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14 articles
Avatars of Antiquity II: Drapery as metaphor
12/2020 | 1413 | 162
Pages: 1056-1071
related names
Penny, Nicholas (Penny, Nicholas)
Attributed works:
1. Drapery study for the high priest in the Trial and martyrdom of St Stephen, by Edward Poynter. 1872. Black chalk on buff paper, 41 by 27.5 cm. (Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
10. Draped female torso, from the Acropolis, Xanthos. 470–460 BC. Marble, height 123.8 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
11. Rebecca at the well, by Nicolas Poussin. 1648. Oil on canvas, 118 by 199 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
12. Detail from Paul preaching at Athens, by Raphael. c.1516. Body colour on paper mounted on canvas, whole canvas 320 by 390 cm. (Royal Collection, on loan to the Victoria and Albert Museum, London).
Attributed works:
13. Drapery study for the high priest in the Trial and martyrdom of St Stephen, by Edward Poynter. 1872. Black chalk on buff paper, 27.6 by 27.1 cm. (Royal Academy of Arts, London).
Attributed works:
14. Drapery study for the kneeling handmaiden in Semiramis founding Babylon, by Edgar Degas. 1860–62. Graphite with lead-white body colour and blue wash on paper, 24.4 by 31.1 cm. (Musée d’Orsay, Paris).
Attributed works:
15. Cymon and Iphigenia by Frederic Leighton. c.1884. Oil on canvas, 162.6 by 327.7 cm. (Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney).
Attributed works:
16. Drapery study by Leonardo. c.1475–82. Brown-grey wash and lead white on linen prepared with a pale grey ground, 220 by 139 cm. (Cabinet des Dessins, Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
17. Detail of Virgin and Child, by Masaccio. 1426. Egg tempera on wood, whole panel 134.8 by 73.5 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
18. The penitence of Mary Magdalene, by Charles Le Brun. 1655. Oil on canvas, 252 by 171 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
19. Heliodorus driven from the Temple, by Eugène Delacroix. 1855–61. Mural, 751 by 485 cm. (Chapelle des Anges, Saint-Sulpice, Paris)
Attributed works:
2. Detail of an Antique mural painting of a dancer, by Filippo Morghen after Camillo Paderni. Engraving, 38 by 48 cm. (page). (From Le pitture antiche d’Ercolano e contorni, I, Naples 1757).
Attributed works:
20. Ariadne on Naxos, by G.F. Watts. 1867–75. Oil on canvas, 75 by 94 cm. (Guildhall Museum, London).
Attributed works:
21. Divine figures from the east pediment of the Parthenon, Athens, believed to represent Venus reclining on the lap of her mother, Dione, by Phidias or associate. 438–432 BC. Marble, length 233 cm. (British Museum, London).
Attributed works:
22. Captive Andromache, by Frederic Leighton. c.1888. Oil on canvas, 195.6 by 406.4 cm. (City Art Gallery, Manchester).
Attributed works:
23. Detail of the figure of Amor in the chimneypiece made for the residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt II on Fifth Avenue at 57th Street, Manhattan, by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. c.1881–83. Limestone, height of chimneypiece 468.3 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
24. Dido receiving Aeneas and Cupid disguised as Ascanius, by Francesco Solimena. 1710. Oil on canvas, 207.2 by 310.2 cm. (National Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
3. One of the ‘attitudes’ of Lady Hamilton, by Tommaso Piroli after Friedrich Rehberg. Engraving, 26.9 by 20.8 cm. (From F. Rehberg: Drawings Faithfully Copied from Nature at Naples, n.p. 1794, fig.7).
Attributed works:
4. Veiled and masked dancer. Alexandria(?), c.100 BC. Bronze, height 20.5 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Two dancers, after Antonio Canova. 1799. Tempera on paper. (Casa Canova, Possagno).
Attributed works:
6. Hebe, by Antonio Canova. 1816–17. Marble with gilt metal, height 158 cm. (Pinacoteca Civica, Forlì).
Attributed works:
7. Veiled woman (Allegory of Purity), by Antonio Corradini. 1717–25. Carrara marble. (Museo del Settecento Veneziano, Ca Rezzonico, Venice).
Attributed works:
8. Hebe, by Bertel Thorvaldsen. 1819–23. Marble, height 152.2 cm. (Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen).
