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09/2022 | 1434 | 164
Pages: i-xvi
Attributed works:
10.8.75., by John Hoyland (1934–2011). 1975. Acrylic on canvas, 123 by 91.5 cm. [FREDERICK CHARLES ART, KENT. BIAF]
Attributed works:
A pair of vases with portraits of Clemens of Saxony and his sister Maria Josepha Amelia of Saxony, painted by Raffaele Giovine. 1822. Porcelain with gilt-bronze and polychrome, height 60 cm. [BRUN FINE ART, LONDON AND MILAN. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Alexander, Tsar of Russia, by Lorenzo Bartolini (1777– 1850). 1807. Marble, height 71 cm. [ROBERTO CAMPOBASSO, NAPLES. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Arturo Martini, Group of Soldiers (detail), 1933,34. Bronze with green patina, 68 x 42 x 42 cm [Walter Padovani, BIAF]
Attributed works:
Assassin 2, by Elisabeth Frink (1930–93). 1963. Bronze, 51 by 17 cm. [WILLOUGHBY GERRISH, LONDON AND YORKSHIRE. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Clifton Suspension Bridge, by Julian Trevelyan (1910–99). 1962. Oil on canvas, 76.5 by 91.5 cm. [FREYA MITTON ART, SOMERSET. BAF]
Attributed works:
Coffee pot with marks for the Sienese families of Sansedoni and Venturi Gallerani, by Adriano Haff ner (1703–68). c.1740. Embossed and chiselled silver, height 30 cm. [DARIO GHIO, MONTE CARLO. BIAF]
Attributed works:
DAVID BOMBERG (BRITISH 1890-1957) THE GARDEN AND TOWER OF THE SACRISTY, CUENCA CATHEDRAL Est. £200,000-300,000 (+ fees). [Dreweatts]
Attributed works:
Dorelia in a blue coat, by Augustus John (1878–1961). 1910. Oil on panel, 33 by 23.5 cm. [BROWSE & DARBY, LONDON. BAF]
Attributed works:
Filippo Pedrini San Pelegrino Laziosi 70x48,5 cm [Arte-Fact]
Attributed works:
Head of a prophet, by Giovanni di Balduccio (1290–1349). Marble, 31.5 by 14 by 43.5 cm. [ALESSANDRO CESATI, MILAN. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Head of an man wearing a turban, by Giovan Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770). Oil on canvas, 43.5 by 35.5 cm. [CARLO ORSI, MILAN. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Kronos, by Adamo Tadolini (1788– 1868). c.1830–50. Terracotta, 35 by 26 by 23 cm. [GALLERIA MARIETTA, FLORENCE. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Madonna and child, by the Master of 1310 (active, 1300–30). Tempera on wood with gold, 36.1 by 31.6 cm. [SALAMON GALLERY, MILAN. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Madonna and child, cast after a model by Girolamo Ticciati (1676–1744). c.1747–53. Red wax with a plaster support, 33.5 by 19.5 cm. [WALTER PADOVANI, MILAN, BIAF]
Attributed works:
May ’61, by Roger Hilton (1911–75). Oil on canvas, 63 by 76 cm. [JONATHAN CLARK FINE ART, LONDON. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Nowhere 2, by Robyn Denny (1930–2014). Acrylic on canvas, 163 by 120 cm. [NINE BRITISH ART, LONDON. BAF]
Attributed works:
Obituary: Francis Bacon, by Hugh Mendes (b.1955). 2021. Oil on linen, 30 by 20 cm. [CHARLIE SMITH, LONDON. BAF]
Attributed works:
Reclining nude, by Henry Moore (1898–1986). 1980. Bronze, 11 by 16.5 cm. [OSBORNE SAMUEL, LONDON. BAF]
Attributed works:
RUTILIO MANETTI 1571 - Siena - 1639 Allegory of the Four Seasons Oil on canvas 169 x 231 cm (661/2 x 91 in.)[Robilant and Voena]
Attributed works:
Self portrait, by Ronald Ossory Dunlop (1894–1973). c.1935. Oil on board, 37 by 29 cm. [CASTLEGATE HOUSE GALLERY, CUMBRIA. BIAF]
Attributed works:
The blue jug, by F.C.B. Cadell (1883–1937). 1925. Oil on canvas, 61 by 50.8 cm. [PORTLAND GALLERY, LONDON. BAF]
Attributed works:
The feast of Absalom, by Niccolò Tornioli (1606–51). Oil on canvas, 147.5 by 216.2 cm. [ROBILANT+VOENA, LONDON AND MILAN. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Tsar of Russia, by Lorenzo Bartolini (1777– 1850). 1807. Marble, height 71 cm. ROBERTO CAMPOBASSO, NAPLES Coff ee pot with marks for the Sienese families of Sansedoni and Venturi Gallerani, by Adriano Haff ner (1703–68). c.1740. Embossed and chiselled silver, height 30 cm. DARIO GHIO, MONTE CARLO St Jerome in penitence, by Girolamo Munziano (1532–92). Oil on canvas, 228 by 164 cm. [SANTA TECLA, PADUA. BIAF]
Attributed works:
Whiteleaf Hill, by John Nash (1893–1977). 1920. Pen and ink and watercolour on paper, 32.5 by 39.5 cm. [MOORE-GWYN FINE ART, LONDON. BIAF]
Western art unattributed:
Commode. Venice, c.1850. Wood, marble, bronze, gilt and lacquer, 147 by 84 by 60 cm. [ATTILIO CECCHETTO ANTIQUARIO, TREVISO. BIAF]
Advertisements April 1946 (front)
04/1946 | 517 | 88
Pages: i-xii
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] A River Scene, Picardy. R. P. Bonington.
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] Chateau de St. Michel, Bonneville, Savoy. J. M. W. Turner, R. A.
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] Lady Harriet Don and Her Son, Sir Alexander Don.
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] On the Coast of Picardy. R. P. Bonington.
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] Sir Alexander Don and His Daughter.
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] Three William III Casters by Andrew Raven, 1700.
Attributed works:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] Van Tromp's Shallop at the Entrance of the Scheldt. J. M. W. Turner, R. A.
Attributed works:
[Duveen Brothers Ltd. 720 Fifth Avenue, New York.] Duveen Brothers Inc. Art Galleries. 720 Fifth Avenue, New York N. W. Corner of 56th Street
Attributed works:
[Galerie Charpentier, 76 Faubourg St-Honoré, Paris] Sir Thomas Lawrence. The Two Sisters. 1 m. 25 × 0 m. 98
Attributed works:
[Leger Galleries, 13 Old Bond St., London, W1] Rome. Vanvitelli, 1770-1773 30 × 46 Inches.
Attributed works:
[M. De Beer, 54 Piccadilly, London, W.1] Lagneau Coloured Chalks 15 × 10 Inches
Attributed works:
[M.H. Koetser. 13 Duke Street, St. James.s, S.W.1.] Portrait of a Young Nobleman by Nicholas Maes, 1632-1693. Canvas, Signed and Dated. From the Rt. Hon. Lord Bruntisfield Collection.
Attributed works:
[P&D Colnaghi & Co. Ltd, 14 Old Bond Street, London, W1] Monseigneur le Dauphin et Madame, Fille du Roi. Engraved by Maurice Blot, 1786 after Madame Vigee-Lebrun.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, April 11th-The Hurlbutt Collection, Central Vase of Chelsea Garniture, by O'Neale. Height: 14½ Inches.
Attributed works:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, April 3rd-Portrait of Gentleman Jackson, Champion Boxer of England. By Ben Marshall.
Attributed works:
[Spink & son Ltd, 5,6,7 Kings Street, St. James’s, London, SW1] Hampstead Heath: Showery Afternoon. J. Constable, R. A. Painted in 1833. Oils, Panel. 12 × 16 Inches. Oil Sketch for the Finished Picture in the National Gallery. Exhibited Royal Academy 1833, No. 94.
Attributed works:
[The Fine Art Society, 148 New Bond Street, London, W1] Samuel Prout, R. W. S., 1783-1852. Water Colour, 16½ × 21½ Inches. Nuremberg.
