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25 articles
Recent acquisitions (2016–22) of European works of art at the Detroit Institute of Arts
06/2023 | 1443 | 165
Pages: 677-692
Attributed works:
10. Large circular dish with Diana and Callisto, Nevers Manufactories. c.1660. Faience (tin-glazed earthenware), diameter: 50.8 cm. Bequest of Sidney R. Knafel, T2022.237.2.
Attributed works:
11. Infant St John the Baptist in the wilderness, by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Between 1665 and 1670. Oil on canvas, 85 by 72 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2021.270.
Attributed works:
12. Madonna and Child with Sts Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Cosmas and Damian, by Andrea Sacchi. 1629. Oil on canvas, 60.5 by 40.3 cm. Gift of the European Paintings Council, 2017.10.
Attributed works:
13. St Peter weeping with keys, by Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri). c.1630–40. Pen and brown (iron gall) ink on laid paper, 24.6 by 19.3 cm. Gift of an anonymous donor, in memory of Edward B. Caulkins Jr, 2016.126.
Attributed works:
14. Study for the Chair of St Peter (Cathedra Petri), workshop of Gian Lorenzo Bernini. c.1657–58. Pen and brown ink and wash with white highlights on laid paper, 50.8 by 33.7 cm. Museum purchase, Ralph H. Booth Bequest Fund, 2018.21.
Attributed works:
15. Garniture of three vases, manufactured by the De Paauw (‘The Peacock’) Manufactory, Delft, under the direction of Petronella van Dijssel. c.1690. Tin-glazed (enamelled) earthenware, 40 by 37.5 cm. Gift of Richard and Joanne Brodie, 2019.160.1–.3.
Attributed works:
16. The archangel Michael defeating Satan, by Acisclo Antonio Palomino de Castro y Velasco. Between 1692 and 1705. Oil on canvas, 208.8 by 146.5 cm. Gift of Colnaghi in honour of Salvador Salort-Pons, 2016.58.
Attributed works:
17. Reading the fate of the Christ Child, by Josefa De Ayala. 1667. Oil on copper, 23 by 29 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2020.15.
Attributed works:
18. Large platter with Bacchanal scene in the centre with putti and a satyr pushing a wheelbarrow on an ocre niellé ground, manufactured by the Rouen Factories. c.1725. Faience (tin-glazed earthenware), diameter 40 cm. Bequest of Sidney R. Knafel, T2022.237.13.
Attributed works:
19. Madonna and Child, by Giuseppe Maria Mazza. 1685. Hand-modelled terracotta relief in a gilt wood frame, 41.9 by 37.1 cm. Gift of Richard A. and Joanne Brodie in honour of Alan Darr, 2021.28.
Attributed works:
2. St Michael vanquishing the Devil, attributed to the workshop of the Harburg Master. c.1480. Limewood with original gilding and polychromy, 165 by 66 by 40 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, with funds from the Visiting Committee for European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, 2020.1.
Attributed works:
20. The sanctuary-basilica of Nuestra Señora del Lledó in Castellón de la Plana, by Juan Conchillos Falco. 1699. Pen and ink and brush and sepia wash, 21.6 by 29.2 cm. Museum purchase, Hill Memorial Fund, 2020.17.
Attributed works:
21. Virgin of solitude, by Luisa Roldán (called La Roldana). 1705. Terracotta, paint, glass and wood, 38.1 by 26 cm. Museum purchase, Funds from the Joseph M. DeGrimme Memorial Fund and Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2018.33.
Attributed works:
22. Venus ordering armour for Aeneas at Vulcan’s forge, by Gaetano Gandolfi. c.1775. Oil on canvas, 64.5 by 47.5 by 4.4 cm. Gift of the Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden Fund, 2017.46.
Attributed works:
23. Penitent Magdalene, by Caterina de Julianis. 1717. Polychrome wax, painted paper, glass, tempera on paper and other materials, 26.9 by 27 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2019.44.
Attributed works:
24. The Doria commode, designed and painted by Lorenzo de Ferrari. c.1737. Carved and gilded walnut with tempera and oil painted decoration and original carved Spanish red broccatello marble top, 91 by 136 by 53 cm. Museum purchase, Jill Ford Murray Fund, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, and funds from The Visiting Committee for European Sculpture and Decorative Arts in honour of Joanne Brodie, VCESDA Chair 2012–18, 2018.32.
Attributed works:
25. St Benedict of Palermo, attributed to Juan Pascual de Mena. Between 1770 and 1780. Coniferous wood, oil, gold, glass and fibre cord, 175 by 100 by 50 cm. Museum purchase, Jill Ford Murray Fund, 2017.21.
Attributed works:
26. Virgin and Child, by Luis Salvador Carmona. c.1750. Polychrome coniferous wood and glass, 130.8 by 63.5 by 48.3 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund and Ernest and Rosemarie Kanzler Foundation Fund, 2016.31.
Attributed works:
27. Small sword with koft-gari hilt. Possibly France, c.1770. Hilt: steel with gold inlay; blade: etched and blued steel, 100.3 by 10.8 by 8.9 cm. Museum purchase, Joseph M. de Grimme Memorial Fund, 2022.274.
Attributed works:
28. Soup plate from the Catherine the Great Service (assiette à potage), manufactured by the Sèvres Porcelain Manufactory and gilded by Henry-François Vincent. 1778. Soft-paste porcelain, bleu celeste ground with enamel decoration and gilding, 3.8 by 26.7 cm. Museum purchase, with funds from the Bernard J. Reilly Fund and the Joseph M. de Grimme Memorial Fund, 2017.58.
Attributed works:
29. Carved relief of Marchesa Vittoria Santini Torrigiani, attributed to Giuseppe Maria Bonzanigo. c.1796. Boxwood, fruitwood and ebony, 18.6 by 13.7 by .5 cm. Gift of Richard A. and Joanne Brodie, 2021.251.
Attributed works:
3. Dish with the allegory of Love depicting Giulia and Ottinello, by Francesco Xanto Avelli da Rovigo, possibly in the workshop of Nicola da Urbino. c.1525–27. Tin glazed (enamelled) earthenware, diameter 26.5 cm. Gift of Richard A. and Joanne Brodie, 2021.415.
Attributed works:
30. and 31. Mrs Mary May and her daughters Maria Emilia, Louisa and Sophia Margaret and Mr Joseph May and his sons Thomas Charles, Joseph and John, by Angelica Kauffmann. 1780. Oil on canvas, each 144.4 by 176.5 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2022.266.1-2.
Attributed works:
32. Los Caprichos, by Francisco Goya. 1796–98, first edition published 1799. Bound set of eighty etchings with aquatint and engraving on laid paper, in original Spanish mottled calfskin-covered pasteboard binding, 31.2 by 21.0 by 2.8 cm. Museum purchase, Ernest and Rosemarie Kanzler Foundation Fund, 2021.268.
Attributed works:
33. Satan, the fallen angel, by Jean-Jacques Feuchère. Modelled 1833, cast 1835. Bronze with a dark brown patina, height 34.9 cm. Museum purchase, Joseph M. de Grimme Memorial Fund and the Visiting Committee for European Sculpture and Decorative Arts, 2018.17.
Attributed works:
34. Bust of Giuseppe Bossi, by Antonio Canova. 1816. Plaster, 94 by 45.7 by 38.1 cm. Museum purchase, Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2017.19.
Attributed works:
35. Portrait bust of the duchesse de Berry, by Félicie de Fauveau. 1840. Marble with partial gilding and polychromy, height 60 cm. Museum purchase, Joseph M. de Grimme Memorial Fund, 2022.273.
