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1320 articles
Book Review
The Hub of the World: Art in Eighteenth-Century Rome
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 515–518
related names
Zafran, Eric (Zafran, Eric)
art literature:
art literature:
Reviewed Items
The Hub of the World: Art in Eighteenth-Century Rome Edited by Alan P. Wintermute, with contributions by Edgar Peters Bowron, Alvar González-Palacios, J. Patrice Marandel and Melissa Beck Lemke. 360 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Nicholas Hall, New York, 2023), $65. ISBN 978–1–7326492–5–5. | :
Attributed works:
10. Study for St Louis Gonzago, by Pompeo Batoni. 1744. Red and white chalk on paper, 19.3 by 7.1 cm. (Private collection).
Attributed works:
11. Two English gentlemen before the Arch of Constantine, by Anton von Maron. 1767. Oil on canvas, 137 by 100.5 cm. (Private collection)
Attributed works:
9. Caricature of Pompeo Batoni, by Giuseppe Cades. c.1780. Pen and ink on paper, 11.3 by 8.3 cm. (Philadelphia Museum of Art).
Book Review
The Touch of Pygmalion: Rubens and Sculpture in Rome
05/2024 | 1454 | 166
Pages: 512–515
related names
Pierguidi, Stefano (Pierguidi, Stefano)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Touch of Pygmalion: Rubens and Sculpture in Rome Edited by Francesca Cappelletti and Lucia Simonato. 232 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Electa, Milan, 2023), €42. 978–88–928–2478–2. | :
Attributed works:
6. Two studies after the Spinario, by Peter Paul Rubens. 1602. Red chalk, heightened with white, with later grey background wash, on paper. 26.1 by 36 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
7. Death of Adonis, by Peter Paul Rubens. c.1614. Oil on canvas, 212 by 325 cm. (Israel Museum, Jerusalem).
Attributed works:
8. Agrippina and Germanicus, by Peter Paul Rubens. c.1614. Oil on panel, 66.4 by 57 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Exhibition Review
Museo della Forma Urbis, Rome
04/2024 | 1453 | 166
Pages: 398–401
related names
Connors, Joseph (Connors, Joseph)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Museo della Forma Urbis, Rome From 11th January | :
Attributed works:
10. Installation view of the Forma Urbis at the Museo della Forma Urbis, Rome, 2024. (Courtesy Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Rome).
Attributed works:
8. Installation view of the Forma Urbis at the Museo della Forma Urbis, Rome, 2024. (Courtesy Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Rome).
Attributed works:
9. Installation view of the Forma Urbis at the Museo della Forma Urbis, Rome, 2024. (Courtesy Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Rome).
Book Review
Aiutando l’arte: Les inscriptions dans les décors post-tridentins d’Italie / Le iscrizioni nella pittura posttridentina italiana
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 327–328
related names
Fontana, Mauro Vincenzo (Fontana, Mauro Vincenzo)
Reviewed Items
Aiutando l’arte: Les inscriptions dans les décors post-tridentins d’Italie / Le iscrizioni nella pittura posttridentina italiana Edited by Gwladys Le Cuff and Anne Lepoittevin. 323 pp. incl. 45 col. + 21 b. & w. ills. (Peter Lang, Brussels, 2022), £40. ISBN 978–2–8076–1780–3. | :
Avignon as 'nova Roma'
01/2024 | 1450 | 166
Pages: 5–15
related names
Bolgia, Claudia (Bolgia, Claudia)
Attributed works:
1. Chamber of the Stag, Papal Palace, Avignon. 1343. (Photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
11. Detail of the Stefaneschi polyptych, showing the Crucifixion of St Peter, by Giotto. c.1320. Tempera on panel. (Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
13. Crucifixion of St Peter, copy of a detail in the lost fresco cycle in the atrium of Old St Peter’s, Rome (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS A64ter (Grimaldi Album), fol. 39).
Attributed works:
14. Duke Stephen in Rome, imploring St Peter to absolve his sins, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1344–45. Fresco. (Scene M, south wall, chapel of St Martial, Papal Palace, Avignon; photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
15. Detail of Fig.14, showing Stephen, Duke of south-west France, receiving absolution from St Peter.
Attributed works:
16. Vault of the chapel of St John, Papal Palace, Avignon, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1346–48. (Photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
17. Alpinianus cures the sick by imposing on them the sudarium of St Martial, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1344–45. Fresco. (Scene U, south wall, chapel of St Martial, Papal Palace, Avignon; photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig.17, showing the imposition of the sudarium.
Attributed works:
2. Detail of the ceiling of the Chamber of the Stag, showing the she-wolf with her twins and the hen with her chicks. 1343. (Papal Palace, Avignon; photograph Fabrice Lepeltier).
