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129 articles
Exhibition Review
Revoir Van Eyck: La Vierge du chancelier Rolin
06/2024 | 1455 | 166
Pages: 626–629
related names
Nuttall, Paula (Nuttall, Paula)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Revoir Van Eyck: La Vierge du chancelier Rolin Musée du Louvre, Paris 20th March–17th June | :
Attributed works:
7. Virgin of Chancellor Rolin, by Jan Van Eyck, c.1430-35. Oil on panel, 71 by 65 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
8. Reverse of the Virgin of Chancellor Rolin, by Jan Van Eyck, c.1430–35. Oil on panel, 71 by 65 cm. (Musée du Louvre, Paris).
Attributed works:
9. Epitaph of Jacques Isaac and Isabeau d’Anvaing. After 1401, c.1420–30?. Tournai stone, 59 by 86 by 12 cm. (Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Tournai; exh. Musée du Louvre, Paris)
Holbein in exhibitions in Frankfurt and London
02/2024 | 1451 | 166
Pages: 166–170
related names
Goldring, Elizabeth (Goldring, Elizabeth)
Reviewed Items
Holbein and the Renaissance in the North, Städel Museum, Frankfurt,(2nd November 2023–18th February 2024) | :
Holbein at the Tudor Court, Queen's Gallery, London, (10th November 2023–14th April 2024) | :
Attributed works:
1. Portrait of a man with the surname Fischer, by Hans Holbein the Elder. c.1512. Silverpoint on prepared paper, reworked with brush and ink, 13.5 by 9.5 cm. (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett; exh. Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
2. Portrait of a man with the surname Fischer, by Hans Holbein the Younger (?). 1512. Oil on panel, 35 by 26.5 cm. (Private collection; exh. Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
3. The wife of a man with the surname Fischer, by Ambrosius Holbein (?). 1512. Oil on panel, 35 by 26.6 cm. (Kunstmuseum Basel; Bridgeman Images; exh. Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
4. Thomas More, by Hans Holbein the Younger. c.1527. Black and coloured chalks, pricked for transfer to a wooden panel, 39.8 by 29.9 cm. (© His Majesty King Charles III, 2024; Royal Collection Trust; exh. Queen’s Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
5. Unidentified man, perhaps George Cornwall, by Hans Holbein the Younger. c.1535–40. Oil and tempera on panel, diameter 32.4 cm. (Städel Museum, Frankfurt).
Attributed works:
6. Anne Boleyn, by Hans Holbein the Younger. c.1532–36. Black and coloured chalks on pink prepared paper, 28.2 by 19.3 cm. (© His Majesty King Charles III, 2024; Royal Collection Trust; exh. Queen’s Gallery, London).
Attributed works:
7. Unidentified man, perhaps George Cornwall, by Hans Holbein the Younger. c.1543? Black and coloured chalks with black and brown inks on pink prepared paper, 27.9 by 19.1 cm. (© His Majesty King Charles III, 2024; Royal Collection Trust; exh. Queen’s Gallery, London).
Jan van Eyck’s ‘Crucifixion’ and ‘Last Judgment’
11/2023 | 1448 | 165
Pages: 1172
related names
Ainsworth, Maryan W. (Ainsworth, Maryan W.; Ainsworth, Maryan)
Book Review
The Ghent Altarpiece. Research and Conservation of the Interior: The Lower Register
09/2023 | 1446 | 165
Pages: 1036-37
related names
Vandivere, Abbie (Vandivere, Abbie)
Reviewed Items
The Ghent Altarpiece. Research and Conservation of the Interior: The Lower Register By Griet Steyaert, Marie Postec, Jana Sanyova and Hélène Dubois. 210 pp. incl. 420 col. ills. (Brepols, Turnhout, 2021), €54.72. ISBN 978–2–930054–41–4. | :
Attributed works:
3. Changes to the dove in the central panel of the Ghent Altarpiece in (a) 1951 during overpaint removal; (b) 2017 after varnish removal; and (c) after overpaint removal and restoration.
Book Review
Jan van Eyck’s ‘Crucifixion’ and ‘Last Judgment’: Solving a Conundrum
07/2023 | 1444 | 165
Pages: 804–806
related names
Silver, Larry (Silver, Larry)
Attributed works:
3. Crucifixion and Last Judgement, by Jan van Eyck. c.1440–41. Oil on canvas, transferred from wood, each panel 56.5 by 19.7 cm. (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).
Book Review
Woodland Imagery in Northern Art, c.1500–1800: Poetry and Ecology
05/2023 | 1442 | 165
Pages: 568-569
related names
Evans, Mark (Evans, Mark)
Reviewed Items
Woodland Imagery in Northern Art, c.1500–1800: Poetry and Ecology By Leopoldine van Hogendorp Prosperetti. 160 pp. incl. 68 col. ills. (Lund Humphries, London, 2022), £39.95. ISBN 978–1–84822–494–0. | :
Margaret van Eyck, a house called ‘The Wild Sea’ and Jan van Eyck’s posthumous workshop
02/2022 | 1427 | 164
Pages: 120-129
related names
De Meester, Toon ( De Meester, Toon)
Dumolyn, Jan (Dumolyn, Jan)
Jones, Susan (Jones, Susan; Jones, Susan Frances)
Leloup, Ward (Leloup, Ward)
Speecke, Mathijs (Speecke, Mathijs)
Attributed works:
1. The Virgin and Child with St Barbara, St Elizabeth and Jan Vos, by Jan van Eyck, possibly with workshop. c.1441–43. Oil on masonite, transferred from panel, 47.3 by 61.3 cm. (Frick Collection, New York).
