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88 articles
Short Notice
Room Twenty-Four
08/1932 | 353 | 61
Pages: 91
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
museums and institutions:
Short Notice
Rysbrack's Terracottas at Messrs. Spink
07/1932 | 352 | 61
Pages: 45
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Christmas Books
12/1931 | 345 | 59
Pages: 324-325
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Short Notice
An Unpublished El Greco
11/1931 | 344 | 59
Pages: 248-249
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Attributed works:
The Transfiguration, by El Greco. Canvas, 1.57 by 1.07 m. (Messrs. J. Leger and Son). Shorter Notices: An Unpublished El Greco
An Exhibition of French Landscapes in New York
10/1931 | 343 | 59
Pages: 192-195
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Attributed works:
Plate I. A-Pastorale, by Henri Rousseau (Messrs. M. Knoedler and Co.). An Exhibition of French Landscapes in New York
Attributed works:
Plate I. B-Paysage de Provence, by André Derain (Messrs. M. Knoedler and Co.). An Exhibition of French Landscapes in New York
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Le Jas de Bouffan, by Paul Cézanne (Messrs. M. Knoedler and Co.). A New York Exhibition of French Landscapes
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Le Square de la Trinité, by Auguste Renoir. Canvas, 66 by 54 cm. (Messrs. M. Knoedler and Co.). A New York Exhibition of French Landscapes
Walter Greaves
06/1931 | 339 | 58
Pages: 260-263
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Old Battersea Bridge, by Walter Greaves. Canvas. Purchased under the Terms of the Chantrey Bequest (Royal Academy). Walter Greaves
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Tinnie, the Artist's Sister, by Walter Greaves. Canvas (Goupil Gallery). Walter Greaves
Attributed works:
The Green Dress, by Walter Greaves. Canvas. Purchased under the Terms of the Chantrey Bequest (Royal Academy)
The Four Georges
03/1931 | 336 | 58
Pages: 110-113
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Attributed works:
Lady North, by Sir Joshua Reynolds (In the Exhibition of Georgian Art, from the Sassoon Collection)
Attributed works:
Plate II. A-Gainsborough Dupont, by Thomas Gainsborough (Viscount D'Abernon). Lent to the Exhibition of Georgian Art. The Four Georges
Attributed works:
Plate II. B-Fanny Burney, by E. F. Burney (Sir Leicester Harmsworth). Lent to the Exhibition of Georgian Art. The Four Georges
Christmas Books
12/1930 | 333 | 57
Pages: 316-317
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
A Giottesque Panel for Boston
05/1930 | 326 | 56
Pages: 224-225
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Attributed works:
Altarpiece, Ascribed to the Master of the St. Cecilia Altarpiece. Height, 57 cm. (Mrs. Henry H. Sherman, Boston, U. S. A.)
Notable Works of Art Now on the Market: Supplement
12/1929 | 321 | 55
Pages: ii
related names
Tatlock, R. R. (Tatlock, R. R.; Tatlock, Robert Rattray; T., R. R.)
Attributed works:
Plate 1. The Holy Family, by Joos van Cleve, the Elder. Panel, 16 3/4 Inches by 12½ Inches. The Property of The F. Kleinberger Galleries, 12 East 54th Street, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 10. The Garden of the Undercliff, Isle of Wight, by J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Canvas, 17½ Inches by 23½ Inches. The Property of Messrs. Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd., 155 New Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 11. A River Scene, by Jan Van Goyen. Panel, 14½ Inches by 24 Inches. The Property of Galerie Sanct Lucas, Josefsplatz 5, Vienna, I.
Attributed works:
Plate 12. River Scene, by Salomon van Ruysdael. Panel, 19 3/4 Inches by 26 3/4 Inches. The Property of Dr. N. Beets, De Lairessestraat 6, Amsterdam
Attributed works:
Plate 13. "Le Vieux Pont de Mantes," by J. B. C. Corot. Canvas, 8 7/8 Inches by 15 Inches. The Property of Messrs. Alex. Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd., 1a King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.
Attributed works:
Plate 14. "Les Grosses Pommes," by Paul Cézanne. Canvas, 18 Inches by 23½ Inches. The Property of Messrs. Alex. Reid & Lefèvre, Ltd., 1a King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1.
Attributed works:
Plate 15. The Lion of St. Mark, by Richard Sickert, A. R. A., P. R. S. A. Canvas, 23 Inches by 23 Inches. The Property of the Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London, W. C.2
Attributed works:
Plate 16. Portrait of a Young Man, by Marco Marziale. Panel, 13 3/8 Inches by 11½ Inches. The Property of Mr. G. Bellesi, the Italian Art Gallery, 174 New Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 17. Portrait of a Man, by Moretto da Brescia. Canvas, 40½ Inches by 33 Inches. The Property of Mr. Max Rothschild, the Sackville Gallery, 28 Sackville Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 18. Portrait of a Lady, by Bronzino. Panel, 22 3/4 Inches by 17½ Inches. The Property of Messrs. Thos. Agnew & Sons, 43 Old Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 19. Portrait of a Gentleman, by Quentin Matsys. Panel, Diameter 16 Inches. The Property of Mr. Frank T. Sabin, 172 New Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 2. The Holy Family with the Young John the Baptist, by Cosimo Rosselli. Panel, Diameter 36 Inches. The Property of Mr. Paul Bottenwieser, 5 Bellevuestrasse, Berlin
Attributed works:
Plate 20. Sir Kenelm Digby, by A. Van Dyck. Canvas, 42 Inches by 32½ Inches. The Property of Messrs. Spink & Son, Ltd., 5, 6 & 7 King Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 21. A Young Woman with a Book, by Rembrandt Van Rijn. Panel, 26 Inches by 20½ Inches. The Property of Mr. John Levy, 559 Fifth Avenue, New York.
