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21 articles
Book Review
Josef Albers: Late Modernism, and Pedagogic Form
06/2023 | 1443 | 165
Pages: 670-671
related names
Darwent, Charles (Darwent, Charles)
Reviewed Items
Josef Albers: Late Modernism, and Pedagogic Form By Jeffrey Saletnik. 320 pp. incl. 53 col. + 87 b. & w. ills. (University of Chicago Press, 2022), £32. ISBN 978–0–226–69917–2. | :
Attributed works:
6. Structural constellation: transformation of a scheme no. 23, by Josef Albers. 1951. Machine-engraved plastic laminate, 43.2 by 57.2 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation and Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York).
Book Review
Josef Albers: Life and Work
04/2019 | 1393 | 161
Pages: 358
related names
Troeller, Jordan (Troeller, Jordan)
Reviewed Items
Josef Albers: Life and Work By Charles Darwent. | :
Book Review
Plaster Monuments: Architecture and the Power of Reproduction. By Mari Lending
07/2018 | 1384 | 160
Pages: 610-611
related names
Wells, Matthew (Wells, Matthew)
Western art unattributed:
6. The twelth-century gallery in the Musée de sculpture comparée, Paris. A cast of the Erechtheion caryatid from the British Museum, London, is juxtaposed with the ‘smiling angel’ from Reims Cathedral. From P. F. J. Marcou, Album du Musée de Sculpture Comparée, vol. 2 (Paris, 1897).
Book Review
On Weaving: New Expanded Edition. By Anni Albers
07/2018 | 1384 | 160
Pages: 611-612
Exhibition Review
Monochrome. London
02/2018 | 1379 | 160
Pages: 146-147
related names
Stahlbuhk, Katharine (Stahlbuhk, Katharine)
Attributed works:
7. Head of a woman, by Albrecht Dürer. 1520. Black and grey bodycolour heightened with white on paper, 32.4 by 22.8 cm. (British Museum, London; exh. National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
8. St Christopher carrying the Infant Christ and St Anthony Abbot, from the Donne triptych, by Hans Memling. c.1478. Panel, each 71 by 30.5 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
9. Helga Matura with her fiancé, by Gerhard Richter. 1966. Canvas, 200 by 100 cm. (Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf; © Gerhard Richter 2017; exh. National Gallery, London).
Exhibition Review
Post-War art. Munich
04/2017 | 1369 | 159
Pages: 339-341
related names
Lewison, Jeremy (Lewison, Jeremy)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
79. Berlin '64, by Emilio Vedova. 1964 (Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova, Venice; exh. Haus der Kunst, Munich)
Attributed works:
80. Self-portrait of Suffering, by Ibraham El-Salahi. 1961 (Iwalewahaus, Universität Bayreuth; exh. Haus der Kunst, Munich)
Attributed works:
81. Installation view of the 'Concrete Visions' section of Postwar: Art between the Pacific and the Atlantic at the Haus der Kunst, Munich)
Exhibition Review
Black Mountain College. Boston, Los Angeles and Columbus
09/2016 | 1362 | 158
Pages: 764-766
related names
Shales, Ezra (Shales, Ezra)
Attributed works:
66. Buckminster Fuller inside his Geodesic Dome, by Hazel Larsen Archer. 1949 (Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville; exh. Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus)
Attributed works:
67. Knot 2, by Anni Albers. 1947 (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany; exh. Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus)
Attributed works:
68. Minutiae, by Robert Rauschenberg. 1954/1976 (Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; exh. Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Columbus © Robert Rauschenberg Foundation/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY)
Publication Received
Josef Albers: Black and White. With an essay by Nicholas Fox Weber Two Pataphysicians: Flanagan Miró. With an essay by Jo Melvin
10/2015 | 1351 | 157
Pages: 717
related names
Vernon, Jonathan (Vernon, Jonathan ; V., J.)
