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19 articles
Exhibition Review
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 639–641
related names
Cooke, Lynne (Cooke, Lynne)
Reviewed Items
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art. Edited by Waleria Dorogova and Laura Microulis. 540 pp. incl. numerous col. ills. (Bard Graduate Center, New York, 2024), $75. ISBN 978–0–30027–576–6. | :
Sonia Delaunay: Living Art Bard Graduate Center, New York 23rd February–7th July | :
Attributed works:
21. Detail of La prose du Transsibérien et de la Petite Jehanne de France, by Sonia Delaunay and Blaise Cendrars. 1913. Gouache pochoir, type and lithography on paper and handpainted parchment wrapper. (© Pracusa; Spencer Collection, New York Public Library; exh. Bard Graduate Center, New York).
Attributed works:
22. Cloche and scarf, by Sonia Delaunay. 1924–24. Felted wool (cloche) and felted appliqué on silk (scarf), 62.9 by 129.5 cm (scarf). (© Pracusa; private collection; exh. Bard Graduate Center, New York).
Attributed works:
23. Rythmes couleurs ou panneau F 1898, by Sonia Delaunay. 1975. Wool tapestry, 260 by 343 cm. (© Pracusa; Mobilier national, Paris; exh. Bard Graduate Center, New York).
Book Review
The Art of Tapestry
04/2023 | 1441 | 165
Pages: 472-475
related names
Campbell, Thomas P. (Campbell, Thomas P.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Art of Tapestry By Helen Wyld. 256 pp. incl. numerous col. ills. (Philip Wilson Publishers, London, 2022), £45. ISBN 978–1–78130–112–8. | :
Attributed works:
1. The Tapestry Room at Osterley House, Middlesex, hung with a set of Gobelins ‘Tenture de Boucher’ tapestries, installed in the 1770s. (National Trust Images).
Attributed works:
2. The High Great Chamber at Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, hung with the Story of Ulysses tapestries, woven in Brussels in the 1560s. (National Trust Images).
Medieval and Renaissance enamels and other works of art in the Wyvern Collection
04/2022 | 1429 | 164
Pages: 374-379
related names
Westermann-Angerhausen, Hiltrud (Westermann-Angerhausen, Hiltrud; Angerhausen, Hiltrud Westermann-)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
4. Badge of St Margaret. Probably eastern France, second half of the fifteenth century. Alloy of gold and copper, 5.9 by 4 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Attributed works:
6. Horn, by Léonard Limosin. Limoges, 1538. Enamel painted on copper with silver fittings, mounted on a cow’s horn, length 30.5 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Attributed works:
7. Head of the Virgin. Northern Spain, c.1270–1300. Wood, paint, gilding and gesso, height 59 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Attributed works:
8. Head of the mourning Virgin. France (Paris or Normandy), c.1530–40. Clear glass painted with stipple shading, leaded in a later setting, 13.5 by 11.5 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Western art unattributed:
1. Phylactery. Mosan, c.1160–70. Champlevé enamel on copper with gilding, vernis brun, rock crystal and gems on a wooden core, 22.5 by 22 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Western art unattributed:
2. Chrismatory. Anglo-Saxon, c.800, and Carolingian, late 9th century. Repoussé copper-alloy sheets with gilding and silver on an oak core, height 15.6 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Western art unattributed:
3. Plaque. England, c.1180–1200. Champlevé enamel on copper with gilding, height 5.7 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Western art unattributed:
5. Travelling chalice. Lower Rhine (probably Cologne), c.1240–50. Silver, parcel-gilt, with filigree, pearls and semi-precious stones, height 8.2 cm. (The Wyvern Collection).