Attributed works:
[W. E Duits, 6 Duke St., St. James’s, London, S.W.1] Corneille de Lyon (1500?-1574) Portrait of J. van Cicester Panel, 7½ × 6½ Inches
Non-western art unattributed:
[C. T. Loo & Co., 41 East 57th Street, New York.] Bronze Tsun Green Patina, Inscribed Shang. Height, 15 Inches.
Western art unattributed:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] A Charles II Large Tankard, 1665.
Western art unattributed:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] An Elizabethan Silver-Gilt Tankard, 1575.
Western art unattributed:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Derby House, Stratford Place, London, W.1] Left.-A James II Tankard, 1687. Right.-A Commonwealth Tankard, 1665.
Western art unattributed:
[Frank Partridge & Sons. LTD, London 144, 145, 146 New Bond Street W.1, New York 6 West Fifty-sixth Street] A Louis XVI Suite Comprising One Settee, Eight Small and Two Large Arm Chairs
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, April 5th-18th Century Collector's Cabinet, 3 ft. 2 in. Wide by 6 ft. 3 in. High.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, May 1st-"Adam and Eve." School of Antwerp, circa 1515.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, May 3rd-Mennecy Group. (Height, 11½ Inches.)
Advertisements November 1943 (front)
11/1943 | 488 | 83
Pages: i-x
Attributed works:
[Duveen Brothers Ltd. 720 Fifth Avenue, New York.] Duveen Brothers Inc. Art Galleries. 720 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. W. Corner of 56th Street.
Attributed works:
[Gallery Matthiesen. 142 New Bond Street. London, W.1.] G. B. Piazzetta Charcoal Drawing 15 × 12 inches.
Attributed works:
[J. Leger & Son, 13 Old Bond Street, London, S.W.1.] Jean Baptiste Greuze L'Enfant Blond 15 × 12 inches
Attributed works:
[Katz Galerie, 17 Jermyn Street, London, S.W.1.] J. van Ruisdael (Hofstede de Groot, No. 302b)
Attributed works:
[Max Rothschild, Princes House, 39 Jermyn Street, London, W] Jacopo Amigoni 30 × 25 inches
Attributed works:
[Norbert Fischman Galleries, 26 Old Bond Street, W.1] Portrait of Lucas van Leyden
Attributed works:
[Old Masters Gallery. 52 Brook Street, W.1.] Roelant Savery (1576-1639) The Garden of Eden Panel, 22½ × 41½ inches
Attributed works:
[P&D Colnaghi & Co. Ltd, 14 Old Bond Street, London, W1] Portrait of Ulrich Varnbuler. Woodcut by Albert Dürer. 1st. State.
Attributed works:
[W. E. Duits, 6 Duke Street, St. James’s, London, S.W.1] Lucas van Leyden The Betrothal Panel, 23 × 29 3/4 inches. Signed and Dated 1513
Non-western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale in November-An Important Khmer Stone Head with Naga Background, Xth Century.
Western art unattributed:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James’s Place, S.W.1] An Elizabethan Cup and Ewer of Rock Crystal and Silver Gilt. 1573.
Western art unattributed:
[Christie’s, Manson & Woods, LTD, Great Rooms, 8 King Street, St. James’s Place, S.W.1] The Stoneyhurst Salt, an Elizabethan Salt Cover, of Rock Crystal and Silver Gilt. 1577.
Western art unattributed:
[Frank Partridge & Sons, Ltd., 26 King Street, St, James’s Sq., London] One of a Pair of Finely Carved Chippendale Mahogany Elbow Chairs, 1715-1762
Western art unattributed:
[Paul Larsen. Old Masters. 43 Duke Street, St. James, London, S.W.1.] Portrait of King Edward VI. Painted circa 1552 Panel, 15 × 11 inches
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, November 16th-A Fine Charles I Binding.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, November 16th-A Polish Gold-Cup, circa 1712, with Arms of Lodzia Family, 4¼ inches High.
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, November 17th-Initial from English Psalter, circa 1230
Western art unattributed:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1] Sale, November 3rd-Chelsea Figure "The Doctor" 7¼ inches High. Raised Anchor Mark.