Attributed works:
4. Section of the Tower of the Pope and Garderobe Tower, Papal Palace, Avignon.
Attributed works:
5. Ground plan of the Papal Palace, Avignon.
Attributed works:
6. Christ ordering St Peter to send St Martial to preach in Gaul and St Peter communicating Christ’s will to Martial and his disciples, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1344–45. Fresco. (Scene D, vault, chapel of St Martial, Papal Palace, Avignon; photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
7. Martial receives the staff from St Peter and Resurrection of Austriclianus, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1344–45. Fresco. (Scene C, vault, chapel of St Martial, Papal Palace, Avignon; photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
8. Chapel of St Martial, Papal Palace, Avignon, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1344–45. (Photograph Domenico Ventura).
Attributed works:
9. Christ showing to St Martial in a vision the martyrdom of St Peter and St Paul in Rome, by Matteo Giovannetti. 1344–45. Fresco. (Scene P, lunette, west wall, chapel of St Martial, Papal Palace, Avignon; photograph Domenico Ventura).
Western art unattributed:
10. Crucifixion of St Peter. c.1277–80. Fresco. (Sancta Sanctorum, Rome).
Western art unattributed:
12. Rooster. Italian, 9th–12th century. Gilded bronze. (Museo Storico- Artistico del Tesoro di S. Pietro, Vatican City).
Western art unattributed:
3. Stone relief of the she-wolf with her twins, Maria Saal Cathedral. (Wikimedia Commons).
Short Notice
11/2023 | 1448 | 165
Pages: 1214-1219
related names
Shorter Notice by:
Aymonino, Adriano (Aymonino, Adriano)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Cardinal Alessandro Albani: collezionismo, diplomazia e mercato nell’Europa del Grand Tour: Collecting, Dealing and Diplomacy in Grand Tour Europe (Studi sul Settecento Romano 37). Edited by Clare Hornsby and Mario Bevilacqua. 399 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Edizioni Quasar, Rome, 2021), €60. ISBN 978–88–5491–188–8. | :
Villa Albani Torlonia: architetture, collezioni, giardino. Edited by Carlo Gasparri. 379 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Electa, Milan, 2022), €49. ISBN 978–88–918–2134–7. | :
Villa Albani Torlonia: The Cradle of Neoclassicism. Photographs by Massimo Listri with texts by Salvatore Settis, Carlo Gasparri, Alvar González-Palacios and Raniero Gnoli. 335 pp. incl. numerous col. + b. & w. ills. (Rizzoli, New York, 2021). $150. ISBN 978–8–8918–3214–6. | :
Attributed works:
1. Cardinal Alessandro Albani, by Ludovico Mazzanti. c.1721–24. Oil on canvas, 96 by 73 cm. (Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome; © Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Massimo Listri).
Attributed works:
2. Casino Nobile, Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome. (© Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Massimo Listri).
Attributed works:
3. Loggia, Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome. (© Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Massimo Listri).
Attributed works:
4. Galleria del Parnaso, Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome. (© Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Massimo Listri).
Attributed works:
5. Antique bas-relief of Antinous, Sala di Antinoo, Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome. (© Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Massimo Listri).
Attributed works:
6. Detail of the Galleria del Parnaso, Villa Albani Torlonia, Rome, showing the marble and mosaic revetments. (© Fondazione Torlonia; photograph Massimo Listri).
Painting on stone
10/2023 | 1447 | 165
Pages: 1052
related names
Nygren, Christopher J. (Nygren, Christopher J.)
Rediscovered drawings by Bartolomeo Spani for sculpture and goldsmithery
10/2023 | 1447 | 165
Pages: 1082–1093
related names
Calogero, Marcello (Calogero, Marcello)
Attributed works:
1. Detail of Fig.3, showing the angels and God the Father. (Photograph Archivio Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.a. – Arcidiocesi di Modena-Nonantola).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of Fig.2, showing a prophet.
Attributed works:
11. Reliquary bust of St Daria, by Bartolomeo Spani. 1533–38. Cast, chiselled and gilded silver, approximately 70 by 60 cm. (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, Reggio Emilia; photograph Diocesi di Reggio Emilia e Guastalla).
Attributed works:
12. Reliquary bust of St Crisanto, by Bartolomeo Spani. 1533–38. Cast, chiselled and gilded silver, approximately 70 by 60 cm. (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, Reggio Emilia; photograph Diocesi di Reggio Emilia e Guastalla).
Attributed works:
13. Design for a funerary monument, here attributed to Bartolomeo Spani. c.1510–20. Pen and grey-brown ink, grey-brown wash over stylus indentations, on paper, 28.3 by 19.3 cm. (Morgan Library & Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
14. Grotesque ornament from the Domus Aurea, by the Master of the Codex Escurialensis (fol.14r). c.1490. Pen and brown ink on paper, 33 by 23.5 cm. (Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid).
Attributed works:
15. Funerary monument of Bishop Bonfrancesco Arlotti, by Bartolomeo Spani. c.1509. White, pink and polychromed marble, approximately 520 by 230 cm. (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, Reggio Emilia; photograph Diocesi di Reggio Emilia e Guastalla).
Attributed works:
16. Design for a funerary monument, here attributed to Bartolomeo Spani. c.1510–20. Pen and brown ink, brown wash, on paper, 19.9 by 15.2 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris; RMN-Grand Palais; Thierry Le Mage).