Exhibition Review
Die Fäden der Moderne: Matisse, Picasso, Miró und die französischen Gobelins
05/2021 | 1418 | 163
Pages: 457-459
related names
Neumann-Golle, Antje (Neumann-Golle, Antje)
art literature:
Reviewed Items
Die F den der Moderne: Matisse, Picasso, Mir  und die franz sischen Gobelins Edited by Roger Diederen. 216 pp. incl. 140 col. ills. (Hirmer, Munich, 2020), €39.90. ISBN 978–3–7774–3456–8. | :
Attributed works:
10. Women at their toilette, by Pablo Picasso. Gobelins tapestry, designed 1937, second version in colour 1971–77. Wool, 290 by 425 cm. (Mobilier national, Paris;   Succession Picasso / DACS, London, 2021).
Attributed works:
11. Cheyt pyr, by Victor Vasarely. Beauvais tapestry, designed 1975, woven 1977. Wool, 258 by 258 cm. (Mobilier national, Paris;   ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London, 2021).
Attributed works:
12. Chair with Aviation, from Salon de la Guerre, a set of furniture by Robert Bonfils and Maurice Dufr ne. Gobelins tapestry, designed 1922, woven 1925. Wool, silk, beechwood and gilding, 103 by 61 by 52 cm. (Mobilier national, Paris).
Attributed works:
9. Summer, from the series The Seasons, by Jean Lurçat. Aubusson tapestry (Atelier Goubely), designed 1939, woven 1940–41. Wool, 335 by 485 cm. (Mobilier national, Paris;   ADAGP, Paris, and DACS, London, 2021).
Exhibition Review
Marie Cuttoli: The Modern Thread from Miró to Man Ray
12/2020 | 1413 | 162
Pages: 1098-1101
related names
Parrish, Sarah (Parrish, Sarah)
art literature:
Reviewed Items
Marie Cuttoli: The Modern Thread from Miró to Man Ray By Cindy Kang. 160 pp. incl. 100 col. ills. (Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, and Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2020), £35. ISBN 978–0– 300–25131–9. | :
Attributed works:
18. Composition with three figures – Fragment, by Fernand Léger. 1932. Oil on canvas, 144.2 by 114.3 cm. (Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris 2020; exh. Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia).
Attributed works:
19. Rhythmic figures (woman and birds), designed by Joan Miró for Myrbor. 1934. Cotton and wool with silk, 195.6 by 175.3 cm. (Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia; © Successió Miró / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris 2020).
Attributed works:
20. Evening dress, embroidery designed by Natalia Goncharova for Myrbor. c.1926. Silk with silk appliqué and metallic thread and wool yarn embroidery (Philadelphia Museum of Art).
Book Review
Weaving Modernism: Postwar Tapestry Between Paris and New York
10/2020 | 1411 | 162
Pages: 909-910
related names
Coxon, Ann (Coxon, Ann)
Reviewed Items
Weaving Modernism: Postwar Tapestry Between Paris and New York By K.L.H. Wells. 280 pp. incl. 59 col. + 45 b. & w. ills. (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2019), £50. ISBN 978–0–300–23259–2. | :
Attributed works:
7. Modern tapestry, by Roy Lichtenstein. Pile tapestry produced by Modern Master Tapestries Inc. 1968. Wool, 273.1 by 367.7 cm. (Roy Lichtenstein Foundation, New York; © Estate of Roy Lichtenstein).
Exhibition Review
Bernard van Orley: Brussels and the Renaissance Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR), Brussels
06/2019 | 1395 | 161
Pages: 499-502
related names
Campbell, Lorne (Campbell, Lorne; C., L.)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
7. Attack on the French camp and the flight of the civilians, one of the tapestries of the Battle of Pavia series, designed by Bernard van Orley and woven in the workshop of Willem Dermoyen. 1525–31. Wool, silk and preciousmetal wrapped threads, 440 by 818 cm., 7–8 warp threads per cm. (Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples; exh. Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels).
Attributed works:
8. Head of a dog, fragment of a tapestry cartoon, from the workshop of Bernard van Orley. c.1525–31. Bodycolour heightened with white (partly oxidised) on paper, silhouetted, 17.1 by 17.9 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
9. Execution of St John the Baptist, by Bernard van Orley. c.1510. Panel, 64.5 by 74.2 cm (Private collection; exh. Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels).