Attributed works:
Plate 22. Head of a Young Man, by Frans Hals. Panel, 15 Inches by 13 Inches. The Property of New-House Galleries, 11 East 57th Street, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 23. "L'Homme a la Pipe," by Gustave Courbet. Charcoal Drawing, 18 Inches by 14 Inches. The Property of the Independent Gallery, 7a Grafton Street, New Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 24. William Wilberforce, by John Hoppner, R. A. Canvas, 30 Inches by 25 Inches. The Property of Mr. Arthur U. Newton, 665 Fifth Avenue, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 25. Charles Matthews, by John Zoffany, R. A. Canvas, 12½ Inches by 10½ Inches. The Property of Mr. Arthur U. Newton, 665 Fifth Avenue, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 26. Dr. Alexander Lindsay, of Pinkieburn, by Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A. Canvas, 94 Inches by 60 Inches. The Property of Messrs. M. Knoedler & Co., 15 Old Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 27. Isabella, Lady Molyneux, by Thomas Gainsborough, R. A. Canvas, 30 Inches by 25 Inches. The Property of Ehrich Galleries, 36 East 57th Street, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 28. Mrs. Packe-Reading, by Sir William Beechey, R. A. Canvas, 56½ Inches by 44 Inches. The Property of Messrs. J. Leger & Son, 13 Duke Street, London, S. W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 29. Portrait of a Young Lady, by Margaret Carpenter. Canvas, 30 Inches by 25 Inches. The Property of Mr. Godfrey Phillips, 43 and 44 Duke Street, St. James's, London, S. W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 3. St. Magdalen, by Lucas Cranach the Elder. Panel, 28 3/4 Inches by 22¼ Inches. The Property of Messrs. Bohler of Munich, Berlin, Lucerne and New York
Attributed works:
Plate 30. The Nepean Family, by A. Devis. Canvas, 48½ Inches by 39 Inches. The Property of Messrs. Leggatt Brothers, 30 St. James's Street, London, S. W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 31. Room Panelled in Pine Wood, by Inigo Jones, from Poyle Park, near Guildford. Length, 29 Feet. Width, 19 Feet. Height, 12 Feet 6 Inches. The Property of Messrs. Edwards & Sons (Of Regent Street) Ltd., 157-161 Regent Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 32. Hannibal Bringing to Carthage the Spoils of Cannae. Brussels Tapestry, Sixteenth Century, by Francois Geubels. 11 Feet 6 Inches by 13 Feet. The Property of the Spanish Art Gallery, 50 Conduit Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 36. EVE, by Jules Dalou. Marble. Figure, 3 Feet 4 Inches, Pedestal, 3 Feet 5½ Inches, Combined Height, 6 Feet 9½ Inches. The Property of Messrs. Abdy & Co., 11 Carlos Place, Grosvenor Square, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 37. Cake Basket, Silver, by Paul Lamerie, London, 1734. 10 Inches by 12 Inches. The Property of Messrs. Crichton & Co., Ltd., 636 Fifth Avenue, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 4. St. Dominic, by Giovanni Bellini. Panel, 17½ Inches by 11½ Inches. The Property of Mr. P. Jackson Higgs, 11 East 54th Street, New York
Attributed works:
Plate 5. The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, by A. Van Dyck. Canvas, 75 Inches by 58 Inches. The Property of Mr. A. L. Nicholson, 4 St. Alban's Place, London, S. W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 6. The Crucifixion, by Marco Palmezzano. Panel, 32½ Inches by 24 Inches. The Property of Mr. Wm. B. Paterson, 5 Old Bond Street, London, W.1
Attributed works:
Plate 7. The Money-Lender, by Marinus van Roymerswale. Canvas, 37 Inches by 45 Inches. The Property of Mr. A. S. Drey, Maximiliansplatz 7, Munich
Attributed works:
Plate 8. View of Verona, by Bernardo Bellotto. Panel, 33½ Inches by 53 3/4 Inches. The Property of Messrs. Dr. Benedict & Co., G. m. b. H., Friedrich-Ebertstrasse 5, Berlin, W.9
Attributed works:
Plate 9. Landscape, by Thomas Gainsborough. Canvas, 77 Inches by 105 Inches. The Property of Mr. J. Peyton-Jones, 78 Park Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W.1
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate 34. Part of a Stone Bas-Relief, from the Palace of Ashurnasir-Pal (King of Assyria 883 to 859 B. C.) at Calah (Nimrud). The Property of Mr. Sydney Burney, 13 St. James's Place, London, S. W.1
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate 35. Head of Buddha, in Stone. Khmer. Eleventh to Twelfth Centuries. Height. 10 Inches. The Property of Messrs. Bluett & Sons, 48 Davies Street, London, W.1
Western art unattributed:
Plate 33. La Legende Dorée, by Jacobus de Voragine. French Translation by Jean du Vignay. A Page from a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript of 225 Leaves, Containing 219 Miniatures. The Property of Messrs. Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, London, W.1
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