white on paper, 27.8 by 23.4 cm. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
2. Crucifixion, by Marcello Venusti. c.1545–60. Oil on panel, 88.9 by 28.8 cm. incl. frame, not shown here. (Campion Hall, Oxford; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
3. Annunciation, attributed to Michelangelo. c.1545–60. Black chalk on paper, 38.3 by 29.7 cm. (Morgan Library and Museum, New York; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
4. Annunciation, by Marcello Venusti. c.1545–60. Oil on wood, 45 by 30 cm. (Galleria Corsini, Rome; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
5. Study for the Porta Pia, by Michelangelo. 1561. Stylus, black chalk and brown wash, with lead white, on several conjoined pieces of paper, 44.2 by 28.2 cm. (Casa Buonarroti, Florence; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
6. Epifania, by Michelangelo. c.1550–53. Black chalk on 26 conjoined sheets, 234.6 by 173.7 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
7. Epifania, by Ascanio Condivi. c.1550–53. Oil on panel, 240 by 187 cm. (Casa Buonarroti, Florence; exh. British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
8. Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist, by Michelangelo. c.1558–63. Black chalk and lead white on paper, 41.2 by 28.5 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
9. Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Evangelist, by Michelangelo. c.1555–63. Black chalk and lead white on paper, 41 by 27.8 cm. (British Museum, London).
A portrait by Richard Westall of the poet Eleanor Porden
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 358–367
related names
Bryant, Barbara (Bryant, Barbara)
Attributed works:
1. Reverse of Fig.2, showing the handwritten inscription on the stretcher.
Attributed works:
10. Design for a couch, by Thomas Hope. 1807. Engraving. (From Household Furniture and Interior Decoration, Executed From Designs By Thomas Hope, London, pl.xxviii, nos.2 and 3).
Attributed works:
11. Thetis bringing the armour to Achilles, by John Flaxman. 1805. Engraving. (From The Iliad of Homer Engraved from the Compositions of John Flaxman RA Sculptor, London, pl.xix).
Attributed works:
2. Eleanor Anne Porden, here attributed to Richard Westall. 1807. Oil on canvas, 113 by 143.8 cm. (© Christie’s Images; Bridgeman Images; Krannert Art Museum, Champaign IL).
Attributed works:
3. Eleanor Porden, by John Flaxman. 1807. Graphite on paper, 15.9 by 11.1 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Attributed works:
4. Photograph of a lost drawing of Eleanor Porden. (Derbyshire Record Office, Matlock).
Attributed works:
5. Detail from J. Horwood’s Plan, showing 59 Berners Street. (From J. Horwood: Plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark and parts adjoining shewing every house, London 1794).
Attributed works:
6. Portrait of Richard Westall, R.A., by Thomas Lawrence and Richard Westall. Mid-1790s. Graphite on paper, 21.4 by 16.3 cm. (© Christie’s Images; Bridgeman Images; private collection).
Attributed works:
7. Expiation of Orestes, by William Bond, after Richard Westall. 1810. Stipple engraving, 35.3 by 30.5 cm. (From J. Britton et al.: The Fine Arts of the English School, London 1812).
Attributed works:
8. Reconciliation of Helen and Paris, after his defeat by Menelaus, by Richard Westall. c.1805. Oil on panel, 127 by 101 cm. (Tate).
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.2, showing the frieze on the vase.
‘Upon his visit to see my paintings’: sonnets by Artemisia Gentileschi and Pietro della Valle
02/2024 | 1451 | 166
Pages: 115–125
related names
Barker, Sheila (Barker, Sheila)
Bianchi, Eric (Bianchi, Eric)
Attributed works:
1. Right hand of Artemisia Gentileschi holding a brush, by Pierre Dumonstier II. 1625. Black and red chalk on paper, 21.9 by 18 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
10. Jael and Sisera, by Artemisia Gentileschi. 1620. Oil on canvas, 86 by 125 cm. (Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest).
Attributed works:
11. Self-portrait as the Allegory of Painting, by Artemisia Gentileschi. c.1638–39?. Oil on canvas, 96.8 by 75.2 cm. (© His Majesty King Charles III, 2024; Royal Collection Trust).