Attributed works:
17. Design for a tabernacle, here attributed to Bartolomeo Spani. c.1510–20. Pen and brown ink and wash, over stylus indentations, on paper, 25.5 by 16.5 cm. (Morgan Library & Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
18. Funerary monument of Lucia Rusca, by Antonio da Morbegno and ‘Maestro Anzelini’, after a drawing here attributed to Bartolomeo Spani. c.1515. White, pink and black marble, approx. 500 by 250 cm. (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, Reggio Emilia; photograph Archivio Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.a. – Arcidiocesi di Modena-Nonantola).
Attributed works:
19. Baptism of Christ, by Francesco Caprioli (?). 1497. Fresco, approx. 400 cm. (Baptistry, Reggio Emilia; photograph Diocesi di Reggio Emilia e Guastalla).
Attributed works:
2. Design for a funerary monument, here attributed to Bartolomeo Spani. c.1510–20. Pen and brown ink and wash, with light pink wash over stylus indentations, on paper, 39 by 27.4 cm. (Morgan Library & Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
20. Monstrance (now forming a reliquary of St Concordia), by the workshop of Bartolomeo Spani. 1517. Cast, chiselled and gilded silver, 44 by 17 cm. (SS. Donnino and Biagio, Rubiera; photograph Diocesi di Reggio Emilia e Guastalla).
Attributed works:
21. Design for a pax, here attributed to Bartolomeo Spani. c.1510–20. Pen and brown ink on paper, 20.2 by 14.3 cm. (Morgan Library & Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
3. Funerary monument of Francesco Molza, by Bartolomeo Spani. 1516. White, pink and polychrome marble, approximately 540 by 270 cm. (Cathedral of SS. Maria Assunta and Geminiano, Modena; photograph Archivio Franco Cosimo Panini Editore S.p.a. – Arcidiocesi di Modena-Nonantola).
Attributed works:
4. Processional cross, by Bartolomeo Spani. 1508–09. Cast, chiselled and gilded silver, 76 by 63 cm. (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta, Reggio Emilia; photograph Diocesi di Reggio Emilia e Guastalla).
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.4, showing the figure of God the Father on the reverse.
Attributed works:
6. St Simeon of Polirone in Jerusalem, exorcising demons from men possessed, by Bartolomeo Spani. c.1516 (model, later cast, perhaps nineteenth century). Bronze, 6.14 by 18.5 cm. (National Gallery of Art, Washington).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.6, showing a soldier.
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.2, showing a prophet.
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Fig.6, showing a monk.
Book Review
In Italien Karriere machen: Der flämische Maler Michele Desubleo zwischen Rom, Bologna und Venedig (ca.1624–1664)
07/2023 | 1444 | 165
Pages: 806–807
related names
Osnabrugge, Marije (Osnabrugge, Marije)
Reviewed Items
In Italien Karriere machen: Der flämische Maler Michele Desubleo zwischen Rom, Bologna und Venedig (ca.1624–1664) By Stefania Girometti. 466 pp. incl. 63 col.+ 53 b. & w. ills. (, Heidelberg, 2022), €64.90 ISBN 978–3–98501–045–5. | :
Attributed works:
4. Martyrdom of St Lawrence, by Michele Desubleo. Early 1640s. Oil on canvas, 250 by 140 cm. (Private collection).
Urban VIII and the Barberini
07/2023 | 1444 | 165
Pages: 772–777
related names
Connors, Joseph (Connors, Joseph)
Reviewed Items
L’immagine sovrana: Urbano VIII e i Barberini, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome, 18th May–30th July 2023. | :
Attributed works:
1. Maffeo Barberini, by Caravaggio. c.1595. Oil on canvas, 124 by 90 cm. (Private collection; exh. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
Attributed works:
2. Urban VIII visits the Gesù, Rome, to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Jesuit order, by Andrea Sacchi with Filippo Gagliardi and Jan Miel. 1642. Oil on canvas, 321 by 248 cm. (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome; courtesy the Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali e del Turismo; Scala Archives).
Attributed works:
3. Carlo Barberini, by Francesco Mochi. c.1630. Bronze, height 58 cm. (Private collection; exh. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
Attributed works:
4. St Sebastian thrown into the Cloaca Maxima, by Ludovico Carracci. 1612. Oil on canvas, 163.5 by 232.4 cm. (J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles; exh. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
Attributed works:
5. Installation view of L’immagine sovrana: Urbano VIII e I Barberini at Palazzo Barberini, Rome, 2023, showing the tapestries hung in the Salone. (Photograph Alberto Novelli).
Attributed works:
6. Installation view of L’immagine sovrana: Urbano VIII e I Barberini at Palazzo Barberini, Rome, showing Urban VIII, by Gianlorenzo Bernini. 1632–33. Marble, height 103 cm. with pedestal. (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
Attributed works:
7. Marc’Antonio Pasqualini crowned by Apollo, by Andrea Sacchi. 1642. Oil on canvas, 243.8 by 194.3 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, exh. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
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