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111 articles
A ‘crucifixion complex’: two newly discovered sketches attributed to Francis Bacon
03/2024 | 1452 | 166
Pages: 225–235
related names
Daniels, Rebecca (Daniels, Rebecca)
collectors and dealers:
Attributed works:
1. Sketch, by Francis Bacon. c.1930. Pencil on tracing paper mounted on paper, 25.2 by 16.6 cm. (irregular). (Collection & Image © Hugh Lane Gallery; The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin;).
Attributed works:
10. Studio Interior, by Francis Bacon. c.1936. Pastel and pencil on paper, 23.5 by 35 cm. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; private collection).
Attributed works:
11. Sketch for triptych, here attributed to Francis Bacon. c.1933. Pencil. (Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Roy de Maistre Archive MS2013.10 ARC342; National Art Archive, Gift of Roy de Maistre’s niece, Caroline de Mestre-Walker, 2013).
Attributed works:
12. Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion, by Francis Bacon. 1944. Oil and pastel on fibreboard, each panel approx. 94 by 74 cm. (irregular). (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; Tate).
Attributed works:
2. Two pencil sketches, here attributed to Francis Bacon. c.1933. Pencil on paper, 26 by 18.5 cm. (On the half-title page of A. Level: Picasso, Paris 1928; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney; Roy de Maistre Archive MS2013.10 ARC342; National Art Archive, Gift of Roy de Maistre’s niece, Caroline de Mestre-Walker, 2013).
Attributed works:
3. Sketch of a Biomorph, by Francis Bacon. c.1936. Black, blue and darkbrown ink on lined paper, 16.7 by 12.1 cm. (irregular). (Collection & Image © Hugh Lane Gallery; The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin).
Attributed works:
4. Abstraction from the Human Form, by Francis Bacon, c.1936. Medium and dimensions unknown. Destroyed by the artist. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024).
Attributed works:
5. Sketch for Portrait of M.E. Sadler [skull], here attributed to Francis Bacon. c.1933. Pencil and possibly wash. (Art Gallery of New South Wales; Roy de Maistre Archive MS2013.10 ARC342; National Art Archive, Gift of, Sydney; Roy de Maistre’s niece, Caroline de Mestre-Walker, 2013).
Attributed works:
6. Crucifixion [skeleton], by Francis Bacon. 1933. Oil on canvas, 62 by 48.5 cm. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; private collection).
Attributed works:
7. ‘A candidate for Baptism’, detail of Baptism of Christ, by Piero della Francesca. (From R. Longhi: Piero della Francesca, Milan 1930).
Attributed works:
8. The Crucifixion [skull], by Francis Bacon. 1933. Oil on canvas, 111.5 by 86.5 cm. (© The Estate of Francis Bacon. All rights reserved, DACS; Artimage 2024; private collection).
Attributed works:
9. Replica of Portrait of Michael Sadler, by Loris Rey. Bronze. (University College, University of Oxford).
The many faces of Mary Magdalene
01/2023 | 1438 | 165
Pages: 50-56
related names
Haskins, Susan (Haskins, Susan)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Crucifixion, by Masaccio. c.1426. Tempera on panel, 83 by 63 cm. (Museo di Capodimonte, Naples; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
2. St Mary Magdalene with eight scenes from her life, by the Magdalene Master. 14th century. Tempera on panel, 164 by 76 cm. (Galleria dell’Accademia & Museo degli Strumenti Musicali, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
3. Mary Magdalene from the sculptural group Lamentation, by Guido Mazzoni. c.1483–85. Polychrome terracotta. (Chiesa del Gesù, Ferrara; photograph Nicholas Pickwoad).
Attributed works:
4. Noli me tangere, attributed to Jacopo Pontormo. c.1532. Oil on canvas, 175 by 133 cm. (Casa Buonarroti, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
5. Supper in the house of the pharisee, by Moretto da Brescia. 1550–54. Oil on canvas, 207 by 140 cm. (S. Maria in Calchera, Brescia; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
6. Penitent Mary Magdalene, by Antonio Canova. 1808–09. Marble, height 95 cm. (State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg).
Attributed works:
7. Penitent Mary Magdalene, by Guido Cagnacci. 1625–27. Oil on canvas, 86 by 72 cm. (Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, Rome; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
8. Mary Magdalene crouching, by Venanzo Crocetti. 1956. Bronze, height 63 cm. (Fondazione Venanzo Crocetti, Rome).
Attributed works:
9. Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene (Noli me tangere), by Graham Sutherland. 1961. Oil on canvas, 64 by 55.3 cm. (Pallant House Gallery, Chichester; © Pallant House Gallery / Hussey Bequest, Chichester District Council, 1985; Bridgeman Images).