Attributed works:
36. Coffret à bijoux with the triumph of Amphitrite, by Frédéric-Jules Rudolphi. c.1850. Oxidised and parcel-gilt silver, enamel, coloured glass and pearls, 21.3 by 19.7 by 15.2 cm. Gift of Richard and Joanne Brodie, 2021.296.
Attributed works:
4. Descent from the Cross, by the Master of the Embroidered Foliage. c.1500. Oil on oak panel (cradled), 97.6 by 80.3 cm. Gift of Mr and Mrs Raymond Cracchiolo, 2019.18.
Attributed works:
6. Dish featuring Cupid holding a globe, made by Lyon Manufactories and decorated by Gironimo Tomasi. c.1582–1600. Faience (tin-glazed earthenware), diameter 32.7 cm. Bequest of Sidney R. Knafel, T2022.237.9.
Attributed works:
7. Parade shield for the guard of Archbishop Wolf-Dietrich von Raitenau. Venice, c.1595. Wood, tooled leather, metal leaf, polychromy and varnish, diameter 62.2 cm. Museum purchase, Jill Ford Murray Fund, 2022.5.
Attributed works:
8. Ecce Homo, by Luis de Morales. c.1560–70. Oil on wood panel, 54.6 by 46.4 cm. Museum purchase, Jill Ford Murray Fund and the Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Fund, 2019.41.
Western art unattributed:
1. Crucifixion with the three Marys and others. England, 1440–80. Alabaster with original polychromy and gilding, 53.3 by 25.4 by 5.1 cm. Gift of Richard A. and Joanne Brodie in honour of Alan P. Darr, 2021.112.
Western art unattributed:
5. Reliquary bust of a virgin-martyr, likely a companion of St Ursula. Possibly Castile, c.1530. Softwood with gilding and polychromy, 47 by 43.5 by 19 cm. Gift of Richard A. and Joanne Brodie, 2022.115.
Western art unattributed:
9. David and Goliath. German, c.1600. Polychrome wax, 30 by 21.5 cm. Museum purchase, European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Deaccession Fund, 2020.5.
Book Review
The Golden Age of Italian Maiolica-Painting: Catalogue of a Private Collection. By Timothy Wilson
07/2019 | 1396 | 161
Pages: 608-609
related names
Mallet, J. V. G. (Mallet, J. V. G.; Mallet, John)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Golden Age of Italian Maiolica-Painting: Catalogue of a Private Collection By Timothy Wilson. 512 pp. incl. 220 col. + 77 b. & w. ills. (Umberto Allemandi, Turin, 2018), | :
Attributed works:
3. Plate, Michelangelo and Vitruvius and the arms of Paleologo of Monferrato, by Nicola da Urbino. c.1533. Tin-glazed earthenware, diameter 26.2 cm. (Private collection).
Exhibition Review
Sir Richard Wallace: The Collector. The Wallace Collection, London
10/2018 | 1387 | 160
Pages: 858-860
related names
Hall, Michael (Hall, Michael)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
13. Objects of ancient art in the collection of Sir Richard Wallace, by Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe. Canvas, 99.5 by 150 cm. (Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe; exh. the Wallace Collection, London).
Attributed works:
14. An ostrich, by Elias Zorer. Augsburg, c.1600. Silver, with gilding, height 42 cm. (The Wallace Collection, London).
Non-western art unattributed:
15. Trophy head. Asante Kingdom, eighteenth or nineteenth century. Gold, height 20 cm. (The Wallace Collection, London).
Exhibition Review
Xanto. London
04/2007 | 1249 | 149
Pages: 274-275
related names
Wilson, Timothy (Wilson, Timothy; W., T. H.; W., T.; Wilson, Timothy H.; Thw)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Xanto. Pottery-painter, Poet, Man of the Italian Renaissance. | institution: Wallace Collection
Attributed works:
51. Hercules and Deianira (Omphale), attributed to Xanto. Made either in Urbino or Gubbio; lustred in the workshop of Maestro Giorgio, Gubbio. 1528. Diameter 27.2 cm. (Museo d’Arte Medievale e Moderna, Arezzo; exh. Wallace Collection, London).
Attributed works:
52. Mars, Venus and Cupid, signed by Xanto in Urbino. 1532. Lustred probably in the workshop of Maestro Giorgio, Gubbio. Diameter 26.2 cm. (British Museum, London; exh. Wallace Collection, London).
Attributed works:
53. The storming of La Goletta, initialled by Xanto. Painted in 1541 in the Urbino workshop of Francesco de Silvano. Diameter c.46 cm. (Private collection, France).
Xanto and Ariosto
05/1990 | 1046 | 132
Pages: 321-327
related names
Wilson, Timothy (Wilson, Timothy; W., T. H.; W., T.; Wilson, Timothy H.; Thw)
Attributed works:
15. Ruggiero on the Hippogriff, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Urbino, 1531. Maiolica plate, 45 cm. diameter. (County Museum of Art, Los Angeles).
Attributed works:
16. The massacre of the innocents, by Marco Dente da Ravenna, after Baccio Bandinelli. Engraving, B XIV, p.24, no.21. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
17. Detail of the reverse of Fig.1. [Ruggiero on the Hippogriff, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Urbino, 1531. Maiolica plate, 45 cm. diameter. (County Museum of Art, Los Angeles).]
Attributed works:
18. Orlando and his friends finding the arms of Ruggiero, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Urbino, 1532. Maiolica plate from the Pucci service, 26.5 cm. diameter. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Attributed works:
19. Abduction of Helen, by Marcantonio Raimondi, after Raphael. Engraving, B XIV, p.170, no.209. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
20. Astolfo in the land of women, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Urbino, 1532. Maiolica plate from the Pucci service, 26.1 cm. diameter. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
21. Astolfo and the Harpies, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Urbino, 1532. Maiolica dish, 26 cm. diameter. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
22. Fragment of a dish, perhaps with a scene from Ariosto. Attributed to the Master of the Bergantini Bowl. Probably Faenza, c. 1525-30. Maiolica, 14.5 cm. by 20 cm. (Hermitage, Leningrad).
Attributed works:
23. Reverse of Fig.8. [Fragment of a dish, perhaps with a scene from Ariosto. Attributed to the Master of the Bergantini Bowl. Probably Faenza, c. 1525-30. Maiolica, 14.5 cm. by 20 cm. (Hermitage, Leningrad).
Attributed works:
24. Grifone fighting with the people of Damascus, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Urbino, 1537. Maiolica plate, 27.5 cm. diameter. (Formerly Pringsheim collection).
Short Notice
Xanto's Panels
05/1990 | 1046 | 132
Pages: 346-350
related names
Lessmann, Johanna (Lessmann, Johanna)
Attributed works:
61. Plaque, painted with the Dream of Astyages, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. 1536. Maiolica, number 1 of a set, 30 by 27.5 cm. (Kunstgerbemuseum Schloss Köpenick, Berlin).
Attributed works:
62. Plaque, painted with the Birth and exposure of Cyrus, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. Maiolica, number 2 of a set, 30 by 27.5 cm. (Formerly Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum; lost in second world war).
Attributed works:
63. Plaque, painted with Cyrus recognised by Astyages as his grandson, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. c. 1536. Maiolica, number 6 of a set, 30.2 by 27.6 cm. (Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Brunswick).
Attributed works:
64. Plaque, painted with Cyrus at the conquest of Babylon, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. 1536. Maiolica, number 13 of a set, 30.2 by 27.6 cm. (Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Brunswick).
Attributed works:
65. Plaque, painted with Darius the conspirators swearing to kill Horopastes, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. c. 1536. Maiolica, 30 by 28.2 cm. (National Museum, Warsaw).