Josef Albers: painting in the light of glass
09/2007 | 1254 | 149
Pages: 597-606
related names
Overy, Paul (Overy, Paul)
Attributed works:
1. Study for Homage to the square, by Josef Albers. 1968. Masonite, 61 by 61 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
10. Study for Homage to the square: rare diversion, by Josef Albers. 1969. Masonite, 61 by 61 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
11. Study for Homage to the square: over the land, by Josef Albers. 1959. Masonite, 45.8 by 45.8 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
2. Goldrosa, by Josef Albers. c.1926. Sand-blasted flashed glass with black paint, 44.6 by 31.4 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
3. Variant, by Josef Albers. 1948/52. Masonite, 40 by 59 cm. (Josef Albers Museum, Bottrop).
Attributed works:
4. Rheinische Legende (Rhenish legend), by Josef Albers. 1921. Assemblage, glass and copper, 49.5 by 44.5 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
5. Park, by Josef Albers. c.1924. Glass, wire, metal and paint in a wooden frame, 49.5 by 38 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
6. Graphic tectonic: to Monte Albán, by Josef Albers. 1942. Zinc lithograph, 61 by 48.5 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
7. Opera, by Josef Albers. 1933. Woodcut, 32.4 by 44.8 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
8. Skyscraper on transparent yellow, by Josef Albers. c.1929. Sandblasted glass with black paint, 35.2 by 34.9 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Attributed works:
9. Interior B, by Josef Albers. 1929. Sandblasted flashed glass, 27 by 23.2 cm. (Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, Bethany CT).
Advertisements September 2007 (front)
09/2007 | 1254 | 149
Pages: s.p.
Attributed works:
[Adam Williams Fine Art. New York. Portrait of a young man, by Bernardo Strozzi (1581-1644). Oil on canvas, 50 by 38cm]
Attributed works:
[Alan Cristea Gallery. 31 Cork Street, London, W1S 3NU. Josef Albers. Placards. 1934]
Attributed works:
[Alan Cristea Gallery. 31 Cork Street, London, W1S 3NU. Newlyn, by Ben Nicholson. 1948. Drypoint. Paper: 19.0 by 22.4 cm / Image: 15.2 by 18.4 cm. Edition of 8]
Attributed works:
[Alan Cristea Gallery. 31 Cork Street, London, W1S 3NU. Richard Hamilton. Beatles. 2007]
Attributed works:
[Altomani & Sons. Milan and Pesaro. Allegory of the Four seasons, by Francesco Bertos (1678-1741). Carrara marble, height: 40 cm]
Attributed works:
[Boundary Gallery. London. Mother and child, by David Bomberg (1890-1957). 1920. Watercolour, 39.4 by 29.2 cm]
Attributed works:
[Charles Ratton & Guy Ladrière. 14 rue de Marignan, 75008, Paris. François Jerome Chantereau (?1710-Paris, 1757). Departure for the hunt. Black chalk heightened with pastel on blue paper, 28.8x44.2 cm. Unidentified collector's mark (Lugt no.883) at lower left.]
Attributed works:
[Crane Kalman Gallery. London. Construction, by Edward Burra (1905-76). c. 1950. Gouache on paper, 72.4 by 104.1 cm]
Attributed works:
[Duncan R. Miller Fine Arts. London. Red and green relationships, by William Johnstone OBE., LLD (1897-1981). 1962. Oil on canvas, 63.5 by 76 cm]
Attributed works:
[Enrico Frascione. Florence. Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, by Giovan Francesco Barbieri known as Il Guercino (1591-1666). Pen, ink and sepia watercolour on beige paper, 30 by 24 cm.]
Attributed works:
[Fondantico di Tiziana Sassoli e C. Bologna. The Elderly Farmer, by Giovanni Andrea Donducci Known as Il Mastelletta (Bologna 1575-1655). Oil on canvas, 113 by 152.]
Attributed works:
[Gagosian. 6-24 Britannia Street. London. Epiphany, 1964. Richard Hamilton.]