Western art unattributed:
9. Kore, from the Temple of Hera, Samos. 570–60 BC. Marble, height 192 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Exhibition Review
Treasures from Macedon. Oxford
08/2011 | 1301 | 153
Pages: 554-555
related names
Elsner, Jas (Elsner, Jas)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Heracles to Alexander the Great: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedon, a Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy | institution: Ashmolean Museum
Western art unattributed:
31. Lekythoi (oil containers). Athenian, c.430–20 BC. White ground on clay, dimensions variable (tallest, approx. 50 cm. high). (Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aegae, Vergina; exh. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Western art unattributed:
32. Oak-leaf and acorn wreath. Aegae, c.310 BC. Gold, diameter 16.5 cm. (Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aegae, Vergina; exh. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
Western art unattributed:
33. Clay bust. Aegae, c.480 BC. Clay, approx. 30 cm. high. (Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aegae, Vergina; exh. Ashmolean Mus­eum, Oxford).
Book Review
Vision, Reflection, and Desire in Western Painting
12/2009 | 1281 | 151
Pages: 840
related names
Nethersole, Scott (Nethersole, Scott)
Reviewed Items
Vision, Reflection, and Desire in Western Painting | author: Summers, David
Exhibition Review
The Greek and Roman Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York
12/2007 | 1257 | 149
Pages: 884-886
related names
Danziger, Elon (Danziger, Elon)
Reviewed Items
The Greek and Roman Galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | institution: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Western art unattributed:
94. View of the Judy and Michael H. Steinhardt Gallery with Attic art of the sixth century.
Western art unattributed:
95. Grave stele of a little girl. Greek, c.450–440 bc. Marble, 80 cm. high. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Western art unattributed:
96. View of the Leon Levy and Shelby White Court with Roman sculpture of the 1st century bc to the 2nd century ad.
Book Review
Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture
03/1999 | 1152 | 141
Pages: 171
related names
Waywell, Geoffrey B. (Waywell, Geoffrey B.; Waywell, B. G.; Waywell, G. B.)
Reviewed Items
Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture | author: Ridgway, Brunilde Sismondo
Book Review
The Oxford History of Classical Art
06/1994 | 1095 | 136
Pages: 382
related names
Elsner, John (Elsner, John)
Reviewed Items
The Oxford History of Classical Art | author: Boardman, John
Short Notice
The Northern-Athenian Tea Pot
05/1989 | 1034 | 131
Pages: 353-355
related names
Gow, Ian (Gow, Ian)
Attributed works:
44. Coffee Pot and Tea Pot by Marshalls of Edinburgh after Designs by D. R. Hay. Silver. 1847-48. 22.9 by 8.9 cm and 13.3 by 10.2 cm Respectively. (Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh).
Attributed works:
45. Diagram Illustrating the Design Principles of the Teapot in Fig.1. From D. R. Hay's First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty Cited at Note 11 below.
Attributed works:
46. Diagram of 'The Method for Drawing a Perfect Egg Oval'. From D. R. Hay's First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty, Cited at Note 11 below.
Attributed works:
47. Final Page of D. R. Hay's First Principles of Symmetrical Beauty.
Book Review
Early Cycladic Art in North American Collections
12/1988 | 1029 | 130
Pages: 933
related names
Fitton, J. Lesley (Fitton, J. Lesley)
Reviewed Items
Early Cycladic Art in North American Collections | author: Getz-Preziosi, Pat
Notable Works of Art Now on the Market: Supplement
12/1972 | 837 | 114
Pages: xii
Attributed works:
Plate L. The Fall of St Paul, by Henry Fuseli. Signed and Dated 1778. Pen with Bistre Wash with Pencil and Chalk, 18.8 by 30.3 cm. (The Property of Galerie Meissner, Florastrasse 1, Zurich)
Attributed works:
Plate LI. Plate LII. The Sense of Hearing and The Sense of Taste, by Jean Baptiste Deshays. Canvases, 75 by 105 cm. (The Property of Helmut Peter Buchen, Keithstrasse 16, Berlin)
Attributed works:
Plate LIII. Flowerpiece, by Jacques-Samuel Bernard. Canvas, 119.4 by 88.9 cm. (The Property of Richard Green, 36 Dover Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LIV. The Adoration of the Magi, by Giambattista Tiepolo. Etching, 43.2 by 29 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LIX. Crouching Lioness, by James Ward. Signed and Dated 1828. Canvas, 95 by 121 cm. (The Property of Spencer A. Samuels & Co. Ltd., 18 East 76th Street, New York)
Attributed works:
Plate LV. The Martyrdom of St Andrew, by Giambattista Tiepolo. Pen, Wash and White Tempera, 47 by 35 cm. (The Property of G. C. Baroni, Borgognissanti 50-52r, Florence)
Attributed works:
Plate LVI. Bust of Voltaire, by Jean-Antoine Houdon. Marble; Height, 42 cm. (Including Base). (The Property of David Peel Co., Ltd., 2 Carlos Place, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LVII. Alexander I, Emperor of Russia (1801) and King of Poland (1777-1825), by Bertel Thorvaldsen. Signed. Marble; Height, 66.3 cm. (The Property of Heim Gallery (London) Ltd., 59 Jermyn Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LVIII. The Destruction of Pompeii, by Pierre Henri de Valenciennes. Signed and Dated 1813. Canvas, 147.3 by 195.6 cm. (The Property of Marshall Spink, 18 Albemarle Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LX. View of an Overshott Mill, by Frederick William Watts. Canvas, 89 by 126 cm. (The Property of The Suffolk Art Galleries, Long Melford, Suffolk)
Attributed works:
Plate LXI. River Landscape, by Antoine Vollon. Signed. Canvas, 48 by 73.5 cm. (The Property of Arcade Gallery, 28 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LXII. Plate LXIII. Beach Scene with a Group of Figures; Beach Scene with a Cart, by Louis-Eugène Boudin. Panels, 23 by 30.5 cm. and 22.5 by 33 cm (The Property of Hal O'Nians Gallery, 6 Ryder Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LXIV. Woman at a Window, by Odilon Redon. Signed. Charcoal on Paper, 48 by 37 cm. (The Property of Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd., 31 Bruton Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LXV Reclining Girl, by Egon Schiele. 1918. Lithograph (No. 43 of an Edition of 80), 21 by 37 cm. (The Property of Fischer Fine Art Ltd., 30 King Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LXVI. Reclining Figure, by Egon Schiele. 1914. Pencil, 26.7 by 45.7 cm. (The Property of Fischer Fine Art Ltd., 30 King Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LXVII. The Large Railway Picture, by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, 1920. Signed. Canvas, 100 by 78 cm. (The Property of Fischer Fine Art Ltd., 30 King Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XI. Madonna and Child with Two Saints, by Ambrogio di Baldese. Panel, Measurements (Within the Frame), 70 by 42 cm. (Private Collection, Apply to Box No. 127201, The Burlington Magazine, 49 Park Lane, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XIII. Madonna and Child. Workshop of Mino da Fiesole. Gilt Stucco; Height, 101 cm; Length, 109 cm. (The Property of Objects, 96 Mount Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XLII. Still Life, by Andrea Belvedere. Canvas. (The Property of Studio Tega, via della Spiga 26, Milan)
Attributed works:
Plate XLIII. The Burial of a Monk, by Alessandro Magnasco. Canvas, 91 by 129 cm. (The Property of Galleria Previtali, via T. Tasso 21, Bergamo)
Attributed works:
Plate XLIV. Job with His Wife and Friends, by Johann Carl Loth. Canvas, 117.5 by 147 cm. (The Property of Julius Böhler, Briennerstrasse 25, Munich)
Attributed works:
Plate XLV. The Adoration of the Shepherds, by Francesco Fontebasso. Canvas, 43.75 by 57 cm. (The Property of David M. Koetser Gallery, Talstrasse 37, Zurich)
Attributed works:
Plate XLVI. A Couple of Foxhounds, by George Stubbs. Signed and Dated 1792. Canvas, 101.5 by 127 cm. (The Property of Spink & Son Ltd., King Street, St. James's, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XLVII. Study of a Young Girl, by Charles Joseph Natoire. Chalk with White Heightening on Buff Paper, 43.5 by 26 cm. (The Property of W. Katz, 11 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XVI. Above, Dead Christ Surrounded by the Symbols of the Passion: Below, St Francis, St Clare and St Jerome, by Paolo Uccello. Panel, 49 by 29 cm. (Private Collection, for Information Apply to Centro Studi Piero della Francesca, via Montenapoleone 18, Milan)