Attributed works:
66. Plaque, painted with the Marriage of Darius the Great to the daughter of Cyrus, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. c. 1536. Maiolica, number 25 of a set, 30.3 by 28 cm. (Private collection, Italy).
Attributed works:
67. Plaque, painted with Xerxes and his soldiers defiling the temple of Apollo at Delphi, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. 1536. Maiolica, number 34 of a set, 30 by 27.5 cm. (National Museum, Warsaw).
Attributed works:
68. Plaque, painted with Sinon before Priam, attributed to Francesco Xanto Avelli. c. 1536. Maiolica, 30.2 by 27.6 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
69. Plaque, painted with the Flight of Aeneas and the death of Creusa, by Francesco Xanto Avelli. c. 1535. 30.2 by 27.6 cm. (Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, Brunswick).
Publication Received
Francesco Xanto Avelli da Rovigo
12/1989 | 1041 | 131
Pages: 859-860
related names
C., P. (C., P.)
Reviewed Items
Francesco Xanto Avelli da Rovigo | :
In Botega di Maestro Guido Durantino in Urbino
05/1987 | 1010 | 129
Pages: 284-298
related names
Mallet, J. V. G. (Mallet, J. V. G.; Mallet, John)
Attributed works:
1. Dish (Group I, Cat.1), Painted with The Martyrdom of St Cecilia, by Nicola di Gabriele Sbraga da Urbino, in the Workshop of Guido Durantino, 1528, Diameter 50 cm. (Bargello, Florence). 1a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.1, Showing the Monogram of Nicola above an Inscription in His Handwriting Stating the Piece Was Made in the Workshop of 'Guido da Castello durante in Urbino 1528'.
Attributed works:
10. Dish (Group V), Painted with King Priam Receiving Helen of Troy, with a Border of Putti, Satyrs and Trophies, after a Drawing by Battista Franco. Here Attributed to Camillo Gatti. Workshop of Guido Durantino. c. 1547, Diameter 41 cm. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
10a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.10, Showing Capital Lettering Found on Some Other Pieces Attributable to Gatti.
Attributed works:
11. Dish (Group VI, Cat.37), Painted with The 1527 Siege of Rome, Workshop of Guido Durantino. c. 1550, Diameter 44 cm. (Lehman Collection, Metropolitan Museum, New York).
Attributed works:
11a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.11, Showing an Inscription Stating That the Piece Was Made in the Workshop of Maestro Guido Fontana.
Attributed works:
2. Plate (Group II, Cat.16), from a Service with the Arms of the Connétable Anne de Montmorency, Painted with The Wars and Troubles of the Trojans by Land and Sea, Workshop of Guido Durantino. 1535, Diameter 30 cm. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
2a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.2. The Same Handwriting Appears on the Pieces Illustrated as Figs.3, 5 and 5a.
Attributed works:
3. Plate (Group II, Cat.13), from the Montmorency Service, Painted with the Daughters of Minyas, Workshop of Guido Durantino. c. 1535, Diameter 25.5 cm. (By Courtesy of the Trustees of the Sir John Soane Museum).
Attributed works:
4. Candlestick (Group II, Cat.3), from the Montmorency Service, View of the Upper Surface of the Pedestal, Painted with Alpheus and Arethusa. Uninscribed Except for the Numeral 16 in Blue Underneath. c. 1535, Diameter 19.5 cm. (Victoria & Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
5. Plate (Group II, Cat.27), Painted with Apollo, Daphne and Peneus, Workshop of Guido Durantino. 1535, Diameter 26 cm. (Former Robert Strauss Collection; Photograph Courtesy of Christie's).
Attributed works:
5a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.5, Showing the Same Handwriting as That in Fig.2a.
Attributed works:
6. Dish (Group III, Cat.32), Painted with Mount Parnassus after Marcantonio Raimondi's Print after Raphael, Workshop of Guido Durantino. c. 1540, Diameter 45.3 cm. (Musée Vivenel, Compiègne).
Attributed works:
6a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.6, with a Stanza on the Theme of the Difficulty of Ascending Mount Parnassus. This Is the Only Recorded Piece Inscribed Merely with the Name of Maestro Guido Durantino, with No Reference to His Workshop.
Attributed works:
7. Plate (Group IV), Painted with the Hunting of the Calydonian Boar, by Guido Durantino's Son Orazio Fontana. Marked at the Back with Orazio's Monogram. 1544, Diameter 24.1 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
7a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.7, Showing Orazio Fontana's Handwriting and Monogram.
Attributed works:
8. Dish (Group IV, Cat.34), Painted with the Contest between the Muses and the Pierides, after a Print by Caraglio after il Rosso Fiorentino. Monogram of Orazio Fontana on a Rock in the Right-Hand Foreground. Workshop of Guido Durantino. 1542, Diameter 44 cm. (Formerly Schloss-Museum, Berlin, Lost in World War II).
Attributed works:
8a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.8, Showing the Handwriting of Orazio Fontana (cf. Fig.7a).
Attributed works:
9. Dish (Group V, Cat.35), Painted with the Muses and Pierides, after the Same Print as Fig.8. Here Considered Probably by Camillo Gatti. Workshop of Guido Durantino. c. 1545-50, Diameter 46cm. (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge). Reproduced in Colour on the Front Cover.
Attributed works:
9a. Detail of the Reverse of Fig.9, Showing Handwriting Believed to Be That of Camillo Gatti, Concluding with the Statement That the Piece Was Made in Guido Durantino's Workshop.
Advertisements May 1980 (Front)
05/1980 | 926 | 122
Pages: i-xcviii
Attributed works:
[ Chaucer & Van Dam Galleries - Chaucer Fine Arts Inc., 45 Pimlico Road, London ] Viviano Codazzi (1603/1604-1672). Soldiers before an Arch. in a Landscape. 59 by 74 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Colnaghi, 14 Old Bond Street, London ] Jacob de Gheyn II 1565-1629. The Standard-Bearer. Engraving 1589, 287 × 197 mm.
Attributed works:
[ Eyre & Hobhouse in association with Martyn Gregory, 39 Duke Street, London ] "The Temple Steps". Oil on Canvas; 27½ × 11½ ins.; Signed and Inscribed. Exhibited: Royal Academy, 1893, no. 49. Provenance: The Artist's Family.
Attributed works:
[ Galerie des Ducs de Bourgogne, 12 Allee Saunier, Paris ] 'Turkish Horse' by A-L Barye (1795-1875). Sculpture in Bronze. Signed. Early Cast with Brown Patina. 29 cm High, 31 cm Long. 'Eternal Spring' by A. Rodin, 1884. Sculpture in Bronze. Signed A. Rodin. Very Beautiful Early Cast with Brown and 'Medaille' Patinas. Cast by Barbedienne. Inscribed V. L. underneath and Inscribed H. 40 cm High, 51 cm Long. 'The Hunt' by P. J. Mene (1810-1879). Sculpture in Bronze. Signed and Dated 1869. Early Cast with 'Medaille' Patina. 62 cm High, 80 cm Long.
Attributed works:
[ Galerie G. Paffrath, Königsallee 46, Düsseldorf ] Paul Thumann (Gross-Tzschacksdorf 1834 - Berlin 1908) Portrait of a Lady with a Waterlily 1881. 50.7 × 39.9 cm., Oil on Wood. Signed and Dated Top Left: Paul Thumann 81
Attributed works:
[ Gallery P. de Boer, Herengracht 512, Amsterdam ] Jacob Savery (Detail). Orpheus Playing for the Animals. Signed and Dated 1601. Panel 46½ × 92½ cm
Attributed works:
[ Heim-Gairac, 13 Rue de Seine, Paris ] Jean François Hue. 1751-1823. "Vue d'un petit moulin aux environs de Saint-Denis". Wood. H. 0.32 L. 0.47. 1783 Salon.