A boxwood ‘Calvary’ attributed to Claus Sluter
11/2022 | 1436 | 164
Pages: 1064-1077
related names
Scholten, Frits (Scholten, Frits)
Attributed works:
1. Calvary, by Nikolaus Elscheidt. c.1868. Boxwood, height 62.8 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
10. Detail of Fig.2, showing the base and acanthus scroll. (Photograph Frits Scholten).
Attributed works:
11. The portal of the Chartreuse de Champmol, by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter and workshop. 1391–93. Limestone (pierre d’Asnières), height of figures 129 to 170 cm. (Photograph Azoor Photo/Alamy Stock Photo).
Attributed works:
12. Weepers from the tomb of Philip the Bold, by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter, Claus (‘Claes’) de Werve and workshop. c.1391–1410. Grenoble alabaster, white Carrara marble and black Dinant marble (limestone). (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dijon; photograph Azoor Photo/Alamy Stock Photo).
Attributed works:
13. The Great Cross (‘Well of Moses’), by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter and workshop, 1395–1404. Limestone (pierre d’Asnières and pierre d’Ys), height 520 cm. (Chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon; photograph Azoor Photo/Alamy Stock Photo).
Attributed works:
14. Detail of Fig.2 showing the Virgin Mary. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
15. Weeper from the Tomb of Philip the Bold, by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter. Claus (‘Claes’) de Werve and workshop, c.1391–1410. Grenoble alabaster, height 42 cm. (Cleveland Museum of Art).
Attributed works:
16. Detail of Fig.2, showing the Virgin Mary. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
17. Detail of Fig.11, showing the figure of St Catherine. (Photograph Azoor Photo/Alamy Stock Photo).
Attributed works:
18. Detail of Fig.13, showing the faces of the Virgin and Child. (Photograph Frits Scholten).
Attributed works:
19. Detail of Fig.1, showing the face of the Virgin. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
2. Calvary, here attributed to Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter. c.1400. Boxwood, height 56 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
20. Detail of Fig.2, showing a side view of the arm of St John. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
21. Detail of Fig.2, showing St John. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
22. Detail of the face of the choir boy (Weeper no.1) from the tomb of Philip the Bold, by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter, Claus (‘Claes’) de Werve and workshop. c.1391–1410. Carrara marble and gilding, figure height 38.5 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon; photograph Frits Scholten).
Attributed works:
23. Detail of the figure of Jeremiah, from the base of the Great Cross (‘Well of Moses’) by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter and workshop, 1395–1404. Limestone (pierre d’Asnières and pierre d’Ys), figure height 520 cm. (Chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon; photograph © Manuel Cohen).
Attributed works:
24. Yvain and the lion, detail of a capital of the fireplace in the Salle des gardes at Château de Germolles, by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter and workshop, after c.1386–93. Limestone (pierre d’Asnières), height c.25 cm. (Photograph M. Pinette).
Attributed works:
25. Detail of the Annunciation to the Virgin from the left wing of the Crucifixion Retable, by Melchior Broederlam. c.1394–99. Oil on panel, length of wing 125 cm. (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dijon; photo © Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon/Français Jay).
Attributed works:
26. Fragments of the legs of Christ, from the Great Cross (‘Well of Moses’), by Claus (‘Claes’) Sluter and workshop. 1395–1404. Limestone (pierre d’Asnières), height 59 cm. (Musée Archéologique, Dijon; photograph © Musée Archéologique de Dijon/François Perrodin).
Attributed works:
27. Detail of Fig 2, showing the underside of the base. (Photograph Frits Scholten).
Attributed works:
28. Detail of St Jerome in his study, from a Bible moralisée attributed to the Rohan Masters. c.1415. Pen and ink on vellum, 41.5 by 29 cm. (Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, inv. 166, fol.A).
Attributed works:
29. The Burgundian lion preventing the Orléans wolf from seizing the French crown, from a manuscript of Justification by Jean Petit, attributed to the workshop of the Bedford Master. c.1409. Miniature on vellum, 19.3 by 14 cm. (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, inv. Cod. 2657, fol.1v).
Attributed works:
3. Detail of Fig.2, showing the figure of Christ. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
4. Side view of the sculpture illustrated in Fig.2. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
5. Christ as Man of Sorrows, by Frans Crabbe. c.1525. Engraving, hand-coloured and heightened with gold, 15.5 by 10.7 cm. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam).
Attributed works:
6. Calvary, by the Master of the Colmar Crucifixion (Hermann Schadeberg?). c.1410. Tempera on panel, 126 by 87 cm. (Unterlinden Museum, Colmar; photograph © Musée d’Unterlinden, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / image Musée d’Unterlinden de Colmar).
Attributed works:
7. Detail of Fig.2, showing the lioness and cubs. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
8. Detail of Fig.2, showing the angel. (Photograph Renate Neder).
Attributed works:
9. An angel with a branch of acanthus, from the Hours of René d’Anjou, by the Master of the Parement of Narbonne. c.1405–10. Miniature on vellum, 22 by 16.5 cm. (British Library, London, MS Egerton 1070, fol.94v).