Attributed works:
2. St Jerome in his study, by the workshop of Jan van Eyck. c.1442. Oil on linen paper on panel, unframed 20.6 by 13.3 cm. (Detroit Institute of Arts; © KIK-IRPA, Brussels).
Attributed works:
3. Virgin and Child with a kneeling cleric. South Netherlandish, 15th century. Silverpoint on prepared paper with areas of light yellow wash, 13.4 by 10.2 cm. (Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg).
Attributed works:
4. Virgin and Child with a kneeling cleric. South Netherlandish, 15th century. Silverpoint on prepared paper with areas of light yellow wash, 27.8 by 18 cm. (Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna).
Attributed works:
5. Detail of Panoramic map of Bruges, by Marcus Gerards, showing the city centre. ‘A’ marks the location of the Sint Gillisnieuwstraat (now called the Gouden-Handstraat) and ‘B’ the location of the Oostmeers. North is towards the lower left. 1562. Modern coloured offset of a copper engraving assembled from ten sheets, 177 by 100 cm. (www.
Attributed works:
6. Detail of the map in Fig.5, showing Van Eyck’s house on the Sint Gillisnieuwstraat, now called the Gouden-Handstraat.
Attributed works:
7. Margaret van Eyck, by Jan van Eyck. 1439. Oil on oak panel, including the frame 41.3 by 34.5 cm. (Groeningemuseum, Bruges; © KIK-IRPA, Brussels).
Attributed works:
8. Detail of the map in Fig.5, showing the Oostmeers. ‘A’ marks the row of houses between the Zonnekemeers; ‘B’ marks the Cowgate; ‘C’ marks the Wijngaard.
The reopening of the Dresden Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister
11/2020 | 1412 | 162
Pages: 992-977
related names
Gajewski, Alexandra (Gajewski, Alexandra)
museums and institutions:
Attributed works:
1. Hall of antiquities, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister und Skulpturensammlung bis 1800 (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; photograph H.C. Krass).
Attributed works:
2. Christ flagellated, by Balthasar Permoser. 1728. Coloured marble, 81 by 27 by 25 cm. (Skulpturensammlung bis 1800, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; photograph David Brandt).
Attributed works:
3. Plan of the first storey of the Gemäldegalerie, with the south-side at the top. c.1845. Lithograph, 23 by 41.5 cm. (Kupferstich-Kabinett, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden).
Attributed works:
4. Installation view of the Italian galleries, looking towards Raphael’s Sistine Madonna, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden; photograph H.C. Krass).
Attributed works:
5. Frederick III of Saxony, called the Wise, by Adriano Fiorentino. 1498. Bronze, 62.8 by 51 by 30.6 cm. (Skulpturensammlung bis 1800, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden).
Attributed works:
6. Madonna of the Cuccina family, by Paolo Veronese. c.1571. Oil on canvas, 167 by 416 cm. (Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden).
Attributed works:
8. Installation view of the ‘Rubens and Van Dyck’ gallery, Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister und Skulpturensammlung bis 1800 (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden; photograph Alexandra Gajewski).
Book Review
The Charterhouse of Bruges: Jan van Eyck, Petrus Christus, and Jan Vos
09/2020 | 1410 | 162
Pages: 815-817
related names
Gajewski, Alexandra (Gajewski, Alexandra)
art literature:
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
The Charterhouse of Bruges: Jan van Eyck, Petrus Christus, and Jan Vos Edited by Emma Capron. 160 pp. incl. 85 col. ills. (Giles, London, and the Frick Collection, New York, 2018), £34.95. ISBN 978–191–128219–8. | :
Attributed works:
3.The Virgin and Child with St Barbara, St Elizabeth and Jan Vos, by Jan van Eyck and his workshop. c.1441–43. Oil on masonite, transferred from panel, 47.3 by 61.3 cm. (Frick Collection, New York).
Exhibition Review
Van Eyck: An Optical Revolution. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent
04/2020 | 1405 | 162
Pages: 328-332
related names
Campbell, Lorne (Campbell, Lorne; C., L.)
museums and institutions:
Reviewed Items
Van Eyck: An Optical Revolution Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent 1st February–30th April | :
Attributed works:
1. Adam, from the Ghent Altarpiece. 1432. Oil on panel, 212.9 by 37.1 cm. (St Bavo’s Cathedral, Ghent; exh. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent; in Flanders vzw; photograph Dominique Provost).
Attributed works:
2. Portrait of a man (‘Leal Souvenir’), by Jan van Eyck (after cleaning). 1432. Oil on panel, 33.3 by 18.9 cm. (National Gallery, London; exh. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent).
Attributed works:
3. Cumaean Sibyl, detail from one of the exterior panels of the Ghent Altarpiece, by Hubert and Jan van Eyck. 1432. Oil on panel, 213.5 by 36.1 cm. (St Bavo’s Cathedral, Ghent; exh. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent; Art in Flanders vzw; photograph Dominique Provost).
Western art unattributed:
4. Isabella of Portugal, copy after Jan van Eyck. 17th century. Pen and brush, ink and wash on paper, 34.5 by 30.4 cm. (Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon; exh. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent).
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