Attributed works:
[ Herbert E. Feist, 1125 Madison Avenue, New York ] Follower of Guercino
Attributed works:
[ Jacques Fischer - Chantal Kiener, 46 rue de Verneuil, Paris ] F. Ferogio, ca 1810. Plume et encre noire, lavis d'aquarelle; 62 × 101 cm. Signé F. Ferogio. Jean-Guillaume Moitte, 1746-1810. Plume et lavis brun; 21,6 × 32,3 cm. Cachet Collection J. B. C. Odiot.
Attributed works:
[ Johnny Van Haeften, 180 New Bond Street, London ] David Teniers the Younger On Panel. 8¾ by 6½ Inches
Attributed works:
[ Kaare Berntsen, Universitetsgt 12, Oslo ] "Liebespaar". Sch. 71, 1896-Sarvig Page 37. Lithograph Printed by Clot. (310 × 419 cm).
Attributed works:
[ Richard L. Feigen & Company, 900 Park Avenue, New York ] "Clair de Lune". Claude-Joseph Vernet, Oil on Canvas, Each 305 by 253 cm, Signed and Dated, 1778 "Le Matin". Claude-Joseph Vernet, Oil on Canvas, Each 305 by 253 cm, Signed and Dated, 1778
Attributed works:
[ Schmit, 396 Rue St. Honoré, Paris ] Boudin, "Rotterdam. Le Pont de la Bourse". Canvas. 45 × 65 cm 1876
Attributed works:
[ Somerville & Simpson Ltd, 11 Savile Row, London ] Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788). Sheep Grazing by a Bend in a Road at Dusk. Charcoal Heightened with White. 287 × 372 mm
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Bearne ] A Fachralo Kazak, 55 by 45 cm. A George III Freedom Box by Thomas Phipps and Edward Robinson II, London, 1804, 8 cm. Wide, 4oz. A French Coin-Operated, Double Singing Bird Automaton, Late 19th Century, 65 cm. High.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby King and Chasemore ] A Silver Coffee Pot by Robertson and Walton Newcastle 1820, 24 cm., to Be Sold on 14th May. A Chinese Carved Hardwood Moon Cabinet, 203 cm. High, c.1900, to Be Sold on 13th May
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Fine Louis XV Ormolu Mounted Parquetry Commode Attributed to Cressent, the Mounts with the Crown C Mark, 147 cm. Wide
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Lacquer Screen by Eileen Gray, c.1922-25
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Magnificent Desk and Chairs in Macassar Ebony and Chromium-Plated Metal by Emile-Jacques Ruhlmann, 1932
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Meissen Tankard in the Manner of J. E. Stadler's, c.1725, Silver-Gilt Mounts, Augsburg, G. B., 18.5 cm. Sèvres Service for Louise-Jeanne Dufort, la Duchesse de Mazaran, 1775
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Pair of Meissen Swans, 1745-50, 21.6 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Terracotta Group of Maternity by Joseph Charles Marin, c.1794, 31 cm High. A Bronze Group of Cupid and Psyche by Giovanni Battista Foggini, Late 17th Century, 32 cm. Wide
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] Jean Baptiste Oudry, Still Life, Signed and Dated 1721, 80 by 101 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] One of a Pair of Highly Important Chairs by Delanois, Made in 1769 for Madame du Barry's Pavillon at Louveciennes, from the Collection of Madame Lopez-Willshaw
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] One of Two Highly Important Louis XIV Coffers on Stands Made by André-Charles Boulle for the Grand Dauphin, 155 cm. High
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] The Junction of the Two Seas showing the Canal du Midi running from the Mediterranean through the Garonne to the Bay of Biscay, one of a set of six Louis XIV bronze roundels, from the designs after Mignard for the lanterns of the Place des Victoires, sculpted by Jean Arnould and cast by Pierre Le Negre, c. 1685, 76.2 cm. diameter, the property of the Trustees of the Conyngham Heirlooms Trust
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] A Fine Flemish Bronze Bull, Mid 17th Century, Length 47 cm., from the Estate of Nelson A. Rockefeller. A German Silver Girdle, c.1600, Length 1.05 m. An Urbino Gubbio Lustred Istoriato Dish, Painted by Francesco Xanto Avelli, c.1535, 26.7 cm. Diameter
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] Aert van der Neer, A Moonlit River Landscape, Signed with Monogram, on Panel, 37 by 54.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] Friedrich Gauerman, After the Hunt, Signed and Dated 1857, on Cradled Panel, 85 by 105 cm. Wilhelm Camphausen, A Fall during the Chase, Signed and Dated 1860, on Canvas, Mounted on Masonite, 87.5 by 108 cm. Sir William Russell Flint, R. A., P. R. W. S., Model with Pink Drape, Signed, 69 by 55.5 cm. Gustave Courbet, Neige, Signed, 88 by 81 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] John Constable, R. A., Flatford Lock, Painted c.1810, 20 by 32.5 cm. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot, Une Source au Pied des Rochers, Signed, 46 by 56 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] Louis-Leopold Boilly, La Paresseuse, Black and White Chalk, Heightened with White Gouache, Extensively Stumped, on Buff Paper, 495 by 397 mm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] William Adolphe Bouguereau, Enfant Tenant des Fleurs, Signed and Dated 1878, 89 by 50.8 cm. Alexandre-Charles Guillemot, Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan, 146 by 113.5 cm. Charles Burton Barber, No Ride Today, Signed and Dated 1884, 61 by 76 cm. Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, Resting on the Way to Pasture, Signed and Dated 1846, on Panel, 38 by 52 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. Madrid ] Miguel Ximénez, Christ as the Man of Sorrows Supported by Saints, on Panel, 90 by 90 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet ] English Primitive School, Three Sheep in a Wooded Parkland Setting, 49 by 60 cm. Richard Parkes Bonington, A View of Lerici, with the Castle and a Figure in the Foreground, on Board, 35.5 by 46 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet ] John Lynn, A Dismasted Man of War Foundering in Stormy Seas, Unframed, 64 by 84.5 cm. (Est. £500/700).Thomas Luny, Anglers on the Bank below a Waterfall, Signed and Dated 1829, on Panel, Unframed, 22.5 by 30.5 cm. (Est. £250/350)
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet ] William Owen, R. A., Portrait of Richard Seymour, Esq., 75 by 62 cm. (Est. £400/500). Joseph Parry (Attributed to), A Fair on the Village Green, Canvas Laid on Panel, 82.5 by 152.5 cm. (Est. £400/600). John Joseph Barker of Bath, Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, 75 by 126 cm. (Est. £500/700). Philip Reinagle, (Attributed to), A Lurcher and a Spaniel in a Wooded Landscape, 106 by 82.5 cm. (Est. £400/600)
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet, Los Angeles ] A George II Parcel Gilt-Wood Library Armchair, c.1740, (Together with a Matching Armchair of a Later Date). A Pair of Baroque Gilt-Wood Consoles, c.1700. A George I Burr-Walnut Tallboy-Bureau, c.1720. A Massive George IV Silver Meat Dish and Cover, Robert Garrard, London, 1827, Length 30.25 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York ] Francis E. MacDonald, Ophelia, Signed and Dated 1898, Watercolour and Pencil, 108.8 by 45.3 cm. Maurice Denis, Study for L'Oratorio, Signed and Dated 1904, Oil and Crayon, 149.8 by 201.4 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York ] Joseph Mallord William Turner, R. A., Juliet and Her Nurse, Oil on Canvas, 89 by 120.5 cm. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1836 (Butlin & Joll no. 365), the Property of Mrs. Flora Whitney Miller. A Portion of the Proceeds Is to Benefit the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York ] Leon Frederick, The Source of Life, Signed and Dated 1890, 206 by 131 cm. Emile René Menard, The Toilette of Diana, Signed and Dated 1921, 169 by 203 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York ] One of Two George III Salvers Engraved with the Exchequer Seal of George II and the Seal of the Prince of Wales, London, 1728/35, 34.3 cm. Diameter. Queen Anne Covered Cup, Jonah Clifton, London, 1709, 24.2 cm. High. A Queen Anne Caster, George Carthorne, London, 1703, 21 cm. High and a Pair of William and Mary Candlesticks, Maker's Mark R. W. Crowned, London, 1693, 16.8 cm. High. A George II Tray, Paul de Lamerie, London, 1741, 66 cm. Long. A George II Hot Water Jug, Christian Hillan, London, 1738, 24.2 cm. High
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] Thursday 8th May at 10.30 am A Pair of Reily & Storer Silver-Gilt Mounted Glass Decanters and a Pair of Labels, en Suite, London 1840, 28 cm. High. Thursday 22nd May at 10.30 am. A Large Treasury Inkstand, Makers' Mark of A. & F. Parsons of Tessiers Ltd., London 1936, 31 cm. Long
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's London ] A Small Gilt-Metal Musical Bracket Clock by Eardley Norton, 13½ in. High (34 cm.)