Western art unattributed:
30. Crucifixion. Second half of the nineteenth century. Photograph by Ludwig Bosten. (From Sammlung mittelalterlicher Bildwerke [. . .] von Dr Franz Bock, 1894; Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aachen, inv.SK-14).
The Italian Renaissance altarpiece
04/2022 | 1429 | 164
Pages: 380-385
related names
Penny, Nicholas (Penny, Nicholas)
Attributed works:
1. Mystic winepress, by Mainardi, called Il Chiaveghino. 1594. Oil on canvas, approx. 500 by 300 cm. (S. Agostino, Cremona; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
2. Vision of St Thomas Aquinas, by Santi di Tito. 1593. Oil on panel. (S. Marco, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
3. Marriage of the Virgin, by Rosso Fiorentino. 1538. Oil on panel, 325 by 250 cm. (S. Michele Visdomini, Florence; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
4. Detail of Crucifixion, by Lorenzo Lotto. 1534. Oil on panel. (S. Maria della Pietà in Telusiano, Monte San Giusto, Macerata; Scala Archives).
Attributed works:
5. Madonna della Misericordia, by Fra Bartolommeo. 1515. Oil on panel, 407.5 by 262 cm. (Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, Lucca; Bridgeman Images).
Gilded glass and English saints: a medieval reliquary at Douai Abbey
04/2021 | 1417 | 163
Pages: 314-323
related names
Campbell, Marian (Campbell, Marian; C., M.)
Zöschg, Michaela (Zöschg, Michaela)
Attributed works:
10. Diagram of the ‘Wheel of Twenty Opposites’, from the Howard Psalter and Hours. England, c.1310–20. Pigments and gold on parchment, sheet 36 by 23.5 cm. (British Library, London, Arundel MS 83 I, fol.4r; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
12. Crucifixion and the Adoration of the Magi, from the Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, by Jean Pucelle. Paris, c.1324–28. Grisaille, tempera and ink on vellum, single folio 9.2 by 6.2 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; accession number 54.1.2).
Attributed works:
14. Crucifixion, from the De Lisle Psalter. England, c.1308–40. (British Library, London, Arundel MS 83 II, fol.132r; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
15. Crucifixion, from the Queen Mary Psalter. England, c.1310–20. (British Library, London, Royal 2B VII, fol.256v; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
17. Scenes from the Passion of Christ, from the De Lisle Psalter. England, c.1308–40. (British Library, London, Arundel MS 83 II, fol.125r; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
18. Detail from The Swinburne Pyx, showing the face of Christ. England, c.1310–25. Silver and silver gilt, diameter 5.7 cm. (Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
5. Historiated initial ‘B’ with the Jesse Tree from the Howard Psalter and Hours. England, c.1310–20. Pigments and gold on parchment, 36 by 23.5 cm. (British Library, London, Arundel MS 83 I, fol.14r; Bridgeman Images).
Attributed works:
6–9 (clockwise from top left). Details of Fig.5, showing: the arms of England; France; Ely; and Bury St Edmunds.
Attributed works:
Opposite 4. Crucifixion, detail of Fig.1, showing the gilded glass panel.
Western art unattributed:
1. Reliquary. England (?), c.1320–30. Wood, gesso, gilding, textile and gilded glass, 31 by 20 by 2.5 cm. (Douai Abbey Library).
Western art unattributed:
11. Wing of a reliquary diptych with the Crucifixion and saints. Umbria, c.1350. Wood, gesso, gilding and gilded glass, 22.5 by 15.6 by 1.4 cm. (Thyssen–Bornemisza Collections, Madrid).
Western art unattributed:
13. Detail from the Westminster Retable, showing the Feeding of the Five Thousand. English (?), c.1270. Oil on oak panel with decorated elements, 333.5 by 95.8 cm. (Westminster Abbey, London; Bridgeman Images).
Western art unattributed:
16. Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and St John the Evangelist. c.1320. Wall painting. St Mary’s Church, Brent Eleigh (Bridgeman Images).
Western art unattributed:
2. The back of Fig.1.
Western art unattributed:
3. Detail of Fig.1, showing the relic of Robert of Bury.
Book Review
Christ on the Cross: The Boston Crucifix and the Rise of Monumental Wood Sculpture, 970–1200
04/2021 | 1417 | 163
Pages: 374-376
related names
Luxford, Julian (Luxford, Julian)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Christ on the Cross: The Boston Crucifix and the Rise of Monumental Wood Sculpture, 970–1200 Edited by Shirin Fozi and Gerhard Lutz. 456 pp. incl. 309 col. + 61 b. & w. ills. (Brepols, Turnhout, 2020),  127.50. ISBN 978–2–503–57967–2. | :
Western art unattributed:
3. Crucified Christ. Southern German or Austrian, late 10th or early 11th century, with subsequent alterations. Willow wood and polychromy, 202 by 154 cm. (Photograph Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).