Attributed works:
Plate XXI. Madonna and Child, by Jacopo del Sellaio. Panel, 134 by 69 cm. (The Property of G. C. Baroni, Borgognissanti 50-52r, Florence)
Attributed works:
Plate XXII. Plate XXIII. St John the Baptist and St Jerome (2 Panels), by Juan Juanes. Panels, each 48.5 by 19.5 cm. (The Property of Hazlitt Gallery, 4 Ryder Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIV. The Holy Family, by Ortolano. Panel, 31.8 by 26.6 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVI. The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine, by Ventura Salimbeni. Canvas, 120 by 85 cm. (The Property of Stanza del Borgo, via Giacomo Puccini 5, Milan 20121)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXII. Madonna with Saints Andrew, John the Baptist, Jerome and Nicholas, by Bonifazio de'Pitati. Canvas, 65 by 95 cm. (The Property of Antichità Pietro Scarpa, Ponte 8 Moisé, Venice)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIII. A Winter Scene, by Jan Brueghel the Elder. Panel, 41 by 67 cm. (The Property of H. Terry-Engell Gallery, 8 Bury Street, St James's, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIV. A Royal Visitor being Welcomed upon Arrival at Dordrecht, by Hendrik de Meyer. Panel, 91.5 by 154 cm. (The Property of Alan Jacobs Gallery, 15 Motcomb Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIX. St Jerome, by Gerard Dou. Signed with Monogram. Panel, 36.5 by 28.3 cm. (The Property of Gallery Friederike Pallamar, Porzellang 2, Vienna IX)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXV. The Virgin and Child with an Angel, by Cornelis van Cleve. Panel, 48 by 35.5 cm. (The Property of Galerie Fischer, Haldenstrasse 19, Lucerne)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVI. Frances Winifred Hill, by John Singer Sargent. Signed, Upper Left. Canvas, 98.5 by 83.25 cm. (The Property of Schweitzer Gallery, 958 Madison Avenue, New York)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVII. A Mountain Landscape with a Distant View of a Castle by a Lake, by Gaspar van Wittel, Called Vanvitelli. Signed. Pen and Brown Ink with Coloured Washes, 18.8 by 35.9 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVIII. Venus, Mars, and Cupid, by Luca Giordano. Canvas, 178 by 128 cm. (The Property of Antichità Pietro Scarpa, Ponte 8 Moisé, Venice)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate IV. Portrait Head from an Egyptian Block-Figure. 25th/26th Dynasty, Seventh Century B. C. Black Granite; Height, 12.5 cm. (The Property of Antiken, H. Herzer and Co., Promenadeplatz 13, Munich)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate IX. Standing Buddha. Mon-Dvaravati Period, Thailand, Eighth Century. Bronze with Blue-Green Earth Patina; Height, 51.1 cm. (The Property of Doris Wiener Gallery, 831 Madison Avenue, New York)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate X. Buddha. Chinese, Seventeenth Century. Bronze, Lacquered and Gilt; Height, 89 cm. (The Property of Galleria dell'Angelo, Piazza Cioccaro 11, Lugano)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Alabastron. Gnathia Class, Second Half of the Fourth Century B. C. Height, 17.2 cm. (The Property of Dr Kurt Deppert, Baumweg 43, Frankfurt-am-Main)
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. Standing Zeus. Greek, c.300 B. C. Bronze; Height, 18.5 cm. (The Property of Münzen und Medaillen A. G., Malzgasse 25, Basle)
Western art unattributed:
Plate III. Jug. Late Protocorinthian, c.640-630 B. C. Height, 29.5 cm. (The Property of Münzen und Medaillen A. G., Malzgasse 25, Basle)
Western art unattributed:
Plate LXVIII. A Hunt with Falcons and Hounds. Brussels Tapestry, c.1520. Wool and Silk, 11 by 12 ft. (The Property of Alain Moatti, 77 rue des Saints-Pères, Paris 6e)
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. Sappho. Roman, Second Century A. D. Marble Bust; Height, 48 cm. (The Property of Pino Donati, via Nassa 11, Lugano)
Western art unattributed:
Plate VI. Portrait Bust. Roman, c.200 A. D. Marble, Lifesize. (The Property of Robin Symes Ltd. 3 Ormond Yard, London SW1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate VII. Madonna and Child. Italian, Late Thirteenth Century. Polychrome Wood; Height, 149 cm. (Private Collection: For Information Apply to Ricerche sulla Scultura Antica e Moderna, via Montenapoleone 18, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. Warrior, Attributed to the French or Lombard School, late Fourteenth Century. Polychrome Wood; Height, 150 cm. (Private Collection: For Information Apply to Ricerche sulla Scultura Antica e Moderna, via Montenapoleone 18, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XII. St Sebastian. South German, c.1380. Limestone, with Traces of Painting and Gilding; Height, 75 cm. (The Property of Objects, 96 Mount Street, London W1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XIV. Tazza. Roman, First Century B. C. Giallo antico Marble, Diameter, 87 cm; Height, 27 cm. (The Property of Antiquus, 90-92 Pimlico Road, London SW1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XIX. Cassaguardia. Florentine Style, c.1550 (?). Wood; Length, 268 cm; Height, 110 cm; Depth, 92 cm. (The Property of Casa d'Arte Bruschi s. p. a., via dei Fossi 42r, Florence)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XL. Plate XLI. Infant Bacchus on a Panther and Infant Bacchus on a Goat. French, Eighteenth Century. Bronze. (The Property of Vincent Laloux, 115 Avenue Louise, Brussels)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XLIX. Documentary Bowl. Meissen, c.1731. Porcelain; Diameter, 16.5 cm. (The Property of Winifred Williams, 3 Bury Street, London SW1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XLVIII. Rostral Column. Italian (Roman), c.1775-1800. Giallo and Verd-Antique Marble with Silver Medallions and Gilt Bronze, 131 by 38 by 38 cm. (The Property of Alberto and Franco Di Castro, via del Babuino 102, Piazza di Spagna 5/6, Rome)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XV. Virgin in Prayer. Italian, Fifteenth Century. Polychrome Wood; Height, 135 cm. (Private Collection; For Information Apply to Ricerche sulla Scultura Antica e Moderna, via Montenapoleone 18, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XVII. The Virgin and Child. German, Late Fifteenth Century. Wood, Painted; Height, 69 cm. (The Property of Nella Longari, via Bigli 15, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XVIII. St Mary Magdalen. German, Late Fifteenth Century. Wood, Painted; Height, 69 cm. (The Property of Nella Longari, via Bigli 15, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XX. St Christopher. Upper-Rhenish, c.1515. Wood, Polychromed; Height, 105 cm. (The Property of S. Pahl-Mehringer, Merzstrasse 12, Munich)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXIX. Rearing Horse. Flemish, Seventeenth Century. Bronze; Length, 34 cm; Height, 33.7 cm. (The Property of Galerie Carroll, Residenzstrasse 21, Munich)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXV. Cast Iron Frame. French, Dated 1686. (The Property of Christian de Bruyn, 7 rue van Moer, Brussels)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXVII. Covered Tankard. Augsburg, c.1580 (Mz. R. 3/426). Silver Gilt. (The Property of Max Knöll jun., Aeschenvorstadt 48, Basle)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXVIII. Walking Horse. Florentine, Seventeenth Century. Bronze; Length, 27 cm; Height, 29 cm. (The Property of Galerie Carroll, Residenzstrasse 21, Munich)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXX. Lantern Wall-Clock. Italian, 1671. Height, 20 cm. (The Property of Luigi Pippa, via Durini 26, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXXI. Bishop Blessing (?S. Ruffino). Umbrian, Thirteenth Century. Gilt and Polychrome Wood on a Base of Linen and Gesso; Height, 86 cm. (The Property of Antichità Amarilli di Saverio Rasini di Mortigliengo, Piazza Solferino 9/E, Turin)
Notable Works of Art Now on the Market: Supplement
06/1972 | 831 | 114
Pages: xii
Attributed works:
Plate L. Chimneypiece Clock, in the Chinese Taste. Louis XV Period, Paris, by Charles du Tertre. Signed. Height, 58 cm; Breadth, 49 cm; Depth, 28 cm. (The Property of Galerie Carroll, Residenzstrasse 21, Munich)
Attributed works:
Plate LI. Clock, by Etienne Le Noir. With a Porcelain Group of a Rearing White Horse with a Turkish Groom, by J. J. Kändler. Signed by Le Noir. c.1750-55. Height c. 45 cm., Breadth c. 45 cm. (The Property of Galerie Carroll, Residenzstrasse 21, Munich)