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's London ] A Strawberry Dish, by John Luff, London, 1730, 22.8 cm. Diameter. A Covered Sugar Bowl, Engraved with the Arms of Calverley, Unmarked, c.1730, 14 cm. High. A Coffee Pot, by John Swift, London, 1738, 22.8 cm. High. A Presentation Silver-Gilt Cup and Cover, Engraved with the Arms of the City of London, by E. E. J. & W. Barnard, London, 1831, 41 cm. High
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's London ] An Irish Cake Basket, by Thomas Williamson, Dublin, 1736, 36.8 cm. Wide. A Pair of Table Candlesticks, Maker's Mark Script B Crowned, London, 1692, 15.2 cm. High. A Pair of Strawberry Dishes, by David Tanqueray, London, 1715, 22.8 cm. Diameter. An Irish Caster, by Thomas Bolton, Dublin, 1704-5, 21 cm. High
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's London ] One of Six Silver-Gilt Salvers in Sizes Made for George Booth, 2nd Earl of Warrington, by David Willaume, London 1743.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's London] Laurence Biddle, Pink and Scarlet Geraniums and Other Flowers, on Board, Signed and Dated 45, 36 by 53.5 cm. Louis Wain, The Tea Party, Gouache, Signed, 17.5 by 22.9 cm. Leslie Wilcox, The Tea Clipper Cutty Sark, Signed, 59 by 89.5 cm. Francis Russell Flint, Churchill on the Bridge of H. M. S. Kelvin, D Day + 9, Watercolour, 54.5 by 76 cm. Dorothea Sharp, Children Playing near the Sea, on Board, 37.5 by 45 cm. Renée Mendel, The Beatles, Old Silver Resin, Wood and Metal, Signed with Monogram, Length 71 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's London] Paul Nash, Void of War, Lithograph, 1918, 372 by 445 mm. C. R. W. Nevinson, A. R. A., Banking at 4,000 Feet, from Building Aircraft, the Set of Six Lithographs, 1917, 400 by 305 mm. Sir Muirhead Bone, A Spanish Good Friday (Ronda) Drypoint, 319 by 201 mm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] A Rare Staffordshire Salt Glazed Blue-Ground Teapot and Cover, Formerly in the Gollanz Collection, c.1755, 10.5 cm. A Rare Whieldon Figure of a Water Buffalo after a Chinese Original, c.1750-55, 23 cm. A Leeds Creamware Veilleuse, Formerly in the Towner Collection, c.1775, 28.5 cm. A Rare Brislington 'Queen Mary' Charger, c.1690 33 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] After James Pollard, West Country Mails at the Gloucester Coffee House, Piccadilly, by C. Rosenberg, Coloured Aquatint, Published 1828, 634 by 804 mm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] James Gillray, Metallic-Tractors, Coloured Etching and Aquatint, Published 1801, 246 by 315 mm. From a Collection of Caricatures by Gillray and Rowlandson
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] Samuel Palmer, The Lonely Tower, Etching, 1880, 190 by 253 mm. Edward Calvert, The Ploughman or Christian Ploughing the Last Furrow of Life, Wood Engraving, as Published in A Memoir of Edward Calvert, Artist, by His Third Son, 1893, Folio
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] The Obverse of a Fine Greek Hand Cross Carved Minutely in Boxwood, Pierced and Mounted in Enamelled Silver, Probably Mount Athos, 17th Century, 31 cm. Long. The Deisis, Palekh, Early 19th Century, Repoussé and Chased Silver Gilt Oklad, Maker's Mark V. A. Kobolvesky, Moscow 1841, 31 by 26.5 cm. St. Nicholas, Silver Gilt Repoussé and Chased Oklad, Multi-Coloured Shaded Enamel, Maker's Mark O. Kurliukov, Moscow 1899-1908, 32 by 27.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[David M. Koetser Gallery, 37 Talstrasse, Zurich] A. van Ostade. Signed Panel 4½ Inches. Collection: Sidney van den Bergh
Attributed works:
[germann, Zeltweg 67, Zurich] 1 C. Pissarro 2 E. Munch 3 Georges Braque 4 Marie Laurencin 5 Max Ernst 6 B. Jongkind 7 P. Outin 8 P. Bonnard 9 Hans Arp 10 Eugène Boudin 11 Cuno Amiet
Attributed works:
[Maître Georges Blache, 5 rue Rameau, Versailles] Foujita. "Jeune fille à la robe noire". Canvas. 60,5 × 46 cm
Attributed works:
[Messrs. Etienne Libert et Alain Castor, Hotel Drouot, Paris] Edouard Manet (Paris 1832/1883). "La Jeune Fille au Col Cassé". Pastel, about 1880 (48 cm × 39 cm)
Attributed works:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Rare Chelsea Figure of a Jewish Pedlar, after a Meissen Original, c.1752-56, 8.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Charles Turner, An Extensive View of Oxford Races, Numerous Figures and Horses in the Foreground, Tents and Stands beyond, 62 by 90.5 cm. Emily Stannard, A Still Life of Flowers in a Vase with a Bird's Nest on a Stone Ledge, a Wooded Landscape beyond, Signed and Dated 1838, 35.5 by 30.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Thursday 22nd May at Bond Street. Joseph Austin Benwell, Halt at Gournah, Watercolour, Signed and Dated 1876, 31.5 by 48 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Tuesday 20th May at 10.30 am at Bond Street. A Chelsea Figure of a Jewish Pedlar, c.1752
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] A Derby 'Yellow-Ground' Botanical Plate, Specimen Named "Babiana Stricta" and Crown over Crossed Batons, Pattern Number 216, in Blue Enamel, Late 18th Century, 22.8 cm. A Rare Chelsea Figure of Mezzetin, Red Anchor Mark, c.1752-56, 15 cm. A Nantgarw Plate from the MacIntosh Service, Impressed Nantgarw C. W., c.1817-22, 24.5 cm. A Pair of Chelsea Vases with Watteauesque Panels, Gold Anchor Period, c.1760-65, 17cm. A Rare Barr, Flight & Barr Dinner and Dessert Service, BFB Beneath Crown Impressed, Retailers Mark, c.1813.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Cornelis Huysmans, A Southern Landscape, 56 by 80.5 cm. Jan van Kessel II, One of a Pair of Still Lives of Fruit and a Monkey, on Metal, Each 25 by 34 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Daniel van Heil, Aeneas Fleeing the Destruction of Troy, on Panel, 54.5 by 75 cm. Gerrit Claesz Bleker, A Military Encampment, on Panel, 36 by 67 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] French School c.1770-1780, Design for the Great Stairs of a Palace (Section), Indian Ink and Pink Wash, 61.5 by 70.5 cm J. D. Thierry, Architectural Fantasy Depicting the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, Watercolour, Signed and Dated 1845, 44.5 by 68 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Lucien Levy Dhurmer, Veiled Woman and White Irises, Pastel, Signed and Dated Golfe Juan'92, 51 by 31 cm. Theodore Chasseriau, Portrait de Jeune Femme, Pencil, Signed and Dated 1850, 24 by 19 cm. Jean François Millet, "Le Bain des Oies", Pen, Indian Ink and Pastel on Buff Paper, Laid down on Board, Signed, Executed c.1865, 48 by 38 cm. Wilhlem von Kobell, A Portrait of the Artist's Brother Innozens, Pencil, Watercolour and Grey Wash, Inscribed Grossvater, Executed c.1790, 42 by 25.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Luigi Loir, Visitors at the 1878 "Exposition Universelle", in Paris, Viewing the Stand of J. & P. Coats Thread Manufacturers (Paisley), Pencil, Pen and Ink and Gouache, Signed and Dated '78, 33 by 47 cm