Book Review
The Cross, the Gospels, and the Work of Art in the Carolingian Age. By Beatrice E. Kitzinger
01/2020 | 1402 | 162
Pages: 74-75
related names
Chazelle, Celia (Chazelle, Celia)
Reviewed Items
The Cross, the Gospels, and the Work of Art in the Carolingian Age By Beatrice E. Kitzinger. 322 pp. incl. 148 col. ills. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018), £57.99. ISBN 978–1–108–42881–1. | :
Western art unattributed:
2. Crucifixion, from the Angers Gospels. Brittany or Loire Valley, late 9th–early 10th century. Coloured ink on parchment, 30.7 by 21 cm. (Bibliothèque municipale Angers, MS 24(20), fol.7v).
Simon Vouet and the theme of the Crucifixion
03/2017 | 1368 | 159
Pages: 192-199
related names
Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld (Brejon de Lavergnée, Arnauld; Lavergnée, Arnauld Brejon de; Brejon, Arnauld; Lavergnee, Arnaud Brejon de)
Attributed works:
13. Christ on the Cross, by Simon Vouet. c.1644 (Musée du Louvre, Paris)
Attributed works:
14. Assumption of the Virgin, by Simon Vouet. 1644 (Musée Saint Denis, Reims)
Attributed works:
15. Christ on the Cross, by Pierre Daret after Simon Vouet. 1638 (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Cabinet des Estampes, Paris, inv. no. DA7)
Attributed works:
16. Christ on the Cross with the Virgin, Sts John and Mary Magdalene, from the studio of Simon Vouet. c.1645 (National Gallery, London)
Attributed works:
17. Christ on the Cross, from the studio of Simon Vouet. Mid-1630s (Paris church, Chailles)
Attributed works:
18. Study for the figure of Mary Magdalene, by Simon Vouet. Late 1630s (British Museum, London)
Attributed works:
19. Christ on the Cross, from the studio of Simon Vouet. Late 1630s (Private collection, Paris)
Attributed works:
20. Christ on the Cross, by Pierre Landry (c.1630-1701), after Simon Vouet. 1660s(?). (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Cabinet des Estampes)
Attributed works:
21. Christ on the Cross, by Claude Malbouré (c.1645-after 1706) after Simon Vouet(?). Late seventeenth century (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Cabinet des Estampes)
Attributed works:
22. Christ on the Cross, by an anonymous engraver after Simon Vouet. Mid-1640s (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, Cabinet des Estampes)
An admonitory wall painting at the Tower of London
12/2016 | 1365 | 158
Pages: 940-949
related names
Spooner, Jane (Spooner, Jane)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
3. A True and Exact Draught of the Tower Liberties, survey'd 1597, by Gulielmus Haiward and J. Gascoyne, by George Vertue. 1742. Engraving, for Vetusta monumenta, I (1747), pl.63
Attributed works:
9. Detail of Richard II, by Thomas Glazier. c.1396-97 (Winchester College Chapel, Winchester)
Western art unattributed:
1. West elevation of the Byward Tower at the Tower of London. Late 1370s
Western art unattributed:
10. St John the Baptist, detail of Fig.2
Western art unattributed:
11. St Michael, detail of Fig.2
Western art unattributed:
12. St Michael, from a Book of Hours, fol.24. c.1390s (Bibliothèque Municipale, Boulogne-sur-Mer, MS.93)
Western art unattributed:
13. Devils, detail of Fig.2
Western art unattributed:
2. Crucifixion with saints. c.1390s (Byward Tower, Tower of London)
Western art unattributed:
4. Interior of the Byward Tower, looking south
Western art unattributed:
5. Detail of an angel with hurdy-gurdy. c.1390s (Westminster Abbey Chapter House)
Western art unattributed:
6. Detail of a painted ceiling beam. c.1280s-1390s (Byward Tower, Tower of London)
Western art unattributed:
7. Detail of a lady, c.1397. Formerly in St Osyth's Priory (Colchester Castle Museum)
Western art unattributed:
8. The Wilton Diptych. c.1397? (National Gallery, London)
A ‘Delacroix’ by Pierre Andrieu from the Nicos Dhikeos collection
04/2016 | 1357 | 158
Pages: 272-275
related names
Varelias, Michalis (Varelias, Michalis)
Attributed works:
45. Christ on the Cross, by Eugène Delacroix. 1835 (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Vannes)
Attributed works:
46. Christ on the Cross, after Eugène Delacroix, here attributed to Pierre Andrieu. 1965? (Makarios III Cultural Foundation Gallery, Nicosia)
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