Attributed works:
[Gillian Jason. London. Flowers, early summer, by David Bomberg. 1936. Oil on canvas, 91.4 by 70 cm]
Attributed works:
[Gimpel Fils. London. Opus O.632 Transformation of A.D. No.3, by Alan Davie. 1970. Oil on canvas, 122 by 153 cm]
Attributed works:
[Grassi Studio. New York. Crucifixion, by Ercole Procaccini il Vecchio (1515-1595). Oil on canvas, 48 by 34 cm]
Attributed works:
[Grosvenor Gallery. London. Girl, by Reg Butler (1913-81). 1954. Cast bronze in an edition of 8, with a black patina, 52 cm high]
Attributed works:
[Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert. 38 Bury Street. St. James’s, London SW1Y 6BB. 17 East 76th Street, New York. Walter Sickert. 1860-1942. The Horses of St. Mark's, 1901. Oil on paper laid on panel. 19 3/4 x 15 1/2 inches: 50.2 x 39.4 cm. Signed.]
Attributed works:
[JPMorgan CHase Art Collection. Josef Albers. Homage to the Square: In Late Red, 1959, oil on masonite, 101.6 x 101.6 cm.]
Attributed works:
[Karsten Shubert. 5-8 Lower John Street, London. John Stezaker, Marriage (Film portrait collage) XXXII, 2007]
Attributed works:
[Keith Chapman. London. Winston Churchill, by Sir Jacob Epstein (1880-1959). 1946. Bronze, 31 cm high.]
Attributed works:
[Koller. Hardturmstrasse 102. CH-8031, Zurich. Ambrosius Bosschaert II (Middelburg 1609-1645 Utrecht). Still life with fruits, shells and insects. 1630. Oil on panel. Monogrammed and dated. 38.2 x 50.2 cm.]
Attributed works:
[Moretti. Piazza Ottaviani 17/r, 50123 Florence. 43 New Bond Street. London. 24 East 80th Street. New York. Giovan Girolamo Savoldo. Brescia, c. 1480-Venice, post 1540. St. Dominic and St. Veneranda St. Anthony Abbot and st. Vincent Ferrer. Oil on canvas, 149.5x49cm (each)]
Attributed works:
[Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Madrid. Vincent Van Gogh. Two figures in a wood (detail), 1890. Cincinnati Art Museum, legacy of Mary E. Johnston.]
Attributed works:
[Osborne Samuel. London. Neapolitan bathers, by Keith Vaughan. (1912-1977). 1951. Oil on board, 63 by 48 cm]
Attributed works:
[Piacenti Art Gallery. Florence. Madonna with Child, by Jacopo Amigoni (1682-1752). Oil on canvas, 66.5 by 52.7 cm.]
Attributed works:
[Sotheby’s & Co., 34-35 New Bond Street, London, W.1. Richard Hamilton. I'm Dreaming of a Black Christmas (Lullin 82). Screenprint on collotype in colours, 1971.]
Attributed works:
[The Italian Cultural Institute. 8 Storey's Gate, London. Francesco Gonzales. The Grey Series, a portrait of Sir Denis Mahon and other new paintings.]
Attributed works:
[Tomasso Brothers Fine Art. Bardon Hall. Weetwood Lane. Leeds. Baccio Bandinelli. 1493-1560. Monumental bust of a young man. Marble. Height 77cm]
Attributed works:
[Venator & Hanstein. Cacilienstrasse 48. 50667 Cologne. Germany. E. Blackwell. Herbal book. 6 volumes, 1757-73]
Attributed works:
[Waddington Galleries. 11 Cork Street. London. Josef Albers, Homage to the Square (JAAF 1976.1.372), 1953, 18x18 in/ 45.7x45.7 cm, oil on masonite]
Attributed works:
[Whitford Fine Art, London. Gravy for the Navy again, by Peter Phillips (b.1939). Oil on canvas, 36 by 36 cm]
Attributed works:
[Wilson Stephens Fine Art. London. Nude figures, by Duncan Grant (1885-1978). 1928. Pen on paper, 12.7 by 20 cm]
Western art unattributed:
[Galleria Nella Longari. Milan. Head of a putto, Florentine sculptor of the early sixteenth century. Marble, height: 19cm]
Western art unattributed:
[The 25th Florence Biennale. Photograph of Palazzo Corsini sull'Arno.]
Western art unattributed:
[The 25th Florence Biennale. The late seventeenth century Throne Room, Palazzo Corsini, Florence. Photograph.]
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