Attributed works:
Plate LII. Pair of Candlesticks, by R. Goble. Cork, c. 1712. Height, 16.2 cm; Weight, 19 ozs. (The Property of How (Of Edinburgh), 2-3 Pickering Place, St James's Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LIII. Porringer and Cover, by J. Plummer. York, 1655. Weight, 22 ozs 18 dwts. (The Property of How (Of Edinburgh), 2-3 Pickering Place, St James's Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LIX. A Summer's Evening, by Philip Wilson Steer, O. M. 1887-8. Canvas; 152.4 by 228.6 cm. (The Property of The Fine Art Society, 148 New Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate LV. Tankard. Meissen Ware. Height, 15.8 cm. (The Property of Joseph & Earle D. Vandekar, 138 Brompton Road, London SW3)
Attributed works:
Plate LVI. A Pair of Terra-Cotta Figures, by Ignatius van Lochteren. Monogrammed I. V. L. and Dated 1710. Height, 30 cm. (The Property of Nystad Antiquairs Lochem n. v., Rokin 86, Amsterdam)
Attributed works:
Plate LVIII. Landscape with a River, by Charles François Daubigny. Panel, 38 by 67 cm. (The Property of the Schweitzer Gallery, 958 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10021)
Attributed works:
Plate LX. Jimmy Butler and His Dog, by Theodore Earl Butler Butler. Signed and Dated, 1895. Canvas, 107 by 87 cm. (The Property of Maxwell Galleries Ltd, 551 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California)
Attributed works:
Plate LXI. Attic Red-Figure Column Crater, by the Harrow Painter. Height, 37 cm; Diameter, 33 cm. (The Property of Galerie Ulla Lindner, Electrastrasse 17/8, 8 Munich 81)
Attributed works:
Plate LXIII. Taliferme, en Bretagne, by Charles François Daubigny. 1865. Canvas, 83.8 by 126 cm. (The Property of Hazlitt Gallery, 4 Ryder Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate LXIV. Desdemona, by Gustave Moreau. Panel, 68 by 40 cm. (The Property of Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd., 39 Old Bond Street, and 6 Albemarle Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XIII. Unicorn, by Hans Reisinger. Bronze, Black Patination. (The Property of Vincent Laloux, 115 Avenue Louise, Brussels)
Attributed works:
Plate XIV. The Death of the Virgin, Attributed to Martin Schongauer. Panel, 26.7 by 18.4 cm. (The Property of G. Wynberg, 8 Blenheim Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XIX. Latona and the Lycian Farmers, by Jan Brueghel the Elder. Panel, 38.1 by 55.9 cm. (The Property of H. Terry-Engell Gallery, 8 Bury Street, St James's, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XL. Sconce (One of a Pair). French, Eighteenth Century, Designed by Caffieri. Bronze, 77 by 51 cm. (The Property of Helmut Peter Buchcn, Keithstrasse 16, Berlin)
Attributed works:
Plate XLI. Tureen and Cover, by Johann Ludwig Biller I. Silver-Gilt: Width 21.8 cm. (The Property of Heide Hübner, Häandelstrasse 21a, 87 Würzburg)
Attributed works:
Plate XLII. Portrait of a Gentleman, by Nicolaes Maes. Canvas, 43 by 33 cm. (The Property of Galerie Heinemann O. H. G., Taunusstrasse 39, 62 Wiesbaden)
Attributed works:
Plate XLIII. Portrait of Charlotte Dorothea von Schönberg, née Countess von Hoym (1743-89), by Anton Graff. Canvas, 105.5 by 83.5 cm. (The Property of Julius Böhler, Briennerstrasse 25, Munich)
Attributed works:
Plate XLIV. A Fanciful Prison Scene, by Giovanni Battista Piranesi. Plate Size: c. 55 by 41 cm. (The Property of August Laube & Sohn, Talacker 29, 8001 Zürich)
Attributed works:
Plate XLIX. Commode. Louis XV Period, Paris, by J. Dubois. Signed. Rosewood. (The Property of Galerie Carroll, Residenzstrasse 21, Munich)
Attributed works:
Plate XLV. Architectural Capriccio with the Torre Delle Milizie and the Colosseum, by Giovanni Paolo Panini. Canvas, 43 by 74 cm. (The Property of Galerie Carroll, Residenzstrasse 21, Munich)
Attributed works:
Plate XLVI. St Matthew, by Francesco Segala. Terra-Cotta, with Traces of Polychrome. Height, 160 cm. (The Property of the Heim Gallery (London) Ltd., 59 Jermyn Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XLVII. John Paul Jones, by Jean-Antoine Houdon. Bronze; Height, 71.1 cm. (The Property of J. L. Souffrice, 33 Quai Voltaire, Paris 7e)
Attributed works:
Plate XLVIII. Sheraton Cabinet. English, Eighteenth Century. Height, 229.9 cm; Width, 91.4 cm; Depth, 53.3 cm. (The Property of Spink and Sons Ltd., 5, 6, & 7 King Street, St James's, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XV. Holy Family with an Angel, by Ludovico Carracci. Canvas, 86 by 70 cm. (The Property of Gilberto Algranti, via S. Sofia 8, 20122, Milan)
Attributed works:
Plate XVI. Diana and Her Nymphs Surprised by Actaeon, by Joseph Heintz the Elder. Signed with Monogram. Copper, 39.4 by 50.8 cm. (The Property of Hal O'Nians Gallery, 6 Ryder Street, St James's, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XVII. The Interior of a Picture Gallery ('The Toilet of Venus'), by Jan van Kessel and Frans Francken the Younger. Copper, 68.6 by 87.6 cm. (The Property of Brian Koetser Gallery, 38 Duke Street, St James's, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XVIII. Allegory of the Fruitfullness of the Earth, by Jan Brueghel II and Hendrik van Balen. Canvas, 79 by 118 cm. (The Property of Galleria Pontremoli, Via Durini 19 and Via Montenapoleone 22, Milan)
Attributed works:
Plate XX. Neptune with Two Sea-Horses, by Alessandro Vittoria. Bronze. (The Property of Antichità Pietro Scarpa, Ponte S. Moisé, 2089, and Corte Barozzi S. Marco, 2155, Venice)
Attributed works:
Plate XXII. Design for a Fresco Scheme, by Federico Zuccaro. Pen and Brown Ink, with Brown Wash, 31.7 by 51.7 cm. (The Property of Y. Tan Bunzl, Old Master Drawings, London)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIII. Landscape with Figures, by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, Called Guercino. Pen and Sepia Wash, 20.2 by 27.5 cm. (The Property of Antichità Pietro Scarpa, Ponte S. Moisé, 2089, and Corte Barozzi S. Marco, 2155, Venice)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIV. Diana Bathing with Callisto and Her Nymphs, by Jan van Haensbergen. Panel, 26 by 33 cm. (The Property of Alan Jacobs, 15 Motcomb Street, London SW1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXIX. Clement de Jonghe, by Rembrandt. Signed and Dated 1651. Etching, 20.7 by 16.1 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXV. Actaeon Transformed into a Stag, by Hieronymus Wiericx. Pen and Brown Ink, 19.4 by 30.4 cm. (The Property of Alain Moatti, 77 rue des Saints-Pères, Paris 6e)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVI. View of the 's Landsdiep, by Jan van de Cappelle. Signed with Monogram. Panel, 40.5 by 55.5 cm. (The Property of G. Cramer, Oude Kunst, Javastraat 38, The Hague)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVII. River Scene with Fishermen, by Barent Avercamp. Signed. Panel, 35 by 61 cm. (The Property of G. Cramer, Oude Kunst, Javastraat 38, The Hague)
Attributed works:
Plate XXVIII. Madonna with Infant St John and Angel, by Cesare Dandini and Assistants. Canvas, 142 by 104 cm. (The Property of Stanza del Borgo, Via Puccini 5, 20121 Milan)
Attributed works:
Plate XXX. A Horse Drinking beside a Pool, by Claude Lorrain. Black Chalk, Brown and Grey Wash, 19.5 by 26.7 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi and Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXI. A Huntsman, by Stefano Della Bella. Pen and Brown Ink with Grey Wash, 16.2 by 29.6 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi and Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXII. Capriccio, by Giovanni Paolo Panini. Signed and Dated 1734. Canvas, 100.5 by 136 cm. (The Property of Silvano Lodi, Wittelsbacherplatz 1, 8 Munich 2)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIII. River Scene with a Fisherman Hauling in His Nets, Attributed to Salomon van Ruysdael. Copper, 29 by 23 cm. (The Property of H. Parkin Smith, 36 Gay Street, Bath)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIV. Two Busts of Old Men, by Orazio Marinali Called Il Vecchio. White Marble; Height, 54 cm. (Enquiries to Box 67201s, c/o John Webster, 6 Tilney Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXIX. Winter Landscape, by Roelof van Vries. Signed by van Vries, and Also with the Monogram of Johannes Lingelbach and the Date 1670. Panel, 48.7 by 37.2 cm. (The Property of Galerie Friederike Pallamar, 1 Dorotheergasse 7, Vienna)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXV. Adoration of the Magi, by Giuseppe Antonio Pianca. Canvas, 75 by 100 cm. (The Property of Alessandro Orsi, Via Bagutta 14, Milan)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVI. A Scandinavian Landscape, by Allart van Everdingen. Signed and Dated 1644. Panel, 32.5 by 48.3 cm. (The Property of P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd., 14 Old Bond Street, London W1)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVII. Village Feast, by Peter van Bloemen, Known as Standaart. Signed with Initials. Canvas, 120 by 170 cm. (The Property of Galleria Previtali, Via T. Tasso 21, Bergamo)