Attributed works:
12. Detail of Pittura, by Cesare Ripa. 1603. Engraving. (From the title page of D. Pietersz, ed.: Iconologia, of uytbeeldingen des verstands, Amsterdam 1644).
Attributed works:
2. Pietro della Valle, by Gilliam van der Gouwen. c.1717. Engraving, 14.6 by 18.6 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
3. Penitent Magdalene, by Artemisia Gentileschi. c.1617. Oil on canvas, 108 by 146.5 cm. (Pitti Palace, Florence).
Attributed works:
4. Christ with Mary and Martha, by Alessandro Allori. 1605. Oil on canvas, 125 by 118 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
5. Allegory of Inclination, by Artemisia Gentileschi. c.1617. Oil on canvas, 152 by 61 cm. (Casa Buonarroti, Florence).
Attributed works:
6. Sitti Maani Gioerida, by Thomas Hirschmann. c.1670. Engraving, 21.9 by 17.9 cm. (Vienna Museum).
Attributed works:
7. The musicians, by Caravaggio. 1597. Oil on canvas, 92.1 by 118.4 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
8. St Cecilia playing a lute, by Artemisia Gentileschi. c.1614. Oil on canvas, 108 by 78.5 cm. (Galleria Spada, Rome).
Attributed works:
9. Barbara Strozzi, by Bernardo Strozzi. 1639. Oil on canvas, 125 by 99 cm. (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden).
Book Review
A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature
02/2024 | 1451 | 166
Pages: 208–209
related names
Evans, Mark (Evans, Mark)
Reviewed Items
A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature By Paul Holberton. Two vols, 497 pp. and 468 pp., incl. 322 col. ills (Ad Ilissum, London, 2022), £80. ISBN 978–1–912168–25–5 and 978–1–912168–26–2. | :
Attributed works:
1. Shepherd playing the flute and four shepherdesses, by Gerrit van Honthorst. 1632. Oil on canvas, 92 by 174.5 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
2. The chamber idyll, by Edward Calvert. 1831. Wood engraving, 4.3 by 7.7 cm. (British Museum, London).
Exhibition Review
Louis Janmot: Le Poème de l’âme
12/2023 | 1449 | 165
Pages: 1354–1356
related names
Mulherron, Jamie (Mulherron, Jamie)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Catalogue: Louis Janmot: Le Poème de l’âme. By Servane Dargniesde Vitry, Elena Marchetti, Stéphane Paccoud, Clément Paradis and Isabelle Saint-Martin. 192 pp. incl. 187 col. + b. & w. ills. (Musée d’Orsay and In Fine éditions d’art, Paris). €35. ISBN 978–2– 38203–138–4. | :
Louis Janmot: Le Poème de l’âme Musée d’Orsay, Paris 12th September 2023– 7th January 2024 | :
Attributed works:
22. Flight of the soul, from Poem of the soul, by Louis Janmot. c.1852. Oil on canvas, 112 by 143.9 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon; exh. Musée d’Orsay, Paris).
Attributed works:
23. Loneliness, from Poem of the soul, by Louis Janmot. 1861. Charcoal with highlights in white chalk on paper laid down on canvas, 114 by 147 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon; exh. Musée d’Orsay, Paris).
Attributed works:
24. Valleys and prairies in Bugey, by Louis Janmot. c.1850–54. Oil on paper laid down on panel, 25.8 by 35.5 cm. (Private collection; exh. Musée d’Orsay, Paris).
Exhibition Review
The Weight of Words
11/2023 | 1448 | 165
Pages: 1228-1231
related names
Thomas, Greg (Thomas, Greg)
Reviewed Items
The Weight of Words Henry Moore Institute, Leeds 7th July–26th November | :
Attributed works:
10. Twelve questions, by Bhanu Kapil. 2001/23. Printed vinyl and oranges. (Courtesy the artist; photograph Rob Harris; exh. Henry Moore Institute, Leeds).
