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30 articles
Goya’s ‘Self-portrait with Dr Arrieta’
12/2023 | 1449 | 165
Pages: 1300–1304
related names
Céron-Peña, Mercedes (Céron-Peña, Mercedes)
Attributed works:
1. Self-portrait with Dr Arrieta, by Francisco de Goya. 1820. Oil on canvas, 114.6 by 76.5 cm. (Minneapolis Institute of Art; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
2. Detail of Fig.1, showing green and red brushstrokes in the white bedsheet.
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.1, showing the face of the man behind Goya’s left shoulder.
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Fig.1, showing the friar or monk behind Arrieta’s right elbow.
Western art unattributed:
4. An allegory of Ferdinand VII’s constitutional oath. 1820. Handcoloured engraving, 19.4 by 25 cm. (Ayuntamiento de Madrid; Museo de Historia de Madrid).
Christopher Monkhouse (1947–2021)
05/2021 | 1418 | 163
Pages: 487-488
related names
Stevens, Maryanne (Stevens, Maryanne)
Attributed works:
1. Christopher Monkhouse. c.2005. (Photograph Minneapolis Institute of Art).
Exhibition Review
Eyewitness Views. Los Angeles, Minneapolis and Cleveland
10/2017 | 1375 | 159
Pages: 856-858
Reviewed Items
Eyewitness Vews: Making History in Eighteenth-Century Europe at J. Paul Getty Museum, Lose Angeles, Minneapolis Institute of Art and Cleveland Museum of Art. | :
Attributed works:
102. The courtyard of the Doge's Palace with the Papal Nuncio Giovani Francesco Stoppani and senators in procession, by Antonio Joli and Michele Marieschi. c. 1741-42 (National Gallery of Art, Washington; exh. Mineapolis Institute of Art).
Attributed works:
103. The procession on the feast day of St Roch, by Antonio Canaletto. c. 1730? (National Gallery, London; Minneapolis Institute of Art).
Attributed works:
104. Detail of Fig. 103.
Attributed works:
105. Regatta in hoour of Prince Freidrich Christian of Savoy, by Michele Marieschi, with figures by Antonio Guardi and (?) Francesco Simonini. c. 1740 (Private collection; exh. Minneapolis Institute of Art).
Exhibition Review
Luther and the art of the Reformation. Atlanta, New York and Minneapolis
03/2017 | 1368 | 159
Pages: 249-250
related names
Kunz, Armin (Kunz, Armin)
Attributed works:
82. Adam and Eve, by Conrad Meit. c.1510 (Schlossmuseum Friedenstein, Gotha; exh. The Morgan Library & Museum, New York)
Attributed works:
83. Detail from The siege of the city of Alesia, by Melchior Feselen. 1533 (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek, Munich; exh. Los Angeles County Museum of Art)
Western art unattributed:
81. Pulpit in which Luther gave his last sermon. Central German workshop. 1518 (with later additions). (Evangelische Kirchengemeinde St Andreas-Petri-Nicolai, Lutherstade Eisleben; exh. Minneapolis Institute of Art)
Exhibition Review
Delacroix and the Rise of Modern Art. Minneapolis and London
05/2016 | 1358 | 158
Pages: 376–78
related names
Lee, Simon (Lee, Simon)
Attributed works:
42. A Basket of fruit in a flower garden, by Eugène Delacroix. 1848-49 (Philadelphia Museum of Art; exh. National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
43. Convulsionists of Tangier, by Eugène Delacroix. 1838 (Minneapolis Institute of Art; exh. National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
44. Pietà (after Delacroix), by Vincent van Gogh. 1889 (Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam; exh. National Gallery, London)
Exhibition Review
Rembrandt in America. Raleigh, Cleveland and Minneapolis
02/2012 | 1307 | 154
Pages: 150-151
related names
Liedtke, Walter A. (Liedtke, Walter A.; Liedtke, Walter)
Reviewed Items
Rembrandt in America: Collecting and Connoisseurship | institution: Cleveland Museum of Art , institution: Minneapolis Institute of Arts , institution: North Carolina Museum of Art
Attributed works:
78. Young man in a black beret, by Rembrandt. 1666. Canvas, 81.6 by 64.5 cm. (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City; exh. Cleveland Museum of Art).
Attributed works:
79. Portrait of Anthonie Coopal, by Rembrandt. 1635. Panel, 83.7 by 67 cm. (Private collection, New York; exh. Cleveland Museum of Art).
Attributed works:
80. St Bartholomew, by Rembrandt. 1657. Canvas, 122.7 by 99.7 cm. (Putnam Foundation Collection, Timken Museum of Art, San Diego; exh. Cleveland Museum of Art).
Exhibition Review
Peter Marino’s bronzes. London
08/2010 | 1289 | 152
Pages: 563-564
related names
Avery, Victoria (Avery, Victoria)
collectors and dealers:
Reviewed Items
Beauty & Power: Renaissance and Baroque Bronzes from the Peter Marino Collection | institution: Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens , institution: Minneapolis Institute of Arts , institution: Wallace Collection
Attributed works:
62. Samson and the Philistine. Model, Florentine, perhaps by Baccio Bandinelli. c.1550–60. Leaded bronze, 48.8 by 33 by 21.2 cm. (Peter Marino collection; exh. Wallace Collection, London).
Attributed works:
63. Diana and the stag. Model attributed to Guillaume Berthelot, cast probably French. 1625–50. Mixed copper alloy, 50.2 by 33.9 cm. (Peter Marino collection; exh. Wallace Collection, London).
Book Review
Moving Rooms. The Trade in Architectural Salvages, London
04/2009 | 1273 | 151
Pages: 248-249
Exhibition Review
Holman Hunt
01/2009 | 1270 | 151
Pages: 51-52
related names
Wilton, Andrew (Wilton, Andrew)
Reviewed Items
Holman Hunt and the Pre-Raphaelite Vision | institution: Art Gallery of Ontario , institution: Manchester Art Gallery , institution: Manchester Art Gallery , institution: Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Attributed works:
57. The light of the world, by William Holman Hunt. 1851–52. Oil and gold leaf on canvas, framed with arched top, 122 by 60.5 cm. (Keble College, Oxford; exh. Manchester City Art Gallery).
Attributed works:
58. The Lady of Shalott, by William Holman Hunt. 1886–1905. Oil over tempera on mahogany panel, 44.5 by 34.1 cm. (Manchester City Art Gallery).
Attributed works:
59. The shadow of death, by William Holman Hunt. 1870–73. Oil over tempera on canvas, 214.2 by 168.2 cm. (Manchester City Art Gallery).
Exhibition Review
Nordic landscape painting. Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Minneapolis and Copenhagen
10/2006 | 1243 | 148
Pages: 705-707
related names
House, John (House, John; H., J.)
Reviewed Items
A Mirror of Nature: Nordic Landscape Painting 1840–1910 | institution: Ateneum Art Museum , institution: Minneapolis Institute of Arts , institution: Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst, Arkitektur og Design , institution: Nationalmuseum , institution: Statens Museum for Kunst
Attributed works:
42. Imatra in winter, by Akseli Gallen-Kallela. 1893. Canvas, 153 by 194 cm. (Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki; exh. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm).
Attributed works:
43. A Danish coast: view from Kitnœs by the Roskilde Fjord, by Johan Thomas Lundbye. 1842–43. Canvas, 188.5 by 255.5 cm. (Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen; exh. National-museum, Stockholm).
Attributed works:
44. Girls bathing (In the open air), by Anders Zorn. 1890. Canvas, 69 by 101 cm. (Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki; exh. Nationalmuseum, Stockholm).
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