Benavides’s ‘Scipio’ ensemble and collaborative entrepreneurial action in Brussels tapestry around 1660
02/2019 | 1391 | 161
Pages: 112-119
related names
Brosens, Koenraad (Brosens, Koenraad)
Slegten, Astrid (Slegten, Astrid)
Attributed works:
1. Detail of Fig.3.
Attributed works:
2. A table showing all the known extant tapestries of the Benavides Deeds and triumph of Scipio series.
Attributed works:
3. Conference between Scipio and Hannibal before the Battle of Zama, from the Deeds and triumph of Scipio series, by the Van Leefdael, Van der Strecken, Reydams and Leyniers consortium. 1660–61. Wool, silk, and gold- and silver-wrapped thread, 471 by 842 cm. (Fondation Toms Pauli, Lausanne).
Attributed works:
4. Sol from the Deeds and triumph of Scipio series, by the Van Leefdael, Van der Strecken, Reydams and Leyniers consortium. 1662. Wool and silk, 180 by 147 cm. (Fondation Toms Pauli, Lausanne).
Attributed works:
5. The continence of Scipio from the Deeds and triumph of Scipio series, by the Van Leefdael, Van der Strecken, Reydams and Leyniers consortium. 1660–61. Wool, silk, and gold- and silver-wrapped thread, 471 by 557 cm. (Fondation Toms Pauli, Lausanne).
Attributed works:
6. Capture of the camp and mercy for the vanquished from the Deeds and triumph of Scipio series, by the Van Leefdael, Van der Strecken, Reydams and Leyniers consortium. 1660–61. Wool, silk, and gold- and silver-wrapped thread, 481 by 794 cm. (Fondation Toms Pauli, Lausanne).
Book Review
Tapestry in the Baroque: New Aspects of Production and Patronage
06/2012 | 1311 | 154
Pages: 424-425
related names
Buchanan, Iain (Buchanan, Iain)
Reviewed Items
Tapestry in the Baroque: New Aspects of Production and Patronage | editor: Campbell, Thomas P. , editor: Cleland, Elizabeth A.H.
Matthijs Roelandts, Joris Leemans and Lanceloot Lefebure: new data on Baroque tapestry in Brussels
06/2009 | 1275 | 151
Pages: 360-367
related names
Brosens, Koenraad (Brosens, Koenraad)
De Laet, Veerle (De Laet, Veerle)
Attributed works:
1. Minerva: Art has no enemies, except for Ignorance, by the workshop of Matthijs Roelandts or Joris Leemans after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 350 by 328 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Attributed works:
10. Theseus leaves Ariadne, by the workshop of Jan II Raes after a design by Antoon Sallaert. c.1630. Wool and silk, 326 by 469 cm. (Patrimonio nacional, Madrid).
Attributed works:
2. Cupid: he who does not meddle with Amor does not get hurt by his arrows, by the workshop of Joris Leemans after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 346 by 334 cm. (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna).
Attributed works:
3. The building of the Lateran basilica, by the workshop of Joris Leemans after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 344 by 330 cm. (Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva).
Attributed works:
4. Helena shows Constantine the True Cross, by the workshop of Matthijs Roelandts after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 359 by 345 cm. (Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva).
Attributed works:
5. The marriage of Constantine’s half-sister Constantia and Licinius, by the workshop of Matthijs Roelandts after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 352 by 380 cm. (Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva).
Attributed works:
6. The defeat of Maxentius, by the workshop of Matthijs Roelandts after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 359 by 478 cm. (Musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva).
Attributed works:
7. The defeat and death of Maxentius, by Peter Paul Rubens. Panel, 38.3 by 64.5 cm. (Wallace Collection, London).
Attributed works:
8. The supper of Scipio and Massinissa, by the workshop of Gerard van der Strecken after a design by Giulio Romano. c.1660. Wool and silk, 410 by 530 cm. (Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome).
Attributed works:
9. The supper of Dido and Aeneas, by the workshop of Marcus de Vos after a design by Lanceloot Lefebure. c.1650. Wool and silk, 422 by 633 cm. (Patrimonio nacional, Madrid).
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