Attributed works:
11. Installation view of The Weight of Words at the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, 2023, showing Words come from ears, by Shilpa Gupta. 2018. Motion flapboard, 43 by 244 by 13 cm. (Photograph Min Young Lim).
Attributed works:
12. Detail of Dark water, burning world 151 moons and counting…, by Issam Kourbaj. 2016. Repurposed bicycle steel mudguards, extinguished matches and clear resin. (Photograph Rob Harris; exh. Henry Moore Institute, Leeds).
Book Review
Vittoria Colonna e l’eredità degli spirituali Vittoria Colonna: Poetry, Religion, Art, Impact
10/2023 | 1447 | 165
Pages: 1155–1156
related names
Zezza, Andrea (Zezza, Andrea)
Reviewed Items
Vittoria Colonna e l’eredità degli spirituali By Andrea Donati. 598 pp. incl. 600 col. + b. & w. ills. (Etgraphie, Rome, 2019), €60. ISBN 978–88–99680–18–3. | :
Vittoria Colonna: Poetry, Religion, Art, Impact Edited by Virginia Cox and Shannon McHugh. 406 pp. incl. 47 col. ills. (Amsterdam University Press, 2021), £117. ISBN 978–94–6372–394–7. | :
Tanguy's titles
09/2023 | 1446 | 165
Pages: 932–45
related names
Mack, Stephen (Mack, Stephen)
Attributed works:
1. Maman, Papa est blessé, by Yves Tanguy. 1927. Oil on canvas, 92.1 by 73 cm. (© Artists Rights Society, NY and DACS, London; Scala, Florence; Museum of Modern Art, New York).
Attributed works:
2. Dame à l’absence, by Yves Tanguy. 1942. Oil on canvas, 115 by 89.5 cm. (© Artists Rights Society, NY and DACS, London; Scala, Florence; photograph by Walter Klein; Kunstsammlung Nordrhein- Westfalen, Dusseldorf).
Attributed works:
3. Inventions of the monsters, by Salvador Dalí. 1937. Oil on canvas, 51.4 by 78.4 cm. (© Salvador Dali, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí; DACS, London; Art Institute of Chicago).
Attributed works:
4. Poem-object, by André Breton. 1941. Carved wood bust of man, oil lantern, framed photograph, toy boxing gloves and paper mounted on drawing board, 45.8 by 53.2 by 10.9 cm. (© ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London; Museum of Modern Art, New York).
Attributed works:
5. Le Diaposin de satin, by Yves Tanguy. 1940. Oil on canvas, 99.1 by 81.3 cm. (© Artists Rights Society, NY and DACS, London; Scala, Florence; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
6. La Grue des sables, by Yves Tanguy. 1945. Gouache on paper, 46.1 by 31 cm. (© Artists Rights Society, NY and DACS, London; Scala, Florence; Art Institute of Chicago).
Attributed works:
7. Terre d’ombre, by Yves Tanguy. 1927. Oil on canvas, 99.1 by 80.3 cm. (© Artists Rights Society, NY and DACS, London; Scala, Florence; |Detroit Institute of Art).
Book Review
Woodland Imagery in Northern Art, c.1500–1800: Poetry and Ecology
05/2023 | 1442 | 165
Pages: 568-569
related names
Evans, Mark (Evans, Mark)
Reviewed Items
Woodland Imagery in Northern Art, c.1500–1800: Poetry and Ecology By Leopoldine van Hogendorp Prosperetti. 160 pp. incl. 68 col. ills. (Lund Humphries, London, 2022), £39.95. ISBN 978–1–84822–494–0. | :
Book Review
Articulating the H. ijāba: Cultural Patronage and Political Legitimacy in al-Andalus: The ʿAmirid Regency c.970–1010 AD
05/2023 | 1442 | 165
Pages: 565-566
related names
Walker, Rose (Walker, Rose)
Reviewed Items
Articulating the H. ijāba: Cultural Patronage and Political Legitimacy in al-Andalus: The ʿAmirid Regency c.970–1010 AD By Mariam Rosser-Owen. 478 pp. incl. 180 col. + b. & w. ills (Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022), £153, €179. ISBN 978–9004–46913–6. | :
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