Attributed works:
Plate XXXVIII. Astrologer, by Francesco Guardi. Canvas, 71 by 55.5 cm. (The Property of Ettore Viancini, S. Marco 1659, Venice)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate III. Cat-Like Animal. Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, Twelfth Dynasty, c. 1800 B. C. Limestone; Length, 44 cm. (The Property of Antiken, H. Herzer and Co., Promenadeplatz 13, 8 Munich 2)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate IV. Amphora. Chinese, T'ang Dynasty (A. D. 618-906). Straw-Glazed Pottery; Height, 42 cm. (The Property of Georg L. Hartl, 8351 Schloss Egg, Bei Deggendorf, and Trogerstrasse 25, 8 Munich 80)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate VI. Painted Plate. Mayan (Late Classical Period). Diameter, 50 cm. (The Property of the Ludwig Collection, Sold by Stolper Galleries, Prannerstrasse 3, 5 Munich)
Non-western art unattributed:
Plate VII. A Boat with Eighteen Oarsmen. Egyptian, Middle Kingdom, Eleventh Dynasty (2030-1991 B. C.). Painted Wood, Length (Boat), 84 cm. (The Property of Christmaria Sandmeier, Agyptische und Koptische Kunst, Jüdenstrasse 10, D34 Göttingen)
Western art unattributed:
Plate I. Jupiter. Bronze Statuette; Roman, First Century A. D. Height, 13.7 cm. (The Property of Munzen und Medaillen A. G., Malzgasse 25, 4002 Basel)
Western art unattributed:
Plate II. Kylix (So-Called Siana Cup). Attic Black-Figured, c. 570 B. C. Height 14 cm; Diameter with Handles, 34 cm. (The Property of Munzen und Medaillen A. G., Malzgasse 25, 4002 Basel)
Western art unattributed:
Plate IX. Glazed Pottery Dish. Byzantine, Twelfth Century, A. D. Diameter, 25.4 cm. (The Property of Robin Symes, 3 Ormond Yard, Duke of York Street, St James's, London SW1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate LIV. Scenes from the Story of David and Goliath, by an Unknown Tuscan Artist, Fifteenth Century. Panel (Cradled), 58.5 by 59.5 cm. (The Property of Galleria dell'Angelo, Piazza Cioccaro 11, Lugano, Switzerland)
Western art unattributed:
Plate LVII. A Pair of Figures. Chelsea ('Girl-in-a-Swing' Factory). About 1753. Porcelain; Height, 14.6 cm. (Dancing Girl) and 15.2 cm (Youth). (The Property of Winifred Williams, 3 Bury Street, St James's, London SW1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate LXII. William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. Before 1803. Gold Medal (10 Ducats); Diameter, 4.07 cm. 37.76g. (The Property of Dr Busso Peus Nachf, Münzhandlung, Bornwiesenweg 34, D-6 Frankfurt (Main) 1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate V. The Visitation. North Italian, c. 1480. Walnut; Height, 50 cm. (The Property of Objects, 96 Mount Street, London W1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate VIII. Bronze Figure of a Goat. Greek, about 520 B. C. Length, 7.5 cm. (The Property of Robin Symes, 3 Ormond Yard, Duke of York Street, St. James's, London SW1)
Western art unattributed:
Plate X. The Eucharist. Brussels Tapestry, c.1500. 68.6 by 73.7 cm. (The Property of Spencer A. Samuels & Co. Ltd., 18 East 76th Street, New York, NY 10021)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XI. Mille Fleurs à la Licorne. Tournai Tapestry, Woven c.1500. 295 by 240 cm. (The Property of Dario Boccara, 184 Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris 8e)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XII. The Adoration of the Magi, by 'A. P.' Initialled A. P. and Dated 1490. Silver; Height, 23 cm. (The Property of Nella Longari, Via Bigli 15, Milan)
Western art unattributed:
Plate XXI. Hercules. Florentine, Seventeenth Century. Bronze; Height, 52 cm. (The Property of Galleria Previtali, Via T. Tasso 21, Bergamo)
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