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Magnificent Letter Signed by Henry VIII Introducing to Cosimo I de'Medici His Retainer Ludovico Da l'Armi, Reputed to Have Been Sent to Assassinate Cardinal Reginald Pole to Prevent Him Attending the Council of Trent, 16 February 1545.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Marcel Blairat, An Egyptian Girl Charming a Snake, Watercolour, Signed and Dated 83, 28 by 18.5 cm. William Havell, Cattle Watering by a Ford, Watercolour, 25 by 29.5 cm. Charles Robertson, R. W. S., The Bazaar "Khan El-Khalulu", Cairo, Watercolour and Bodycolour, Signed, 82.5 by 49 cm. Thomas Rowlandson, Courtship at the Waterpump, Pen and Ink and Watercolour, 14 by 10 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Octavius Oakley, The Young Cress Girl, Watercolour Heightened with White, 52 by 35.5 cm. Carl Haag, R. W. S., Bedawien Happiness, Watercolour, Signed, Inscribed, 55.5 by 41 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] One of a Pair of Small Marquetry Commodes Attributed to Pierre Langlois, 81 by 94 by 47 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Samuel Prout, The Zwinger Palace Dresden, from Facsimiles of Sketches Made in Flanders and Germany, the Set of 50 Lithographs, Published, c.1830, Folio. After Rudolf Kunst, Tayar, by L. Ekeman-Allesson, from Chevaux de Races Orientales aux Haras de S. M. Le Roi De Wurttemburg par L'Institut Royal de Lithographie, the Set of 18 Tinted Lithographs, Published Stuttgart 1823, Oblong Folio
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Sarrazin de Monferrier, "Projet d'un Musée-Donnè à l'Académie Pour sa Reception" (Elevation and Plan), Pen and Ink and Watercolour, Signed and Dated 1787, 60.5 by 81.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] The Miss Doubleday, Ex Duvett, a Violin by Joseph Guarneri del Jesu, Cremona 1741. A Violin by Antonio Stradivari, Cremona 1695. A Flemish Virginals, by Cornelius Hagaerts, Antwerp, Second Quarter of the 17th Century. A Two-Manual Harpsichord by Joseph Kirckman, London 1798
Non-western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Pair of Biscuits Figures of Maidens, Kangxi (K'ang Hsi), 47.5 cm
Non-western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] An 18th Century Savonnerie Carpet, 227 cm. by 300 cm., from the Collection of Madame Lopez-Willshaw. A 17th Century North West Persian Carpet, 462 cm. by 326 cm., from the Collection of the Comtesse de Bismarck
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Large and Important Icon of the Prophet Elijah Circumscribed by Scenes from His Life, North Russia, Early 16th Century, 93.5 cm. by 69 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[ Chaucer & Van Dam Galleries - Chaucer Fine Arts Inc., 45 Pimlico Road, London ] Head of a Youth. Roman, Early IInd Century A. D. Height 36.5 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet Monaco S. A. ] A Turned Ivory Group of Spheres, Second Half of the 18th Century, 53.4 cm. High, from a Collection of French and German Turned Ivory Carvings
Western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby Park Bernet New York ] A French Ivory Triptych from the Atelier of the Soissons Diptych, Late 13th Century, 15.5 cm. High
Western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York ] A James I Beaker, London, 1609, 13.7 cm. High
Western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby's London ] A Queen Anne Walnut Secrétaire Cabinet, c.1710. 190 by 109 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Thursday 5th June at Sotheby Bearne. A Diamond and Sapphire Floral Spray Brooch.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Fine Pair of Spanish Percussion Cap Madrid-Lock Holster Pistols, Converted from Flintlock, by P. Steva, c.1750, Converted c.1830, 38.7 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Selection of Powder Flasks
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A William and Mary Marquetry Cabinet on Stand, c.1690, 193 cm. High by 160 cm. Wide.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] An Episcopal Panagia Carved in Walrus Ivory, Early 16th Century, 6 cm. Diameter An Important Byzantine Miniature Icon of the Martyr Saint Paraskevi, 13th Century, 12 cm. by 9.6 cm. A Miniature Portable Folding Iconostasis, 18th Century, 147 cm. by 38 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] One of a Pair of Small George II Giltwood Console Tables, in the Manner of Henry Flitcroft, 87 cm. by 88 cm. by 50 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] Bonnie Brae Farm
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] Butcher's Run
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] East Brick
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] Glad Hill
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] La Pigionniere
Advertisements February 1980 (Front)
02/1980 | 923 | 122
Pages: i-lxiv
Attributed works:
[ C. G. Boerner, Kasernenstrasse 13, Düsseldorf ] Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione. The Incredulity of St. Thomas. Brush Drawing, Brown Paint with Blue and Red Touches. 442 × 340 mm. Percy 95. Provenance: G. Vallardi, Pacini, J. Goldsche.
Attributed works:
[ Colnaghi, 14 Old Bond Street, London ] Andrea Appiani 1754-1817. Portrait of Marianna Morigia-Reina Canvas: 98.5 × 74.3 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, 138 Brompton Road, London ] Sèvres hard paste tea veille and cover, with a silver gilt and wood handle, the cover is attached by a chain to knop of the cover. The spout is in the form of a birds head and the tea veille is decorated with Chinoiserie subjects, in samille rose enamels and gold. Mark: Crossed L's with double A date mark for 1778. Purchased by and exhibited at C. L. David Collection, Copenhagen.
Attributed works:
[ Heim Gairac, 13 Rue de Seine, Paris ] Jean Restout. Rouen 1692-Paris 1768. "Jésus à Emmaüs". Painting on Canvas. H. 1,57 L. 1,35. Ag. Franco-Européenne
Attributed works:
[ Richard L. Feigen & Company, 900 Park Avenue, New York ] Sir Edwin Landseer, 1817, Oil on Canvas, 318 by 381 mm. Signed and Dated, Lower Left. Landseer Estate sale, Christies, London, May 8, 1874, No. 98.
Attributed works:
[ Schmit, 396 Rue Saint - Honoré, Paris ] "Paysage Franc-Comtois" by Courbet. Canvas. H. 85 cm. L. 106 cm. Painted in 1863.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Bearne ] An Early Nineteenth Century Gold and Diamond Tiara with Matching Maltese Cross Brooch Pendant, to Be Sold on 6th February. A Set of Four George III Cluster Column Candlesticks, by Ebeneezer Coker, London 1769, 32 cm High, Loaded, to Be Sold on 20th February. A Regency brass laid rosewood parcel gilt dining table, to be sold on the 19th March. After Etienne Alexandre Stella, a Pair of Bronze Figures, Representing Summer and Winter, 93 cm High, to Be Sold on 5th March. A Nineteenth Century Meissen China Centrepiece, 47 cm. High, to Be Sold on 26th March
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby King and Chasemore ] A Silver Bardic Crown with Green Velvet Lining from the 1921 Eisteddfod in Colwyn Bay, 20 cm., 20 ozs., to Be Sold on 27th February. An 18 Carat Gold Hunter with Minute Repeating Mechanism and 30 Minute Chronograph Recorder, Probably by E. Dent of London, to Be Sold on 12th February. A Lalique Strut Clock, Swiss Eight Day Movement, 11.5 cm. Square, to Be Sold on 12th March. Pieter Jansz van Asch, A Wooded Landscape with Falconer and Dogs in Foreground, Oil on Canvas, Signed and Dated 1653, 58 by 72 cm., to Be Sold on 13th February.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby Parke Bernet A. G. Zurich ] A Flower Sapphire and Diamond Brooch, by Van Cleef & Arpels. A Diamond Bracelet. A Pear-Shaped Diamond Ring, Natural Light Blue, 7.50 Carats, GIA Certificate
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] Frederick William Watts, A Country Cottage, 96.5 by 129.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] George Bernard O'Neill, New Year's Day, Signed and Dated '89, 61 by 76 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] Henry Bright, Wolf's Crag, Dumbarton Castle, Inscribed on the Stretcher, 62 by 89 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] James Hayllar, The Centre of Attention, Signed, 48 by 75 cm. Exhibited: Royal Academy, 1891, No. 681
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] John Atkinson Grimshaw, Liverpool, Signed, Signed and Inscribed on the Reverse, 51 by 74 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] John Byam Liston Shaw, A. R. W. S., "For God Shall Bring Every Work into Judgement with Every Secret Thing, Whether It Be Good or Whether It Be Evil,"-Ecclesiastes Ch. XII, v. KIV Signed, Inscribed on a Label on the Reverse, on Panel, 40 by 30.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] John Evan Hodgson, R. A., Far from Home, Signed and Dated 1889, on Panel, 76 by 63.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] John Frederick Lewis, R. S., P. R. W. S., The Bezentein Bazaar of El Khan Khalil, Cairo, Signed and Dated 1872, 113 by 85 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] John William Godward, A Tryst, Signed and Dated 1912, Inscribed 'Roma' on the Reverse, 127 by 79 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] John William Waterhouse, R. A., The Shrine, Signed, 88 by 42 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] Marcus Stone, R. A., Bright Summer, Signed and Dated 1892, 62 by 39.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones Bt., A. R. A., Pilgrim at the Gate of Idleness, Signed with Initials and Dated 1874 and 1884, 96.5 by 131 cm. Exhibited: Glasgow Institute, International Exhibition; New Gallery 1893; Liverpool 1893. Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt., A. R. A., The Heart of the Rose, Signed with Initials and Dated 1889, 96.5 by 131 cm. Collection: W. Connal Jnr. Exhibited: New Gallery 1893; No.66 Liverpool 1893.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] Walter Crane, R. W. S., The Lady of the Lilies, Signed with Monogram, and Dated '93, 75 by 53.5 cm. Simeon Solomon, Sappho and Errinna in the Garden Mytelene, Watercolour Heightened with White, Signed with Monogram and Dated 2.64, Inscribed on a Label on the Reverse, 33 by 27 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia, London ] William Powell Frith, R. A., The Railway Station, Signed and Dated 1862, 70 by 151.5 cm. This Is Another Version of the Painting Which Is in the Royal Holloway College Collection, London
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] Henry Moore, Figure on Steps, Bronze with Brown Patina, 1956, First of Three Versions, 16.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Sotheby's, 34-5 New Bond Street, London ] Léon Bakst, Design for Karsavina's Costume as Echo in Narcisse, Pencil and Watercolour, 1911, 60 by 40 cm.
Attributed works:
[ Wildenstein, 147 New Bond Street, London ] Millet. Going to Work
Attributed works:
[ Winifred Williams, 3 Bury Street, St James's, London ] Two Sèvres Seaux Filled with Vincennes Flowers. Height: 28 cm. Sèvres. Painter Tandart. "Cassolette Duplessis". 32.5 × 21.7 cm.
Attributed works:
[David M. Koetser Gallery, 37 Talstrasse, Zurich] A. van Ostade. Signed Panel 4½ Inches
Attributed works:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Louis Philippe Aubusson Carpet, Sold in Monaco in February, 1979, for FFr.33,000.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Pigs, from an Album of Watercolours Attributed to Thomas Rowlandson
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] A Faenza Dish Painted by "FR", about 1525, 25.5 cm. A Florentine Oak Leaf Jar from the Workshop of Giunta di Tugio, First Half of the 15th Century, 24.5 cm. A Faenza Albarella, Late 15th Century, 29.5 cm. An Urbino Dish Painted by Francesco Xanto Avelli, Dated 1534, 26 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] A Pair of Sporting Figures, Anchormarks in Gilding, c.1765, 23 cm. A 'Martha Gunn' Toby Jub, c.1790, 29 cm. Rodney's Sailor, A Ralph Wood Toby Jug, c.1770, 29 cm. A Monogrammed Bloor Derby Mug Painted by Daniel Lucas with a View of Kedleston Hall, Initialled M. C., 120.5 cm., Inscribed in Red 'Kedleston/the Seat of Lord Scarsdale', Bloor Derby Stencilled Monk, c.1825.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] An Early Cased London Colt Model 1851 Navy Revolver No. 105, 1853, 33 cm. A Fine Pair of Cased Percussion Cap Duelling Pistols by Forsyth & Co, Patent Gun Makers, London, c.1830, 39.5 cm. A Selection of German Wheelock Rifles Including a Rare Super Imposed Lead Wheelock Sporting Rifle (Bottom) the Lock Makers Mark of Christof Dressler, the Barrel with That of Zacharias Herold, Dated 1593, 140 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Angelo Maria Crivelli Called Il Crivellone, A Bustard and Waterfowl in a River Landscape, One of a Pair, Each 102 by 108 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Angelo Maria Crivelli, Called Il Crivellone, Pheasants, a Blackcock and Two Rabbits in a Wooded Landscape, One of a Pair, Each 102 by 108 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Antonio Fabres, The Guard of the Seraglio, Signed and Dated Julio '89, 168 by 84 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Arthur Devis, Portrait of a Lady, Signed and Dated 1760, 49.5 by 34 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, Drovers on a Country Lane by the Rhine, on Panel, Signed and Dated 1854; Signed, Authenticated and Stamped with the Artist's Seal on a Label on the Reverse, 52.5 by 73.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Baron Hendrik Leys. A Romantic Duet, on Panel, Signed and Dated 1838, 63 by 76.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Carel Breydel, A Village Scene, with Horsemen and Other Figures by a Group of Houses, on Panel, 22.5 by 32 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] David Teniers the Younger, Jonah and the Whale: A Stormy Sea with Jonah being Disgorged by the Whale, Signed with Monogram, 21.5 by 27 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Edward Haytley, Portrait of a Gentleman, Signed and Dated 1764, 49 by 34 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Francis Towne, Naples, Buildings Seen from an adjacent Hillside, Pen and Brown Ink, Brown and Grey Washes, Signed, Inscribed and Dated, March 19th 1781, 32.5 by 47 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] George Barret R. A., Two Anglers on a Rock, 112 by 166 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Henry Moore, O. M., C. H., Figure on Steps, Black Chalk, Watercolour and Oil, Signed and Dated '30, 35 by 52.5 cm. Dame Barbara Hepworth, D. B. E., Aegean, 1956, Bronze on a Wooden Base, Numbered 4, 25.5 cm. High. Percy Wyndham Lewis, Berber Horseman, Watercolour and Bodycolour, Signed and Dated 1931, 31 by 29.7 cm. Laurence Stephen Lowry, R. A., A Corner Shop, on Board, Signed and Dated 1943, 43 by 51 cm. Edward Burra, The Market, 1967, Pen and Ink and Grey Wash, Stamped with Signature, 57.5 by 79 cm. Sir Frank Brangwyn, R. A. Eastern Market, Recto on Screen, Signed, Inscribed and Dated 1936, Size Overall 135 by 130.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Johann Heinrich Fuseli R. A., Mrs. Fuseli with Elaborately Arranged Hair Looking over Her Shoulder, Pencil and Stump, 16 by 18.5 cm. James Skene of Rubislaw, Sunrise from the Top of Mount Pentelicus: The South View, One of Four Views That Make up a Panoramic View, Watercolour over Pencil, Inscribed, 33.5 by 47.5 cm. This Drawing Is One of a Group of Watercolours of Greece by James Skene Included in the Sale.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] John Frederick Lewis, R. A., A Study for Lord Ponsonby's Horses Held by Grooms at Stamboul, Black Chalk, Watercolour and Bodycolour, 15 by 21.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] John James Audubon, A Chaffinch, Bull Finch and Green Finch on a Branch of Budding Chestnuts, Pen and Black Ink, Watercolour and Bodycolour, Inscribed 37.5 by 27.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Joseph Mallord William Turner R. A., Sidon, Watercolour, 13.5 by 20.5 cm. Joseph Mallord William Turner, R. A., Arthington Mill, Watercolour over Pencil, Scraping-Out, 30 by 41 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] R. Home, The Launching of Gabriel Gillett's Armed Merchantman in Calcutta Harbour, on Panel, 67 by 120.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Richard Parkes Bonington, A View of Lerici, with the Castle and a Figure in the Foreground, on Board, 35.5 by 46 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Richard Parkes Bonington, Fishing Boats with Fishermen Mending Nets on the Shore - An Estuary beyond, Watercolour, Signed, 18 by 23.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Sir Augustus Wall Callcott R. A., The Fishing Expedition, 151.5 by 246 cm
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Sir William Russell Flint, R. A., P. R. W. S., Reclining Nude, Watercolour, Signed, 34 by 55.5 cm. Sir William Russell Flint, R. A., P. R. W. S., The Mirror, 1937-38, Tempera, Signed, 67 by 55 cm. Edward Seago, Highmill Farm, Norfolk, on Board, Signed, 56 by 91.5 cm.Helen Bradley, Waiting at Liverpool to Go to the Isle of Man, Canvas on Board, Signed with a Fly Device, 45.5 by 61 cm. Lionel Edwards, Colonel Walter Wiggin, with the Devon and Somerset Stag Hounds and Dunkery Beacon, Watercolour and Bodycolour, Signed, Inscribed and Dated April 1922, 34.5 by 50 cm. Dame Laura Knight, D. B. E., R. A., The Men's Dressing Wagon, Signed, 60 by 49.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Thomas Girtin, Bamborough Castle, Northumberland, Watercolour over Slight Pencil Outlines, Signed and Dated 1797, 42 by 54.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's London] Thomas Shotter Boys, Leipzig-Looking Towards a City Gate, Watercolour with Faint Pencil, Signed and Dated 1859, 42 by 33 cm. Thomas Shotter Boys, Oxford Castle, Watercolour over Pencil, Inscribed, 36 by 26 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's, London] A Tournai Plate Decorated with Flowers, about 1765, 23.8 cm. An Octagonal Westerwald/Raeren Bottle, Dated 1677, 30 cm. A Brussels Faience Hare Tureen, Late 18th Century, 48.5 cm.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby's, London] Pablo Picasso, Portrait of Diaghilev, Green Ink, Rome 1917, 19.5 by 16 cm.
Attributed works:
[The Art & Antiques Squad, New Scotland Yard] Stolen from a private residence in London in December, 1979. Willem van de Velde (1633 1707). Oil Painting on Canvas. Size. 16½ × 14¾ Inches. Signed with Initials on Flag
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Chinese Mandarin Robe, 19th century. Sold in November 1979 for HK$3.200.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Kashan Tree of Life Prayer Rug, c.1920, Sold in September, 1979, for £380.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Lesghi Rug, c.1900, Sold in May 1979, for £460.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Malayer Corridor Carpet, 500.4 by 170.2 cm. (Est. £400/800)
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Turkish carpet, c. 1900, 281.9 by 236.2 cm. (Est. £300/600). A Kazak Rug, Dated AH 1318, AD 1901, 264.2 by 144.8 cm. (Est. £700/1,000)
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] A Yomut Carpet, 238.8 by 195.6 cm. (Est. £600/1,200)
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] An Afshar Rug, c.1900, Sold in May, 1979, for £300.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] An Esfahan Carpet, Sold in April 1979, Sold for £10,000.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] An Ottoman Needlework Panel, Sold in October 1979 for £3,800.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Painted Leather Wall Hanging, Early 19th Century, 299 by 162 cm. An Ivory Model of a Junk, Early 19th Century, 60 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Pair of cloisonné Enamel Figures of Elephants, Qianlong (Ch'ien Lung), 27.6 cm. A Pair of cloisonné Enamel Urns and Covers, Qianlong (Ch'ien Lung) 61 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Red Lacquer Chinese Bed, First Half 19th Century, 276 by 258 by 240 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] Two of a Set of Four Kesi (K'ossu) Panels, Early 19th Century, 108 by 54 cm. A Raised Silk and Metal Thread Rug, c.1910, 249 by 152 cm. A Blue-Ground Kesi (K'ossu) Robe, 18th Century.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's, London] A Red Lacquer Chinese Armchair, First Half 19th Century. A Fine Export Reverse Painting on Glass, Early 19th Century, 21.6 cm. A Huang Hua-Li Rosewood Altar Table, 18th/19th Century, 154.5 cm.
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's, London] A Sino-Tibetan gilt bronze figure of Buddha, 17th century, 47.5 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[ C. John, 70 South Audley Street, London ] 17th Century Brussels Tapestry Panel 3′0″ High × 2′4″ Wide.
Western art unattributed:
[ Sotheby's Belgravia ] Wednesday 13th February at 11 am. One of a Pair of Satinwood Corner Armchairs, c.1900. Thursday 14th February at 2.30 pm. A Miyao Bronze Group of a Toy Maker, Late 19th Century, 22 cm.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Friday 15th February at 10 am. A Late George II Walnut Chest, c.1760, 79 cm. High by 81 cm. Wide by 47 cm. Deep
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby Parke Bernet] Wednesday 12th March at Sotheby Bearne. A Very Fine Edwardian Chiming Long-Case Clock Supplied by Pleasance and Harper, Bristol
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's London] A Polish Zischagge, c.1630. A German Circular Inlaid Flask, Early 17th Century, 12.5 cm. A Composite Nuremberg Three Quarter Armour, Last Quarter of the 16th Century. A Composite Italian Three Quarter Armour, c.1600
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] Barberry Farm. Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby's Parke Bernet International Realty Corp., 980 Madison Avenue, New York] Montrose. Charles County, Virginia
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